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Last active March 22, 2018 14:25
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Android Debugging
Some system properties:
setprop debug.db.uid 32767
That will cause the crash catcher (debuggerd) to freeze the process,
allowing you to use gdb/gdbserver to debug it.
In the source tree, after you "source build/" and use
"lunch" or "choosecombo", you will have a shell command called
"gdbclient". By default, it expects to debug "app_process" on port
5039 using the symbol-endowed shared libraries found in the "out"
directory (you may need "adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039" to set up the
TCP bridge). If you want to debug something else, you can issue the
gdb/gdbserver commands manually.
setprop dalvik.vm.checkjni true
setprop dalvik.vm.jniopts forcecopy
enables jni checks (security)
setprop libc.debug.malloc 10
Enable malloc debugging
1 - perform leak detection
5 - fill allocated memory to detect overruns
10 - fill memory and add sentinels to detect overruns
20 - use special instrumented malloc/free routines for the emulator
adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
Forward tcp communication on adb link(eg: usb cable)
Example on GDB:
#on the target:
ps (get the process id - #PiD)
gdbserver :5039 --attach #PiD &
#on the pc, inside android source tree:
prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.7/bin/arm-elf-gdb out/target/product/sooner/system/bin/app_process
(gdb) set solib-absolute-prefix /work/android/device/out/target/product/sooner/symbols
(gdb) set solib-search-path /work/android/device/out/target/product/sooner/symbols/android/lib
(gdb) target remote :5039
Don't let other threads get scheduled while we're debugging. You should "set scheduler-locking off" before issuing a "continue", or else your thread may get stuck on a futex or other spinlock because no other thread can release it.
(gdb) set scheduler-locking on
Ignore SIGUSR1 if you're using JamVM. Shouldn't hurt if you're not.
(gdb) handle SIGUSR1 noprint
(gdb) where
#0 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
#1 0x53010eb8 in pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x12081c, mutex=0x120818, abstime=0xffffffff)
at system/klibc/android/pthread.c:490
#2 0x6b01c848 in monitorWait (mon=0x120818, self=0x6b039ba4, ms=0, ns=0) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/lock.c:194
#3 0x6b01d1d8 in objectWait (obj=0x408091c0, ms=0, ns=0) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/lock.c:420
#4 0x6b01d4c8 in jamWait (clazz=0xfffffffc, mb=0x0, ostack=0x2e188) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/natives.c:91
#5 0x6b013b2c in resolveNativeWrapper (clazz=0x408001d0, mb=0x41798, ostack=0x2e188) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/dll.c:236
#6 0x6b015c04 in executeJava () at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/interp.c:2614
#7 0x6b01471c in executeMethodVaList (ob=0x0, clazz=0x40808f20, mb=0x12563c, jargs=0xbe9229f4)
at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/execute.c:91
#8 0x6b01bcd0 in Jam_CallStaticVoidMethod (env=0xfffffffc, klass=0x0, methodID=0x12563c)
at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/jni.c:1063
#9 0x58025b2c in android::AndroidRuntime::callStatic (this=0xfffffffc,
className=0xbe922f0a "android/activity/ActivityThread", methodName=0x57000b7c "main")
at libs/android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.cpp:215
#10 0x57000504 in android::app_init (className=0xbe922f0a "android/activity/ActivityThread")
at servers/app/library/app_init.cpp:20
#11 0x000089b0 in android::sp<android::ProcessState>::~sp ()
#12 0x000089b0 in android::sp<android::ProcessState>::~sp ()
Previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
(gdb) info threads
7 thread 263 __ioctl () at system/klibc/syscalls/__ioctl.S:12
6 thread 262 accept () at system/klibc/syscalls/accept.S:12
5 thread 261 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
4 thread 260 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
3 thread 259 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
2 thread 258 __sigsuspend () at system/klibc/syscalls/__sigsuspend.S:12
1 thread 257 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
(gdb) thread 7
[Switching to thread 7 (thread 263)]#0 __ioctl () at system/klibc/syscalls/__ioctl.S:12
12 movs r0, r0
(gdb) bt
#0 __ioctl () at system/klibc/syscalls/__ioctl.S:12
#1 0x53010704 in ioctl (fd=-512, request=-1072143871) at system/klibc/android/ioctl.c:22
#2 0x51040ac0 in android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver (this=0x1207b8, doReceive=true) at RefBase.h:83
#3 0x510418a0 in android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool (this=0x1207b8, isMain=false)
at libs/utils/IPCThreadState.cpp:343
#4 0x51046004 in android::PoolThread::threadLoop (this=0xfffffe00) at libs/utils/ProcessState.cpp:52
#5 0x51036428 in android::Thread::_threadLoop (user=0xfffffe00) at libs/utils/Threads.cpp:1100
#6 0x58025c68 in android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell (args=0x105ffe28) at libs/android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.cpp:540
(gdb) thread 6
[Switching to thread 6 (thread 262)]#0 accept () at system/klibc/syscalls/accept.S:12
12 movs r0, r0
(gdb) bt
#0 accept () at system/klibc/syscalls/accept.S:12
#1 0x6b0334e4 in jdwpAcceptConnection (state=0xfffffe00) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/jdwp/JdwpNet.c:213
#2 0x6b032660 in jdwpThreadEntry (self=0x4d020) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/jdwp/JdwpMain.c:37
#3 0x6b022c2c in shell (args=0x4d960) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:629
(gdb) thread 5
[Switching to thread 5 (thread 261)]#0 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
88 bx lr
(gdb) bt
#0 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
#1 0x53010f48 in pthread_cond_timeout (cond=0x6b039b64, mutex=0x6b039b60, msecs=0) at system/klibc/android/pthread.c:513
#2 0x6b01c8d0 in monitorWait (mon=0x6b039b60, self=0x4d400, ms=1000, ns=272629312) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/lock.c:183
#3 0x6b022084 in threadSleep (thread=0x4d400, ms=1000, ns=272629312) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:215
#4 0x6b00d4fc in asyncGCThreadLoop (self=0x4d400) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/alloc.c:1179
#5 0x6b022c2c in shell (args=0x4d480) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:629
(gdb) thread 4
[Switching to thread 4 (thread 260)]#0 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
88 bx lr
(gdb) bt
#0 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
#1 0x53010eb8 in pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x6b039934, mutex=0x6b039930, abstime=0x0)
at system/klibc/android/pthread.c:490
#2 0x6b00b3ec in referenceHandlerThreadLoop (self=0x4d360) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/alloc.c:1247
#3 0x6b022c2c in shell (args=0x4d960) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:629
(gdb) thread 3
[Switching to thread 3 (thread 259)]#0 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
88 bx lr
(gdb) bt
#0 __futex_wait () at system/klibc/android/atomics_arm.S:88
#1 0x53010eb8 in pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x6b03992c, mutex=0x6b039928, abstime=0x0)
at system/klibc/android/pthread.c:490
#2 0x6b00b1dc in finalizerThreadLoop (self=0x4d8e0) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/alloc.c:1238
#3 0x6b022c2c in shell (args=0x4d960) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:629
(gdb) thread 2
[Switching to thread 2 (thread 258)]#0 __sigsuspend () at system/klibc/syscalls/__sigsuspend.S:12
12 movs r0, r0
(gdb) bt
#0 __sigsuspend () at system/klibc/syscalls/__sigsuspend.S:12
#1 0x6b023814 in dumpThreadsLoop (self=0x51b98) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:1107
#2 0x6b022c2c in shell (args=0x51b58) at extlibs/jamvm-1.4.1/src/thread.c:629
Android debug:
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