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Created January 31, 2014 11:30
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## class creation
.classes <- c("year")
#' default Constructor of the S3 class
#' @export
year <- function(x) {
structure(floor(x + .001*11/12) , class = .classes)
## coercion to year: always go via numeric
#' @export
as.year <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.year")
#' @export
as.year.default <- function(x, ...) as.year(as.numeric(x))
#' @export
as.year.numeric <- function(x, ...) {
## perche' qui fa questa cosa invece di chiamare year?
structure(floor(x), class = .classes)
#' @export
as.year.integer <- function(x, ...) structure(x, class = .classes)
#' @export
as.yearqtr.year <- function(x, ...) as.yearqtr(as.Date.year(x), ...)
#' @export
as.yearmon.year<- function(x, ...) as.yearmon(as.Date.year(x), ...)
#' @export
as.year.Date <- function(x, ...) as.year(as.numeric(strftime(x, format="%Y")), ...)
#' @export
as.year.mondate <-
as.year.jul <- # jul is in tis package
as.year.timeDate <-
as.year.dates <-
as.year.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXlt(as.Date(x,...))
#' @export
seq.year <- function(from = NA, to=NA, by = 1, ...) {
year(seq(from = as.numeric(from),
to = as.numeric(to),
by = by,
#' @export
as.year.year <- function(x, ...) x
#' @export
as.year.factor <- function(x, ...) as.year(as.character(x), ...)
#' @export
as.year.character <- function(x, ...) as.year(as.numeric(x), ...)
#' @export
as.year.ti <- function(x, ...) as.year(as.Date(x), ...)
## coercion from year
## returned Date is the fraction of the way through the period given by frac
#' @export
#' @import lubridate
as.Date.year <- function(x, frac = 1, ...) {
x <- unclass(x)
if(all( return(as.Date(x))
y <- floor(x + .001)
ix <- !
month <- rep(floor(12 * frac), length(y)) <- function(iy, month) {
feb <- 28
if(leap_year(iy)) {
feb <- 29
} = rep([1], month[1]), length(y))[] <- NA
dd.start <- as.Date(rep(NA, length(y)))
dd.start[ix] <- as.Date(paste(y[ix], month[ix],, sep = '-'))
#' @export
as.POSIXct.year <- function(x, tz = "", ...) {
as.POSIXct(as.Date(x), tz = tz, ...)
#' @export
as.year.POSIXlt <-
as.year.POSIXct <- function(x, ...) {
as.year(as.Date(x), ...)
#' @export
as.POSIXlt.year <- function(x, tz = "", ...) {
as.POSIXlt(as.Date(x), tz = tz, ...)
#' @export
as.list.year <- function(x, ...) lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) x[i])
#' @export
as.numeric.year <- function(x, ...) unclass(x)
#' @export
as.character.year <- function(x, ...) format.year(x, ...)
#' @export <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
nrows <- length(x)
nm <- paste(deparse(substitute(x), width.cutoff = 500), collapse = " ")
if (is.null(row.names)) {
if (nrows == 0) {
row.names <- character(0)
} else if(length(row.names <- names(x)) == nrows &&
!any(duplicated(row.names))) {
} else if(optional) {
row.names <- character(nrows)
} else {
row.names <- seq_len(nrows)
names(x) <- NULL
value <- list(x)
if(!optional) {
names(value) <- nm
attr(value, "row.names") <- row.names
class(value) <- "data.frame"
## other methods for class year
#' @export
c.year <- function(...) {
as.year("c", lapply(list(...), as.numeric)))
#' @export
cycle.year <- function(x, ...) as.numeric(quarters(x))
#' @export
format.year <- function(x, format = "%Y", ...) {
if (length(x) == 0) return(character(0))
## like gsub but replacement and x may be vectors the same length
gsub.vec <- function(pattern, replacement, x, ...) {
y <- x
for(i in seq_along(x)) {
y[i] <- gsub(pattern, replacement[i], x[i], ...)
x <- as.year(x)
x <- unclass(x)
year <- floor(x + .001)
if (format == "%Y") return(paste(year))
## TODO: speed up the following
xx <- gsub.vec("%Y", year, xx)
xx <- gsub.vec("%y", sprintf("%02d", as.integer(year %% 100)), xx)
xx <- gsub.vec("%C", year %/% 100, xx)
names(xx) <- names(x)
#' @export
months.year <- function(x, abbreviate) {
months(as.Date(x), abbreviate)
#' @export
quarters.year <- function(x, abbreviate) {
quarters(as.Date(x), abbreviate)
#' @export
print.year <- function(x, ...) {
print(format(x), ...)
#' @export
"[.year" <- function (x, ..., drop = TRUE)
cl <- oldClass(x)
class(x) <- NULL
val <- NextMethod("[")
class(val) <- cl
#' @export
"[[.year" <- function (x, ..., drop = TRUE)
cl <- oldClass(x)
class(x) <- NULL
val <- NextMethod("[[")
class(val) <- cl
#' @export
MATCH.year <- function(x, table, nomatch = NA, ...) {
as.numeric(x) + .001),
floor(as.numeric(table) + .001), nomatch = nomatch, ...)
#' @export
Ops.year <- function(e1, e2) {
e1 <- as.numeric(as.year(e1))
e2 <- as.numeric(as.year(e2))
rval <- NextMethod(.Generic)
if(is.numeric(rval)) rval <- year(rval)
#' @export
"-.year" <- function (e1, e2)
if (!inherits(e1, "year"))
stop("Can only subtract from year objects")
if (nargs() == 1)
return(- as.numeric(e1))
if (inherits(e2, "year"))
return(as.numeric(e1) - as.numeric(e2))
if (!is.null(attr(e2, "class")))
stop("can only subtract year objects and numbers from year objects")
year(unclass(e1) - e2)
#' @export
"+.year" <- function (e1, e2)
if (!inherits(e1, "year"))
stop("Can only add from year objects")
if (nargs() == 1)
if (inherits(e2, "year"))
return(as.numeric(e1) + as.numeric(e2))
if (!is.null(attr(e2, "class")))
stop("can only add year objects and numbers from year objects")
year(unclass(e1) + e2)
#' @export
is.numeric.year <- function(x) FALSE
#' @export
Axis.year <- function(x = NULL, at = NULL, ..., side, labels = NULL)
axis.year(x = x, at = at, ..., side = side, labels = TRUE)
#' @export
axis.year <- function (
side, x, at, format, labels = TRUE, ..., N1 = 25, N2 = 7) {
## If years in range > N1 then only years shown.
## If years in range > N2 then quarter ticks are not labelled.
mat <- missing(at) || is.null(at)
if (!mat) { # at not missing
x <- as.year(at)
} else {
x <- as.year(x)
range <- par("usr")[if (side %% 2) {
} else {
## range[1] <- ceiling(range[1])
## range[2] <- floor(range[2])
d <- range[2] - range[1]
z <- c(range, x[is.finite(x)])
class(z) <- "year"
if (d > N1) { # axis has years only
z <- structure(pretty(z), class = "year")
} else if (d > N2) { # axis has all years and unlabelled quarters
z <- seq(min(x), max(x), 0.25)
## z <- seq(floor(min(x)), ceiling(max(x)))
} else { # years and quarters
z <- seq(min(x), max(x), 0.25)
if (!mat)
z <- x[is.finite(x)]
z <- z[z >= range[1] & z <= range[2]]
z <- sort(unique(z))
class(z) <- "year"
if (identical(labels, TRUE)) {
if (missing(format)) {
format <- c("%Y", "Q%q")
if (length(format) == 1) {
format <- c(format, "")
if (d <= N2) {
labels <- format.year(z, format = format[2])
idx <- format.year(z, format = "%q") == "1"
labels <- rep(NA, length(z))
labels[idx] <- format.year(z[idx], format = format[1])
} else if (identical(labels, FALSE)) {
labels <- rep("", length(z))
axis(side, at = z, labels = labels, ...)
#' @export
summary.year <- function(object, ...)
summary(as.numeric(object), ...)
## convert from package date
#' @export <- function(x, ...) {
as.year(as.Date(x, ...))
#' @export
mean.year <- function (x, ...) as.year(mean(unclass(x), ...))
#' @export
Summary.year <- function (..., na.rm)
ok <- switch(.Generic, max = , min = , range = TRUE, FALSE)
if (!ok) stop(.Generic, " not defined for year objects")
val <- NextMethod(.Generic)
class(val) <- oldClass(list(...)[[1]])
#' @export
Sys.year <- function() as.year(Sys.Date())
#' @export
range.year <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
as.year(range.default(..., na.rm = na.rm))
#' @export
unique.year <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...) {
as.year(unique.default(x, incomparables = incomparables, ...))
#' @export
xtfrm.year <- function(x) as.numeric(x)
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