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Created August 14, 2015 09:52
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" IPython3 tmux integration
let g:ScreenImpl = "Tmux"
" Open an IPython3 shell.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>p :ScreenShell! ipython<CR>
" Close whichever shell is running.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>q :ScreenQuit<CR>
" Send current line to python and move to next line.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>rp V:ScreenSend<CR>j
" Send visual selection to python and move to next line.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>v :ScreenSend<CR>`>0j
" Send a <CR> to ipython.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>a :call g:ScreenShellSend("\r")<CR>
" Clear the screen.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>L
\ :call g:ScreenShellSend('!clear')<CR>
" Start a time block to execute code in.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>t
\ :call g:ScreenShellSend('%%time')<CR>
" Start a timeit block to execute code in.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>tt
\ :call g:ScreenShellSend('%%timeit')<CR>
" Start a debugger repl to execute code in.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>db
\ :call g:ScreenShellSend('%%debug')<CR>
" Start a profiling block to execute code in.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>pr
\ :call g:ScreenShellSend('%%prun')<CR>
" Print the current working directory.
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>gw
\ :call g:ScreenShellSend('!pwd')<CR>
" Set working directory to current file's folder.
function! SetWD()
let wd = '!cd ' . expand('%:p:h')
:call g:ScreenShellSend(wd)
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>sw :call SetWD()<CR>
" Get ipython help for word under cursor. Complement it with Shift + K.
function! GetHelp()
let w = expand("<cword>") . "??"
:call g:ScreenShellSend(w)
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>h :call GetHelp()<CR>
" Get `dir` help for word under cursor.
function! GetDir()
let w = "dir(" . expand("<cword>") . ")"
:call g:ScreenShellSend(w)
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>d :call GetDir()<CR>
" Get `?` help for visual selected word.
function! GetHelpMagic()
let foo_tmp = GetVisual()
let w = "?".foo_tmp
:call g:ScreenShellSend(w)
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>dc :call GetHelpMagic()<CR>
" Get len help for word under cursor.
function! GetLen()
let w = "len(" . expand("<cword>") . ")"
:call g:ScreenShellSend(w)
echo w
autocmd FileType python map <LocalLeader>l :call GetLen()<CR>
" py-doc bindings
let g:pydoc_open_cmd = 'vsplit'
let g:pydoc_cmd = '/Users/giulio/anaconda/bin/python -m pydoc'
" run file
autocmd FileType python nnoremap <buffer> <leader>r :exec '!python' shellescape(@%, 1)<cr>
" misc functinons
" gets the selected text in visual mode
function! GetVisual()
" Why is this not a built-in Vim script function?!
let [lnum1, col1] = getpos("'<")[1:2]
let [lnum2, col2] = getpos("'>")[1:2]
let lines = getline(lnum1, lnum2)
let lines[-1] = lines[-1][: col2 - (&selection == 'inclusive' ? 1 : 2)]
let lines[0] = lines[0][col1 - 1:]
return join(lines, "\n")
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