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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
-- Is there a trick to getting this done easier?
-- yep, look at TryAgainFromScratch.hs
module Bridge where
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
main :: IO ()
main = do
--input <- readFile "Data.txt"
let input = unlines test
let pool = fmap toPiece (lines input)
let best = bestChain pool
print $ score $ head best
print "---"
print $ best
print "---"
let poolScored = fmap toScoredPiece (lines input)
print $ hylo chainScoredAlg coalgScored (0, presortScored poolScored)
type Piece = (Int, Int)
type ScoredPiece = ((Int, Int), Score)
data Score = Assign Int
deriving Show
type Chain = [Piece]
type ScoredChain = ([Piece], Score)
getScore :: ScoredChain -> Int
getScore (gchain, Assign gscore) = gscore
type Pool = Map.Map Int [Int]
type ScoredPool = Map.Map Int ([Int],Score)
addPiece :: Piece -> Pool -> Pool
addPiece (m, n) = if m /= n
then add m n . add n m
else add m n
add m n pool =
case Map.lookup m pool of
Nothing -> Map.insert m [n] pool
Just lst -> Map.insert m (n : lst) pool
addScoredPiece :: ScoredPiece -> ScoredPool -> ScoredPool
addScoredPiece ((m, n),score) = if m /= n
then add ((m, n),score) . add ((n, m),score)
else add ((m, n),score)
add ((m, n), Assign score) pool =
case Map.lookup m pool of
Nothing -> Map.insert m ([n], Assign score) pool
Just (lst, Assign lstscore) ->
Map.insert m ((n : lst), Assign $ score + lstscore) pool
removePiece :: Piece -> Pool -> Pool
removePiece (m, n) = if m /= n
then rem m n . rem n m
else rem m n
rem :: Int -> Int -> Pool -> Pool
rem m n pool =
case fromJust $ Map.lookup m pool of
[] -> Map.delete m pool
lst -> Map.insert m (delete n lst) pool
removeScoredPiece :: Piece -> ScoredPool -> ScoredPool
removeScoredPiece (m, n) = if m /= n
then rem m n . rem n m
else rem m n
rem :: Int -> Int -> ScoredPool -> ScoredPool
rem m n pool =
case fromJust $ Map.lookup m pool of
([],_) -> Map.delete m pool
(lst, Assign lstscore) -> Map.insert m ((delete n lst), Assign(lstscore-n-m)) pool
presort :: [Piece] -> Pool
presort = foldr addPiece Map.empty
presortScored :: [ScoredPiece] -> ScoredPool
presortScored = foldr addScoredPiece Map.empty
-- Tree of chains
-- Each node contains a port
-- and a list of smaller chains
-- Top node will contain port 0
-- data Node b a = Node { me :: a, kids :: [Node a b] } deriving Show
-- data NodeR a b = Rev (Node b a) deriving Show
data Rose = NodeR Int [Rose]
deriving Show
data ScoredRose = NodeSR (Int,Score) [Rose]
deriving Show
-- Represent the tree as a fixed point of a functor
data TreeF a = NodeF Int [a]
deriving Functor
-- data ScoredTreeF a = NodeSF (Int,Score) [a]
-- deriving Functor
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
type Tree = Fix TreeF
type Coalgebra f a = a -> f a
-- This coalgebra builds a tree using anamorphism
coalg :: Coalgebra TreeF (Int, Pool)
coalg (n, pool) =
case Map.lookup n pool of
Nothing -> NodeF n []
Just ms -> NodeF n [(m, removePiece (m, n) pool) | m <- ms]
coalgScored :: Coalgebra TreeF (Int, ScoredPool)
coalgScored (n, pool) =
case Map.lookup n pool of
Nothing -> NodeF n []
Just (ms, Assign scorems) -> NodeF n
[ (m, removeScoredPiece (m, n) pool) | m <- ms]
ana :: Functor f => Coalgebra f a -> a -> Fix f
ana coalg = Fix . fmap (ana coalg) . coalg
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
-- This algebra is for testing
tAlg :: Algebra TreeF Rose
tAlg (NodeF n lst) = NodeR n lst
-- This algebra turns a tree into a list of chains
chainAlg :: Algebra TreeF (Int, [Chain])
chainAlg (NodeF n []) = (n, [])
chainAlg (NodeF n lst) = (n, concat [push (n, m) bs | (m, bs) <- lst])
push :: (Int, Int) -> [Chain] -> [Chain]
push (n, m) [] = [[(n, m)]]
push (n, m) bs = [(n, m) : br | br <- bs]
-- This algebra turns a tree into a list of scored chains
extrScore :: [ScoredChain] -> Int
extrScore bs = maximum $ fmap getScore bs
chainScoredAlg :: Algebra TreeF (Int, [ScoredChain])
chainScoredAlg (NodeF n []) = (n, [])
chainScoredAlg (NodeF n lst) =
(n, concat [push (n, m) bs | (m, bs) <- lst])
push :: (Int, Int) -> [ScoredChain] -> [ScoredChain]
push (n, m) [] = [ ([(n, m)], Assign (m + n))]
push (n, m) bs =
([(n, m)], Assign (n + m + (extrScore bs))) : bs
cata :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> Fix f -> a
cata alg = alg . fmap (cata alg) . unFix
hylo :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> Coalgebra f b -> b -> a
hylo f g = f . fmap (hylo f g) . g
score :: Chain -> Int
score = sum . fmap score1
where score1 (m, n) = m + n
bestChain :: [Piece] -> [Chain]
bestChain pieces =
let pool = presort pieces
(_, chains) = hylo chainAlg coalg (0, pool)
-- in maximumBy (comparing score) chains
maxscore = maximum $ fmap score chains
in filter (\c -> score c == maxscore) chains
toPiece :: String -> Piece
toPiece s = let (a, b) = break (== '/') s
in (read a, read (tail b))
toScoredPiece :: String -> ScoredPiece
toScoredPiece s = let (a, b) = break (== '/') s
in ((read a, read (tail b)), Assign (read a + read (tail b)))
test = ["0/2",
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Bridge where
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
main :: IO ()
main = do
--input <- readFile "Data.txt"
let input = unlines test
let pool = fmap toPiece (lines input)
let best = bestChain pool
print $ score $ head best
print "---"
print $ best
print "---"
let (_,chains) = hylo chainAlg coalg (0, presort pool)
print $ sortBy (comparing $ negate . fst) $ map (\c -> (score c, c)) chains
type Piece = (Int, Int)
type Chain = [Piece]
type Pool = Map.Map Int [Int]
addPiece :: Piece -> Pool -> Pool
addPiece (m, n) = if m /= n
then add m n . add n m
else add m n
add m n pool =
case Map.lookup m pool of
Nothing -> Map.insert m [n] pool
Just lst -> Map.insert m (n : lst) pool
removePiece :: Piece -> Pool -> Pool
removePiece (m, n) = if m /= n
then rem m n . rem n m
else rem m n
rem :: Int -> Int -> Pool -> Pool
rem m n pool =
case fromJust $ Map.lookup m pool of
[] -> Map.delete m pool
lst -> Map.insert m (delete n lst) pool
presort :: [Piece] -> Pool
presort = foldr addPiece Map.empty
-- Tree of chains
-- Each node contains a port
-- and a list of smaller chains
-- Top node will contain port 0
data Rose = NodeR Int [Rose]
deriving Show
-- Represent the tree as a fixed point of a functor
data TreeF a = NodeF Int [a]
deriving Functor
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
type Tree = Fix TreeF
type Coalgebra f a = a -> f a
-- This coalgebra builds a tree using anamorphism
coalg :: Coalgebra TreeF (Int, Pool)
coalg (n, pool) =
case Map.lookup n pool of
Nothing -> NodeF n []
Just ms -> NodeF n [(m, removePiece (m, n) pool) | m <- ms]
ana :: Functor f => Coalgebra f a -> a -> Fix f
ana coalg = Fix . fmap (ana coalg) . coalg
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
-- This algebra is for testing
tAlg :: Algebra TreeF Rose
tAlg (NodeF n lst) = NodeR n lst
-- This algebra turns a tree into a list of chains
chainAlg :: Algebra TreeF (Int, [Chain])
chainAlg (NodeF n []) = (n, [])
chainAlg (NodeF n lst) = (n, concat [push (n, m) bs | (m, bs) <- lst])
push :: (Int, Int) -> [Chain] -> [Chain]
push (n, m) [] = [[(n, m)]]
push (n, m) bs = [(n, m) : br | br <- bs]
cata :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> Fix f -> a
cata alg = alg . fmap (cata alg) . unFix
hylo :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> Coalgebra f b -> b -> a
hylo f g = f . fmap (hylo f g) . g
score :: Chain -> Int
score = sum . fmap score1
where score1 (m, n) = m + n
bestChain :: [Piece] -> [Chain]
bestChain pieces =
let pool = presort pieces
(_, chains) = hylo chainAlg coalg (0, pool)
-- in maximum $ fmap score chains
maxscore = maximum $ fmap score chains
in filter (\c -> score c == maxscore) chains
toPiece :: String -> Piece
toPiece s = let (a, b) = break (== '/') s
in (read a, read (tail b))
test = ["0/2",
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