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Created August 27, 2019 11:53
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V for Lens with Async DB retrieval
// online snippet:
// gitter ref:
// intellifactory blog:
namespace Samples
open WebSharper
open WebSharper.JavaScript
open WebSharper.UI
open WebSharper.UI.Html
open WebSharper.UI.Client
module HelloWorld =
type FullName =
First: string
Last: string
type ServerLoginResponse = LoginFound of string | LoginError of string
let findLogin (name: string) (surname: string) : Async<ServerLoginResponse> =
async {
do! Async.Sleep 1000
return LoginFound <| "usr001 found from " + name + " " + surname
with | exc ->
return LoginError exc.Message
let promptName (name: Var<FullName>) =
let response =
name.View.MapAsync( fun n -> async {
let! useridMaybe = findLogin n.First n.Last
match useridMaybe with
| LoginFound userid ->
return sprintf "Hello, %s!" userid
| LoginError error ->
return sprintf "Sorry, %s!" error
form [] [
Doc.Input [] (Lens name.V.First)
Doc.Input [] (Lens name.V.Last)
|> View.WithInitOption
|> Doc.BindView (function
| None -> text "Please wait, db retrieval is running..."
| Some response -> text response)
let Main =
Var.Create { First = "John"; Last = "Doe" }
|> promptName
|> Doc.RunById "main"
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