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Last active May 9, 2024 20:39
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  • Save giuliohome/f19838b6636edfae6ada0d6e8254e8c3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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The script simulates a scenario where certain activities depend on others as weak dependencies and may be restarted if the dependencies are completed.
import asyncio
# weak dependencies list as (dependency, dependent)
weak_deps = [(2,3),(4,1)]
# e.g. let's say activity 2 updates input of activity 3 as a weak dependency, etc...
async def gather_with_first_completed(awaitable_results):
# Create a list to store the completed results
completed_results = []
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(t) for t in awaitable_results]
while tasks:
# Wait for the first task to complete
# Use asyncio.wait to wait for the first task to complete
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
# Iterate through the completed tasks
for task in done:
curr_result = task.result()
print('activity ' + str(curr_result) + ' completed')
# Here, you can restart some of the activities in completed_results
# if the just-finished task has updated their inputs.
for weak_depcy, weak_depdent in weak_deps:
if curr_result == weak_depcy:
if weak_depdent in completed_results:
pending = pending | set([asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(2, result=weak_depdent))])
print('activity ' + str(weak_depdent) + ' restarted because its weak dependency ' + str(weak_depcy) + ' completed')
# Append the result of the completed task to the list
# Remove the completed tasks from the list of tasks
tasks = pending
return completed_results
async def main_loop():
awaitable_results = [asyncio.sleep(2, result=i) for i in range(5)]
result_list = await gather_with_first_completed(awaitable_results)
print('all activities done')
import asyncio
async def gather_with_first_completed(*awaitable_results):
# Create a list to store the completed results
completed_results = []
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(t) for t in awaitable_results]
while tasks:
# Wait for the first task to complete
# Use asyncio.wait to wait for the first task to complete
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
# Iterate through the completed tasks
for task in done:
curr_result = task.result()
# Append the result of the completed task to the list
# Remove the completed tasks from the list of tasks
tasks = pending
return completed_results
# usage
async def t1():
await asyncio.sleep(1)
return 't1'
async def t5():
await asyncio.sleep(5)
return 't5'
async def t10():
await asyncio.sleep(10)
return 't10'
async def usage():
my_gather = await gather_with_first_completed(t5(), t10(), t1())
print('my gather: ', my_gather)
# ['t1', 't5', 't10']
std_gather = await asyncio.gather(t5(), t10(), t1())
print('standard gather: ', std_gather)
# ['t5', 't10', 't1']
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