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Last active March 4, 2023 16:30
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Script Helpers

Script Helpers


Include the following lines at the top of your script (make sure you're using bash as the interpreter):

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd "$(dirname $0)/.."
[ -f ".h" ] || curl -s -o ".h" -L https://; . ".h"

Don't forget to add .cache.* and .h to your .gitignore file:

echo ".cache.*" >> .gitignore
echo ".h" >> .gitignore


#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd "$(dirname $0)/.."
[ -f ".h" ] || curl -s -o ".h" -L; . ".h"


title "Checking system dependencies..."

ensure "which heroku" "brew install heroku-toolbelt"
ensure "which identify" "brew install imagemagick"
ensure "which phantomjs" "brew install phantomjs"

title "Setting up pow..."

ensure "which pow" "brew install pow"
ensure "test -d $HOME/.pow" "brew info pow"
ensure "echo 5000 > $HOME/.pow/kipict"

title "Setting up ruby..."

ensure "which ruby" "brew install rbenv"
ensure "which bundle" "gem install bundler"
ensure "cached Gemfile || bundle install"

title "Setting up postgres..."

ensure "which psql" "brew install postgresql"
ensure "echo '\\l' | psql postgres" "postgres -D /opt/boxen/homebrew/var/postgres"
ensure "echo '\\l' | psql postgres | grep kipict_$RAILS_ENV" \
  "heroku local:run rake db:create"
ensure "cached db/migrate || heroku local:run rake db:migrate"

title "Setting up redis..."

ensure "which redis-server" "brew install redis"
ensure "redis-cli ping | grep PONG" "redis-server /opt/boxen/homebrew/etc/redis.conf"



Used to group several ensures under the same concept:

title "Checking system dependencies..."


Makes sure that a given command is successful and prints it's status along with a short message on error.

ensure "which identify"
ensure "test -d $HOME/.pow" "brew info pow"


Caches the contents of a file or directory, returning whether the existing cache was updated or not.

It should be used inside a ensure to avoid running time consuming commands if the file or directory used to run that command hasn't changed.

ensure "cached Gemfile || bundle install"
ensure "cached db/migrate || heroku local:run rake db:migrate"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script Helpers
# A helper file that can sourced into your project scripts to to DRY them up.
# If you don't know what project scripts are, please read
# [scripts-to-rule-them-all](
# More information:
title() { echo -e "\033[0;34m\n${1}\n\033[0m"; }
ensure() {
echo -n "$1... "
if (exec &>/dev/null; eval $1); then
echo -e "\033[0;32m✓ done\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[0;31m✗ error!$([ -z "$2" ] || echo "\nTry: $2")" && exit 1
cached() {
[ -e "$1" ] || return 1
local cache="$(cat ".cache.${1//\//_}" 2>/dev/null)"
local new_cache=$(find "$1" -exec cat {} \; | shasum)
echo "$new_cache" > ".cache.${1//\//_}" && [[ "$new_cache" == "$cache" ]]
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