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Created August 31, 2015 07:08
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Save giulioungaretti/4626d06b12c610efc86e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" Use Vim settings, rather than Vi settings (much better!).
" This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
set nocompatible
" Make backspace behave in a sane manner.
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" Switch syntax highlighting on
syntax on
" Enable file type detection and do language-dependent indenting.
filetype plugin indent on
" Show line numbers
set number
filetype plugin on
set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
" visual autocomplete for command menu
set wildmenu
"remove ugly ass split separator
set fillchars=""
" bybye ex mode
nnoremap Q <nop>
" use space as leader
set iskeyword-=. " '.' is an end of word designator
set iskeyword-=# " '#' is an end of word designator
set iskeyword-=- " '-' is an end of word designator
set iskeyword-=_ " '_' is an end of word designator
set nobackup
set noswapfile
set clipboard+=unnamed
" tab is 4 spaces
set tabstop=4
" always uses spaces instead of tab characters
set expandtab
" set spell check in English
setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
" special mode line at end of file
set modelines=1
" md files as markdown
autocmd BufRead,BufNew *.md set filetype=markdown
" highlight as you type
set incsearch
set showmatch " highlight matching [{()}]
" smart case when searching
set ignorecase
set smartcase
" better mousee interacation
set mouse=nicr
" folding
set foldenable " enable folding
set foldnestmax=10 " max 10 nested fold allower
set foldmethod=syntax " fold based on indent level
" reload on save
autocmd! bufwritepost .vimrc source %
" vim: foldmethod=marker
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