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Created April 9, 2014 20:32
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Scheme Interpreter in Haskell
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
data Exp = IntExp Integer
| SymExp String
| SExp [Exp]
deriving (Show)
data Val = IntVal Integer
| SymVal String
| PrimVal ([Val] -> [(String, Val)] -> Val)
| DefVal String Val
| ExceptionVal String
| TrueVal
| NilVal
| ConsVal [Val]
| MacroVal ([Exp] -> [(String, Val)] -> Exp)
instance Eq Val where
(IntVal i) == (IntVal j) = i == j
(SymVal s) == (SymVal t) = s == t
TrueVal == TrueVal = True
NilVal == NilVal = True
_ == _ = False
run x = parseTest x
-- Lexicals
adigit = oneOf ['0'..'9']
digits = many1 adigit
identifierCharacters = oneOf $ ['-', '*', '+', '/', ':', '?', '>', '<', '='] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']
leftParen = char '('
rightParen = char ')'
-- Grammaticals
anInt = do d <- digits <?> "a number"
return $ IntExp (read d)
aVar = do f <- identifierCharacters <?> "a variable"
r <- many (identifierCharacters <|> adigit) <?> "a variable"
return $ (SymExp (f:r))
aSExp = do exp <- between leftParen rightParen (many1 anExp) <?> "a sexp"
return $ (SExp exp)
anAtom = anInt
<|> aVar
expStartingWith c clazz = do char c
exp <- anExpWithNoWhitespace
return $ SExp [SymExp clazz, exp]
quotedExp = expStartingWith '\'' "quote"
quaziQuotedExp = expStartingWith '`' "quaziquote"
unquotedExp = expStartingWith ',' "unquote"
anExpWithNoWhitespace = anAtom
<|> aSExp
<|> quotedExp
<|> quaziQuotedExp
<|> unquotedExp
anExp = anExpWithNoWhitespace
<|> do { many1 space; anExpWithNoWhitespace }
-- Evaluator
eval :: Exp -> [(String,Val)] -> Val
eval (IntExp i) env = IntVal i
eval (SymExp i) ((k,v):xs) = if i == k then v else eval (SymExp i) xs
eval (SymExp i) [] = error $ "Symbol " ++ i ++ " has no value"
eval (SExp [SymExp "def", SymExp name, value]) env = DefVal name (eval value env)
eval (SExp [SymExp "define", SymExp name, SExp vars, body]) env = DefVal name (PrimVal $ dynamicFunction vars body)
eval (SExp [SymExp "defmacro", SymExp name, SExp args, body]) env = DefVal name (MacroVal $ dynamicMacro args body)
eval (SExp [SymExp "lambda", SExp vars, body]) env = PrimVal $ dynamicLambda vars body env
eval (SExp ((SymExp "or"):terms)) env = firstNonNil terms env
eval (SExp ((SymExp "and"):terms)) env = firstNil terms env
eval (SExp [SymExp "cond", SExp terms]) env = doCond (chunksOf 2 terms) env
eval (SExp [SymExp "let", SExp terms, body]) env = doLet terms body env
eval (SExp [SymExp "quote", body]) env = quotify body
eval (SExp [SymExp "quaziquote", body]) env = quaziQuotify body env
eval (SExp (f:v)) env =
let toExecute = eval f env
in case toExecute of
PrimVal function -> function values env
where values = map (\x -> eval x env) v
MacroVal macro -> eval (macro v env) env
-- Functions
foldOverInts operator ((IntVal f):vals) env = IntVal $ foldl (\acc (IntVal x) -> (operator acc x)) f vals
functionAdd = foldOverInts (+)
functionSub = foldOverInts (-)
functionMul = foldOverInts (*)
functionNot (NilVal:xs) _ = TrueVal
functionNot (_:xs) _ = NilVal
intsInOrder operator ((IntVal f):xs) env = goThroughInts f xs
where goThroughInts _ [] = TrueVal
goThroughInts f ((IntVal s):xs) = if (operator f s) then goThroughInts s xs else NilVal
functionEq = intsInOrder (==)
functionLT = intsInOrder (<)
functionGT = intsInOrder (>)
functionLE = intsInOrder (<=)
functionGE = intsInOrder (>=)
functionCons [val, NilVal] env = ConsVal [val]
functionCons [val, ConsVal list] env = ConsVal (val:list)
functionCons [val1, val2] env = ConsVal [val1, val2]
functionCar [ConsVal (x:xs)] env = x
functionCar [ConsVal []] env = NilVal
functionCdr [ConsVal (x:xs)] env = ConsVal xs
functionCdr [ConsVal []] env = NilVal
functionMap [PrimVal f, ConsVal list] env = ConsVal $ map (\x -> f [x] env) list
functionNth [IntVal n, ConsVal list] env = getNth n list
where getNth 0 (x:xs) = x
getNth _ [] = NilVal
getNth n (x:xs) = getNth (n - 1) xs
functionApply [PrimVal function, ConsVal list] env = function list env
functionList values env = ConsVal values
functionEval [exp] env = eval (unquotify exp) env
runtime = [("+", (PrimVal functionAdd)),
("*", (PrimVal functionMul)),
("-", (PrimVal functionSub)),
("t", TrueVal),
("nil", NilVal),
("not", (PrimVal functionNot)),
("=", (PrimVal functionEq)),
("<", (PrimVal functionLT)),
(">", (PrimVal functionGT)),
("<=", (PrimVal functionLE)),
(">=", (PrimVal functionGE)),
("cons", (PrimVal functionCons)),
("car", (PrimVal functionCar)),
("cdr", (PrimVal functionCdr)),
("map", (PrimVal functionMap)),
("nth", (PrimVal functionNth)),
("apply", (PrimVal functionApply)),
("list", (PrimVal functionList)),
("eval", (PrimVal functionEval))
-- Special forms
-- Warning, the global binding leaks into the function. Must fix
dynamicFunction args body = function
where function inputVars env = (eval body (newEnv ++ env))
where newEnv = zipWith (\(SymExp x) y -> (x, y)) args inputVars
dynamicLambda args body env = theLambda
where f = dynamicFunction args body
theLambda inputVars _ = f inputVars env
-- This also leaks scope into the function
dynamicMacro args body = function
where function inputParams macroEnv = newBody
where newBody = unquotify $ eval body (argsEnv ++ macroEnv)
argsEnv = zipWith (\(SymExp x) y -> (x, y)) args quotedInputParams
quotedInputParams = map quotify inputParams
quotify (IntExp i) = IntVal i
quotify (SymExp name) = SymVal name
quotify (SExp terms) = ConsVal $ map quotify terms
quaziQuotify (SExp terms) env = ConsVal $ map maybeQuotify terms
where maybeQuotify (SExp [SymExp "unquote", exp]) = eval exp env
maybeQuotify (SExp terms) = ConsVal $ map maybeQuotify terms
maybeQuotify term = quotify term
quaziQuotify exp _ = quotify exp
unquotify (IntVal i) = IntExp i
unquotify (SymVal name) = SymExp name
unquotify (ConsVal terms) = SExp $ map unquotify terms
firstNonNil [x] env = eval x env
firstNonNil (x:xs) env = let val = eval x env
in case val of
NilVal -> firstNonNil xs env
otherwise -> val
firstNil [x] env = eval x env
firstNil (x:xs) env = let val = eval x env
in case val of
NilVal -> NilVal
otherwise -> firstNil xs env
doCond ([cond, exp]:rest) env = let val = eval cond env
in case val of
NilVal -> doCond rest env
otherwise -> eval exp env
doCond ([exp]:rest) env = eval exp env
doCond [] env = NilVal
doLet terms body originalEnv = eval body newEnv
where newEnv = foldl addToEnv originalEnv terms
addToEnv env (SExp [SymExp name,body]) = (name, eval body originalEnv):env
-- Printer
instance Show Val where
show (IntVal i) = show i
show (SymVal name) = name
show (ExceptionVal i) = error i
show (DefVal name value) = name ++ " -> " ++ show value
show (PrimVal _) = "fn"
show NilVal = "nil"
show TrueVal = "t"
show (ConsVal values) = "(" ++ (foldl (\x y -> x ++ (show y) ++ " ") "" values) ++ ")"
show (MacroVal _) = "mc"
evalString l defs = case exp of
Right e -> ret $ eval e defs
Left e -> (ExceptionVal (show e), defs)
where exp = parse anExp "Expression" l
ret (DefVal e v) = (DefVal e v, (e,v):defs)
ret ev = (ev, defs)
repl defs =
do putStr "> "
l <- getLine
(val, ndefs) <- return $ evalString l defs
putStrLn (show val)
repl ndefs
main = repl runtime
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