December 30, 2022 08:24
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PADD v3.10.0 for Pi-Hole with 800x480px display
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
#### Remember to launch it without offset using '-xoff 0 -yoff 0' | |
#!/usr/bin/env sh | |
# shellcheck disable=SC1091 | |
# Ignore warning about `local` being undefinded in POSIX | |
# shellcheck disable=SC3043 | |
# | |
# PADD | |
# A more advanced version of the chronometer provided with Pihole | |
# Issue 5: | |
# Updated to en_US to support | |
# export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 > /dev/null 2>&1 || export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 > /dev/null 2>&1 || export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 > /dev/null 2>&1 | |
LC_ALL=C | |
######################### VARIABLES FOR 800X480 DISPLAY, TERMINUS FONT 15PT SIZE #################### | |
version=$(tail -1 /proc/cpuinfo | awk 'NR==1{print $5$7, $8, $9}') | |
SoC=$(grep -a "Hardware" /proc/cpuinfo) | awk 'NR==1{print $NF}' | |
disk_used=$(df -Th | awk 'NR==2{gsub(/[^0-9. ]/,"");print $3}') #disk_used=$(df -Th | awk 'NR==2{print $4}') | |
disk_total=$(df -Th | awk 'NR==2{gsub(/[^0-9. ]/,"");print $2}') | |
disk_perc=$(df -Th | awk 'NR==2{print $6}') | |
installed_packages=$(dpkg --get-selections | wc -l) | |
run_process=$(echo $(( $(pstree -Ta | wc -l) - 3 ))) | |
boot_time=$(systemd-analyze | mawk 'NR==1{gsub(/[^0-9.]/,"");printf "%.3f", $1 }') | |
log_size=$(df -Th | awk 'NR==8{print $4}') | |
log_perc=$(df -Th | awk 'NR==8{print $6}') | |
unbound=$(sudo unbound-control status | awk 'NR==1{print $NF}') | |
#sys_cores=$(grep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo) | |
cpu_freq=$(lscpu | awk '/CPU max MHz/{if($NF+0>1000)printf "%0.2f GHz\n",$NF/1000; else printf "%.3f MHz\n",$NF}') | |
ram_total=$(awk '/MemTotal/ {printf( "%.f\n", $2 / 1024 / 1024 )}' /proc/meminfo) | |
ram_free=$(free -th | mawk '/^Total:/{print $4}') | |
ram_used=$(awk '/MemTotal:/{total=$2} /MemFree:/{free=$2} /Buffers:/{buffers=$2} /^Cached:/{cached=$2} END {printf "%.0f %.0f %.0f", (total-free-buffers-cached)*100/total, (total-free-buffers-cached)*1024, total*1024}' /proc/meminfo) #(free -m | awk 'NR==2{printf "%s",$3 }') | |
ext_ip=$(dig +short | |
############################################ VARIABLES ############################################# | |
padd_version="v3.10.0" | |
# LastChecks | |
LastCheckVersionInformation=$(date +%s) | |
LastCheckNetworkInformation=$(date +%s) | |
LastCheckSummaryInformation=$(date +%s) | |
LastCheckPiholeInformation=$(date +%s) | |
LastCheckSystemInformation=$(date +%s) | |
LastCheckPADDInformation=$(date +%s) | |
# CORES | |
core_count=$(nproc --all 2> /dev/null) | |
# COLORS | |
CSI="$(printf '\033')[" # Control Sequence Introducer | |
red_text="${CSI}91m" # Red | |
green_text="${CSI}92m" # Green | |
yellow_text="${CSI}93m" # Yellow | |
blue_text="${CSI}94m" # Blue | |
magenta_text="${CSI}95m" # Magenta | |
cyan_text="${CSI}96m" # Cyan | |
reset_text="${CSI}0m" # Reset to default | |
clear_line="${CSI}0K" # Clear the current line to the right to wipe any artifacts remaining from last print | |
# STYLES | |
bold_text="${CSI}1m" | |
blinking_text="${CSI}5m" | |
dim_text="${CSI}2m" | |
check_box_good="[${green_text}✓${reset_text}]" # Good | |
check_box_bad="[${red_text}✗${reset_text}]" # Bad | |
check_box_question="[${yellow_text}?${reset_text}]" # Question / ? | |
check_box_info="[${yellow_text}i${reset_text}]" # Info / i | |
pico_status_ok="${check_box_good} Sys. OK" | |
pico_status_update="${check_box_info} Update" | |
pico_status_hot="${check_box_bad} Sys. Hot!" | |
pico_status_off="${check_box_bad} Offline" | |
pico_status_ftl_down="${check_box_info} FTL Down" | |
pico_status_dns_down="${check_box_bad} DNS Down" | |
pico_status_unknown="${check_box_question} Stat. Unk." | |
mini_status_ok="${check_box_good} System OK" | |
mini_status_update="${check_box_info} Update avail." | |
mini_status_hot="${check_box_bad} System is hot!" | |
mini_status_off="${check_box_bad} Pi-hole off!" | |
mini_status_ftl_down="${check_box_info} FTL down!" | |
mini_status_dns_down="${check_box_bad} DNS off!" | |
mini_status_unknown="${check_box_question} Status unknown" | |
full_status_ok="${check_box_good} System is healthy" | |
full_status_update="${check_box_info} Updates are available" | |
full_status_hot="${check_box_bad} System is hot!" | |
full_status_off="${check_box_bad} Pi-hole is offline" | |
full_status_ftl_down="${check_box_info} FTL is down!" | |
full_status_dns_down="${check_box_bad} DNS is off!" | |
full_status_unknown="${check_box_question} Status unknown!" | |
mega_status_ok="${check_box_good} Your system is healthy" | |
mega_status_update="${check_box_info} Updates are available" | |
mega_status_hot="${check_box_bad} Your system is hot!" | |
mega_status_off="${check_box_bad} Pi-hole is offline!" | |
mega_status_ftl_down="${check_box_info} FTLDNS service is not running!" | |
mega_status_dns_down="${check_box_bad} Pi-hole's DNS server is off!" | |
mega_status_unknown="${check_box_question} Unable to determine Pi-hole status!" | |
tiny_status_ok="${check_box_good} System is healthy" | |
tiny_status_update="${check_box_info} Updates are available" | |
tiny_status_hot="${check_box_bad} System is hot!" | |
tiny_status_off="${check_box_bad} Pi-hole is offline" | |
tiny_status_ftl_down="${check_box_info} FTL is down!" | |
tiny_status_dns_down="${check_box_bad} DNS is off!" | |
tiny_status_unknown="${check_box_question} Status unknown!" | |
# Text only "logos" | |
padd_text="${green_text}${bold_text}PADD${reset_text}" | |
# PADD logos - regular and retro | |
padd_logo_1="${bold_text}${green_text}|¯¯¯(¯)_|¯|_ ___|¯|___ ${reset_text}" | |
padd_logo_2="${bold_text}${green_text}| ¯_/¯|_| ' \/ _ \ / -_) ${reset_text}" | |
padd_logo_3="${bold_text}${green_text}|_| |_| |_||_\___/_\___| ${reset_text}" | |
padd_logo_retro_1="${bold_text}|¯¯¯(¯)_|¯|_ ___|¯|___ ${reset_text}" | |
padd_logo_retro_2="${bold_text}| ¯_/¯|_| ' \/ _ \ / -_) ${reset_text}" | |
padd_logo_retro_3="${bold_text}|_| |_| |_||_\___/_\___| ${reset_text}" | |
############################################# GETTERS ############################################## | |
GetFTLData() { | |
local ftl_port data | |
ftl_port=$(getFTLAPIPort) | |
if [ -n "$ftl_port" ]; then | |
# Send command to FTL and ask to quit when finished | |
data="$(echo ">$1 >quit" | nc "${ftl_port}")" | |
echo "${data}" | |
fi | |
} | |
GetSummaryInformation() { | |
summary=$(GetFTLData "stats") | |
cache_info=$(GetFTLData "cacheinfo") | |
clients=$(echo "${summary}" | grep "unique_clients" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+$") | |
blocking_status=$(echo "${summary}" | grep "status" | grep -Eo "enabled|disabled|unknown" ) | |
domains_being_blocked_raw=$(echo "${summary}" | grep "domains_being_blocked" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+$") | |
domains_being_blocked=$(printf "%.f" "${domains_being_blocked_raw}") | |
dns_queries_today_raw=$(echo "$summary" | grep "dns_queries_today" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+$") | |
dns_queries_today=$(printf "%.f" "${dns_queries_today_raw}") | |
ads_blocked_today_raw=$(echo "$summary" | grep "ads_blocked_today" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+$") | |
ads_blocked_today=$(printf "%.f" "${ads_blocked_today_raw}") | |
ads_percentage_today_raw=$(echo "$summary" | grep "ads_percentage_today" | grep -Eo "[0-9.]+$") | |
ads_percentage_today=$(printf "%.1f" "${ads_percentage_today_raw}") | |
cache_size=$(echo "$cache_info" | grep "cache-size" | grep -Eo "[0-9.]+$") | |
cache_deletes=$(echo "$cache_info" | grep "cache-live-freed" | grep -Eo "[0-9.]+$") | |
cache_inserts=$(echo "$cache_info"| grep "cache-inserted" | grep -Eo "[0-9.]+$") | |
latest_blocked=$(GetFTLData recentBlocked) | |
top_blocked=$(GetFTLData "top-ads (1)" | awk '{print $3}') | |
top_domain=$(GetFTLData "top-domains (1)" | awk '{print $3}') | |
top_client_raw=$(GetFTLData "top-clients (1)" | awk '{print $4}') | |
if [ -z "${top_client_raw}" ]; then | |
top_client=$(GetFTLData "top-clients (1)" | awk '{print $3}') | |
else | |
top_client="${top_client_raw}" | |
fi | |
} | |
GetSystemInformation() { | |
# System uptime | |
system_uptime_raw=$(uptime) | |
# CPU temperature | |
if [ -d "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/" ]; then | |
cpu=$(cat "$(find /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/ -maxdepth 2 -name "temp1_input" 2>/dev/null | head -1)") | |
elif [ -f /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp ]; then | |
cpu=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp) | |
elif [ -f /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input ]; then | |
cpu=$(cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input) | |
else | |
cpu=0 | |
fi | |
# Convert CPU temperature to correct unit | |
if [ "${TEMPERATUREUNIT}" = "F" ]; then | |
temperature="$(printf %.1f "$(echo "${cpu}" | awk '{print $1 * 9 / 5000 + 32}')")°F" | |
elif [ "${TEMPERATUREUNIT}" = "K" ]; then | |
temperature="$(printf %.1f "$(echo "${cpu}" | awk '{print $1 / 1000 + 273.15}')")°K" | |
else | |
temperature="$(printf %.1f "$(echo "${cpu}" | awk '{print $1 / 1000}')")°C" | |
fi | |
# CPU load, heatmap | |
cpu_load_1=$(awk '{print $1}' < /proc/loadavg) | |
cpu_load_5=$(awk '{print $2}' < /proc/loadavg) | |
cpu_load_15=$(awk '{print $3}' < /proc/loadavg) | |
cpu_load_1_heatmap=$(HeatmapGenerator "${cpu_load_1}" "${core_count}") | |
cpu_load_5_heatmap=$(HeatmapGenerator "${cpu_load_5}" "${core_count}") | |
cpu_load_15_heatmap=$(HeatmapGenerator "${cpu_load_15}" "${core_count}") | |
cpu_percent=$(printf %.1f "$(echo "${cpu_load_1} ${core_count}" | awk '{print ($1 / $2) * 100}')") | |
# CPU temperature heatmap | |
hot_flag=false | |
# If we're getting close to 85°C... ( | |
if [ ${cpu} -gt 80000 ]; then | |
temp_heatmap=${blinking_text}${red_text} | |
# set flag to change the status message in SetStatusMessage() | |
hot_flag=true | |
elif [ ${cpu} -gt 70000 ]; then | |
temp_heatmap=${magenta_text} | |
elif [ ${cpu} -gt 60000 ]; then | |
temp_heatmap=${blue_text} | |
else | |
temp_heatmap=${cyan_text} | |
fi | |
# Memory use, heatmap and bar | |
memory_percent=$(awk '/MemTotal:/{total=$2} /MemFree:/{free=$2} /Buffers:/{buffers=$2} /^Cached:/{cached=$2} END {printf "%.1f", (total-free-buffers-cached)*100/total}' '/proc/meminfo') | |
memory_heatmap=$(HeatmapGenerator "${memory_percent}") | |
# Get product name and family | |
product_name= | |
product_family= | |
if [ -f /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name ]; then | |
# Get product name, remove possible null byte | |
product_name=$(tr -d '\0' < /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name) | |
fi | |
if [ -f /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_family ]; then | |
# Get product family, remove possible null byte | |
product_family=$(tr -d '\0' < /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_family) | |
fi | |
board_vendor= | |
board_name= | |
if [ -f /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor ]; then | |
board_vendor=$(tr -d '\0' < /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor) | |
fi | |
if [ -f /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name ]; then | |
board_name="$(tr -d '\0' < /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name)" | |
fi | |
if [ -n "$product_name" ] || [ -n "$product_family" ]; then | |
if echo "$product_family" | grep -q "$product_name"; then | |
# If product_name is contained in product_family, only show product_family | |
sys_model="${product_family}" | |
else | |
# If product_name is not contained in product_family, both are shown | |
sys_model="${product_family} ${product_name}" | |
fi | |
elif [ -f /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model ]; then | |
sys_model=$(tr -d '\0' < /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model) | |
elif [ -n "$board_vendor" ] || [ -n "$board_name" ]; then | |
sys_model="${board_vendor} ${board_name}" | |
elif [ -f /tmp/sysinfo/model ]; then | |
sys_model=$(tr -d '\0' < /tmp/sysinfo/model) | |
elif [ -n "${DOCKER_VERSION}" ]; then | |
# Docker image. DOCKER_VERSION is read from /etc/pihole/versions | |
sys_model="Docker tag ${DOCKER_VERSION}" | |
fi | |
# Cleaning device model from useless OEM information | |
sys_model=$(filterModel "${sys_model}") | |
if [ -z "$sys_model" ]; then | |
sys_model="Unknown" | |
fi | |
} | |
GetNetworkInformation() { | |
# Get pi IPv4 address | |
pi_ip4_addrs="$(ip addr | grep 'inet ' | grep -v '' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' |wc -l)" | |
if [ "${pi_ip4_addrs}" -eq 0 ]; then | |
# No IPv4 address available | |
pi_ip4_addr="N/A" | |
elif [ "${pi_ip4_addrs}" -eq 1 ]; then | |
# One IPv4 address available | |
pi_ip4_addr="$(ip addr | grep 'inet ' | grep -v '' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' | head -n 1)" | |
else | |
# More than one IPv4 address available | |
pi_ip4_addr="$(ip addr | grep 'inet ' | grep -v '' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' | head -n 1)+" | |
fi | |
# Get pi IPv6 address | |
pi_ip6_addrs="$(ip addr | grep 'inet6 ' | grep -v '::1/128' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' | wc -l)" | |
if [ "${pi_ip6_addrs}" -eq 0 ]; then | |
# No IPv6 address available | |
pi_ip6_addr="N/A" | |
ipv6_check_box=${check_box_bad} | |
elif [ "${pi_ip6_addrs}" -eq 1 ]; then | |
# One IPv6 address available | |
pi_ip6_addr="$(ip addr | grep 'inet6 ' | grep -v '::1/128' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' | head -n 1)" | |
ipv6_check_box=${check_box_good} | |
else | |
# More than one IPv6 address available | |
pi_ip6_addr="$(ip addr | grep 'inet6 ' | grep -v '::1/128' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' | head -n 1)+" | |
ipv6_check_box=${check_box_good} | |
fi | |
# Get hostname and gateway | |
pi_hostname=$(hostname) | |
full_hostname=${pi_hostname} | |
# does the Pi-hole have a domain set? | |
if [ -n "${PIHOLE_DOMAIN+x}" ]; then | |
# is Pi-hole acting as DHCP server? | |
if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" = "true" ]; then | |
count=${pi_hostname}"."${PIHOLE_DOMAIN} | |
count=${#count} | |
if [ "${count}" -lt "18" ]; then | |
full_hostname=${pi_hostname}"."${PIHOLE_DOMAIN} | |
fi | |
fi | |
fi | |
# Get the DNS count (from pihole -c) | |
dns_count="0" | |
[ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_1}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) | |
[ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_2}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) | |
[ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_3}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) | |
[ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_4}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) | |
[ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_5}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) | |
[ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_6}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) | |
[ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_7}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) | |
[ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_8}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) | |
[ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_9}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) | |
# if there's only one DNS server | |
if [ ${dns_count} -eq 1 ]; then | |
dns_information="1 server" | |
else | |
dns_information="${dns_count} servers" | |
fi | |
# Is Pi-Hole acting as the DHCP server? | |
if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" = "true" ]; then | |
dhcp_status="Enabled" | |
dhcp_info=" Range: ${DHCP_START} - ${DHCP_END}" | |
dhcp_heatmap=${green_text} | |
dhcp_check_box=${check_box_good} | |
# Is DHCP handling IPv6? | |
# DHCP_IPv6 is set in setupVars.conf | |
# shellcheck disable=SC2154 | |
if [ "${DHCP_IPv6}" = "true" ]; then | |
dhcp_ipv6_status="Enabled" | |
dhcp_ipv6_heatmap=${green_text} | |
dhcp_ipv6_check_box=${check_box_good} | |
else | |
dhcp_ipv6_status="Disabled" | |
dhcp_ipv6_heatmap=${red_text} | |
dhcp_ipv6_check_box=${check_box_bad} | |
fi | |
else | |
dhcp_status="Disabled" | |
dhcp_heatmap=${red_text} | |
dhcp_check_box=${check_box_bad} | |
# if the DHCP Router variable isn't set | |
if [ -z ${DHCP_ROUTER+x} ]; then | |
DHCP_ROUTER=$(GetFTLData "gateway" | awk '{ printf $1 }') | |
fi | |
dhcp_info=" Router: ${DHCP_ROUTER}" | |
dhcp_heatmap=${red_text} | |
dhcp_check_box=${check_box_bad} | |
dhcp_ipv6_status="N/A" | |
dhcp_ipv6_heatmap=${yellow_text} | |
dhcp_ipv6_check_box=${check_box_question} | |
fi | |
# DNSSEC | |
if [ "${DNSSEC}" = "true" ]; then | |
dnssec_status="Enabled" | |
dnssec_heatmap=${green_text} | |
else | |
dnssec_status="Disabled" | |
dnssec_heatmap=${red_text} | |
fi | |
# Conditional forwarding | |
if [ "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING}" = "true" ] || [ "${REV_SERVER}" = "true" ]; then | |
conditional_forwarding_status="Enabled" | |
conditional_forwarding_heatmap=${green_text} | |
else | |
conditional_forwarding_status="Disabled" | |
conditional_forwarding_heatmap=${red_text} | |
fi | |
#Default interface data | |
def_iface_data=$(GetFTLData "interfaces" | head -n1) | |
iface_name="$(echo "$def_iface_data" | awk '{print $1}')" | |
tx_bytes="$(echo "$def_iface_data" | awk '{print $4}')" | |
rx_bytes="$(echo "$def_iface_data" | awk '{print $5}')" | |
} | |
GetPiholeInformation() { | |
# Get FTL status | |
# Get FTL's current PID | |
ftlPID="$(getFTLPID)" | |
# If FTL is not running (getFTLPID returns -1), set all variables to "not running" | |
ftl_down_flag=false | |
if [ "${ftlPID}" = "-1" ]; then | |
ftl_status="Not running" | |
ftl_heatmap=${red_text} | |
ftl_check_box=${check_box_bad} | |
# set flag to change the status message in SetStatusMessage() | |
ftl_down_flag=true | |
ftl_cpu="N/A" | |
ftl_mem_percentage="N/A" | |
else | |
ftl_status="Running" | |
ftl_heatmap=${green_text} | |
ftl_check_box=${check_box_good} | |
# Get FTL CPU and memory usage | |
ftl_cpu="$(ps h -p "${ftlPID}" -o %cpu | tr -d '[:space:]')%" | |
ftl_mem_percentage="$(ps h -p "${ftlPID}" -o %mem | tr -d '[:space:]')%" | |
# Get Pi-hole (blocking) status | |
ftl_dns_port=$(GetFTLData "dns-port") | |
fi | |
# ${ftl_dns_port} == 0 DNS server part of dnsmasq disabled, ${ftl_status} == "Not running" no ftlPID found | |
dns_down_flag=false | |
if [ "${ftl_dns_port}" = 0 ] || [ "${ftl_status}" = "Not running" ]; then | |
dns_status="DNS offline" | |
dns_heatmap=${red_text} | |
dns_check_box=${check_box_bad} | |
# set flag to change the status message in SetStatusMessage() | |
dns_down_flag=true | |
else | |
dns_check_box=${check_box_good} | |
dns_status="Active" | |
dns_heatmap=${green_text} | |
fi | |
} | |
GetVersionInformation() { | |
# Check if version status has been saved | |
# all info is sourced from /etc/pihole/versions | |
out_of_date_flag=false | |
# Gather CORE version information... | |
# Extract vx.xx or version | |
CORE_VERSION="$(echo "${CORE_VERSION}" | grep -oE '^v[0-9]+([.][0-9]+){1,2}')" | |
if [ "${CORE_BRANCH}" = "master" ]; then | |
core_version_converted="$(VersionConverter "${CORE_VERSION}")" | |
core_version_latest_converted=$(VersionConverter "${GITHUB_CORE_VERSION}") | |
if [ "${core_version_converted}" -lt "${core_version_latest_converted}" ]; then | |
out_of_date_flag="true" | |
core_version_heatmap=${red_text} | |
else | |
core_version_heatmap=${green_text} | |
fi | |
else | |
# Custom branch | |
if [ -z "${CORE_BRANCH}" ]; then | |
# Branch name is empty, something went wrong | |
core_version_heatmap=${red_text} | |
else | |
if [ "${CORE_HASH}" = "${GITHUB_CORE_HASH}" ]; then | |
# up-to-date | |
core_version_heatmap=${green_text} | |
else | |
# out-of-date | |
out_of_date_flag="true" | |
core_version_heatmap=${red_text} | |
fi | |
# shorten common branch names (fix/, tweak/, new/) | |
# use the first 7 characters of the branch name as version | |
CORE_VERSION="$(printf '%s' "$CORE_BRANCH" | sed 's/fix\//f\//;s/new\//n\//;s/tweak\//t\//' | cut -c 1-7)" | |
fi | |
fi | |
# Gather web version information... | |
# Extract vx.xx or version | |
if [ "$INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE" = true ]; then | |
WEB_VERSION="$(echo "${WEB_VERSION}" | grep -oE '^v[0-9]+([.][0-9]+){1,2}')" | |
if [ "${WEB_BRANCH}" = "master" ]; then | |
web_version_converted="$(VersionConverter "${WEB_VERSION}")" | |
web_version_latest_converted=$(VersionConverter "${GITHUB_WEB_VERSION}") | |
if [ "${web_version_converted}" -lt "${web_version_latest_converted}" ]; then | |
out_of_date_flag="true" | |
web_version_heatmap=${red_text} | |
else | |
web_version_heatmap=${green_text} | |
fi | |
else | |
# Custom branch | |
if [ -z "${WEB_BRANCH}" ]; then | |
# Branch name is empty, something went wrong | |
web_version_heatmap=${red_text} | |
else | |
if [ "${WEB_HASH}" = "${GITHUB_WEB_HASH}" ]; then | |
# up-to-date | |
web_version_heatmap=${green_text} | |
else | |
# out-of-date | |
out_of_date_flag="true" | |
web_version_heatmap=${red_text} | |
fi | |
# shorten common branch names (fix/, tweak/, new/) | |
# use the first 7 characters of the branch name as version | |
WEB_VERSION="$(printf '%s' "$WEB_BRANCH" | sed 's/fix\//f\//;s/new\//n\//;s/tweak\//t\//' | cut -c 1-7)" | |
fi | |
fi | |
else | |
# Web interface not installed | |
web_version_heatmap=${yellow_text} | |
fi | |
# Gather FTL version information... | |
# Extract vx.xx or version | |
FTL_VERSION="$(echo "${FTL_VERSION}" | grep -oE '^v[0-9]+([.][0-9]+){1,2}')" | |
if [ "${FTL_BRANCH}" = "master" ]; then | |
ftl_version_converted="$(VersionConverter "${FTL_VERSION}")" | |
ftl_version_latest_converted=$(VersionConverter "${GITHUB_FTL_VERSION}") | |
if [ "${ftl_version_converted}" -lt "${ftl_version_latest_converted}" ]; then | |
out_of_date_flag="true" | |
ftl_version_heatmap=${red_text} | |
else | |
ftl_version_heatmap=${green_text} | |
fi | |
else | |
# Custom branch | |
if [ -z "${FTL_BRANCH}" ]; then | |
# Branch name is empty, something went wrong | |
ftl_version_heatmap=${red_text} | |
else | |
if [ "${FTL_HASH}" = "${GITHUB_FTL_HASH}" ]; then | |
# up-to-date | |
ftl_version_heatmap=${green_text} | |
else | |
# out-of-date | |
out_of_date_flag="true" | |
ftl_version_heatmap=${red_text} | |
fi | |
# shorten common branch names (fix/, tweak/, new/) | |
# use the first 7 characters of the branch name as version | |
FTL_VERSION="$(printf '%s' "$FTL_BRANCH" | sed 's/fix\//f\//;s/new\//n\//;s/tweak\//t\//' | cut -c 1-7)" | |
fi | |
fi | |
} | |
GetPADDInformation() { | |
# PADD version information... | |
padd_version_latest="$(curl --silent | grep '"tag_name":' | awk -F \" '{print $4}')" | |
# is PADD up-to-date? | |
padd_out_of_date_flag=false | |
if [ -z "${padd_version_latest}" ]; then | |
padd_version_heatmap=${yellow_text} | |
else | |
padd_version_latest_converted="$(VersionConverter "${padd_version_latest}")" | |
padd_version_converted=$(VersionConverter "${padd_version}") | |
if [ "${padd_version_converted}" -lt "${padd_version_latest_converted}" ]; then | |
padd_out_of_date_flag="true" | |
padd_version_heatmap=${red_text} | |
else | |
# local and remote PADD version match or local is newer | |
padd_version_heatmap=${green_text} | |
fi | |
fi | |
} | |
GenerateSizeDependendOutput() { | |
if [ "$1" = "pico" ] || [ "$1" = "nano" ] || [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then | |
ads_blocked_bar=$(BarGenerator "$ads_percentage_today" 10 "color") | |
elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then | |
ads_blocked_bar=$(BarGenerator "$ads_percentage_today" 20 "color") | |
if [ ${#latest_blocked} -gt 30 ]; then | |
latest_blocked=$(echo "$latest_blocked" | cut -c1-27)"..." | |
fi | |
if [ ${#top_blocked} -gt 30 ]; then | |
top_blocked=$(echo "$top_blocked" | cut -c1-27)"..." | |
fi | |
elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then | |
ads_blocked_bar=$(BarGenerator "$ads_percentage_today" 30 "color") | |
if [ ${#latest_blocked} -gt 38 ]; then | |
latest_blocked=$(echo "$latest_blocked" | cut -c1-38)"..." | |
fi | |
if [ ${#top_blocked} -gt 38 ]; then | |
top_blocked=$(echo "$top_blocked" | cut -c1-38)"..." | |
fi | |
if [ ${#top_domain} -gt 38 ]; then | |
top_domain=$(echo "$top_domain" | cut -c1-38)"..." | |
fi | |
if [ ${#top_client} -gt 38 ]; then | |
top_client=$(echo "$top_client" | cut -c1-38)"..." | |
fi | |
elif [ "$1" = "regular" ] || [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then | |
ads_blocked_bar=$(BarGenerator "$ads_percentage_today" 40 "color") | |
else | |
ads_blocked_bar=$(BarGenerator "$ads_percentage_today" 30 "color") | |
fi | |
# System uptime | |
if [ "$1" = "pico" ] || [ "$1" = "nano" ] || [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then | |
system_uptime=$(echo "${system_uptime_raw}" | awk -F'( |,|:)+' '{if ($7=="min") m=$6; else {if ($7~/^day/){if ($9=="min") {d=$6;m=$8} else {d=$6;h=$8;m=$9}} else {h=$6;m=$7}}} {print d+0,"days,",h+0,"hours"}') | |
else | |
system_uptime=$(echo "${system_uptime_raw}" | awk -F'( |,|:)+' '{if ($7=="min") m=$6; else {if ($7~/^day/){if ($9=="min") {d=$6;m=$8} else {d=$6;h=$8;m=$9}} else {h=$6;m=$7}}} {print d+0,"days,",h+0,"hours,",m+0,"minutes"}') | |
fi | |
# Bar generations | |
if [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then | |
cpu_bar=$(BarGenerator "${cpu_percent}" 20) | |
memory_bar=$(BarGenerator "${memory_percent}" 20) | |
elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then | |
cpu_bar=$(BarGenerator "${cpu_percent}" 7) | |
memory_bar=$(BarGenerator "${memory_percent}" 7) | |
else | |
cpu_bar=$(BarGenerator "${cpu_percent}" 10) | |
memory_bar=$(BarGenerator "${memory_percent}" 10) | |
fi | |
} | |
SetStatusMessage() { | |
# depending on which flags are set, the "message field" shows a different output | |
# 7 messages are possible (from highest to lowest priority): | |
# - System is hot | |
# - FTLDNS service is not running | |
# - Pi-hole's DNS server is off (FTL running, but not providing DNS) | |
# - Unable to determine Pi-hole blocking status | |
# - Pi-hole blocking disabled | |
# - Updates are available | |
# - Everything is fine | |
if [ "${hot_flag}" = true ]; then | |
# Check if CPU temperature is high | |
pico_status="${pico_status_hot}" | |
mini_status="${mini_status_hot} ${blinking_text}${red_text}${temperature}${reset_text}" | |
tiny_status="${tiny_status_hot} ${blinking_text}${red_text}${temperature}${reset_text}" | |
full_status="${full_status_hot} ${blinking_text}${red_text}${temperature}${reset_text}" | |
mega_status="${mega_status_hot} ${blinking_text}${red_text}${temperature}${reset_text}" | |
elif [ "${ftl_down_flag}" = true ]; then | |
# Check if FTL is down | |
pico_status=${pico_status_ftl_down} | |
mini_status=${mini_status_ftl_down} | |
tiny_status=${tiny_status_ftl_down} | |
full_status=${full_status_ftl_down} | |
mega_status=${mega_status_ftl_down} | |
elif [ "${dns_down_flag}" = true ]; then | |
# Check if DNS is down | |
pico_status=${pico_status_dns_down} | |
mini_status=${mini_status_dns_down} | |
tiny_status=${tiny_status_dns_down} | |
full_status=${full_status_dns_down} | |
mega_status=${mega_status_dns_down} | |
elif [ "${blocking_status}" = "unknown" ]; then | |
# Check if blocking status is unknown | |
pico_status=${pico_status_unknown} | |
mini_status=${mini_status_unknown} | |
tiny_status=${tiny_status_unknown} | |
full_status=${full_status_unknown} | |
mega_status=${mega_status_unknown} | |
elif [ "${blocking_status}" = "disabled" ]; then | |
# Check if blocking status is disabled | |
pico_status=${pico_status_off} | |
mini_status=${mini_status_off} | |
tiny_status=${tiny_status_off} | |
full_status=${full_status_off} | |
mega_status=${mega_status_off} | |
elif [ "${out_of_date_flag}" = "true" ] || [ "${padd_out_of_date_flag}" = "true" ]; then | |
# Check if one of the components of Pi-hole (or PADD itself) is out of date | |
pico_status=${pico_status_update} | |
mini_status=${mini_status_update} | |
tiny_status=${tiny_status_update} | |
full_status=${full_status_update} | |
mega_status=${mega_status_update} | |
elif [ "${blocking_status}" = "enabled" ]; then | |
# if we reach this point and blocking is enabled, everything is fine | |
pico_status=${pico_status_ok} | |
mini_status=${mini_status_ok} | |
tiny_status=${tiny_status_ok} | |
full_status=${full_status_ok} | |
mega_status=${mega_status_ok} | |
fi | |
} | |
############################################# PRINTERS ############################################# | |
PrintLogo() { | |
# Screen size checks | |
if [ "$1" = "pico" ]; then | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "p${padd_text} ${pico_status}" | |
elif [ "$1" = "nano" ]; then | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "n${padd_text} ${mini_status}" | |
elif [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n${clear_line}\n" "µ${padd_text} ${mini_status}" | |
elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n${clear_line}\n" "${padd_text}${dim_text}mini${reset_text} ${mini_status}" | |
elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_text}${dim_text}tiny${reset_text} Pi-hole® ${core_version_heatmap}${CORE_VERSION}${reset_text}, Web ${web_version_heatmap}${WEB_VERSION}${reset_text}, FTL ${ftl_version_heatmap}${FTL_VERSION}${reset_text}" | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " PADD ${padd_version_heatmap}${padd_version}${reset_text} ${tiny_status}${reset_text}" | |
elif [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n${clear_line}\n" "${padd_text}${dim_text}slim${reset_text} ${full_status}" | |
elif [ "$1" = "regular" ] || [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_1}" | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_2}Pi-hole® ${core_version_heatmap}${CORE_VERSION}${reset_text}, Web ${web_version_heatmap}${WEB_VERSION}${reset_text}, FTL ${ftl_version_heatmap}${FTL_VERSION}${reset_text}" | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_3}PADD ${padd_version_heatmap}${padd_version}${reset_text} ${full_status}${reset_text}" | |
# normal or not defined | |
else | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_retro_1}" | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_retro_2} Pi-hole® ${core_version_heatmap}${CORE_VERSION}${reset_text}, Web ${web_version_heatmap}${WEB_VERSION}${reset_text}, FTL ${ftl_version_heatmap}${FTL_VERSION}${reset_text}, PADD ${padd_version_heatmap}${padd_version}${reset_text}" | |
printf "%s${clear_line}\n${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_retro_3} ${dns_check_box} DNS ${ftl_check_box} FTL ${mega_status}${reset_text}" | |
fi | |
} | |
PrintDashboard() { | |
# Move cursor to (0,0). | |
printf '\e[H' | |
# adds the y-offset | |
moveYOffset | |
if [ "$1" = "pico" ]; then | |
# pico is a screen at least 20x10 (columns x lines) | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "p${padd_text} ${pico_status}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ============${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " [${ads_blocked_bar}] ${ads_percentage_today}%" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " ${ads_blocked_today} / ${dns_queries_today}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}NETWORK ============${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Hst: ${pi_hostname}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " IP: ${pi_ip4_addr}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " DHCP ${dhcp_check_box} IPv6 ${dhcp_ipv6_check_box}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}CPU ================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}" " [${cpu_load_1_heatmap}${cpu_bar}${reset_text}] ${cpu_percent}%" | |
elif [ "$1" = "nano" ]; then | |
# nano is a screen at least 24x12 (columns x lines) | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "n${padd_text} ${mini_status}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " DNS: ${dns_check_box} FTL: ${ftl_check_box}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Blk: [${ads_blocked_bar}] ${ads_percentage_today}%" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Blk: ${ads_blocked_today} / ${dns_queries_today}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}NETWORK ================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Host: ${pi_hostname}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " IP: ${pi_ip4_addr}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " DHCP: ${dhcp_check_box} IPv6: ${dhcp_ipv6_check_box}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}SYSTEM =================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Up: ${system_uptime}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}" " CPU: [${cpu_load_1_heatmap}${cpu_bar}${reset_text}] ${cpu_percent}%" | |
elif [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then | |
# micro is a screen at least 30x16 (columns x lines) | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "µ${padd_text} ${mini_status}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ======================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " DNS: ${dns_check_box} FTL: ${ftl_check_box}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}STATS ========================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Blckng: ${domains_being_blocked} domains" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Piholed: [${ads_blocked_bar}] ${ads_percentage_today}%" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Piholed: ${ads_blocked_today} / ${dns_queries_today}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}NETWORK ======================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Host: ${full_hostname}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " IP: ${pi_ip4_addr}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " DHCP: ${dhcp_check_box} IPv6: ${dhcp_ipv6_check_box}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}SYSTEM =======================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Uptime: ${system_uptime}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Load: [${cpu_load_1_heatmap}${cpu_bar}${reset_text}] ${cpu_percent}%" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}" " Memory: [${memory_heatmap}${memory_bar}${reset_text}] ${memory_percent}%" | |
elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then | |
# mini is a screen at least 40x18 (columns x lines) | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_text}${dim_text}mini${reset_text} ${mini_status}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s${dns_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text} %-5s${ftl_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "DNS:" "${dns_status}" "FTL:" "${ftl_status}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}STATS ==================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s%-29s${clear_line}\n" "Blckng:" "${domains_being_blocked} domains" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s[%-20s] %-5s${clear_line}\n" "Piholed:" "${ads_blocked_bar}" "${ads_percentage_today}%" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s%-29s${clear_line}\n" "Piholed:" "${ads_blocked_today} out of ${dns_queries_today}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s%-29s${clear_line}\n" "Latest:" "${latest_blocked}" | |
if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" != "true" ]; then | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s%-29s${clear_line}\n" "Top Ad:" "${top_blocked}" | |
fi | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}NETWORK ================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s%-16s%-5s%-9s${clear_line}\n" "Host:" "${full_hostname}" "DNS:" "${dns_information}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s%s${clear_line}\n" "IP:" "${pi_ip4_addr} (${iface_name})" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s%-4s%-12s%-4s%-5s${clear_line}\n" "Traffic:" "TX:" "${tx_bytes}" "RX:" "${rx_bytes}" | |
if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" = "true" ]; then | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s${dhcp_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text} %-9s${dhcp_ipv6_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "DHCP:" "${dhcp_status}" "IPv6:" ${dhcp_ipv6_status} | |
fi | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}SYSTEM =================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-9s%-29s${clear_line}\n" "Uptime:" "${system_uptime}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " Load: [${cpu_load_1_heatmap}${cpu_bar}${reset_text}] ${cpu_percent}%" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}" " Memory: [${memory_heatmap}${memory_bar}${reset_text}] ${memory_percent}%" | |
elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then | |
# tiny is a screen at least 53x20 (columns x lines) | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_text}${dim_text}tiny${reset_text} Pi-hole® ${core_version_heatmap}${CORE_VERSION}${reset_text}, Web ${web_version_heatmap}${WEB_VERSION}${reset_text}, FTL ${ftl_version_heatmap}${FTL_VERSION}${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " PADD ${padd_version_heatmap}${padd_version}${reset_text} ${tiny_status}${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ============================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s${dns_heatmap}%-16s${reset_text} %-8s${ftl_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "DNS:" "${dns_status}" "FTL:" "${ftl_status}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}STATS ==============================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-29s${clear_line}\n" "Blocking:" "${domains_being_blocked} domains" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s[%-30s] %-5s${clear_line}\n" "Pi-holed:" "${ads_blocked_bar}" "${ads_percentage_today}%" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Pi-holed:" "${ads_blocked_today} out of ${dns_queries_today}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Latest:" "${latest_blocked}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Top Ad:" "${top_blocked}" | |
if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" != "true" ]; then | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Top Dmn:" "${top_domain}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Top Clnt:" "${top_client}" | |
fi | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}NETWORK ============================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-16s %-8s%-16s${clear_line}\n" "Hostname:" "${full_hostname}" "IP: " "${pi_ip4_addr}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-16s %-4s%-7s %-4s%-5s${clear_line}\n" "Interfce:" "${iface_name}" "TX:" "${tx_bytes}" "RX:" "${rx_bytes}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-16s %-8s${dnssec_heatmap}%-16s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "DNS:" "${dns_information}" "DNSSEC:" "${dnssec_status}" | |
if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" = "true" ]; then | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s${dhcp_heatmap}%-16s${reset_text} %-8s${dhcp_ipv6_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "DHCP:" "${dhcp_status}" "IPv6:" ${dhcp_ipv6_status} | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${dhcp_info}" | |
fi | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}SYSTEM =============================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-29s${clear_line}\n" "Uptime:" "${system_uptime}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s${temp_heatmap}%-17s${reset_text} %-8s${cpu_load_1_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_5_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_15_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "CPU Temp:" "${temperature}" "Load:" "${cpu_load_1}" "${cpu_load_5}" "${cpu_load_15}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s[${memory_heatmap}%-7s${reset_text}] %-6s %-8s[${cpu_load_1_heatmap}%-7s${reset_text}] %-5s${clear_line}" "Memory:" "${memory_bar}" "${memory_percent}%" "CPU:" "${cpu_bar}" "${cpu_percent}%" | |
elif [ "$1" = "regular" ] || [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then | |
# slim is a screen with at least 60 columns and exactly 21 lines | |
# regular is a screen at least 60x22 (columns x lines) | |
if [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_text}${dim_text}slim${reset_text} Pi-hole® ${core_version_heatmap}${CORE_VERSION}${reset_text}, Web ${web_version_heatmap}${WEB_VERSION}${reset_text}, FTL ${ftl_version_heatmap}${FTL_VERSION}${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" " PADD ${padd_version_heatmap}${padd_version}${reset_text} ${full_status}${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "" | |
else | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_1}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_2}Pi-hole® ${core_version_heatmap}${CORE_VERSION}${reset_text}, Web ${web_version_heatmap}${WEB_VERSION}${reset_text}, FTL ${ftl_version_heatmap}${FTL_VERSION}${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_3}PADD ${padd_version_heatmap}${padd_version}${reset_text} ${full_status}${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "" | |
fi | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ===================================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s${dns_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text} %-10s${ftl_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "DNS:" "${dns_status}" "FTL:" "${ftl_status}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}STATS =====================================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-49s${clear_line}\n" "Blocking:" "${domains_being_blocked} domains" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s[%-40s] %-5s${clear_line}\n" "Pi-holed:" "${ads_blocked_bar}" "${ads_percentage_today}%" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-49s${clear_line}\n" "Pi-holed:" "${ads_blocked_today} out of ${dns_queries_today} queries" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Latest:" "${latest_blocked}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Top Ad:" "${top_blocked}" | |
if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" != "true" ]; then | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Top Dmn:" "${top_domain}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Top Clnt:" "${top_client}" | |
fi | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}NETWORK ===================================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-15s %-4s%-17s%-6s%s${clear_line}\n" "Hostname:" "${full_hostname}" "IP:" "${pi_ip4_addr}" "IPv6:" "${ipv6_check_box}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-15s %-4s%-17s%-4s%s${clear_line}\n" "Interfce:" "${iface_name}" "TX:" "${tx_bytes}" "RX:" "${rx_bytes}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-15s %-10s${dnssec_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "DNS:" "${dns_information}" "DNSSEC:" "${dnssec_status}" | |
if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" = "true" ]; then | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s${dhcp_heatmap}%-15s${reset_text} %-10s${dhcp_ipv6_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "DHCP:" "${dhcp_status}" "IPv6:" ${dhcp_ipv6_status} | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${dhcp_info}" | |
fi | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}SYSTEM ====================================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Uptime:" "${system_uptime}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s${temp_heatmap}%-21s${reset_text}%-10s${cpu_load_1_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_5_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_15_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "CPU Temp:" "${temperature}" "CPU Load:" "${cpu_load_1}" "${cpu_load_5}" "${cpu_load_15}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s[${memory_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}] %-6s %-10s[${cpu_load_1_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}] %-5s${clear_line}" "Memory:" "${memory_bar}" "${memory_percent}%" "CPU Load:" "${cpu_bar}" "${cpu_percent}%" | |
else # ${padd_size} = mega | |
# mega is a screen with at least 80 columns and 26 lines | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_retro_1}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_retro_2} Pi-hole® ${core_version_heatmap}${CORE_VERSION}${reset_text} Web ${web_version_heatmap}${WEB_VERSION}${reset_text} FTL ${ftl_version_heatmap}${FTL_VERSION}${reset_text} PADD ${padd_version_heatmap}${padd_version}${reset_text} Unbound ${green_text}v${unbound}${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${padd_logo_retro_3} ${pihole_check_box} Core ${ftl_check_box} FTL ${mega_status}${reset_text} ${check_box_info} "$(date +%d/%m/%y)", "$(date +%R)" ${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}STATS==============================================================================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-29s %-10s[%-40s] %-5s${clear_line}\n" "Blocking:" "${domains_being_blocked} domains" "Piholed:" "${ads_blocked_bar}" "${ads_percentage_today}%" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-40s%-29s${clear_line}\n" "Clients:" "${clients}" " ${ads_blocked_today} out of ${dns_queries_today} queries" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Latest:" "${latest_blocked}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Top Ad:" "${top_blocked}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Top Dmn:" "${top_domain}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Top Clnt:" "${top_client}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}FTL ================================================================================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-9s %-10s%-9s %-10s%-9s${clear_line}\n" "PID:" "${ftlPID}" "CPU Use:" "${ftl_cpu}%" "Mem. Use:" "${ftl_mem_percentage}%" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-69s${clear_line}\n" "DNSCache:" "${cache_inserts} insertions, ${cache_deletes} deletions, ${cache_size} total entries" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}NETWORK ============================================================================================${reset_text}" | |
#moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-19s${clear_line}\n" "Hostname:" "${full_hostname}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-19s %-10s%-9s %-4s%-9s${clear_line}\n" "Hostname:" "${full_hostname}" "IP:" "${ext_ip}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-19s %-10s%-9s %-4s%-9s${clear_line}\n" "Interfce:" "${iface_name}" "TX:" "${tx_bytes}" #"RX:" "${rx_bytes}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-19s %-10s%-29s${clear_line}\n" "IPv4:" "${pi_ip4_addr}" "RX:" "${rx_bytes}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}UNBOUND ============================================================================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-19s%-10s%-9s\e[0K\\n" "Total: " "$(sudo unbound-control stats_noreset | awk -F '=' '/total.num.queries=/ {printf $NF}') queries" " Reply:" " $(sudo unbound-control stats_noreset | awk -F '=' '/total.recursion.time.avg/ {printf "%.3f\n", $NF}') seconds" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-19s%-10s%-9s\e[0K\\n" "Cached:" "$(sudo unbound-control stats_noreset | awk -F '=' '$1 == "total.num.queries" {queries=$NF} $1 == "total.num.cachehits" {hits=$NF}END{printf "%d, %.2f\n", hits, hits/queries*100"%"}')% " " Updted: " " $(cat /var/lib/unbound/root.hints | awk '/last update/ {printf ($4" "$5" "$6)}') " | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}DNS ==========================DHCP==================================================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-19s %-6s${dhcp_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "Servers:" "${dns_information}" "DHCP:" "${dhcp_status}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s${dnssec_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text} %-10s${conditional_forwarding_heatmap}%-9s${reset_text}${clear_line}\n" "DNSSEC:" "${dnssec_status}" "IPv6 Spt:" "${dhcp_ipv6_status}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s${conditional_forwarding_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text}%s${clear_line}\n" "CdFwding:" "${conditional_forwarding_status}" "${dhcp_info}" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}INFO ===============================================================================================${reset_text}" | |
# Boot and log | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-19s%-6s%-9s\e[0K\\n" "PS: " "${run_process}" " Log:" " ${log_size}B (${log_perc})" | |
# Disk Usage | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-19s%-6s%-9s\e[0K\\n" "Disk: " "${disk_total}GB" " Used:" " ${disk_used}GB (${disk_perc})" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s${clear_line}\n" "${bold_text}SYSTEM =============================================================================================${reset_text}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s${clear_line}\n" "Device:" "${sys_model}" | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s%-39s %-10s[${memory_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}] %-6s${clear_line}\n" "Uptime:" "${system_uptime}" "RAM use $(free -m | awk 'NR==2{printf "%s", $3 }') MB of ${ram_total} GB: " "${memory_bar}" "${memory_percent}% " | |
moveXOffset; printf " %-10s${temp_heatmap}%-9s${reset_text}%-6s${cpu_load_1_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_5_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_15_heatmap}%-13s${reset_text} %-6s[${memory_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}] %-6s${clear_line}" "Temp:" "${temperature}" "Load:" "${cpu_load_1}" "${cpu_load_5}" "${cpu_load_15}" "CPU $(awk 'length==6{printf("%.0f MHz\n", $0/10^3); next} length==7{printf("%.1f GHz\n", $0/10^6)}' /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq) ${cpu_freq}: "$(printf '%s')" " "${cpu_bar}" "${cpu_percent}%" | |
fi | |
# Clear to end of screen (below the drawn dashboard) | |
# | |
printf '\e[0J' | |
} | |
############################################# HELPERS ############################################## | |
# Provides a color based on a provided percentage | |
# takes in one or two parameters | |
HeatmapGenerator () { | |
# if one number is provided, just use that percentage to figure out the colors | |
if [ -z "$2" ]; then | |
load=$(printf "%.0f" "$1") | |
# if two numbers are provided, do some math to make a percentage to figure out the colors | |
else | |
load=$(printf "%.0f" "$(echo "$1 $2" | awk '{print ($1 / $2) * 100}')") | |
fi | |
# Color logic | |
# |<- green ->| yellow | red -> | |
# 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 | |
if [ "${load}" -lt 75 ]; then | |
out=${green_text} | |
elif [ "${load}" -lt 90 ]; then | |
out=${yellow_text} | |
else | |
out=${red_text} | |
fi | |
echo "$out" | |
} | |
# Provides a "bar graph" | |
# takes in two or three parameters | |
# $1: percentage filled | |
# $2: max length of the bar | |
# $3: colored flag, if "color" backfill with color | |
BarGenerator() { | |
# number of filled in cells in the bar | |
barNumber=$(printf %.f "$(echo "$1 $2" | awk '{print ($1 / 100) * $2}')") | |
frontFill=$(for i in $(seq "$barNumber"); do printf "%b" "■"; done) | |
# remaining "unfilled" cells in the bar | |
backfillNumber=$(($2-barNumber)) | |
# if the filled in cells is less than the max length of the bar, fill it | |
if [ "$barNumber" -lt "$2" ]; then | |
# if the bar should be colored | |
if [ "$3" = "color" ]; then | |
# fill the rest in color | |
backFill=$(for i in $(seq $backfillNumber); do printf "%b" "■"; done) | |
out="${red_text}${frontFill}${green_text}${backFill}${reset_text}" | |
# else, it shouldn't be colored in | |
else | |
# fill the rest with "space" | |
backFill=$(for i in $(seq $backfillNumber); do printf "%b" "·"; done) | |
out="${frontFill}${reset_text}${backFill}" | |
fi | |
# else, fill it all the way | |
else | |
out=$(for i in $(seq "$2"); do printf "%b" "■"; done) | |
fi | |
echo "$out" | |
} | |
# Checks the size of the screen and sets the value of $padd_size | |
SizeChecker(){ | |
# adding a tiny delay here to to give the kernel a bit time to | |
# report new sizes correctly after a terminal resize | |
# this reduces "flickering" of GenerateSizeDependendOutput() items | |
# after a terminal re-size | |
sleep 0.1 | |
console_width=$(tput cols) | |
console_height=$(tput lines) | |
# Mega | |
if [ "$console_width" -ge "80" ] && [ "$console_height" -ge "26" ]; then | |
padd_size="mega" | |
width=80 | |
height=26 | |
# Below Mega. Gives you Regular. | |
elif [ "$console_width" -ge "60" ] && [ "$console_height" -ge "22" ]; then | |
padd_size="regular" | |
width=60 | |
height=22 | |
# Below Regular. Gives you Slim. | |
elif [ "$console_width" -ge "60" ] && [ "$console_height" -ge "21" ]; then | |
padd_size="slim" | |
width=60 | |
height=21 | |
# Below Slim. Gives you Tiny. | |
elif [ "$console_width" -ge "53" ] && [ "$console_height" -ge "20" ]; then | |
padd_size="tiny" | |
width=53 | |
height=20 | |
# Below Tiny. Gives you Mini. | |
elif [ "$console_width" -ge "40" ] && [ "$console_height" -ge "18" ]; then | |
padd_size="mini" | |
width=40 | |
height=18 | |
# Below Mini. Gives you Micro. | |
elif [ "$console_width" -ge "30" ] && [ "$console_height" -ge "16" ]; then | |
padd_size="micro" | |
width=30 | |
height=16 | |
# Below Micro, Gives you Nano. | |
elif [ "$console_width" -ge "24" ] && [ "$console_height" -ge "12" ]; then | |
padd_size="nano" | |
width=24 | |
height=12 | |
# Below Nano. Gives you Pico. | |
elif [ "$console_width" -ge "20" ] && [ "$console_height" -ge "10" ]; then | |
padd_size="pico" | |
width=20 | |
height=10 | |
# Below Pico. Gives you nothing... | |
else | |
# Nothing is this small, sorry | |
printf "%b" "${check_box_bad} Error!\n PADD isn't\n for ants!\n" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
# Center the output (default position) | |
xOffset="$(( (console_width - width) / 2 ))" | |
yOffset="$(( (console_height - height) / 2 ))" | |
# If the user sets an offset option, use it. | |
if [ -n "$xOffOrig" ]; then | |
xOffset=$xOffOrig | |
# Limit the offset to avoid breaks | |
xMaxOffset=$((console_width - width)) | |
if [ "$xOffset" -gt "$xMaxOffset" ]; then | |
xOffset="$xMaxOffset" | |
fi | |
fi | |
if [ -n "$yOffOrig" ]; then | |
yOffset=$yOffOrig | |
# Limit the offset to avoid breaks | |
yMaxOffset=$((console_height - height)) | |
if [ "$yOffset" -gt "$yMaxOffset" ]; then | |
yOffset="$yMaxOffset" | |
fi | |
fi | |
} | |
# converts a given version string e.g. v3.7.1 to 3007001000 to allow for easier comparison of multi digit version numbers | |
# credits | |
VersionConverter() { | |
echo "$@" | tr -d '[:alpha:]' | awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3,$4); }'; | |
} | |
# get the Telnet API Port FTL is using by parsing `pihole-FTL.conf` | |
# same implementation as | |
getFTLAPIPort(){ | |
local FTLCONFFILE="/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf" | |
local DEFAULT_FTL_PORT=4711 | |
local ftl_api_port | |
if [ -s "$FTLCONFFILE" ]; then | |
# if FTLPORT is not set in pihole-FTL.conf, use the default port | |
ftl_api_port="$({ grep '^FTLPORT=' "${FTLCONFFILE}" || echo "${DEFAULT_FTL_PORT}"; } | cut -d'=' -f2-)" | |
# Exploit prevention: set the port to the default port if there is malicious (non-numeric) | |
# content set in pihole-FTL.conf | |
expr "${ftl_api_port}" : "[^[:digit:]]" > /dev/null && ftl_api_port="${DEFAULT_FTL_PORT}" | |
else | |
# if there is no pihole-FTL.conf, use the default port | |
ftl_api_port="${DEFAULT_FTL_PORT}" | |
fi | |
echo "${ftl_api_port}" | |
} | |
# returns FTL's PID based on the content of the file | |
# honor PIDFILE setting in `pihole-FTL.conf` | |
getFTLPID() { | |
local FTLCONFFILE="/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf" | |
local DEFAULT_PID_FILE="/run/" | |
local FTL_PID_FILE | |
local FTL_PID | |
if [ -s "${FTLCONFFILE}" ]; then | |
# if PIDFILE is not set in pihole-FTL.conf, use the default path | |
FTL_PID_FILE="$({ grep '^PIDFILE=' "${FTLCONFFILE}" || echo "${DEFAULT_PID_FILE}"; } | cut -d'=' -f2-)" | |
else | |
# if there is no pihole-FTL.conf, use the default path | |
fi | |
if [ -s "${FTL_PID_FILE}" ]; then | |
# -s: FILE exists and has a size greater than zero | |
FTL_PID="$(cat "${FTL_PID_FILE}")" | |
# Exploit prevention: unset the variable if there is malicious content | |
# Verify that the value read from the file is numeric | |
expr "${FTL_PID}" : "[^[:digit:]]" > /dev/null && unset FTL_PID | |
fi | |
# If FTL is not running, or the PID file contains malicious stuff, substitute | |
# negative PID to signal this | |
FTL_PID=${FTL_PID:=-1} | |
echo "${FTL_PID}" | |
} | |
moveYOffset(){ | |
# moves the cursor yOffset-times down | |
# | |
# this needs to be guarded, because if the amount is 0, it is adjusted to 1 | |
# | |
if [ "${yOffset}" -gt 0 ]; then | |
printf '\e[%sB' "${yOffset}" | |
fi | |
} | |
moveXOffset(){ | |
# moves the cursor xOffset-times to the right | |
# | |
# this needs to be guarded, because if the amount is 0, it is adjusted to 1 | |
# | |
if [ "${xOffset}" -gt 0 ]; then | |
printf '\e[%sC' "${xOffset}" | |
fi | |
} | |
# Remove undesired strings from sys_model variable - used in GetSystemInformation() function | |
filterModel() { | |
FILTERLIST="To be filled by O.E.M.|Not Applicable|System Product Name|System Version|Undefined|Default string|Not Specified|Type1ProductConfigId|INVALID|All Series|�" | |
# Description: | |
# `-v` : set $FILTERLIST into a variable called `list` | |
# `gsub()` : replace all list items (ignoring case) with an empty string, deleting them | |
# `{$1=$1}1`: remove all extra spaces. The last "1" evaluates as true, printing the result | |
echo "$1" | awk -v list="$FILTERLIST" '{IGNORECASE=1; gsub(list,"")}; {$1=$1}1' | |
} | |
########################################## MAIN FUNCTIONS ########################################## | |
OutputJSON() { | |
GetSummaryInformation | |
echo "{\"domains_being_blocked\":${domains_being_blocked_raw},\"dns_queries_today\":${dns_queries_today_raw},\"ads_blocked_today\":${ads_blocked_today_raw},\"ads_percentage_today\":${ads_percentage_today_raw},\"clients\": ${clients}}" | |
} | |
StartupRoutine(){ | |
# Get config variables | |
. /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf | |
# Clear the screen and move cursor to (0,0). | |
# This mimics the 'clear' command. | |
# | |
# | |
# E3 extension `\e[3J` to clear the scrollback buffer see 'man clear' | |
printf '\e[H\e[2J\e[3J' | |
# adds the y-offset | |
moveYOffset | |
# Get versions information | |
. /etc/pihole/versions | |
if [ "$1" = "pico" ] || [ "$1" = "nano" ] || [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then | |
moveXOffset; PrintLogo "$1" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" "START-UP ===========\n" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" " [■·········] 10%\r" | |
# Check for updates | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" " [■■········] 20%\r" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" " [■■■·······] 30%\r" | |
# Get our information for the first time | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" " [■■■■······] 40%\r" | |
GetSystemInformation | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" " [■■■■■·····] 50%\r" | |
GetSummaryInformation | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" " [■■■■■■····] 60%\r" | |
GetPiholeInformation | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" " [■■■■■■■···] 70%\r" | |
GetNetworkInformation | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" " [■■■■■■■■··] 80%\r" | |
GetVersionInformation | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" " [■■■■■■■■■·] 90%\r" | |
GetPADDInformation | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" " [■■■■■■■■■■] 100%\n" | |
elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then | |
moveXOffset; PrintLogo "$1" | |
moveXOffset; echo "START UP =====================" | |
# Get our information for the first time | |
moveXOffset; echo "- Gathering system info." | |
GetSystemInformation | |
moveXOffset; echo "- Gathering Pi-hole info." | |
GetPiholeInformation | |
GetSummaryInformation | |
moveXOffset; echo "- Gathering network info." | |
GetNetworkInformation | |
moveXOffset; echo "- Gathering version info." | |
GetVersionInformation | |
GetPADDInformation | |
moveXOffset; echo " - Core $CORE_VERSION, Web $WEB_VERSION" | |
moveXOffset; echo " - FTL $FTL_VERSION, PADD $padd_version" | |
else | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" "${padd_logo_retro_1}\n" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" "${padd_logo_retro_2}Pi-hole® Ad Detection Display\n" | |
moveXOffset; printf "%b" "${padd_logo_retro_3}A client for Pi-hole\n\n" | |
if [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then | |
moveXOffset; echo "START UP ============================================" | |
else | |
moveXOffset; echo "START UP ===================================================" | |
fi | |
# Get our information for the first time | |
moveXOffset; echo "- Gathering system information..." | |
GetSystemInformation | |
moveXOffset; echo "- Gathering Pi-hole information..." | |
GetSummaryInformation | |
GetPiholeInformation | |
moveXOffset; echo "- Gathering network information..." | |
GetNetworkInformation | |
moveXOffset; echo "- Gathering version information..." | |
GetVersionInformation | |
GetPADDInformation | |
moveXOffset; echo " - Pi-hole Core $CORE_VERSION" | |
moveXOffset; echo " - Web Admin $WEB_VERSION" | |
moveXOffset; echo " - FTL $FTL_VERSION" | |
moveXOffset; echo " - PADD $padd_version" | |
moveXOffset; echo " - $version_status" | |
fi | |
moveXOffset; printf "%s" "- Starting in " | |
for i in 3 2 1 | |
do | |
printf "%s..." "$i" | |
sleep 1 | |
done | |
} | |
NormalPADD() { | |
# Trap the window resize signal (handle window resize events) | |
trap 'TerminalResize' WINCH | |
while true; do | |
# Generate output that depends on the terminal size | |
# e.g. Heatmap and barchart | |
GenerateSizeDependendOutput ${padd_size} | |
# Sets the message displayed in the "status field" depending on the set flags | |
SetStatusMessage | |
# Output everything to the screen | |
PrintDashboard ${padd_size} | |
# Sleep for 5 seconds | |
# sending sleep in the background and wait for it | |
# this way the TerminalResize trap can kill the sleep | |
# and force a instant re-draw of the dashboard | |
# | |
# | |
# saving the PID of the background sleep process to kill it on exit and resize | |
sleep 5 & | |
sleepPID=$! | |
wait $! | |
# Start getting our information for next round | |
now=$(date +%s) | |
# Get uptime, CPU load, temp, etc. every 5 seconds | |
if [ $((now - LastCheckSystemInformation)) -ge 5 ]; then | |
. /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf | |
GetSystemInformation | |
LastCheckSystemInformation="${now}" | |
fi | |
# Get cache info, last ad domain, blocking percentage, etc. every 5 seconds | |
if [ $((now - LastCheckSummaryInformation)) -ge 5 ]; then | |
GetSummaryInformation | |
LastCheckSummaryInformation="${now}" | |
fi | |
# Get FTL status every 5 seconds | |
if [ $((now - LastCheckPiholeInformation)) -ge 5 ]; then | |
GetPiholeInformation | |
LastCheckPiholeInformation="${now}" | |
fi | |
# Get IPv4 address, DNS servers, DNSSEC, hostname, DHCP status, interface traffic, etc. every 30 seconds | |
if [ $((now - LastCheckNetworkInformation)) -ge 30 ]; then | |
GetNetworkInformation | |
LastCheckNetworkInformation="${now}" | |
fi | |
# Get Pi-hole components version information every 30 seconds | |
if [ $((now - LastCheckVersionInformation)) -ge 30 ]; then | |
. /etc/pihole/versions | |
GetVersionInformation | |
LastCheckVersionInformation="${now}" | |
fi | |
# Get PADD version information every 24hours | |
if [ $((now - LastCheckPADDInformation)) -ge 86400 ]; then | |
GetPADDInformation | |
LastCheckPADDInformation="${now}" | |
fi | |
done | |
} | |
DisplayHelp() { | |
cat << EOM | |
::: PADD displays stats about your Pi-hole! | |
::: | |
::: Note: If no option is passed, then stats are displayed on screen, updated every 5 seconds | |
::: | |
::: Options: | |
::: -xoff [num] set the x-offset, reference is the upper left corner, disables auto-centering | |
::: -yoff [num] set the y-offset, reference is the upper left corner, disables auto-centering | |
::: -j, --json output stats as JSON formatted string and exit | |
::: -h, --help display this help text | |
EOM | |
exit 0 | |
} | |
CleanExit(){ | |
# save the return code of the script | |
err=$? | |
#clear the line | |
printf '\e[0K\n' | |
# Show the cursor | |
# | |
printf '\e[?25h' | |
# if background sleep is running, kill it | |
# | |
kill $sleepPID > /dev/null 2>&1 | |
exit $err # exit the script with saved $? | |
} | |
TerminalResize(){ | |
# if a terminal resize is trapped, check the new terminal size and | |
# kill the sleep function within NormalPADD() to trigger redrawing | |
# of the Dashboard | |
SizeChecker | |
# Clear the screen and move cursor to (0,0). | |
# This mimics the 'clear' command. | |
# | |
# | |
# E3 extension `\e[3J` to clear the scrollback buffer (see 'man clear') | |
printf '\e[H\e[2J\e[3J' | |
kill $sleepPID > /dev/null 2>&1 | |
} | |
main(){ | |
# Hiding the cursor. | |
# | |
printf '\e[?25l' | |
# Trap on exit | |
trap 'CleanExit' INT TERM EXIT | |
# If setupVars.conf is not present, then PADD is not running on a Pi-hole | |
# and we are not able to start as StartupRoutine() will fail below | |
if [ ! -f /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf ]; then | |
printf "%b" "${check_box_bad} Error!\n PADD only works in conjunction with Pi-hole!\n" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
SizeChecker | |
StartupRoutine ${padd_size} | |
# Run PADD | |
NormalPADD | |
} | |
# Process all options (if present) | |
while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do | |
case "$1" in | |
"-j" | "--json" ) OutputJSON; exit 0;; | |
"-h" | "--help" ) DisplayHelp; exit 0;; | |
"-xoff" ) xOffset="$2"; xOffOrig="$2"; shift;; | |
"-yoff" ) yOffset="$2"; yOffOrig="$2"; shift;; | |
* ) DisplayHelp; exit 1;; | |
esac | |
shift | |
done | |
main |
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