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Created April 28, 2017 02:31
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Find the shortest path to a certain volume
(defn- neighboring-edges [node capacity]
(for [i (range (count capacity))
j (range (count capacity))
:when (not= i j)]
(let [total-amount (+ (get node i) (get node j))
amount-in-j (min total-amount (get capacity j))
amount-in-i (- total-amount amount-in-j)]
{:node (assoc node i amount-in-i j amount-in-j)
:pour [i j]})))
(defn- next-state [capacity {:keys [queue paths]}]
(when-let [node (first queue)]
(let [new-edges (remove #(contains? paths (:node %)) (neighboring-edges node capacity))]
{:queue (into (pop queue) (map :node new-edges))
:paths (reduce #(assoc %1 (:node %2) (conj (paths node) %2)) paths new-edges)})))
(defn find-way-to-fill-to-capacity [initial-state capacity desired]
(->> {:queue (conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY initial-state)
:paths {initial-state [{:node initial-state :starting true}]}}
(iterate (partial next-state capacity))
(take-while #(not-empty (:queue %)))
(some (fn [{:keys [queue paths]}]
(let [node (first queue)]
(when (some #(= desired %) node)
(paths node)))))))
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gja commented Apr 28, 2017

(find-way-to-fill-to-capacity [0 0 8] [3 5 8] 4)
; => [{:node [0 0 8], :starting true} {:node [0 5 3], :pour [2 1]} {:node [3 2 3], :pour [1 0]} {:node [0 2 6], :pour [0 2]} {:node [2 0 6], :pour [1 0]} {:node [2 5 1], :pour [2 1]} {:node [3 4 1], :pour [1 0]}]

(find-way-to-fill-to-capacity [0 0 8] [3 5 8] 2)
; => [{:node [0 0 8], :starting true} {:node [0 5 3], :pour [2 1]} {:node [3 2 3], :pour [1 0]}]

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