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Last active December 3, 2019 07:16
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open System
open System.IO
let readInts (path:string) : int [] =
use sw = new StreamReader (path)
|> Int32.Parse
type Status = {memory:int[]; position: int; finished: bool;}
type Cmd = {opcode: int; op1:int ; op2: int; dest:int}
let runCmd (cmd:Cmd) (before: Status) : Status =
let updated =
|> Array.mapi(fun pos value ->
if pos = cmd.dest then
(match cmd.opcode with
| 1 -> (+)
| 2 -> (*)
| _ -> failwith "wrong position")
else value
{memory = updated; position = before.position + 4; finished = updated.[before.position + 4] = 99}
let scenario (input: int[]) (noun:int) (verb:int) =
let resetMemory =
|> Array.mapi (fun pos value ->
match pos with
| 1 -> noun
| 2 -> verb
| _ -> value
let start = {memory = resetMemory; position = 0; finished = false}
(fun state ->
match state.finished with
| true -> None
| false ->
let cmd =
opcode = state.memory.[state.position]
op1 = state.memory.[state.position + 1]
op2 = state.memory.[state.position + 2]
dest = state.memory.[state.position + 3]
let updated = runCmd cmd state
Some (updated.memory.[0], updated)
) start
|> Seq.last
let main _ =
let timer = new Stopwatch()
let input = readInts @"C:\dev\FSharp\AdventOfCode\Day2\input.txt"
//let noun = 12
//let verb = 2
for noun in [0..99] do
for verb in [0..99] do
let result = scenario input noun verb
if result = 19690720 then
//|> Array.iter (printfn "%d")
printfn "The answer is: %d" (100 * noun + verb) // 5936
printfn "done in (%d) ms !" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds // done in (475) ms !
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
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