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Last active June 24, 2019 23:24
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Opening hand analysis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
opening_hand_size = 5
deck_sizes = range(40, 62, 2)
n_trials = 10000
rates = []
gt_rates = []
std = []
n_card_copies = 3
# You know, I thought using strings here would be slower.
# But I tried replacing them with ints, and it didn't get
# much faster. So the joke gets to live on.
desired_card_one = "Left Hand of Exodia"
desired_card_two = "Right Hand of Exodia"
trash_card = "Kuriboh"
for deck_size in deck_sizes:
# Theoretical expectation:
from math import factorial
def choose(n, r):
return float(factorial(n)) // factorial(r) // factorial(n-r)
def hypergeometric_distrib(num_c1, num_c2, hand_size, deck_size):
numerator = (choose(n_card_copies, num_c1) *
choose(n_card_copies, num_c2) *
choose(deck_size - n_card_copies - n_card_copies, hand_size - num_c1 - num_c2))
return numerator / choose(deck_size, hand_size)
total_expected = 0.
for num_c1 in range(1, min(n_card_copies, opening_hand_size)):
for num_c2 in range(1, min(n_card_copies, opening_hand_size-num_c1)):
total_expected += hypergeometric_distrib(num_c1, num_c2, opening_hand_size, deck_size)
deck = [desired_card_one]*n_card_copies \
+ [desired_card_two]*n_card_copies \
+ [trash_card]*(deck_size-n_card_copies*2)
outcomes = []
for trial_k in range(n_trials):
hand = np.random.choice(deck, size=opening_hand_size, replace=False)
#print("Hand: ", ", ".join(hand))
if desired_card_one in hand and desired_card_two in hand:
rate = float(sum(outcomes))/float(n_trials)
#print("Of %d trials, %d (= %f%%) opening hands contained both %s and %s." % (
# n_trials, sum(outcomes), rate, desired_card_one, desired_card_two))
# Normal approx
z = 1.96
errorbars = z*np.sqrt((np.array(rates) * (1. - np.array(rates)))/n_trials)
plt.errorbar(deck_sizes, rates, yerr=errorbars, label="MC analysis, %d trials" % n_trials)
plt.title("Analysis of pair occurance in %d-card hands with %d of each card in deck" % (opening_hand_size, n_card_copies))
plt.ylabel("Fraction of hands containing both cards")
plt.xlabel("Deck size (cards)")
plt.scatter(deck_sizes, gt_rates, c='red', marker=(5, 2), s=80, label="Theoretical expected")
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