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Created May 2, 2017 02:33
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id text
805168201126518784 @ryanisaac this is the weirdest quarter of football I’ve seen in a while
804818096942968833 @SportsTribution I don't follow.
804816669281546240 Looking for a weekend longread? @samhinkie's resignation letter is still one of the best things I've read in 2016
804759041318813696 Have used Postico to query our Redshift cluster for the last few months and it's been great. Similar to Sequel Pro.
804699067590840320 @jrmontag @tanehisicoates Agreed. Important book.
804690839221964801 The Year of the Looking Glass: Building Products
804469380352446464 "So how do we build trust? The easy answer is by producing high quality work. The hard part is how you get there."
804015210621239297 Holywow this looks awesome. Continuously impressed by the data products the @awscloud team keeps churning out:
803734870706896896 RT @jevnin: I'd recommend working with this guy.
803453138304958466 @gallamine It's a portion of current team work that is becoming bigger. Chicago only for now.
803394672605462528 @jevnin Too kind. Thanks Josh (you too @databozo).
803374864484728832 @treycausey You're hired if you can find the optimal amount of powdered sugar.
803335795272773632 @TrevAustin Seeing a "Sales Ended." Finite space? Waitlist?
798258165624107008 RT @DsAtweet: Some outstanding Chicago data scientists with varying backgrounds discuss the field and their path to it:…
796771986336845826 @treycausey @theglamp @amazon #teamSmuckers
796705059069431811 RT @hmason: All of the answers we want are not in the data. They never are. Sometimes we need to go outside and talk to people.
796059570280034305 @fulhack @amuellerml Pelican's pretty great and written in Python.
796011723018928128 .@benthompson nails it today: Why Twitter Must Be Saved via @stratechery
794714136068419584 @neilkod thanks - you too Neil!
794683179936444416 ✅ 1)💍💑👰🏻🎉 ✅🏆 2) 🐻⚾️🎟 ✅ 3) 3️⃣1️⃣🎂 😳🙏🏻 4) 🗳🇺🇸
794530737571631104 Too nice of Chicago to throw a parade for my birthday. Thanks @Cubs - best gift ever. #CubsWin #FlyTheW
792148827465801728 🐻⚾️ #WorldSeries #BucketList
792031886692397056 .@aaronrankin on Why business chatbots need to plot a new course via @VentureBeat
792031795592122369 @No_Little_Plans jealous. see you there tonight.
792031202228080640 @No_Little_Plans Press creds again?
791994248111411201 RT @treycausey: Oct. 26 vs. Oct 28.
791332507182436353 @onecaseman TIL
791332109851820032 @onecaseman "and unfortunate branding (the “Yummy Rummy sweepstakes”)" shots fired
790220650942177280 @arnicas thank you!
790213747520438273 @arnicas all done with that one already 😊
790211818966880258 My three weeks 1)💍💑👰🏻🎉 2) 🐻⚾️🎟 3) 3️⃣1️⃣🎂 4) 🗳🇺🇸
789283097242013696 RT @thisismetis: Find a passion. Then find a project. Then find the data set. And only then find the tools. @gjreda #MetisGrandOpening http…
789283023879479296 RT @thisismetis: Advice to future data scientists: you must be great at learning and curious. This is most important. @gjreda #MetisGrandOp…
788872115088924673 @Siraris @SlackHQ recipient wouldn't get phone notification
788764351490498560 More realistic: start stubbing out the function and write the docstring once you _really_ start understanding how it'll work + its params
788762312928657410 Write docstrings before you write the function.
788132924692410368 @djpardis the pain is real:
788059417824550912 Must-read stuff for anyone working in analytics. Don’t Become a Victim of One Key Metric via @onecaseman
788003988276936704 @deanmalmgren pretty decently 🤓
787800870834479104 Current status #NLCS
787745480876908544 [new post] Wrote something brief showing how to use #Python's concurrent.futures module for asynchronous scraping
787328688631054336 👌
786319255293743104 Goldfish crackers are my kryptonite and we have a seemingly endless supply at work 😬
786260630349107200 @RushingBaseball Javy looked so bad on that first pitch slider. Crazy Strickland didn't go back to it.
786254610726084608 Scheduled meetings have their place—but here's how a simple coffee date can impact your team.
785516827027746817 @tdhopper I do think spoken word is a better medium.
785513416978944000 🔥 1/ Slack and other group chat clients lead to less considered and thoughtful communication due to the emphasis on immediacy
781872141977346049 Really enjoyed this. Congrats @darenw -- Can New Technology Bring Baseball’s Data Revolution to Fielding?
780944488302862336 Dinner: A Love Story
780912947048554496 @No_Little_Plans this is so good. Thanks for sharing
780861072555204609 @TomFornelli Kind of my point. Everyone thought it'd be competitive and it wasn't. Cubs had a rough July. Could easily happen again.
780858891701673984 @TomFornelli Cubs fan who nervously agrees with you here. No one thought they'd get swept in 2015 NLCS though.
780823789806288896 @fredbenenson congrats Fred
780420006874058752 This is an excellent paper. Recommended for anyone working on ML problems/systems
780154098700005376 @palewire @mattdennewitz used the library for the first time yesterday 😍 had a gist handy too:
777120175518785536 @arnicas is another good one (and mobile friendly)
775476053254942720 @databozo I think it could be pretty natural(ish) for DS at small cos that have needed to wear many hats and work directly with PMs often.
775474825661779968 Data scientist friend looking to transition into PM role in SEA area. Would seriously be perfect for data/ML-focused teams/products. DM me?
775081302592675840 @bikesarefun Thanks!
774343277688401921 @rjurney
774083426752208896 @gcaprio
773956504323928064 @gallamine Trying to figure out a good way to explicitly check that data was loaded for {date}
773956225822171136 @gallamine Did you ever figure out a good way around this?
773245159102377984 @samarthbhaskar surprisingly an accurate way of describing the company (InContext Solutions)
772597652198346752 @peterseibel is excellent
771794505087365120 @aaronrankin Give both groups a break -- they only get to enjoy one out of every 17 years.
771338833766023168 RT @TomAugspurger: Quick post with a bit of info about stitch and why I like this kind of knitr / knitpy / rmarkdown type of library: https…
770655786603163648 @therriaultphd @treycausey nothing wrong with listening to The Cure over and over.
770076944893370369 RT @PyData: @seanmylaw @gjreda email us at if you're interested to learn more about organizing a PyData conference or meet…
770057891348881409 @seanmylaw @captainsafia would be the best person to answer this. Impossible without the effort she put in.
769545964415778817 .@katyhuff kicking off #PyDataChi2016 with a fantastically inspirational keynote on giving back to the OSS community
768864184557719552 Fantastic tweetstorm on the state of politics in Chicago
768496096800759808 RT @rasbt: my #PyDataChi16 scikit/ML tutorial should be up now if attendees like to get materials beforehand (not required!) :) https://t.c…
766713074178859009 You can still get your tickets here: // @PyData #python #pydata
766713022073020417 Reminder: @PyDataChi starts a week from today and has a fantastic set of speakers and tutorials.
766106751271862272 @ryanvmenezes @TomAugspurger yep
765600865738555392 @grant_jones_ Depends on what it is. My team still presents work-work to stakeholders even if we couldn't get to an "answer."
764833427707293696 @adamlaiacano think cycling’s up there too
764176380703612928 Confession: I just lost 60 mins to debugging data loading errors. I was replacing line breaks on the wrong field. 😭
763793862246535168 Solving All the Wrong Problems
761033148503240708 @skamille america's test kitchen has a great recipe with a food processor if you've got one.
760833991112953857 RT @samarthbhaskar: Guaranteed way to improve your analyst skills: m̶a̶c̶h̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶r̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ d̶e̶e̶p̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶r̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ better writ…
760215000107524096 @PaulReda you should have made this a poll.
760135146892828672 @fredbenenson notness
758812037480710144 @PaulReda Morgan and I have been saying we need to buy some old bankrupt brand and bring back the nostalgia of it.
756551162996793344 TIL Dookie won a Grammy (rightfully so).
756539253274779648 RT @aleffert: Tech people: Can’t commit to a full time gig but want to help out?
756538638578642944 @ekapus @aaronrankin Yep! Though have generally been working my way from early 80s to recent.
756516419349516288 Been going through albums emblematic of recent musical periods. Really glad alternative/nu-metal from the early 2000s didn't stick.
756481442817806342 RT @py_bay: Announcing diversity scholarships for #PyBay2016 sponsor @Clover_Health - Apply today and spread the word!…
755521038117511168 Don't forget to get your tickets
755112022807764993 @jevnin @qethanm true. it also suggests the companies in question aren't getting enough into the funnel.
755037835514683396 Annoying trend: data platform companies cold emailing sales pitches each week. Just because there's an unsubscribe button doesn't make it ok
754003210411573248 @databozo What about "questions" that start with "Actually ..."
753963825032892416 JupyterLab looks fantastic for bridging that initial exploratory phase of DS projects with eventual production code
752503600748765184 ICYMI: pandas contributor @TomAugspurger turned his excellent pandas tutorials into an ebook #pydata #python
752220451192107008 @treycausey @oceankidbilly @hadleywickham How PoGo raised $5m at a $25m valuation
752199878864953344 @treycausey @oceankidbilly Scaling Pokemon Go with Go
752097803044814848 Jet lag = 6am grocery shopping and this view 🇺🇸
749270122796347392 👋🏻
747903980324327425 🇺🇸 ✈️ 🇪🇸
747593671541829632 @treycausey @onecaseman's a good add
747459379146989568 @Justyn Suspect it wouldn't even cost this much -- just people voting. The NRA always delivers their base.
745616535239065600 RT @StatsbyLopez: The making and comparison of draft curves
744232502177435648 View from the turnaround point on today's ride.
743830355438800896 “Knowing when not to look at a piece of data is just as important as knowing when to look.” — @noahhlo
743173110598406144 @tonyfischetti Wonder if this is due to "selection" happening earlier. Best at your gym already know they aren't great compared to elite.
743093729104437248 A counterpoint to "the best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads."
739898847581765632 @oceankidbilly @djpardis me first
738447855145230336 Reminder: @PyDataChi CFP is only open for another two weeks - get those proposals in: #pydata #python
737694534667116544 @SethPartnow Congrats Seth
735496673330237443 @alexzhao They should have been reading Tom's series instead:
735298037753491457 The Tell-Tale Low-Battery Smoke Alarm in the Apartment Below. By Greg Reda.
732984877805506560 Hey! My awesome coworker @loooorenanicole is running for the Python Software Foundation's BoD. +10000000000 to this.
732698679920889857 @Springcoil IDEO has a wealth of stuff on their site as well.
731531791891369984 @jrmontag nice! Not surprised either - One read down and already see the value in reading it periodically.
731531306983641091 More great stuff from @TomAugspurger's "modern pandas" series.
730859116101394432 Clearly shows the importance of baseball's metagame - Graphing Pitch Count Effects h/t @statsbylopez
730026361469964289 @jjudge my pleasure!
729850764609335296 @jjudge @bright_io congrats Jeff - she looks great!
729850321720233985 So jazzed to see my pal @jjudge officially launch @bright_io.
729793943450308608 Really enjoyed Obama's commencement speech at Howard
728673858119565313 This new White Lung album 😳🔥💯 Fantastically raucous guitar and drum work.
728617371162816513 @mstringer Is that Ted Cruz on the kit?
727251739880083457 @RobHart1980 wait what? Say it ain't so.
725872029077889025 @stevesanger @jjudge and @bright_io
725065375323439105 @samarthbhaskar Market Freaks Out Despite Company's Warning Two Months Ago.
724946306960097280 @barnicas so sorry to hear Lynn
724316746509852673 What Happens When Baseball-Stats Nerds Run a Pro Team? -
722786295076945920 TIL `apply` is bad news for performance. That and more in another edition of "modern pandas" from @TomAugspurger:
722598746966597632 @MLBTV is this a known issues on AppleTV?
722437977654312960 Experienced developers: Come work with me @SproutSocial! We're looking for an Engineering Manager:
722109399875989505 Deep Jazz: because the jazz you listen to while building models should be deep learned.
722107627681898496 @treycausey It's a great "get your email's domain marked as spam" strategy though.
721096070223278080 @PaulReda never thought to look at these but there are some solid ones. Might need to get a @TinCaps shirt.
721095195501150208 @PaulReda I hope you got a Montgomery Biscuits on.
721006178550095873 RT @treycausey: Hierarchy: "Data can't replace instinct." "It's just another tool in our toolbox." "We're data-driven." "We're data-informe…
721005557402873857 @treycausey 5. "Isn't there an AI bot to do this?"
720366903802347520 @kurtinc for some definition of "best"
720286111906422785 I love everything about this article.
717910775004852224 @Siraris @Spotify @n_mcmillan sidebar is fine - saying I don't want to watch it and change song accordingly every time.
717856743766814720 @Siraris @Spotify @n_mcmillan don't want to actively manage on my machine and still won't necessarily be real-time
717840277583560704 .@Spotify feature idea from @n_mcmillan: "Join what I'm streaming" - can listen to what a friend is playing in real-time.
717350090348883969 RT @TomAugspurger: Part 2 of this Pandas series: All about method chains.
717190680045559808 My night 🍰 (Cubs up top)
716989195751792641 @joelgrus Probably not. I was just being a good data scientist and communicating uncertainty :)
715920542713262082 @gjreda Turns out data leakage wins again.
715556584269611008 RT @danmalter: Using Markov chains and #pitchRx to predict pitches in baseball
715539742058618880 @FrankAlvarez That was my understanding too.
715538271112007680 Wasn't familiar with lift analysis prior to this. What's the reason to use it vs better calibration of your model?
714804018841686016 pandas developer @TomAugspurger is writing a series of posts on modern pandas. Really looking forward to it.
714634506314055680 @TomAugspurger strong correlation between emoji variables and well explained technical concepts cc @tdhopper
714633468798504961 @TomAugspurger I feel like bike shedding something like that is a good thing - means you've thought a lot about best way to communicate it.
714507177428328448 @hspter @stitchfix Congrats Hilary - they're lucky to have you
714505858101563396 @kriskaz32 Feel like this is @justinmassa's sweet spot ...
712854510243352576 @Justyn @kriskaz32 got a 3DS around xmas and have been enjoying its Zelda and Mario since. Also lets you download the original versions.
712114817125974016 @Justyn Mrs. Chanandler Bong*
711193373986725889 @tdhopper Congrats Tim
710911636597411840 @mollybierman
710491978320838661 My coworker @nicklackeart made a Trump shirt and it is 👌
709925739970338816 @databozo @jevnin standing shoulder to shoulder while there are empty seats = silly.
709829261583118337 RT @ProductHunt: Landscape by Sprout Social: An interactive tool for social media image resizing via @bramk https:/…
709817848240025600 RT @segment: Cohort Analysis with Python: via @gjreda #Data
709457549846663168 @gjreda still not javascript:
709450103229001729 @trent_hauck have always considered nan along similar lines as None or NULL.
709449621534154753 @jiffyclub @tdhopper I guess I've always thought of NaN more like None or NULL.
709444163578638336 In [8]: bool(np.nan) Out[8]: True wat? #python
709117617504722944 A long and fascinating read Obama's approach to foreign policy - The Obama Doctrine by @jeffreygoldberg @theatlantic
707995698906542080 What's the best commentary/article on AlphaGo's matches? Maybe a video giving commentary on interesting moves and such?
707950118654226432 .@dansinker strikes again -- my @nuzzel email this morning
707734900619644929 @oceankidbilly *finds issue page confirming bug* Maintainer: "Bug relates to this section of code <link>. You want to fix? Start here." <3
707733187653292032 @oceankidbilly Agree. Even a pointer to an issue's relevant section of code would be a fantastic start.
707383099269709824 @therriaultphd @randal_olson @amuellerml "how well calibrated are these predicted probs?"
707382898865934336 @therriaultphd @randal_olson @amuellerml sounds like marginal precision might work? stripe has a good example here:
707354706868195328 @JeremyAbramson I don't think the core functionality has changed. Just don't think most users are normalizing json all the time.
707353188060385280 @EzraMoGee He's picked up a lot of steam over the past week. Don't think he's enough for a 50-1 bet :)
707350843360563201 @JeremyAbramson isn't always nec. to see "what's new." I know @TomAugspurger has talked about a "modern pandas" blog post. A++ would read.
707314182174027776 @StatsbyLopez I think @neilmjohnson might have been uploading some of that here:
707294798353276928 RT @StatsbyLopez: This gif of the expected point value (EPV) in an NBA possession from @dcervone0 is 🔥🔥 🔥 🔥 https:/…
707000175148048384 Is there a quicker way to unshorten 300k urls than making a request + redirects for each and grabbing the response url?
706502550669893633 The state of discourse in our country: Republican strategist on @MeetThePress tells another panelist comment "makes me want to choke you."
705868860780474368 @deanmalmgren creeped on my LinkedIn profile - pretty sure this means we all need to have lunch + @DsAtweet office tour.
705466636627607552 Continually fascinated by efforts to stop Trump. So much game theory.
705411848321916928 @arnicas @treycausey (in the eyes of sports employers)
704488442537910272 RT @PyDataChi: The 2016 conference website now contains a link to our newsletter for updates and pictures of our great organizers! https:/…
704345780249821186 Very nice post from @Chris_Said for anyone working with or thinking about A/B testing.
702937140540235776 @No_Little_Plans Seems like there's no (easy) way on mac to ensure the files are sorted properly w/o putting them into a video file first.
702936942501982210 @No_Little_Plans That's ultimately what this is doing - make avi w/ ffmpeg and then convert to gif with imagemagick.
702934494731370496 Just wrote my new favorite bash function:
702895455751917568 Much easier way to make density plots in matplotlib -- StackOverflow: plotting histograms whose bar heights sum to 1
702149384922918912 .@MayorEmanuel is my favorite thing that's happened on Twitter. @dansinker's thoughts about Chicago are important.
702140324651646976 RT @aaronrankin: .@SproutSocial is looking for an Engineering Mgr to join our team. Know someone who is a strong leader & developer? https:…
700345005911760897 @Torvaney Thanks Ben! Too kind.
700088781534294017 @No_Little_Plans this seems like something @treycausey would know.
700042079033020417 @treycausey Far too kind. Thank you.
699978382495367168 Month-0 @SproutSocial has been a ton of fun. Plenty of jobs open here too ...
699720015872921600 RT @treycausey: Endorse x1000. "Knowing what matters is the real key to being an effective data scientist." https:/…
699666710622826496 Well thought-out piece for anyone building / working on / managing data science teams.
699244839129452544 @StatsInTheWild Where can I find out more about the event and what sponsorship would entail?
699067827051888640 @PaulReda SHOOT THE THREE CHARLES
698532611162038272 "It never should have been built ... It was a couple of maniacs running around ..."
698287569893777408 RT @Justyn: .@SproutSocial is looking for an Engineering Mgr to join our team. Know someone who is a strong leader & developer? https://t.c…
698216993045028864 RT @ProjectJupyter: Progress towards open science and reproducibility: @LIGO releases data and analysis as @ProjectJupyter notebook https:/…
697851043212890112 @oceankidbilly Congrats to you and your family!
697826756468862976 Things I do not understand: physics.
697576795638517760 @treycausey @arnicas but no user to user recs! You and Lynn got this! (just guessing at what GoodWatches is).
697142147842183169 Thanks for sharing this @jrmontag -- gave me ideas for better ways to structure my code for ML experimentation work.
694341059829186560 Live on CNN: Watch pieces of paper be pulled from an @IowaCubs popcorn bucket. #IowaCaucus
694225694998556672 @n_mcmillan @rwbattista One caucus a bet does not make. Let's not forget Iowa's last two R caucus picks - Huckabee and Santorum.
692392148310827008 RT @aaronrankin: Join @PyLadiesChicago @SproutSocial @DevBootcamp for a free screening of "Code: Debugging the Gender Gap" tomorrow https:/…
692016933567336448 @jrmontag @oceankidbilly @cdubhland @joelgrus Master of Names strikes again.
692012999943434240 @BrentonMallen Good to know! Thanks for the heads up
687852930980941824 @chrisalbon Make small data great again.
687791044335943684 Turns out airport TVs aren't just tuned to regular CNN - there's actually a CNN Airport channel
686734711021023234 @Justyn @tmgrace thanks Tim!
686675845188980736 @jrmontag I know! I heard someone mention Twitter/Gnip already - had the same thought.
686605842569904129 Day 0 #newguy
686292178478366720 @StatsbyLopez Of course it's the easiest one that ends up missed.
686001822822207488 @treycausey saw it today as well. So intense.
685296597941489665 @treycausey kiss of death
685277671207661568 @samarthbhaskar @chicagobulls I hope it's nothing but Benny antics.
685114448860721152 @whimsley @tomstafford Glad they've helped!
684872212843634689 @joelgrus Don't forget corruption! We're good at that too!
684515692608008193 @statwonk @cpsievert That's the library I was referring to in particular :)
684503968584568832 @thosjleeper Thanks!
684499537843453952 Great read on Kickstarter's analytics infrastructure over the years. We took a similar path at GrubHub.
684375486919766016 RT @TomAugspurger: New blog post on using pandas Categoricals with scikit-learn pipelines: Summary: This is harder …
684200341479526402 @jevnin that it felt like a damn good year :) just want to write more this year.
684058152271089664 @joelgrus Relaxation :)
684057856568459264 @joelgrus you wrote a(n excellent) book!
684054844370321408 @StatsbyLopez That's the spirit!
684054444963532800 Wrote only five blog posts in 2015. That's pretty bad.
684043351989948416 @captainsafia @mstringer @PyDataChi Nice!
684043015409635328 @TomAugspurger Nice! That was a nasty one.
684042231779467264 @dmccartney @tristantate I'll allow it.
683686653450391552 This looks excellent - a better way of fitting distributions in Python.
683412021480701954 Finally read 50 Years of Data Science. That Tukey guy was smart. [PDF]
683401549675130881 @lathrahul Yes. You can adjust the font size and everything.
683401297182199809 @therriaultphd mine was my Amazon username
683377671313555461 Turns out you can email a PDF to your Kindle with the subject "Convert" and have it automatically converted to Kindle format 😮
683346558033641472 @treycausey @BillPetti Thanks Trey! Bill - Let me know if you have specific questions. Have run into all sorts of JS situations with Python.
683313654721310721 @jrmontag @arnicas that article told me I'd don't have to do things I don't want to!
683102445266952193 Probably Overthinking It: Many rules of statistics are wrong via @AllenDowney
682556531888492548 @treycausey sounds scientific!
682284995822530560 @jaykreps @b0rk @jrmontag maybe something for city too? Otherwise looks great
681525564616753152 Enjoyed this talk from @mlmanapat - "Machine Learning with a Data-Unfriendly Stack"
681295974409596929 Hadn't seen Zeppelin before. Seems cool as a potential internal dashboard type tool.
678742617278930944 Your iPhone Is Ruining Your Posture — and Your Mood
677261317426704384 Still one of my favorite talks. Just watched/read again. You should do the same. Video here:
676885934370091010 @PaulReda Robert and I were aghast when we saw it.
676884818769092608 @PaulReda
676786217778700289 Join me in supporting #opensource #datascience by becoming a member of @NumFOCUS!
676475630528008192 @PaulReda Morgan and I were wondering how this was legal when we saw it on Shark Tank.
676467566110445568 @databozo @tdhopper Yes! I feel wrong every time I clean up code before posting. Readers lose that I spent days trying to get things right.
674748081301143552 Anyone have access to this and want to do me a solid? Similar (free) papers also appreciated:
674694461444653056 Realizing more that indecision is far worse than bad decisions. Bad decisions at least give you learnings and can be fixed --> progress.
674638815487655936 Dear people who work on open source: Thank you.
674002491378274304 This talk from Wharton Prof. Peter Fader (@faderp) on customer lifetime value is excellent. Entertaining too.
673990449565065217 @PaulReda Also confirmation that Trump's designers suck at CSS. Horizontal scroll? Come on.
673951362602819584 @treycausey @hadleywickham Also think @NateSilver538's book is a good example of communication and thinking.
673660433908264960 @chrisalbon 8 eastern
672516731072450560 @richiec Tough for me to fathom doing something entirely unrelated to data / data science / analytics / whatever you want to call it.
672510222628315136 @richiec Stay off on my own. Possible I decide that's what I want anyway -- depends on options. Tradeoffs on both sides.
672084217254293504 @PaulReda but that says more about crumminess of App Store than anything else.
671485417863192576 @mat_kelcey @tdhopper I understood as using keywords to determine document relevancy -- what's to be made available for discovery.
671481949316345856 @tdhopper @DsAtweet wrote a bit about this topic based on their experience:
671129039323705344 @JonChristo4 I'm all for anything that gives Phil Simms less time to talk.
671087643954913280 Watched too much Great British Baking Show this weekend -> tiramisu ☕️🍫🎂
669606061259669505 @joelgrus Think they're referring to playing time in college (sign in HS -> play in college). You'd still be incentivized to play (-> pros).
669603142204395520 College football recruiting and the economic case for playing hard to get: via @MUBusiness (my alma mater)
669523561980289024 @hspter I've said "data research" in the past. Also vague though.
669217220996808704 @treycausey could be used for the "so and so follow this account" random tweet too. Sometimes causes me to 😳😔 some accounts.
669174523921469440 @trent_hauck Should have used nose-watch
669159772340514818 @jrmontag @tdhopper @oceankidbilly @djpardis #Hopper'd
668918197442117632 @esjewett @github @GitHubEng @BecomingDataSci Seems like they're implied in the Responsibilities.
668906693074378752 Remote data science job alert: @GitHub's looking for someone: cc @GitHubEng
668808920299892736 RT @jeffklukas: Wonder what I do at work? Read my new post on the @Simple Engineering Blog about Building Analytics at Simple…
668207706730270720 @andharris @jrmontag I've been on a high life streak.
668198202290659328 @jrmontag this was a great read. Have started feeling the same about beer lately.
667809272302927872 @aaronblackshear Let me know if you have any questions or need some help.
667806678989955072 @dmccartney @jjsk5th Have some things I need to wrap up in/around my place. Will check where you guys are at in a couple hours.
667802036067520512 .@msjgriffiths translated my Cy Young analysis to #rstats. Really cool.
667801425896980481 @msjgriffiths this is awesome! Heads up that GB% = Ground Ball Rate.
667720174393409536 @driftingtides good picks. Appleseed Cast's Cathedral Rings has some great drumming too.
667715582523867136 @DsAtweet Congrats @bjlange and @bo_p!
667512304364204032 @Sportscolonel It's also in the navbar on my site and linked to in the article.
667414249237430272 GitHub repo for it all is here:
667414132874870784 [new post] Wrote about using small multiples & #python to show the Cy Young race. A little bit of the bootstrap too:
667368282718994433 Anyone have recs for similarly drummed songs / bands?
666690122247634944 @tdhopper You're on mute.
666635342569725953 RT @treycausey: I wrote about the acute pain and chronic reward of public-facing work. I'd really appreciate if you read it.…
666306029802532864 Sweet sports analytics gig: @Cubs are looking for someone to work on pitching evaluation:
665195358109200385 @No_Little_Plans he took your advice.
665004064070107136 @RCNconnects All sorted out for now. Ended up calling. Thank you though.
664585173820964864 Feature I'd love for @gmail iOS app: drag and drop email addresses when replying. Use case: moving someone not in contacts to bcc on reply.
664473558672785408 Startups being devalued reminded me of @NateSilver538 on forecasting exponential curves.
664303320689954816 RT @oceankidbilly: Forget the presidential race: vote @TomAugspurger for Chief DataFrame Stylist. This is so cool:
664238268741996545 @treycausey @jrmontag @oceankidbilly Looks like it's malort all around next time one of you all's in Chicago. As disgusting as you've heard.
664228635272978432 @jrmontag @treycausey @oceankidbilly Is malort a thing out in PNW / CO? I'd thought it was mostly Chicago + Sweden.
664166878227615744 @treycausey I've been writing a little list of things for tomorrow/today before bed/first thing on morning.
662771071783993345 RT @SashaLaundy: Looking for a contract Python dev to help us with a project in public radio. Please share!
662082195507519488 @jrmontag Really curious to see how the market shakes out. So many here that choice is overwhelming -- impossible to compete on shelves.
662002715505983488 @DsAtweet stop subtweeting me.
661628219691528192 Bike ride while listening to @DataSkeptic w/ @Cmrn_DP(👍🏻) and then a post-WS Baseball Tonight podcast. The contrast couldn’t be starker.
659884432803954688 @whet @danxoneil spire would have fit right in
659768442891984896 @haydenth I've been doing soup.find_all('a') and then iterating against my regex like a dummy all these years.
659766105318277120 Didn't know this about BeautifulSoup: soup.find_all(href=re.compile('regex')) -> get all urls matching regex.
659551179194695681 @therriaultphd
659549092369035264 @onecaseman It's even scarier when you're brought in as a consultant.
659548982511816708 RT @onecaseman: Startup realization #47: every startup you join has a worse analytics setup than the last.
659427309108097024 Same relationship probably applies to email too (where CTR --> probability person on the other end reads it).
659356036193779713 @fulhack blah. Now just noticed you said exit - jumped the gun.
659355899715330048 @fulhack 37signals / basecamp?
659212037164265472 @databozo Here's a paper from the MIT Sloan Sports conference that you might like. Too bad data isn't public:
659196031641460736 @databozo SportsVU data from the NBA:
659194506252787712 @rjurney pandas lets you connect directly to google analytics:
659031352801665024 RT @oceankidbilly: Python vs. R vs. COBOL: Which is best for Data Science? #R #Python #DataScience #RvsPythonvsCOBO…
658814213545197568 @adamlaiacano Drive.
658806547120791552 @BillPetti @treycausey @StatsbyLopez Thanks! That'd be great.
658799190139604992 How does one pitch a sports analytics piece? Wrote 450 words + sweet charts around NL Cy Young race and doesn't make sense for my blog.
658681135916937216 @richiec @cthydng Seconding Schwab. I am a brand champion for them.
658653584007917568 The Four Types of Relationships and the Reputational Cue Ball
658357476174229505 @haydenth I read part of that article yesterday online and had to give up. "These startups were began here and left when acquired." Uhhh.
657691788883402752 @PaulReda Soylent here you come!
657376940786085888 @captain_eli A) Be immensely curiously - try things on your own first. Always start with simplest approach B) Take more stats (I did econ).
657365771740401664 @chrisalbon give me whatever Elijah Cummings had for lunch. The moment near the end was awesome.
657337739470356480 @treycausey if only I could fav this on a many star scale. 6/5.
656840374724329474 @onyxfish helpful for getting "success" rates of something: >>> a = [False >>> sum(a) / len(a) 0.6
656519762231607296 Really need to stop writing all these one off scripts to scrape sports data and just make a bunch of libraries.
656466454364205056 RT @chicagodata: come see @antgoldbloom present about lessons learned from the kaggle community 11/2 @Blue1647
656217524778876928 .@TomAugspurger's post on dynamic programming makes me miss economics classes:
656143688200884224 @skamille The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
655894926929108992 This NLCS game can't start soon enough ... mainly because this TBS pregame couldn't be worse.
655781423165677572 RT @mstringer: Help PyPI do usability testing
655029982973054976 @AllenDowney It's a unix timestamp:
655022192728678400 Very good read on empirical Bayes estimation - uses batting averages to demonstrate. thanks @drob
654751223946481664 @arnicas I hear employees love them too. Just need to buy pizza.
654654434341838850 The Get Up Kids hold up well.
654653572022300672 @kurtinc @justporter that's a good looking bag.
654634256069697536 @No_Little_Plans grab a donut at Bob's Donuts on Polk. Drink some Pliny the Elder. Almanac makes good sours. Hang out in Dolores Park.
654316801585647616 Has anyone written a Chrome extension to hide all language war stuff yet?
653968772664049665 An incredibly clear and thorough explanation of #python decorators:
653695076158337024 Live from Wrigley #sportsball
652870813834682368 @treycausey That looks lovely.
652680996651970561 Look! A new version of pandas (0.17.0). Releases the GIL for some operations. #pydata
652574468561313792 Interesting to see what pitches Lester and Lackey throw depending on the count. #Cubs #Cardinals
652555865619320837 Who jumped the shark first? Craft beer or NOFX?
652484479894880256 @marksimi Thanks Mark!
652478528953434112 @Springcoil @treycausey I don't think that's true. There's plenty of stats in A/B testing.
651083374820352000 @josh_wills @SlackHQ Congrats Josh!
650110363913068544 @oceankidbilly @jrmontag @cdubhland @treycausey just rode 75 miles with my backpack on. Messenger bags: never again.
649318141722501121 @treycausey You said it not me!
649317647272706048 @treycausey also think there are many "working" aspects about 4thDBot - collaborating across country is hard & lessons were surely learned.
649317073781260288 @treycausey @NYT4thDownBot <--- that guy.
649269026938597376 Sometimes it's just easier to clean data manually than write code to do it.
649248996083417088 @treycausey and delusional.
649248509493809152 @treycausey whoo boy.
649057621606027265 @gjreda <-- this guy is a jerk and forgot to attribute the post. All you Mario Kart players can thank @DrJSomeday.
649055601104932864 Based on bootstrapped estimates of the mean batted ball velocity for all games thus far this season.
648954185929629697 @erinshellman woo! Congrats!
648888082989740032 @_rchang Thanks for writing it! It's really well done.
648877237274591232 @cdubhland @Springcoil @_rchang I think it's also more different/difficult than As realized (me included). Writing code != engineering.
648861618311401472 .@_rchang articulates v well in his "Doing Data Science at Twitter" post. A must-read for anyone working in or w/ DS:
648562170335068160 Toronto City airport: where you wait for your connection in leather chairs with complimentary snacks and drinks 👏🏻🇨🇦
648256314221662208 Markov chains: generating disgusting beer ideas since March 2015.
647104212732628996 Commence vacation: MDW ✈️ YUL 🇨🇦
646753812301148160 @johntolva A rite of passage for all of us. Have done it twice.
646532837861146624 @treycausey @ChefSteps woo! Congrats!
646321062804910081 Finally got around to reading @DistrictDataLab's piece on using time maps to visualize events. Well worth the read.
645972911090704384 @treycausey Such a huge issue I've had with independent consulting.
645966976204955648 @KevinLDavenport @balvindarsingh not sure - I stick to road. This project is in the works though and looks cool:
645751337255309312 @KevinLDavenport welcome to cycling in the Midwest.
645687276614385666 🚴💯🔜🍻😴
644896263796822016 @arnicas @cdubhland @joelgrus @gallamine Wish I still had code to share :( Was while I was at an old employer.
644610398537261056 Building analytics apps in advance of the data existing is a mind bender.
644609475899486208 RT @YhatHQ: Step by step cohort analysis with Python and pandas | | thanks @gjreda !
644540844477968387 @chrisalbon @joelgrus Working in Ruby lately has made me appreciate Python more. Amazing how much existing knowledge biases our preferences.
644141106398019584 @tdhopper @FarmLogs was a little while back.
641725668233990144 @treycausey s/hate/had
641725600013635584 @treycausey I know. I hate to delete the tweet. I want to forget this is still a thing.
641621759607762944 RT @treycausey: Imagine if teams just hired analytics people sanely. Entire well-paid staff could be had for rounding error on a player con…
641612966278754308 RT @jeffrey_heer: Making an interactive NBA shot chart with Vega. Impressive example!
641272671318188032 @tdhopper
641260813299412992 @jrmontag @treycausey I can already tell I've been unconsciously walking like a hunchback with my messenger bag.
640550932581871616 @clemenslm that'd give the same result - just a matter of where you select the column. I prefer earlier since the columns are a MultiIndex
639987154626682880 @ntdef liquid tags:
639079207327240192 Six-months-later view: everyone using a static site generator should setup Travis for auto deployment.
636987147657052161 Starting to think data engineer hire comes before data scientist. Assuming some "correctness" of data is too important to knowledge process.
636890728958984192 @databozo hmm. I don't get this. See you in a few!
636870952605884416 @jjudge just wait until Francis Mallmann
636565548592201729 RT @teamdatatonic: How to use Pandas to do Cohort Analysis: by @gjreda #Python #Pandas #DataScience…
635998125195313152 @dkrantz11 It's group by group - more or less the same as RANK OVER OrderDate PARTITION BY UserId
635997231431090177 @Zaphod137 thanks!
635872004772499456 @treycausey @oceankidbilly There's always more writing to be done for @_thespread
635864989987794944 @oceankidbilly You caught a great day though - too bad you couldn't make it downtown. I wrote that while walking over the river - best view.
635864864032845824 @oceankidbilly come back in Feb. Or March. Or April. Or even May. Winter is coming. And it goes forever.
634811340205465600 @brezina any resources you can point to on this?
634721153517490176 @_cingraham @bkeegan give everyone a free waffle iron and resurvey.
634580417283158016 .@treycausey someone can take over /r/sportsanalytics if they'd like. I've neglected it severely.
634504016223989761 @partiallyd @jonathonmorgan @vitocolano Many-a-beer-snobs from Illinois drive to WI just to buy @newglarusbeer. All winners.
634502919547654144 @jonathonmorgan oh wow. @vitocolano treated you right! moon man is my "if I could only drink one beer for the rest of my life" pick.
634431969758171136 Painful reminder: the computer does what your code says. You're the dumb human.
634019411406381056 "Info is inherently valuable. When billions of people hand data over ... the effect is a giant wealth transfer ..."
633998661987364865 Whoa! Congrats @keithgoldner and @numberFire.
633319044515414016 @tonyfischetti Going through some of these now. Siamese Dream has been a long time favorite. That intro on "Hummer" ...
633095104585142272 @tdhopper woo! Congrats!
632237212717948928 @joelgrus Part way in and realizing I've listened to this album before. Really like it.
632230938647351297 @joelgrus @treycausey Loveless is a winner. Will check out The Stone Roses.
632213377981542400 @treycausey @therriaultphd I wish.
631961355613020160 The amount of ads the @Suntimes fits on their website is seriously impressive.
631957676608634880 @treycausey well clearly you stole it.
631081286216585216 @bjlange @a_bigbadwolf is the only one I've seen. Have been looking for the same. We should put our heads together.
630803248388046848 @bukephalas @caitsydney Thanks for the feedback. I was making that up on the spot and the "simple interactions" were bc person was mobile.
630581658358579200 Mucking around with unsupervised learning on football data and Peyton Manning keeps winding up in his own cluster. 👍
629734156868677632 @syc22 last week? 👏👍
629462744903782400 @DrewFustin It was sarcasm.
629392652052492290 @TomAugspurger @databozo Thanks! I've had a draft version of a post for about six months :(
629389096553615360 @TomAugspurger @databozo You do. I stole that line from my old / his current coworker.
629381154685104128 RT @TomAugspurger: I was pretty happy with how my pandas tutorial turned out: It should be a good intro for people …
629268402457210882 @treycausey Mr. Robot?
629032333228707840 @Cmrn_DP @TomAugspurger I'm in a similar boat. Guess I'll be giving it a test run with my client's data.
629031371827097600 @TomAugspurger Saw that one in @Cmrn_DP's docs for lifetimes. Hoping to find a different one since goal is to play around with lifetimes.
629027981323694081 Anyone know of a good open ecommerce purchase or SaaS subscription dataset to play around with?
628602419992231936 @kwbroman @swcarpentry Glad it turned into a nudge :)
628326866655559680 August cycling goal: 500km
628228927295631360 RT @wesmckinn: New Post: Using other compute engines with Ibis #ibis #sql #pydata
627529829898919936 @arnicas @treycausey I like to think of it more as a distraction from the heat he was dreading.
627529211281035264 @TomAugspurger @treycausey Yea! I think that was it. Thank you!
627216320510185472 @arnicas @wesmckinn agree completely.
627208143181901824 @StatsbyLopez Should have put some confidence intervals on that tweet storm forecast.
627118360099205120 @databozo I think that's reasonable. It really depends on the situation IMO. My points are more about the macro level than micro.
627117965444554752 .@jevnin @databozo Just added the slides with my speaker notes here:
626415025243181056 @databozo cool. Gonna come bug you about it tomorrow.
626414445124825088 @databozo let me know if you attempt this. Have been wanting to explore it for my other client.
626402177028718592 @jsundram CEO proceeded to drone on about how he'd made $N million by the time he was 25.
625503491272785920 @databozo gate is A10.
625503437568897024 @databozo airport bar (Anthony's?) in some food court like area between A and B terminal.
625489221357314048 Pearl Jam poster art exhibit in Seattle airport. Very cool.
625486987189878784 @treycausey doing it now. This is awesome.
625483356096999424 Seattle: officially tops on the "if someone ever made me move away from Chicago" list. Love this city.
625479688501092352 RT @cdubhland: Slides from my "Who needs users? Just simulate them!" talk @PyDataConf #PyData
625475026658000896 Awesome conference. Unfortunate that me and the dreaded red-eye flight have to do battle again so soon.
625462084348686336 Thanks everyone who came to my #PyDataSeattle talk! Slides are here for anyone interested.
625368839878897664 RT @jakevdp: This "Python Data Bikeshed" talk by @oceankidbilly is phenomenally informative & entertaining #PyData
625087951161028608 .@joelgrus' talk on functional programming for data science jumps out to an early lead for the "best gifs" award. #PyDataSeattle
625048323515244544 Five minutes into this "What's new in Python 3.5" talk and I'm enamored. Generalized unpacking looks great. #PyDataSeattle
625043330762604544 @peteskomoroch imagine this is something @BeamDental probably thinks about.
625012712494338049 Cosign. This was a fantastic talk - must watch for anyone that's even a stakeholder of A/B testing.
624638426948603904 @leonc dollop coffeeshop underneath the Harold Washington brown line stop.
624426291589025793 @databozo Sounds good to me.
624424968298696704 @databozo I think we're all getting to the "good enough" point. Or at least I hope to get there before Sunday at 4pm.
624420185554882561 Realizing that my talk is basically turning into a retelling of Moneyball 😁
624383714512998400 MDW ✈️ SEA 🔜 #PyDataSeattle 😦😱
624299998444957696 RT @DsAtweet: Great @datapopup panel ft. @deanmalmgren @gjreda @MichelangeloDA and others: "Do you need context or is data enough?" http://…
624216055221735424 RT @PegKeiner: Now seeking #data scientists who can talk to me about helping students make sense of longitudinal #cancer incidence data.
624215740284039169 @clearspandex @PyDataConf organizers are making this a tough call with you and @TomAugspurger going at the same time.
624215485425577984 Websites that disable copy+paste in forms. Less safe than those that don't disable it? Discourages creation of strong (random) passwords.
623998133983387648 @treycausey psh! no one cares about your stupid sportsball! take it somewhere else! I'll see myself out.
623989333943545856 Look! A panel about needing "context" with your data. Thanks @DominoDataLab & @datapopup for having me. Video here
623986730291564544 RT @dansinker: Small ideas are incredible. Build them! They will bring so much joy. Build stuff for 100 people. For 1000. Think of the poss…
623522753522630656 Another step towards reducing friction when blogging with Pelican.
622089672588677120 RT @TimBaffoe: This is the worst kind of Cubs fan.
622060999743537153 @treycausey been thinking a lot lately about moving away from term or communicate clearly. Big issue I run into - term to all encompassing.
621404098550632449 @andrewflowers still haven't had it #ashamed
620652210825895941 Great way to hack your health. Too many of us in tech neglect it to work more. RT@onecaseman: Optimizing Your Health
620043130377637888 @cmanning88 @Lezyne Nice! Thankfully ordered the floor pump the other night. Glad to hear it was the right choice.
619277011287191552 @PaulReda @MichelangeloDA "We're revolutionizing the way you die."
618925797261320193 @treycausey Have to imagine there's going to be a fat fine/lawsuit.
618862807879155712 Do yourself a favor and listen to "I Believe In Your Victory"
618530448273092610 @DrewFustin Done! Thank you!
618527994798309376 @DrewFustin Looks like I didn't - they're all sold out apparently.
618440606604341248 @hoosteen when there's time for it :)
618439834714144768 Always try SIMPLEST approach to problem first. Stakeholder saying "segment" probably doesn't mean use fancy clustering algo. Then iterate.
618403052110811136 Congrats to @n_mcmillan and the rest of the gang @akoubacredit on getting into @techstars.
618271021649428480 @syc22 search github. I'm sure someone accidentally committed one in their repo.
617007145758949377 @chrisalbon exactly. Too many choices to gamble on a six pack. Give me small formats so I can sample.
617006527099088896 @canavandl @chrisalbon I don't expect it to be cheaper. Just saying as a consumer I'd prefer a variety of smaller beers. I like sampling.
616258363182067712 @MattKuzma Neil Funk & Stacy King. Even Pat Foley has some crazy to him. Arguing with brothers that Cubs TV crew doesn't have enough crazy.
616231325515694080 @EzraMoGee I consider that before following someone new. Also following to follower ratio.
615707542723805185 @TomAugspurger No worries at all! See you at PyData in a few weeks.
615696391625646080 Relaxation
615651959035568132 "People abuse text-based mediums like email. That’s a disaster in a lot of ways" via @jjudge
615543886925197312 @a_bigbadwolf @DetroitPistons @DsAtweet Team effort. Good article though.
614519585488834560 Reminder (to myself): spending hours debugging code is critical to the learning process.
611554128712568832 .@michaelwaskom Thanks! Also just found this SO question:
611546521973166080 Is there a way to execute an IPyNB from the command line or a script? Want to execute/refresh -> nbconvert to HTML -> push to S3. #python
611360394163040256 @kurtinc @PaulReda all up in my grill
610573272753811456 @gabegaster west loop sounded like space ship landing "bloop bloooop." Merch Mart sounded like siren. Was weird.
610570771656744960 @gabegaster (I was on train going between both). So eerie though.
610570693667889152 @gabegaster I don't think so - think there are different sirens. One near merch mart sounded distinctly different than west loop.
608719017717694466 RT @datapopup: "It's tough to hire #datascience unicorns - easier to hire a horse and hope they grow a horn" via @gjreda #datapopupchicago
608718740075765760 @hellodevlina Thanks! Glad you found it helpful.
608067042181156865 Don't want your talk's slides to look like crap? Use @oceankidbilly's for design inspiration
607972726104428544 @mollybierman Needs more jammy pack.
606279867542282240 @chrisalbon @therriaultphd we've all been there.
605835977026699264 It's that time of year again. In-ride entertainment courtesy of @partiallyd.
605790663209185280 RT @datapopup: #datapopupchicago Speaker lineup @nyghtowl @Skymindio @chiconfidential @chicagotribune @gjreda @jevnin @grubhub @claudia_per…
605733131514204160 The Next Feature Fallacy by @andrewchen is a great read on thinking through product metrics and feature priority.
605145208838197248 @jonathonmorgan probably those @partiallyd guys then.
605139401547513857 @jonathonmorgan where "know" = have met in real-life?
604290341794123776 Schedule's up for @PyDataConf Seattle. So many good talks from so many good people. Will be sad to miss @Cmrn_DP's.
604051487057027072 @therealfitz GrubHub used to have a huge styrofoam table just for this. Table flipping for all.
603912449629138945 @treycausey PhD too :)
603320728490876928 RT @jjudge: I'm looking for a designer handy with Bootstrap and comfortable working in Rails to help with a project. Any referrals? (no age…
600763809913933824 Can infographics die yet? Just show me a graph.
600127614427115521 @syc22 looks like it could be used for renaming too. never tried to do that though.
600127395295678464 @syc22 nope.
600121200631631872 RT @TomAugspurger: Python people: We're considering this for pandas / python community: Would love input so we don…
599610344927924226 Love this new feature from @Strava. Hoping to see some Chicago guides pop up this summer.
599216163797733376 RT @jeffklukas: The data team @simple is looking for an Analytics Manager. Check out
598820294904545280 @tomschenkjr @Cubs yes! I knew I wasn't the only one who had this complaint.
598565323105705984 Really good talk from @hspter on making your work/analysis reproducible. Makes me jealous of some of R's tooling.
598557789779165184 @haydenth I can't help that @BeerSnobSays is a disturbed markov chain. This sounds like one @databozo would chuckle at.
598542199400202240 RT @deanmalmgren: ATTN C++ programmers: a buddy needs help transcribing some machine learning code from python. 2-3 weeks of night/weekend …
598535050200682496 @joelgrus @treycausey I'm cool w/ working a lot when I enjoy what I do. Won't consider leaving Chicago. From here + friends + whole family.
598533164915523585 @treycausey Definitely. Moving is the biggest barrier (at least for me).
598532442010451968 @treycausey "We'd love for you to move to our tiny city to work 15 hours a day and make a fraction of what you do now." I bet you would!
598531945987866624 Couldn't agree with this more.
598201347167506432 RT @dsparks: .@BostonTweet The @celtics are hiring a Basketball Analytics Database Programmer:
598200472890028032 @tdhopper Of course!
598148301087580160 @arnicas @tdhopper How does this not exist? I'd be a customer too.
598147958811426816 @tdhopper I'm using a cheap Digital Ocean box for @BeerSnobSays (amongst other things). $5/month.
597843705035292672 @databozo ESPN did this for the Sloan Sports conference. Undergrad winner got internship.
597450307002503168 @treycausey @drewconway but we don't want to boil the ocean to get there.
596374083476000769 @joelgrus @treycausey Especially because future you will often be the reader. And he can time travel.
596358223986307072 @0xdbe How can I change where scripts save? I'd like to save files to a directory other than /Library/Preferences/0xDBE10/consoles/db/...
596068916641705985 @TomAugspurger For some reason that doesn't work for me. Shell just hangs after
596049494069809152 @databozo Sounds like all the cool kids will be there.
596047685871775744 @databozo PyData?
595789821957840896 @oceankidbilly @gallamine @PyDataConf I'm a "probable" for both.
595589173580582913 @deanmalmgren guess I'll have to look elsewhere then as well.
595581961214767104 @deanmalmgren :( I take back everything
595334547304157184 via @treycausey
595334393280892928 "Don't overfit to your org's immediate situation ... for what a 'data science resume' should look like." Love this:
594967565786488832 What's old is new again. @sivers on pushing code down to the database layer instead of just using it as dumb storage
593529015052304387 @jevnin @onecaseman so good that I went one stop too far on the L. Good job!
593528661279580161 RT @onecaseman: New blog post: The Perils and Benefits of AB Testing
593528329354907649 @jevnin @onecaseman God this is all so true. Good stuff Casey.
593488588362358785 @treycausey A solution is what the guys in suits want.
593183699526488064 Chicago beer drinkers: this event by the guys @TheHopReview looks awesome. Go have some good beers with good people.
593126317840699392 @treycausey That's how I feel about my lack of graduate education. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
590648071761092609 @SdotBrooks1 Thanks for the kind words!
589463952574128128 @treycausey Also not sorry for worse: results = leader_gamelogs = list(chain.from_iterable(results))
588109542900269056 @andrewflowers I wonder what that number looks like without the ridiculously long tail of the Bay.
587720932556308480 @richiec I've typically just used the command line or pgAdmin.
587701085206224896 @richiec It is with me. It's not with my clients.
587659002860806144 @austinogilvie @theglamp @SamuelHecht It would be a fun way to learn Cocoa + ObjC/Swift.
587654394025349120 Is Sequel Pro still the best open source MySQL client on OSX?
586753000217059328 RT @whitneyarner: Kanye's dressing like he's a level 1 RPG character
585837352087494656 @willkurt Thanks Will!
585174510250262528 @treycausey I split Cubs season tix this year (was on the waitlist for 10 years). Already reconsidering my decision. Used to love the sport.
583331589091782656 @treycausey Guess I'm not the only one who often ends up with a list of lists that needs to be flattened.
582554954604249088 Looks awesome RT @jrmontag: .@TwitterBoulder is looking for someone to interface between data science & stakeholders
582554603016704000 @jrmontag V nice! LinkedIn showed me post for Data Strategist at AirBnB today - didn't know this was a thing. Similar to my last year at GH.
582534952287236097 @samarthbhaskar You tricked me into thinking @echen was writing again. :(
581883689895895040 @tonyfischetti Nice! I think I'll be turning mine into a twitter bot too.
581833071588220928 @tdhopper Rare company. I think I've only gotten two PRs ever.
581614535078883328 @whosbacon Yep.
581611447211290624 Playing around with markov chains & beer reviews: "hype surrounding this beer is acidic it just adds to the amount"
581496578088665088 @mat_kelcey I echo what @tdhopper. I'm hoping this Travis setup will remove that friction -- just `git push` and I'm done.
581455553240559616 @tdhopper Not sure - I don't have an iPad.
581454926615879680 ICYMI yesterday I wrote about automatically deploying #python Pelican sites using Travis and GitHub.
581206819453947904 [new post] How to use @travisci and @github to automate deployment of your static site to S3:
581141359932788736 @onecaseman @kennylong RT @databozo LOL Fantasy Angel Investing!
581098051495956480 Upcoming blog post: automating static site deployments with TravisCI and GitHub. I got sick of regenerating my site and pushing to S3.
581097643151110144 A $9bn pro sports league can't afford cameras that would ensure a proper view on scoring plays. Makes sense.
580015236029153280 @jonathonmorgan @chrisalbon I'd love to! Want to move to email and schedule something? gjreda at gmail.
580006031566065664 @oceankidbilly Lots of deep learning on big data in the cloud for SoMoLo gamification with wearables and the internet of things.
580004953336377344 @Springcoil Thanks!
579827673498710016 Great perspective from @wesmckinn on the important things in life. Well said.
579826306872786945 @wesmckinn Happy birthday Wes! Well said and a great read.
579469773269966849 Couldn't agree more with @sean_forman - the pros of sports leagues making data feeds public far outweigh the cons:
578607897803816960 @jrmontag Still occasionally use Songza and Pandora for stations and discovery.
578579727033630720 @eveahe of course! Glad you've found them helpful.
578540862835187712 @divideby0 great meeting you too - hopefully see you at the next one!
575111414395838464 @treycausey @JeremyAbramson @WFNYJacob count me in!
574035369106128897 @SethPartnow likewise! Always next year though.
573842039143444482 @TomAugspurger what will you be in town for? What area are you staying in?
573841908344074240 @TomAugspurger none that I know of but I can try grabbing a couple of the ones I know for Tuesday drinks. Worst case it's just me and you.
573483739868622849 RT @deanmalmgren: how to introduce n00bs to concepts like "significance"
572767581167226880 @AustinClemens2 d['x'] is preferred by the project maintainers. When I contributed to the docs they asked I use that style.
572391837949816832 @loganlahive was surging at 8:30am last Sunday morning for me. Seems fishy.
572053573669806080 @RealPython Issue I'm trying to figure out is code structure so I don't litter SQL queries everywhere. Lots of classes and prob need ORM.
572052953353224192 @RealPython Doesn't look like there's a web layer.
571860419276496897 @treycausey @StatsbyLopez @WFNYJacob can I be a TA? I'd love to teach something like that at Sloan.
571857757843816448 @duncanbishop24 @treycausey I don't recall there being any that focused on the spread. There was one looking at the money line in baseball.
571758495789400064 @treycausey question time!
571666443370139649 @WaiverWarriors @a_bigbadwolf want to meet outside of 257 at 10?
571373100140511232 @treycausey @WFNYJacob @MasonGinsberg Also on the far right side. fourth row.
571095592258158592 Congrats to @a_bigbadwolf on being a finalist in the #SSAC15 dataviz competition. Actionable stuff in just 3.5 hours.
571002313394925568 @acthomasca I lucked out - had to be in NYC last night.
570760702266355713 .@MaxCDN hides recruiting messages in their response headers. Well played.
570622485307088896 RT @thisismetis: .@gjreda and @deanmalmgren from @DsAtweet are stopping by tonight! Looking forward to having you two in later.
570614032916283393 @andrewflowers yay - hopefully we can catch up (actually headed to Midtown right now).
570607529262080003 @measurestuff in town until tomorrow afternoon.
570574853712924672 MDW -> LGA -> BOS. Yay for flights with 100 empty seats.
570392684738666497 @SethPartnow @WFNYJacob Of course!
569653756851154945 @ReubenFB @treycausey @fredbenenson I really need to see Whiplash. You rec'd that a while back. Big fan of Boyhood too.
569589949156102144 RT @WFNYJacob: Pre-#SSAC15 reminder: @gjreda and others are trying to ignite r/sportsanalytics. Check it out:
568915685000093696 @deanmalmgren I feel like a Guinness shake would probably be pretty delicious.
568903027869904896 Writing protip: delete almost all instances of "that"
567844990581383168 ICYMI: last weekend I wrote about how to find the API used by client-side webapps. You don't always need to scrape.
567736470127906816 @vanben11 Ha! Glad you found it helpful.
567736400926105600 @bheal521 Glad it helped!
567326786221277185 [new post] Sometimes you can't scrape data bc it's not there. Here's how to find the API used by client-side webapps:
566250841598734338 RT @eclairereese: Success metrics divorced from learning make it impossible for newbies to align themselves with engineers they admire. htt…
566018212127469568 @WFNYJacob @acthomasca @treycausey Just now seeing what other session is at the same time. Looks like I’ll be in the back with you guys.
566017441646399488 @treycausey Won’t be going to that session.
566006605318090753 I have a feeling that's not his real name.
565636403082842112 And that's not to say we don't get frustrated. We do. But we should be more public about our difficulties. Hype has made it seem like magic.
565294495240306689 @boomerang all thanks to @deanmalmgren
564977102630293504 @jpvelez sadly wouldn't have known if I hadn't heard @deanmalmgren talking about it.
564132475551510528 RT @deanmalmgren: Any good recommendations for linux distros for kids? Tried Sugar Labs and had trouble booting :/ cc @sees_lab
562775556945870849 I think this is a new level in the nerd game.
562617678137802754 @treycausey why am I only allowed to favorite once? (Writing a blog post similar to this thought now)
562061372939190273 @mollybierman and now I see that everyone else made the same joke.
562059958917677056 @mollybierman I though it was the star from those "the more you know" PSAs
561999748278661123 RT @treycausey: Afternoon re-up: Learn how to build an expected points model and include uncertainty @_thespread.
561979343002288128 @ngreenberg Ha! Went over my head.
561974139112538112 @ngreenberg @SAnalyticsBlog Are you saying you'd like to see one or do one?
561356591992029186 Anyone have a #clojure book they'd recommend to someone that's mostly a newcomer to functional programming? cc @oceankidbilly @sorenmacbeth
561278622963470336 @jrmontag @John4man definitely worth the read.
560649101100843009 @joshualande Had a few people ask me if there's a SQL intro to complement my pandas posts. Next time I’ll send them your way :) Good job.
560505756437331968 @treycausey @ReubenFB Know someone at Coke. Says they’re implementing new ERP system. Current one is written in IBM RPG & Assembly. Insane.
559490734206640128 @ReneCNielsen Applied. I know some of my coworkers @DsAtweet would love to help with this (me included).
557743844750819328 @oceankidbilly I thought that was a clip from the Hunger Games?
557676590973612032 @Zaphod137 Past Greg is usually a huge moron - that’s why this was tweet-worthy.
557672331574005760 @dmccartney My memory is usually very good. Seems like it’s only a code thing. I blame it on the haphazard way in which I write most code.
557565466508419072 @dirkjobosman Thank you! Glad you’ve enjoyed it.
555522455536930816 @samarthbhaskar I've been happy with namecheap.
555412412237504513 @samslusher Thanks for pointing this out - I didn’t know this stuff was available.
555412100479082498 @samslusher Here’s the API call. Should just need to change the URL to suit your needs and grab this JSON:
555133532679307264 @FoxEars42 Thank you! Always great to hear of people finding it helpful.
555133026284236800 @FoxEars42 Nice! Email is probably better - address is on my site. Though there are probably a lot of typos throughout.
554758300277817344 @dondrake That’s correct. I grew up listening to punk bands.
554717165190799360 @chrisalbon Nice! Always happy when people find it helpful.
554680146251091968 @chrisalbon I get a *the*?!
554667809662201856 @octonion Feel free to downvote then :) I was just grabbing somethings and firing this morning.
554042521651666944 @TomAugspurger @oceankidbilly I was also a disaster:
554028711318548480 @treycausey This is where I think I disagree - I think the newbs are often best suited to write "getting started" docs bc it's fresh to them
554028345319383040 @treycausey I agree with this (and that most people are disingenuous about wanting contributors).
554027339269410817 @treycausey And I'm sure the project's core authors would rather spend time coding than writing docs about using the project.
554026976109797376 @treycausey The conundrum is that those who are most unfamiliar w/ contributing are probably the ones best suited to write project docs.
554026261975015426 I say this as someone who has contributed to OS & had zero clue what I was doing. Thankfully pandas had docs:
553614704820506624 Congrats to my pals @TeachBoost on being named to Forbes' 30 under 30 list for education. cc @mikegioia @jderoner
553571497000726529 @treycausey Fully agree. Just surprising to me that teams aren't jumping at the chance to understand in-game performance + plays more deeply
553568082376273920 @treycausey or at least several were only using it for sponsorship opportunities - "H&R Shot Blocker of the Game" type things.
553567623590711297 @treycausey Went to a talk a while back where exec from StatsLLC spoke - said most NBA teams aren't even using SportsVU data. Crazy.
553567032957214720 @treycausey s/distributed systems/Henry Ford
553237667324768256 @samarthbhaskar @nytimes Whoa nice! Congrats!
552574203585507328 @laughingcurve Nice! Hope my posts help.
552570983320522752 @AustinClemens2 Nah. Cognition time is more expensive than CPU time. I say do what works and what's most maintainable until perf. issues.
552570560404668416 @treycausey @jskuros That's how I feel. Apparently the mod is still active on Reddit (no posts in 4 mo.) & subreddit squatting is allowed.
552552369943506945 @jskuros @treycausey /r/sportsanalytics request denied and current mod won’t give it up. Lame.
552323932096040960 RT @avibryant: Incredibly thoughtful post by @ev on measuring the right things and thinking rigorously about the results:…
552288851679793152 @acslotnick all-star level use of the #math tag
552152863376277504 @onecaseman thanks for writing this. Was just talking about SEO stuff this morning and found the post helpful.
551267684420419585 @jon_m_rob just closed with it (of course). Never thought I would hear that song live. Pretty awesome.
551258929754566656 Seeing American Football at Lincoln Hall. Truly a shame these guys split after one record. Fantastic show.
551251928995594241 @dansinker don't forget New Glarus Moon Man
551088828371709952 @jskuros going to do my best to get that subreddit going if I get the request fulfilled.
550784374996598785 @WFNYJacob @treycausey @SAnalyticsBlog Ha! Funny that I’m in there. Looks great though. Thank you!
550699045153280000 @treycausey But but but ... the Winter Classic?!
550377277490749441 @RCNconnects just got through on the phone. Will take care of it from there. Thank you!
550376500047118336 @RCNconnects @Raedances @andyattebery having some issues in 60614 as well.
549668825663168512 @kennylong And that franchise went on to go 96-and-282 over the next five years.
548506983192854528 @michael_slevin Never had to deal with that before. Sorry.
548506795363151873 @rsdenijs Made some blog changes recently and didn't realize that. Thanks for pointing it out. Will have to fix once I'm back from holiday.
548149890719555585 @dansinker Santa gets a bourbon? Those kids top the nice list.
547611615290331136 RT @EdwardTufte: Principles of good data analysis
547569622875394049 My coworker @mstringer in @Entrepreneur on solving the right problem. Great stuff.
547496816728477696 @TomAugspurger Cool. I’d love to hear what worked and what didn’t. Wrote the original blog posts as a tutorial for my SQL-knowing coworkers.
547495857017208832 @TomAugspurger I was lucky in that many of the attendees were familiar with pandas and knew SQL. Good students make teaching easy.
547495453709705217 @TomAugspurger I purposefully didn’t cover indexes much (especially MultiLevels) as I feel they’re the most difficult part to understand.
547214038308909056 @jseabold whoa! have you always lived in Chicago? When did you start at Civis?
547176638253768704 @treycausey @wesmckinn Point I continuously repeated in my @PyDataConf talk: indexes aren't columns. Still confuse me all the time.
546044893290717185 @laurieskelly There’s gold for someone else to seize! I don’t enjoy football enough for it.
545936200184655872 RT @deanmalmgren: fantasy football projections: sometimes you get what you pay for @gjreda + @mstringer…
545752842502701056 @4for4_Josh We were sticking to the projections available via FantasyPros here:
545725575772778496 .@mstringer and I are at it again RT @Deadspin: Which Fantasy Football sites have the best projections?
545598046881714176 Which site has the best fantasy football projections? Another post from me and @mstringer on the @DsAtweet blog:
544985990038048769 RT @ChicagoInno: Are ESPN's Fantasy Football Projections Worthless? A Chicago Data Science Firm Investigates: @DsAtw…
544953493375950848 @tdhopper Was just thinking yesterday that it's weird the top link for "python strptime format" isn't this one:
544887706506264576 .@AlexVianaPro Anamanaguchi got me into it. Still trying to find more like it (that I like).
544881395685138433 Finding that I work/focus well while listening to chiptune. Have I been conditioned this way via childhood Nintendo?
543554247556866048 @dberkholz know the feeling all too well.
543514562512035840 Want to learn #python's pandas? Good news: video of my #pydata talk is up. Bad news: have to listen to me for 75 min.
543415125831864321 @brianabelson sent!
543402009605701632 @brianabelson I do if you still need one.
543207476389511168 @seanjtaylor Thanks Sean!
542351645309276160 How accurate are @ESPN's fantasy football projections? I wrote about it on the @DsAtweet blog. Have a look:
540697331877040128 @treycausey excellent. We'll have to grab another beer together.
540696904934645761 @treycausey are you going to Sloan this year?
540501587937210369 @jnunemaker wouldn't matter to some:
538864180183703552 @ansate a never ending debate in the @DsAtweet office. I say it's a torte. cc @mstringer
537374706757038081 Careful when using df.query in pandas - might accidentally modify your DataFrame. Just happened to me. #pydata
537348044187258880 @justinmassa This makes me want a butter burger.
537322703506907136 @databozo @haydenth Settling a bet in our office. Should have the post up next week.
537321827568463872 @databozo @haydenth Check out numpy.random.choice for sampling with replacement.
536630237069852673 Dear @PyDataConf: you were fun. And thanks for letting me give a tutorial. It was great meeting everyone! #pydata
536233394552987648 .@stripe’s (next) topmodel helps you evaluate changes to your binary classification models over time: #pydata
536227501283225600 Got 99 problems and model revisions are 1 RT: @SashaLaundy If you're not at @b0rk's talk on the 8th floor of #pydata I feel bad for you son
536203324920709120 .@SashaLaundy talking about how awesome @onyxfish’s csvkit is. Couldn’t agree more. #pydata
536192002220908544 RT @andrewflowers: Very nice @gjreda talk on translating between pandas and SQL. Repo here: #pydata
535819479239127040 Hello New York. You have weird cutout talking video people.
535445850068361216 @databozo @treycausey Got one yesterday too. Replied saying it sounded awesome and Datascope would love to help.
535208554920435712 @clearspandex definitely.
535207370734202880 ICYMI: I'll be giving an intro to pandas at tomorrow's @chicagodata meetup at @BLUE1647 (and again on Saturday at @PyDataConf). Come say hi!
535190157679661056 @tdhopper Did lubridate have a way at guessing the date format? I don’t think I ever used it that way - just stuck with as.Date
534699512389181440 @jeroenhjanssens IPython Notebook as a living doc.
534412645626310656 @tdhopper Guess it happened a while back:
533993457585762304 @gabegaster @mstringer @vlsdo @bjlange check out the name of the first company:
533784421812695040 @deanmalmgren I would favorite a thousand times if I could.
532944064094556160 @databozo @MattKuzma @haydenth @DrewFustin Keep me posted. Maybe I can tag along.
532930964595671040 @databozo @MattKuzma @haydenth @DrewFustin Whoa. There's a Shake Shack here now?
532750728801312768 @ejacqui @wearemodest Mark Fulara ( is a good one.
532383144385994752 @justinmassa that's not even fair.
532381748710346752 TIL: #python's csv.DictWriter doesn't require each dictionary to have the same keys - it'll work just fine - a new column for each key.
531117137973485569 @ZachLowe_NBA even better - he's averaging ~10 FTA per game.
530898937792966656 @ReubenFB I suddenly miss Brak and Zorak. Loved that show.
530491958238928896 Join me at the @chicagodata meetup on 11/20. I'll be giving a tutorial on pandas (in prep for my @PyDataConf talk)
529055082810445825 @John4man corollary I always used: interesting doesn't mean useful.
528922227023294464 Pie and coffee. The apex of mankind's achievements.
528632596784504833 RT @treycausey: What's k-means clustering and how can I use it to find similar players? New post @_thespread.
528220359842340864 @treycausey B&W
528220001191608320 Watching Night of the Living Dead (never seen it). Suddenly have the urge to play zombie-killing video games all day.
527945502017740801 RT @YhatHQ: Principles of good data analysis | @gjreda |
527587580398010369 @treycausey You and @derandomized should try grabbing a cup of coffee together - both super smart data dudes.
527465357217640448 @KapandHaugh Big thing on preseason Jimmy Butler is that he knows how to get to the FT line. He did that at Marquette too.
527226327641108480 Thinking about upgrading to OSX Yosemite. What am I about to break this time?
527139561546084352 Shameless tweet: My good friend designs greeting cards in case you need some this holiday season:
526428081184313344 @fonnesbeck mkvirtualenv foo --python=/usr/local/bin/python3
526101063041298434 Of course I'm using #pydata to look at the Cubs 2015 schedule and figure out how to split up season tickets. Stupid weekday afternoon games.
524550609685712896 @mollybierman addicted yet?
522115008344244224 @DrewFustin @databozo @haydenth I also claimed today's disgusting human being award thanks to that meal.
522112331363659777 @DrewFustin @databozo @haydenth I ate a slice of pizza and peanut butter and banana filled donut in succession. Deleted because irrelevant.
520641909740810240 What are the seminal economics papers on granting utility companies monopolistic power? Feel like it results in them being teh suck.
519981169879023617 @josh_wills @gwenshap @GregRahn he should just make the move already:
519866116231815169 @treycausey feeling's mutual!
519621631023407104 Seattle
519180784846909440 Working from a train > working from a plane.
519148582654713856 Seattle: I am on a train to you. I'd love to get a beer or coffee with you over the next two days.
519147811540307969 @jskuros still enjoying it - actually on a train from Portland to Seattle now. New gig starts in Nov. We should catch up soon.
518841504891023361 @treycausey @trent_hauck I regret writing my own for the effort and improvements reason. But agree - they're all hideous.
518835409401282561 Exhibits A and B of Portland's beauty. And that @oceankidbilly is the nicest guy on the planet for taking me here.
518106514372833280 @clearspandex Unfortunately won't be able to make it down there this afternoon anymore. Let me know if you're ever in Chicago though!
517802357594157057 RT @YhatHQ: Using pandas on the MovieLens dataset ( | 3 part series in one IPython notebook |…
517692508134854656 @quasarkitten whyyyy did I have to be out of town for that? Love them.
517481511776710656 @clearspandex Let's do the afternoon on Friday then. What time works for you?
517384526340038656 @remarkfulara I'm sure everyone else in terminal 3 of o'hare would appreciate that.
517382253048258561 @remarkfulara thanks for the invite.
517381943747702785 @oceankidbilly I'm an idiot - just clicked. I like that approach.
517020387650306048 @omarish @kiran Great! Thanks so much Omar!
516987033173377024 Hey SF people: I'm going to be hanging around your city from tomorrow afternoon until Saturday morning. Let's get a beer or coffee.
516986320963784705 @oceankidbilly Does this mean Portlanders drink Malort too?
516368606129827840 Patient (adj): trying to understand thousands of lines worth of unfinished code in someone else's coding style and structure. #githubforks
516335473632219136 How long before Philip Rivers is in a Got Milk? campaign thanks to those "chocolate milk" audibles at the line?
516328460953079809 @haydenth Thanks! Glad it was helpful.
516311983000670209 @treycausey This game is painful all around.
514877150542196736 @remarkfulara that's what I was trying to tell @rwbattista!
514843934145916928 True or False: 100 Grand is a top five candy bar. #thingsiargueaboutwithfriends
514803748120842240 I'm writing #python 3 code. Please don't take away my data nerd card.
514112544295116800 @oceankidbilly @treycausey That's kind of depressing (that bus > train).
514106262561509376 @AlexVianaPro If only I'd planned my trip better. Have to be in SF on 10/3 and back in Chicago on 10/9.
514103920193724416 Anyone ever taken Amtrak from Portland to Seattle? Seems like the more affordable/scenic option (vs flying). // @oceankidbilly @treycausey
513102701023227906 @bkurinsky have to take a rain check - riding a century on Sunday. Going to take a week or so off the bike after.
513039861150785537 @bkurinsky we're both funemployed now? Enjoy it!
512740373190287362 Data + product people: @mcfunley's deck on data-driven products is a must-read. So good that I'm sharing again.
512630466097446912 Great stuff from @mcfunley on building data-driven products at Etsy. Worth a read for anyone doing data or product:
511878172171059200 @statpumpkin data : big data :: phone : big phone
510857379324624896 RT @DsAtweet: Good data scientists don’t start with assumptions. They start with good questions. #DataScience
510095407733407744 @tdhopper or even just a long-ish form version of @usesthis for data science and engineering. Would be a regular read for me.
509448242610716672 "The iWatch is something people are already doing." - guy on CNBC who forgot MP3 players existed 4 years before iPods
509367981042712576 RT @YhatHQ: Using pandas on the MovieLens dataset | @gjreda |
509336987912794112 @treycausey Awesome - thanks!
509336558462189568 @treycausey know of anywhere to get snap count data for individual players?
509078702945087489 Thing no one seems to be talking about in Ray Rice situation: ESPN's lack of journalism and being scooped by a bona fide tabloid.
508640802889674753 @treycausey no American Football in there? Blasphemy!
507954887615717377 Data people: this is great story-telling. Fantastic analysis by @BenedictEvans on Amazon's business + profitability.
505097322922250240 *realizes matplotlib needs to be installed on new laptop* *dies*
504738657618501632 RT @lily_bradley: Useful #Unix commands for #dataScience #commandLine #opendata via @gjreda. Thanks for the tip @nas…
504679012950503426 An HN post on unix commands is a surefire way to nerd snipe a lot of people.
503388350636904448 RT @treycausey: @oceankidbilly @John4man @gjreda Check out @jeroenhjanssens' new book!
502918320157249538 @peteskomoroch Threw my dotfiles up. Might be helpful if you go the non-anaconda route:
502917546689830914 @peteskomoroch Just set it up on a new MBP this week. Homebrew + virtualenv + virtualenvwrapper. Just have to add to $PATH after brew.
502639033311588355 @dansinker sour
502485615141597184 Funemployment coinciding with #simpsonsmarathon. This has bad/awesome news written all over it.
501914538514472960 @kurtinc Fair fair.
501913946660433920 @treycausey Same. And it seems like I'm always getting tweets thru the same node in my network. Makes me want to unfollow that one person.
501907716252504066 Twitter has been "opt-in" - follow people you're interested in. Favs and tweets from people you don't follow removes that. It's obnoxious.
501792330144178176 @avibryant have been wondering the same. How does this _not_ ship? How is negative impact captured here?
501775558015852544 Setting up new laptop. Finally taking the time to create a bunch of dotfiles. Thanks @holman and @mathias for yours.
501762845969612800 @denadai2 Want to send me an email with a bit more details? Email address is on my site.
501083181672456192 @databozo @MattKuzma @haydenth will send it over later. There's only one I think I'll actually attempt.
501081237293776896 @MattKuzma @databozo @haydenth I keep an Evernote of stupid projects that I'll probably never get around to. You guys are welcome to them.
500712838583693312 Commence site redesign. Feel like I'm going to regret this one.
499995843806916610 Funemployment day 4: managed to lock myself out of an apartment that isn't even mine.
498847363826331649 @treycausey Cool. Makes me feel better about my life choices then.
498112728230543361 @treycausey @arnicas I've wanted to get to Seattle or Portland for a while now.
498111783169957888 @arnicas @treycausey that's the plan! And some writing. And probably some travel.
498111467259191296 @treycausey @arnicas TBH I suspect I won't last all three months. Feel like I'll be itching to get back to work. Need a break now though.
497895154351898624 @treycausey will be taking 2-3 months off for now.
497855511627575296 @cateches yep. Last day. Plan on taking three months off.
497851898599600128 </grubhub>
497841641332695040 @dmccartney screen real estate isn't crummy without an external monitor? That's been my big concern.
497457354427076609 13" or 15" MBP retina? Plan on maxing RAM on either. GO.
496752649484918784 @rwbattista Pick a date within the next three months. For reals.
496687206451658753 RT @PythonWeekly: Scraping Craigslist for sold out concert tickets by @gjreda #Python #Craigslist
496360885339029505 RT @laurieskelly: seven days left! @thisismetis data science bootcamp application deadline is 8/11.
495968925742415872 @oceankidbilly Thanks - that's one I hadn't come across yet.
495968413529829376 RT @oceankidbilly: @gjreda we make heavy use of requests-oauthlib ( at DataPad and have had zero issues. Very nice …
495953503261454336 Far too many choices for #python Flask OAuth2 libraries. Which one do people actually use?
494910611361648640 All in favor of renaming "big data" to "slow analysis" say "aye."
493521363680780288 @arnicas thanks Lynn!
493453984942657536 [new post] Using #python to automatically search Craiglist for sold out concert tickets. Spoiler alert: it worked.
492381897860083712 That guy's welcome.
492381823620878336 Parts of comment someone left on my #pydata tutorial: "There is no easy way to print them. The formatting really sucks! Please improve this"
488777747825967104 @rjurney This was the first feature I missed back when I switched from Windows to OSX - tabbing between windows of open apps.
487652430046572544 @dmccartney @jjsk5th Keep him.
487241488523591681 Skill more people need: courage to try finding out the answer on their own. Be immensely curious.
487044812239929344 @laurieskelly should all grab lunch again soon though. Maybe next week? // CC @DsAtweet
486203355724017664 Interested in growth? Go work for Casey. Seriously. RT @onecaseman I'm hiring for acquisition. Come work with me:
485957324671315968 How the hell did I play baseball for 14 years? This sport couldn't be more boring.
485847232642424833 @patio11 I'm a big fan of
485538225893568513 Seems like it was pelican not regenerating posts unless markdown file was changed (even when calling make devserver). New change?
485534040691195904 Have any #python pelican users had issues w/ the liquid_tags plugin? Old posts written in IPython NB aren't generating properly.
484714974908911617 Good stuff from @a_bigbadwolf and @DsAtweet on the value of individual NBA players in free agency:
484199818659508225 @cdixon this is one of the main reasons it's super important for data peeps to look at their data from multiple angles/facets.
484080833368563713 RT @YhatHQ: Principles of good data analysis by Greg Reda | @gjreda
482933333991505920 @Cmrn_DP looking forward to reading it and checking the site out once I'm back from vacation though!
482932865793937408 @Cmrn_DP still looks the same. Suspect it's the image widths on the charts.
482926759549992960 @Cmrn_DP looks like you're having some CSS woes on mobile:
482647224568905728 @hadleywickham I wrote a script to grab NCAA play by play data a while back. Might be useful:
482401943487131648 @UltimateHurl thanks! Will try to find a Japadog. Walked through the park today - beautiful. Made me wish I had my bike with me.
481584071819411458 Now accepting recommendations of things to do/eat/see while in Vancouver #shamelesslastminutecrowdsourcing
481220779959279616 There are a lot of ugly pelican themes.
480120519669215232 @fredbenenson some nice abstract art
479631170742009857 @databozo BRB gone rage facin'
479626191104901120 @databozo you really only have yourself to blame for this.
479394073988440064 @laurieskelly @mstringer glad I'm not the only one.
477940594686181376 @jrmontag oh nice! This is my first time up here - really beautiful.
477570335605137408 @PaulReda Freudian slip by autocorrect.
477558020587528194 Protip: stock up on @newglarusbeer when in Wisconsin
473886328619540481 .@vboykis Glad it's helping! I actually added a short version to the official pandas docs as well:
472402437698256896 @cmanning88 Great to meet you yesterday and thanks for the kind words.
471881302073831424 @justinmassa hope you tried the stuffed cabbage. So good.
471682080871833600 RT @satyanadella: 4/7 Data is our most precious natural resource. Our task is to refine data into the fuel for more personal experiences
470695916710928385 @haydenth RyBo and I used to walk home from work when I lived in Lincoln Square. Maybe you can recruit @databozo to join you in that.
470646760717549568 That was tiring:
470614564917096449 @bkurinsky my apartment at Ashland and Division.
470243554778828800 @treycausey I use Pelican and love it. Most of my theme/code are in my Github account.
469639968928038912 Convinced everyone I follow is taking part in the R vs Python vs Julia debate just to troll.
469544671694553088 @RSSingh81 Thanks!
469226782135451648 OH: "ObserverFetcherMockerFactoryBean ... .NET"
468907464113790977 @remarkfulara or going to the actual bank like @Dobber_
468813944963223552 RT @wesmckinn: Why we started @datapad and where we're going (with a working link):
467346497353166849 @kennylong @feedly @reederapp I feel like you're a SME in this area.
467066590211878912 RT @justinmassa: Food Genius (@foodgenius) is hiring! Come apply at
465946008753803265 @kennylong You're gonna @ me every time there's an article on big data? That's mean ... then I'd have to make the extension work on twitter
465504903972933634 @kurtinc have been considering it.
465497523230998529 Approaching the point where I want my browser to hide any article with "Big Data" in the title.
463525870830116864 .@haydenth been in the cab for less than four minutes and already fear for my life.
463331032133947392 ORD -> LGA tonight.
463027182592204800 @fredbenenson @hspter glad I'm not the only one who has tried and struggled to get into them.
458280446770438145 RT @bkeegan: My new analysis of crime in Chicago forecasts homicide rates for 2014 and finds evidence of under-reporting by CPD: https://t.…
453946156242845696 @PaulReda Postmates will do this already.
453691871676493824 @haydenth s/cinnamon rolls/donuts/g
453260619257753601 RT @bkeegan: "The Need for Openness in Data Journalism". My response to @FiveThirtyEight's Bechdel test article by @WaltHickey.…
452539325503135744 .@remarkfulara: "it's so quiet out here all I can hear are @gjreda's socks" // for reference:
452082932253872129 RT @GrubHub: GrubHub: now for public consumption. #PUN #NYSE
452081695513006080 RT @jevnin: $grub
451726024384839681 @tekneeque My pleasure. Glad other people are finding it useful.
451373994571476993 @xsteadfastx Thanks - glad others are getting use out of it.
451359892889026561 @xsteadfastx Feel free to use it however you'd like.
450808171431743488 @databozo Ohhh interesting.
450795794161889280 @databozo I could always teach you Hive. Basically the same thing anyway.
447944798012735488 @statwonk thanks! Completely agree.
447913629015625728 @jmsidhu Thanks for sharing it!
447808792768438273 @rouli Thanks! I definitely have too.
447808181385691136 .@rouli Ah! Good call! I completely forgot about showing your work.
447807751314354176 @treycausey He's a hell of a coach and definitely entertaining. I'm hoping MU can get Howland or is able to lure Smart away from VCU now.
447801018349137921 [new post] I wrote about principles I think are paramount to good data analysis. What'd I forget?
447437485514043392 I need agile methods for blogging.
447420500243779585 @haydenth It'd be good with more specific people/companies; governments/growth hackers is tough to understand. Like the metaphor though.
446063159720165377 RT @danxoneil: ETL For America: cc/ @ChicagoCDO
445923512641794049 @KevinLDavenport Not as much as my coworkers @databozo and @haydenth. I tend to stick with Hive when possible.
445587361397624832 @ascheink pipe-separated. Random commas or tabs have frustrated me too many times.
444557284044046336 Anyone want an invite to @AtomEditor? Have one left.
442308177346834432 @kurtinc Always used FileZilla way back when.
441978883727171584 @onecaseman One song into Quique and thoroughly enjoying it. Good call.
441963304764715009 @kurtinc You should. I'd be curious to see/hear the results.
441961145302138881 @kurtinc My evidence is entirely anecdotal.
441958080926846977 The likelihood of someone reading that email you sent is inversely correlated w/ the # of words in it. And probably approaches 0% around 250
439902687098728448 RT @remarkfulara: Props to Mario for carrying on even when the Princess was always in another castle. I get impatient when I can't fast for…
439484737170964480 @jrmontag Thanks!
438793045157621760 @remarkfulara also acceptable: KPI
438781038790078464 @a_bigbadwolf @deanmalmgren @Floobits Pairing is caring
438703761087664128 @PaulReda And now it's in my head too.
435171734883274754 RT @statwonk: Managing diabetes with data science
435112517916835840 Beautifully styled themes for custom Google Maps under a CC license: Thanks @SnazzyMaps
434032492345958400 RT @enzondio: Thanks to @wesmckinn and all others responsible for Pandas. Hard to calculate how much time that library has saved me #positi…
433832041243607040 @peteskomoroch any chance you can share your thoughts on this more broadly? maybe even email?
433830534867734528 That feeling when you need to use a scraper you wrote a year ago but the site changed their design.
433654209091612673 @mollybierman how could anyone forget that password?
433614836488892417 RT @remarkfulara: Remembering your wifi password should be an Olympic event.
431646533226729472 Fantastic read by @kirkgoldsberry and his research team on expected possession value in the NBA.
431145304667082752 @zephod It looks like there was an API change recently. Try by_dept.title.apply(lambda x: x.nunique())
430038190989524992 @haydenth you should be able to pass in any color scales that you want
428203458848497665 RT @YhatHQ: Chicago 50 Best Sandwiches | @gjreda |
427503547429580800 @wesmckinn Thanks Wes. Looks like Jeff's already got a fix in for 0.13.1 (
427078823922786305 @cdubhland You're right - thanks!
426943864457273344 @databozo double-GrubHub contribution - my pandas to SQL doc is in the official documentation with this release.
426861089620381696 @haydenth I'm already drinking bourbon in preparation.
426860263610920961 Broke my python setup on OSX. Likelihood of me breaking it even more: high to very high.
426827266866171904 @tdhopper Damn close. I was surprised by how late it was. Suspect it's due to the rise of digital cams and internet.
426356413716123650 RT @CjBayesian: New post: What’s Warren Buffett’s $1 Billion Basketball Bet Worth?
425016174166802432 RT @fredbenenson: Dug a little deeper behind the story of Rancid recording their music video for "Time Bomb" at Kickstarter's old HQ: http…
425013140204822528 @databozo should just be able to: rm 2013*.json at the command line too. No need for loop.
424997573053534208 @databozo @haydenth not sure. I just remember Tom had the latest date. Everyone was under.
424981018756390912 @haydenth @databozo my guess is accessibility of digital cameras + internet (more people able to add their short-films to IMDB).
424977289051267072 @haydenth our stuff on the internet will last longer than us. interesting to think about ancestors one day trying to sift through it.
424760867545026560 @trent_hauck Thanks - went with something similar: dt.isoformat()[:10]. Had no clue pre-1900 would be a problem.
424758927637479425 TIL #python's datetime.strftime() can't handle dates before 1900. Perfect.
424678913898741760 This is me shamelessly promoting @GrubHub. But at least you get $5 off your first order because of it.
422424780009385984 @haydenth Will show you some Scrapy tomorrow - never cared about it because I had used BS for years. Ridiculously nice though.
422422595049639938 @haydenth Are you still using PHP for your stuff? I started a project with Scrapy over the weekend - mind blown.
422421821393076224 @treycausey good point. Could have something to do with the reach of their Advanced Media team too:
422421445948350465 @haydenth I was curious
422420631372570624 Kind of interesting that MLB is the only sport whose stats section is disallowed in ESPN's robots.txt
420918214999019520 @tdhopper Congrats!
420412545057304576 @treycausey Ha! Same - definitely a lot of jokes made about whitespace in our office.
420395674593542145 @treycausey @jgbos Nice - good stuff! Only thing I'd add are some legends to the plots - wasn't sure which line was warm/cold.
418876302959980544 @JayBilas Thanks! Feeling's mutual - was always happy when you were calling a Marquette game.
418857061397450752 .@JayBilas @scotthaylon they don't call him the Bilastrator for nothing.
418409443953364996 @justinmassa when surgeons need to perform emergency eyelash removal.
418069757837852673 People don't understand the signal/noise ratio they create via sent emails. It's important.
417458449555800064 @haydenth it was a battle for who gets to lose next week. I'm cool with it.
417451737151442944 Guess the decision doesn't matter now. That sucks.
417451069728235520 Glad to see this Bears/Packers game is going to come down to McCarthy's decision not to go for 2. It made zero sense at the time.
417359006835810304 Prediction: @Savagesband's Silence Yourself will be on "Best albums of the decade" lists come 2020.
416656290740326400 @UltimateHurl Glad you've found them useful!
416652418831486976 @bkeegan @treycausey keep this up and maybe my impostor syndrome will diminish
416644492565807104 @treycausey Too kind. Thanks for sharing.
416626163797078017 @a_bigbadwolf Thanks for giving it a read!
416624906260856832 @a_bigbadwolf Probably depends on a lot of factors. My goal was to look at it in aggregate to see if there was something to Bilas' statement
416599255629852672 @ro_hit_ @tdhopper My page is skeleton too. Modified CSS here in case you don't want skeleton's 960px width:
416595338841960448 @arnicas Ha! Thank you!
416416494419865601 Pretty sure @HAIMtheband's is the perfect band to play during the credits of a mid-late 80s John Hughes movie. And I love it.
416410610050412544 @haydenth @alexzhao and they'd all be gifs.
416404404044984323 I need to learn agile methods for blogging.
416325977715646464 @Everlane Fair enough. Thanks for the response!
414435182591352832 @tdhopper good thing I don't own anything worth stealing then #bachelorlife
414424954638041088 Hiring movers. Worth it every time.
408971660788641792 @tdhopper @jrmontag @treycausey I'm happy not to win in this case.
407723258880864257 @haydenth that's how I feel when I use regex.
407303761254551552 @treycausey @_thespread Plans on open sourcing?
406868157907734528 @databozo More so a realization that I don't like development as much as I like analysis.
406491540551249920 "That's like something you get a t-shirt for if you eat it" - my Dad re: my sister's sandwich of leftovers
406068610679861249 "What happened to big potatoes? These things are like peeling a golf ball." ... Happy Thanksgiving from the Redas.
399892866526240768 @ramhiser @treycausey @siah Same here at GrubHub.
399661023105253376 @datapad Been doing some work with basketball play-by-play data lately. Would be interested to hear what you guys have in mind.
399282234735071232 @ReignaFTW I don't unfortunately. Apparently I can't change the name on just one ticket since I bought two - can you DM me?
398310427500621824 @treycausey I've had a "friend" with a similar idea.
397487067850358784 @rjurney my route is always to drop into matplotlib.pyplot. I struggle to get pandas to show a graph the way I want.
395906001339031552 Two years at GrubHub today. Feels like a lot longer (in a good way).
395735902774771712 @KevinLDavenport not really - we use Java - I use pandas for analysis/research and write pre-production processing jobs with Hive/Hadoop.
395576890767192064 @remarkfulara I'd probably be better at writing it if I did.
394913724508561408 @wbuthod Glad it helped out then.
394885733745303552 @wbuthod Thanks - curious what the misconceptions were.
394870699984048128 @tkb Thanks Tariq!
394856476285472768 @MattKuzma I occasionally think I'm excellent.
394851646296961024 @nvenkataraman1 Thanks Naveen! Glad you liked it.
394454566961299456 @__mharrison__ Thanks!
394454378574147584 @DrBunsen Thanks! Glad you liked it.
394246759209107456 @StopOFlop Good call - it's a great book.
394189353951326208 @treycausey "This red line on the field is where he was hitting them in practice earlier today."
394154888457777152 @haizman Thanks - GrubHub employees get them when they start.
393757741509918720 @haydenth you should see what the line in front of their shop is like. Best donut I've had though.
393405265128603648 @justinmassa @foodgenius yes. I'd add that even apps should have data fed back in - close the loop + make things "smarter" for the user.
393198333272924160 RT @andyhayden1: @gjreda How's about df['y'].shift().fillna(1).cumsum() ? :s (Note: can be True rather than 1 in pandas dev/0.13.)
393171570493255680 Been heavily listening to You're Living All Over Me by Dinosaur Jr. & Daydream Nation by Sonic Youth lately - any similar recs?
393146416979136512 Anyone know how to translate this #rstats question to #pydata? I'm struggling with it.
392711175424598016 @gjreda Also just realized that calculate.period was a custom function I wrote for a previous project. I am an idiot.
392695539088642049 @gjreda Actually think I might be able to use pandas' Period class. Dealing with clock time for college basketball games.
392146713269370880 @haydenth @databozo Wrote new version of my site's theme to use IPython NBs & changed typography. Here's the repo:
392024247582724096 Slight design changes + @jakevdp's IPython notebook plug-in. Good reminder that I hate CSS.
391970126452387840 @databozo
391715801587126272 @tdhopper @fredbenenson I could definitely write a chapter on debugging Hive.
391653407703834624 @mollybierman Poor Peter and your neighbors. I'm sure you're louder than normal.
391039486655598593 @__mharrison__ Feel the same. Used to use ggplot heavily but am ok mpl now. Think py ggplot is promising though and will retry later.
390484195501281280 @johnmyleswhite Driving through or here for a bit? A late lunch or post-work drinks would be good. If email is easier - gjreda at gmail.
389925471292379136 This whole ggplot in python thing is causing an existential crisis.
389915553860567041 @DrewFustin Sounds ridiculously good
389915014632456192 @haydenth Holy jealous.
389077335590178816 @siah You could try setting something up on ec2:
387382297105674240 @johnmyleswhite @treycausey My coworker (@databozo) just did something similar with an IPython NB. Was well received.
387029949615325184 @treycausey Check out Flask if you haven't. I had a much easier time with it than I did Django.
387026660840587265 @oceankidbilly @andyhayden1 He's a god among mere mortals.
385519203354021888 RT @samarthbhaskar: This does a good job of covering the different types of data-scientists/analysts/knowledge workers in an org. - http:/…
385450650554748929 OH: "Tom Clancy died? Stupid furlough."
385178330615394305 @tdhopper Does that make me a 12oz curler?
384386456384335872 @haydenth @DrewFustin "Not looking great" > throwing picks ala Cutler.
384385393681895424 @haydenth Unfortunately their backup (Josh McCown) hasn't thrown a pass in a game since 2011.
384382679015104512 @haydenth Indeed. At least I didn't play Joique Bell.
383570388271108096 @BeerGraphs @johnchoiniere probably need to add some indexes.
382667183513288704 @treycausey Excellent. I've been struggling with pandas indexes too.
382665769328181248 @treycausey I think you might be looking for df.xs(level= ... )
382610217436864513 @jrmontag Same here - started trying to organize my thoughts this weekend.
382604052908879872 @jrmontag @treycausey @drewconway I just got asked last week to teach one here - group sharing!
382603553623142400 @fredbenenson Pretty sure I've copypasta'd that same one.
380734930809917442 @kevschumacher seems like this type of post has been coming up on Hacker News pretty regularly lately. Pretty good stuff though.
380371222577430528 Increasingly convinced that understanding Simpson's paradox is one of the most important (& basic) analytical skills
379739625306079232 @samarthbhaskar that'd be cool. keep me posted if you do.
379705111238303744 @hspter @samarthbhaskar Sounds like a great setup there.
379704872653697025 @hspter @samarthbhaskar Any chance Etsy's got a baked EC2 image w/ setup? Trying to create place where mrkting/finance/sales goes to see NB.
379623578205192192 @mheadd Scala. So much interesting data architecture built on it.
378949784897196032 Who thought adding sound effects to the Twitter iOS app was a good idea?
375979822821806080 @haydenth #beefsangwiches
375978429578870785 @haydenth Pequods has a better deliciousness/wait ratio. Though they should also get a beef somewhere.
375248486780141568 The most thorough piece I've read on Syria - William Polk in The Atlantic (via @Pocket)
375237725005160448 RT @Dobber_: I gotta hand it to siri for thinking outside the box...she did the best with what I gave her.
375056058185564161 @haydenth that'll teach you to blog about beatbox.
373923907079639040 Faceting with matplotlib + pandas is entirely too difficult.
373508584346107905 @tdhopper Took me forever to figure that out yesterday while doing cohort analysis. It was all too obvious once it worked.
373505801727401984 RT @onecaseman: Beware of the giraffes in your data
370295855380586496 @fredbenenson @tdhopper java graphing libraries FTW.
370294120775811072 @fredbenenson @tdhopper the devs I sit with call me a bean counter. it hurts.
369931856604434432 @gastro_nerd would you mind shooting me an email instead? You can find it on my site.
369204104028901376 The new @theflatliners album can't come soon enough.
365918900887633920 OH: "How do you feel about kerning?"
364917739179081729 @databozo just getting home now. My stupidity owes me an hour.
364902815774146560 @databozo except you can get off the brown. I can't get off the purple until the end of the red line.
364902023285579776 I swore I'd never do it again. I was wrong. Got on the purple line instead of the brown. Damn it.
364814402249166850 Hive's eternal struggle
364797677113839616 RT @rwbattista: Check out my first post for @TheHopReview We chatted with the fine folks over @ChurchStBrew Check it out!…
362230374908170240 @tdhopper @hadleywickham Cosign.
362229357936254977 @tdhopper Had the same thought last week while reading @hadleywickham's tidy data paper. His papers are the best.
362049091552817152 @treycausey I know Amazon has to do it for legal reasons
362032186238582784 That thing where you waste two hours downloading an OSX update to get your dev environment working.
361989978986774531 @drewconway when will you be in? You should swing by the grubhub office for a rooftop beer.
361333633652498434 @mollybierman the people I feel for most are the victims in the infamous jammy pack picture.
361333107493842944 @mollybierman one weekend of staying with you and that song was ruined.
360779328641961985 @remarkfulara The original all-american brain-bruised biker bad boy wolf.
360589030355771392 @databozo @haydenth @MattKuzma's probably the guy giving me the useless use of cat award ...
358427542169985026 @fredbenenson that's absolutely heart breaking.
357325471836413953 @thoughtpalette you should probably follow @DrewFustin then too - he's the wiz behind the map.
357308068494721024 @jskuros sounds good - see you then.
357182542572556290 Using #d3js to map cuisine breakdowns across the US:
357153598339166209 @jrmontag Thanks! That awk example came up last week for me - glad that others have found the post useful.
357133690352058370 @treycausey @AvoidComments good call.
357132544103301120 @treycausey thanks Trey! I've been going back and forth on just getting rid of comments entirely.
356937401207238657 @tdhopper @treycausey Co-sign. Matplotlib doesn't come close to ggplot.
356877442863992832 @MichelangeloDA Thanks Mike!
356859354722476033 @DataSkeptics Thank you! I'm glad you did.
356847678694506496 @DrBunsen Thanks Seth!
356792416474378242 @MattKuzma call me captain awk-ward
356788067320856577 How would you get the sum of all values in one column of a 4.2GB file with 12M lines and 50 columns? [new post]
356170939551068161 @kennylong Nearly identical first century times between you and @rwbattista. Dominate tomorrow.
356108649057361922 @jskuros We're at 111 W. Washington. Meet for coffee in River North one morning this week?
356092211345108992 @jskuros Ran into your sister last night - we should catch-up over coffee/beers some time soon.
354741392712548352 Someone found a very minor bug in my blog's CSS and emailed me with the fix. The internet's the best.
354700723566551041 @mollybierman @k_thompson Still no submissions ...
354427970749874177 @seanjtaylor The answer for me is almost always R not being zero-based for arrays/vectors.
353982739197861889 RT @ivanov: Stand up and be counted! the matplotlib developers want to hear from you #python #matplotlib #scipy2013
353616350918348800 Writing ugly code AND using regular expressions. Future me is going to be pissed.
353347417183227906 Being aurally assaulted by @theflatliners at @reggieslive.
352107391292157952 .@espn you should probably have some NULL handling.
351351424464068609 @haydenth But my Hipchat title is already SQL Wizard. I can't be both a wizard and a dragon.
351349892628754432 @fredbenenson The first emoji reply I've ever gotten. I'm honored.
351346410710515713 Cashier at the coffee shop just thought I said my name was Dragon.
351181649813307392 @alexzhao That's false. I would have told you to write them to temp tables and index those.
349365578068275201 "Let's go at least tip a car or something." - @rwbattista re: the Hawks win.
348913086155067392 Sampling California's finest at Russian River Brewery.
348488911783333889 @Dobber_ Nice. Sad I won't be there for the show tonight - drop a couple BAYBEEEEs for me.
348265426351951872 @haydenth that's why I built that mini flask app - was paralyzed and wanted to spend some time learning something way different.
348264842999758849 @haydenth take a vacation or a few days to work on something _you_ find interesting in order to get motivated again.
348224945735729152 @gabegaster @oceankidbilly Andy's always on top of everything pandas related. pandas wizard.
347948815216689152 Help me with some #pydata DataFrame-fu on Stack Overflow: // cc @oceankidbilly @gabegaster
347896354082787328 @oceankidbilly I'm looking for something like: Rob 1 Rob 2 Rob 3 Greg 1 John 1 John 2 Thinking this might need to go to SO.
347864867350396928 How do I enumerate rows in a #pydata dataframe based on group? Want to split by values in col1 + create col2 labeling Nth row of each group.
346374573777907713 @DataJunkie It's usually the SerDe not being able to parse the data properly for me. Or a bad CREATE TABLE.
344655077157502977 @DrewFustin second song = Fire's Highway. Heard they weren't great live. Vehemently disagree with that right now. We'll see in an hour.
342466331611901954 @onecaseman Relax in Dolores Park for a bit & enjoy the view. Avoid Fisherman's Wharf. Watch some kite surfers at Chrissy Field. Coit Tower.
342428085079117824 @haydenth a biker was fatally hit by a drunk driver at like 6:30pm one night last week.
342377658262355968 RT @remarkfulara: @Dobber_ You were AT the bank? Did you stop by a Blockbuster Video on your way home?
342377647319420928 RT @Dobber_: Was in line at the bank and a girl asked why she can't take pictures of cash for deposit like she can with checks? Hopefully #…
341584136391241728 Why you should almost always use #sql join or exists instead of in:
340129348961054721 The price of growth: RT @justinmassa the ping pong table here @foodgenius needs to go. any takers? need it out by 6/7
339890214182985729 RT @MichelangeloDA: A colleague just described my job as digging through a pile of shit searching for an unwrapped chocolate bar. That fee…
339609492981428224 @jamalzkhan Came across your dropshare repo on GitHub. Super helpful in getting me started with Dropbox + Flask tonight. Thanks.
338509098846920704 @bjlange Mine too. Though Broken Social Scene has taken Feist's place for now.
335179517574385664 @mollybierman I need a penny to recoup my costs on bierface.
334330962693464065 @treycausey any chance you could share some of what you've heard?
333362009984876544 @kurtinc I like F and H
333037956023582720 @hspter @tdhopper This is excellent advice.
332528978432761857 @deanmalmgren Pandas has some really awesome GA integration as well:
331776924202442752 @mollybierman @BrooksCommaAlex Make that
331771252232581120 @rwbattista amateur hour. Gotta keep a pair at your desk.
331499567948386304 I get far too much joy out of buying random domain names.
331439168242712576 @tdhopper @arnicas The gang at @foodgenius might be a good source too.
330418223587659776 @zach_hogan Thanks Zach! Hoping to have some more pandas stuff up within the next week.
330062484633423872 @mollybierman You'll be done before the weekend's over.
329607517523025920 Anyone using @InductionApp? @sequelpro has been a bit too unstable for me since v1.0.
329300903213543424 Great analysis on the #rstats mailing list by @treycausey and @ErinGengo:
329278781577633792 @PaulReda And his contract is up.
329278318119641088 @LeapingLlamas I highly suggest the screenshot-as-wallpaper prank.
329079540955631616 I scraped Chicago Magazine's Best Sandwiches list and made a map. I'd love to hear your thoughts:
327911474402041856 @mollybierman everything's bigger in Texas?
327187331524198401 @treycausey I wish. I'd be slightly less ashamed.
327177071564570625 Just hit for the data analysis cycle: csv -> #pydata -> SQL -> excel -> #rstats. I'm ashamed.
326806860613156865 @kennylong Did you really make a word cloud?
326419652169310209 @fredbenenson PSV - pipes FTW.
326401360599871488 Andddd flight to SF: booked. Few things put me in a better mood.
325466705033838593 @MattKuzma Bosstones > Dropkick Murphys. By far.
325306788746506240 @adamlaiacano Have a coworker that does it. I beg him not to.
325295886731194368 Really cool Chicago Blackhawks data viz by @laurieskelly and the gang at @DsAtweet:
324946276670124032 @jakevdp I use Pelican and find it to be pretty great. Docs seem better than Hyde's too.
322768599787925504 @haydenth There's also an Intelligensia at Wabash and Randolph.
322342608489824258 Imagine if @hadleywickham and @wesmckinn worked in/on the same language. Whoa.
321630678636703745 @tomschenkjr Sounds like an awesome idea.
320370292033744896 @haydenth github it. I probably have some old code lying around somewhere.
319629892591435777 I just backed Englewood Codes on @Kickstarter
319472312829235200 @mstringer @adamrpah @abbiedbs Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) in Ghostbusters has to at least be in the conversation.
319233540552286208 @kurtinc I like the idea of keeping it simple. Thanks for the link.
317447862151700481 "Congratulate the temporary." - Al McGuire #mubb
316359590138757121 @VincentBarr Glad you enjoyed it.
315872158473662464 @DrewFustin thanks. I'll keep dealing with the near heart attacks as long as they keep winning.
314787306382974976 @Abbiedbs Looks like City Provisions will live on a bit through Fountainhead: cc @mstringer
313014072067117056 Why you should write online about what you love [new post]:
312552330774052864 @datavangelist S3cmd:
312550149895372801 @datavangelist Feel free to bug me if you need some help.
312007317459709953 @tdhopper Been using Byword on the train during my commute - it's exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks again for recommending.
311920344518754305 @a_bigbadwolf Thanks Aaron. Planning on doing another to cover some of the stuff people asked for in the comments. @tomschenkjr
311471128822562816 @John4man "Dr. Emmett Brown endorsed you for time travel."
311460119324004352 Stuck in an infinite snooze loop.
310188685473763329 @LJonhny Thanks for pointing that out! I'd actually copied and pasted bc I wanted to show a good DRY example. Guess I forgot to change that.
310056114656010240 Great post on logistic regression with Python by @yhathq
309859605347971072 Anyone have recs for a Markdown editor on the iPhone?
308947079085035521 @wesmckinn @changhiskhan we love it at GrubHub and use it pretty heavily.
308409316858290177 @fredbenenson Oh nice. Safe travels. Mandatory Chicagoan advice: Frontera Tortas in ORD is ridiculously good.
308407626545373185 @fredbenenson We should try to grab a beer next time you're in Chicago.
308350404234723328 @treycausey Thanks Trey!
307920086533017600 @Crancois You should buy some of that Nugget Nectar and ship it to me. Can't get it in Chicago.
305871420729208833 Awesome to see a Kickstarter-backed project win an Oscar. Congrats to the @kickstarter team.
305349534471573504 Some portion of your Saturday afternoon should be listening to John Butler play Ocean.
303922139197747200 RT @brianboyer: This seems like a very bad idea.
303703766455173120 @datavangelist
303698287867875329 Upgrading to Mountain Lion clobbered my python environment. Slow clap for me.
303177698795220992 @haydenth Check out @fonnesbeck's SciPy Superpack for OSX. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches later on.
300074580075220992 "Lumineers" autocorrects to "limo beers" on my phone. Awesome?
298885903634546689 @remarkfulara How many of these are we going to see?
298884617862258688 @mstringer I read his How To Think Like A Computer Scientist book years ago and enjoyed it. Planning on reading Think Bayes too.
298558404266446849 Any #pydata gurus able to answer my pandas + Google Analytics API question on Stack Overflow?
297772822237945857 @justinmassa Now I'm thankful that I've never had to use it.
297755365670539264 Is there a piece of software more annoying than Flash?
297351232757039105 @rwbattista bobby jet
297176255302877184 Of course Hot Water Music opens with Remedy.
296332927854338048 "My Hive job's running" is the new "my code's compiling."
296325321186226177 @PaulReda @ethercycle Lay off Sublime Text 2.
296279642426470401 @a_bigbadwolf @justinmassa might have something for purchase.
295356045541388288 Hanging with Pliny.
295313319286431744 Skyline view from Palmisano Park in Bridgeport.
295225265536245760 I just backed For Journalism on @Kickstarter
293893393011056642 @haydenth It is nice. Ruby actually has a similar package called Sinatra. Never used it though.
293882212598833154 "How does one become a professional? ... By taking a leap of faith and not being afraid of where you land" -
293804782638993409 @mollybierman RT @remarkfulara: Lotus Notes is the Applebee's of email software.
293182307374866432 RT @RobHart1980: The next Super Bowl will be the most epic Harbaugh brother tilt since the great station wagon staring contest of 1971.
293182141905371136 @haydenth They are the brothers-in-law of IU basketball coach Tom Crean #harbaughfacts
292795207303446530 @bjlange That thing's got a great color. Looks delicious.
292729824739471363 @rwbattista That looks so money (Hopslam included). I predict sauced by 5pm.
291592125513089024 @mstringer We call those "laptop stands" around here.
291292146709983235 RT @samarthbhaskar: Keep calm and query on everyone -
291004572800012289 @deanmalmgren To this day I've always thought it was Cliff Notes. I've never been giving poor Cliff his due credit. #TIL
290582301610483713 Using Hive may cause side effects such as excessive waiting and slow death due to MapReduce.
290337156898115584 I waited way too long to use @uber's cab service for the first time. Excellent experience.
290176952856354817 @kenpomeroy I was shocked they didn't have the entire team standing on the arc. Give them any two they want.
289926675255422976 RT @dansinker: HOLY. SHIT. RT @ggreeneva: The @WhiteHouse response to the build-a-Death-Star Petition just might’ve won the internet. ht ...
289862128091930625 @lovehasnologic @justinmassa You guys must be huge in Hawaii.
289093062213390336 @LoraineMusic Thanks! I'm four songs through the EP and really enjoying it.
289086300131319808 RT @dauber: Scott Adams has certainly realized that #BigData is great fodder for Dilbert - love that he added in-memory
288479208370491394 @PaulReda Hope you got them at +40.
286889934835556352 @_JoshDoyle @a_bigbadwolf You guys should check out this Python library too:
286883099118280704 RT @fredbenenson: Want to work on Kickstarter's data with me? Get in touch. #RStats & Ruby experience preferred.
286639175728517120 Code + Art + Data + Documentary = CLOUDS Interactive Documentary on @Kickstarter
286311173111042048 Games like this MU vs. UConn one make me sad the Big East had to crumble.
285880187839717376 Top 300 post-rock songs of all-time as a YouTube playlist:
284797494989307904 @adamlaiacano Eat. A lot.
284774519208566785 @samarthbhaskar Same here. Hopefully.
284773159465521152 @samarthbhaskar Scary to think we'll likely be on the other end of that gap some day.
283962439194796032 Do yourself a favor and listen to Little Joy today:
283592493348556800 My Dad is looking for a movie to watch on TV. WE HAVE NATIONAL LAMPOONS' CHRISTMAS VACATION ON THE DVR!
283376500932218881 7pm and my Dad's already snoring on the living room floor. Merry Christmas.
283293844433412096 @paulreda The lack of pushed updates soured me on the Android experience entirely.
283293319482728449 @PaulReda My Verizon Droid 2 was still on Android 2.3.4. Using this iPhone 5 is like I'm on some sort of magical planet.
283234988030296064 I'm still baffled as to why websites think I want their videos to automatically play when I'm not even on that tab.
281975014427869184 There's something fulfilling about cleaning up bad data in an API consumed by many people you have a common interest with.
281616089455132673 @deanmalmgren 1) That's a way better idea - avoids a future state where some tables are django-style and some not. 2) Great seeing you guys.
281606306190737409 Don't like django's naming style = want to write raw SQL create tables for #django project and then declare in - bad idea? #python
281451563036323840 .@drewconway My tip: option + cursor drag up or down allows for column select mode
278616004622442496 @kastner @ktheory @fredbenenson I was a huge fan of @alignedleft's tutorials. Definitely helped me a lot:
278570303318265857 @fredbenenson hopefully you had an easier time grasping the whole .data().enter().append() thing than I did.
278548380345569280 @fredbenenson so thorough and awesome. great stuff.
277842414000037889 RT @a_bigbadwolf: Carolina Panthers win their first coin toss of the season! They were 0 - 13 going into today's game (odds of 0 - 13 -& ...
276352546635935745 @gjreda Make that three now.
276347094393053185 Two phone calls from a 702 area code within the past 17 hours. No one on the other end for either. WTF?
273975124326248448 @justinmassa that's awesome. Congrats!
273491075472175104 denim jacket + jeans : canadian tuxedo :: brown corduroy jacket + brown corduroy pants : ???
273278854611746816 The ultimate data nerd Etsy store: // via @mollybierman and @flowingdata
272906244484907008 @kurtinc Board game > cereal. Unless the cereal is in Chex Mix or Puppy Chow form.
272903880109592577 Things that are awesome: Life.
272877795166806016 Had some of @StoneBrewingCo's #EnjoyBy IPA today. Find out who has it near you because it's fantastic. #IL
271852112009375744 Ghostbusters on HBO. Pretty much the best thing ever when I was little.
271759527869816835 @mollybierman Mike's a smart man.
271018539853438976 Just going to guess this did it: RT @neilkod: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU @alignedleft THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
270646127588675584 @mollybierman Jealousy overload.
266048913092534272 RT @peteskomoroch: Think what @fivethirtyeight did was powerful? Remember that next time your data team asks for resources :)
266005445385269248 @hmason Funny you should mention that - I'm actually going to be in NYC next weekend.
264441914680553473 Custom #rstats #ggplot2 theme accomplished.
263807031927009280 @deanmalmgren They probably want @mstringer to be Biebs' stand-in.
263805402154668033 Drinking some @3floyds Zombie Dust on Halloween. Fitting.
263790548316459008 @dansinker My Dad always told me he was checking to make sure it wasn't poisonous.
263061731029426176 Just ordered from @GrubHub and loaded my VCR with Ghost. Do I hear a ditto?
262417177448173568 Guilty pleasure: Love Actually
262215008946102274 @wesmckinn congrats! It's really a great book.
260929723855683584 RT @trammell: High five to the kid in the back row. RT @BarackObama: Photo of the day:
260835923170840576 @undertowmusic Will the @appleseed_cast living room tour tickets still go on sale today or is there a new date?
258932117218676737 Woke up with Hot Water Music's Remedy stuck in my head. Definitely listening to them all day now.
258689239594725378 RT @aaronkoblin: The interwebs is complete. Next Level Gif Control #GIF
258391285512167424 Pretty soon Obama's gonna be calling Mitt by his full name.
252508541225693187 @PaulReda While watching "The Quick and the Dead"?
251388024540233729 @mshron Excellent. Thanks for the reply.
251379779490680832 @mshron Any reason not to go for the Kindle version? Technical things that'd be annoying to read on a regular old Kindle?
251332002706518016 @mollybierman Bet you're wishing you funded the ostrich pillow now.
251168090790961152 @mollybierman Please tell me you funded that and got an extra for me.
251123593436594176 @mdw129 @kloontheblock Worst twitter name ever.
251067425590738944 For those writing lots of SQL and then using R to analyze/visualize (on OSX): df <- read.delim(pipe("pbpaste")) #rstats #ggplot2
250648095895977985 RT @seanjtaylor: The Data Science Loop:
249583753259802625 @Crancois Gotta come out here and have some @HalfAcreBeer and @3floyds. I have more of their beers in my fridge than I do food.
248933787021504512 Everyone should be using a throwaway password for Pandora:
247827702831259649 Reminder: Everyone owes @shancarter a beer for @mrdataconverter.
246390163725508608 Home after 12 days in Europe + no food + tons of laundry to do + missed episode of Breaking Bad + Bears vs. Packers = order from @GrubHub
240981629517066240 I feel extremely unprepared to be leaving the country in two days.
240618323937730560 .@CharlesSchwab Bank might seriously have the best customer service on the planet. Always quick and pleasant // cc: @SchwabService
239446924925739009 Song that just came on my has a bunch of audio clips from the moon landing laid over the music. Odd timing.
239389722999406593 @jderoner You're in Chicago? Good choice with Al's - it's a never-ending debate of Al's vs Portillo's for beef.
239065513014206464 @ethercycle @PaulReda Bad link in that last tweet
236164392373342208 @indochino 4:45pm tomorrow
236164028869779456 @indochino: trying to book a fitting for tomorrow at Union Station but getting an error on submit -
235103053873831938 RT @flowingdata: When do we get to call "big data" just "data" again?
229217681763627008 @kennylong Gotta start hanging out with some googlers.
223938583659155456 Underrated album: The Greatest Story Ever Told by The Lawrence Arms. So damn good.
223129791556108289 @wesmckinn @guan @seanjtaylor Started to realize the same last night while reading my copy of the early release. I'm pretty pumped about it.
218471634410016769 @andrewhagerman Awesome choice. Get some Resistence or The Bitter End if they have it.
218099859268448256 RT @MichelangeloDA: This is amazing.--"the most important new technology since the smart phone":
217676429146599424 Anthony Davis trademarked his unibrow. Seriously.
217366882267836416 @mollybierman callonmemaybeduh
217273820816482305 Explosions in the Sky tomorrow. I have never been more pumped for a show in my life.
217072111250968576 RT @dansinker: Whole-ass one thing.
216974724155179009 SFO -> ORD. Fantastic weekend.
216277092390813696 @MattKuzma Literally laughed out loud at that RT. I love Rushin.
213387088182251521 RT @antgoldbloom: The Life of the Number-Crunching Analyst via @freakonomics
210575337044709377 @onecaseman Satisfied?
209324375986540544 RT @mollybierman: Marathons that go past McDonalds should be illegal
209023233033388032 The seasonality of Chicago's crime: #rstats #dataviz #opendata
207987551850606592 This is what happens when you go on vacation where I work:
207944284194877442 Congrats @craignewman on the new gig!
204573154432139264 RT @deanmalmgren: frequently asked for this: a list of data-related meetups in chicago
202770694604472320 @deanmalmgren That list is fantastic. @opencityapps has been hosting a hack night every Thursday at 1871:
202760993800077312 @jenusellis @jevnin @quasarkitten @MattKuzma My brother is the man behind that page. #namedropping
201739825689276416 Seeing all the awesome pics from this weekend's #chidatadive makes me sad I had to miss it. Awesome work everyone.
200228911773257728 Remember when the Cubs traded Josh Hamilton for 100k?
198472428207341568 @deanmalmgren Congrats!
197380229541543937 RT @M3aloney: Big day for @GrubHub! Here’s our bold stab at making an easier life for restaurants. [VIDEO]
197380009827106817 @rdmurphy - Advice: just learn one type of outer (left or right) - both do the same thing depending on order in FROM
197330766240292864 RT @MattKuzma: Boom. GrubHub is bringing restaurant ordering into the 21st century
197060551929630720 @mstringer saw you finished in the top 20 - congrats
196746865969074176 Doc Brown needs to get to Chicago so I can travel back to the 90s and see American Football and Cap'n Jazz.
195262278482927617 @onecaseman "Not my first rodeo"
194991194915352576 Anyone know the plusses/minuses of @LeafletJS vs @mbostock's Polymaps? Seems that the main difference is Polymaps' use of SVG.
194856629055926272 @mstringer see you at the data hackathon on Saturday?
192465864971399168 @mollybierman Jealous couldn't be more of an understatement. I should have flown out for it.
192441164618674177 Taking #pivot.js for a test drive. Looks fantastic.
191708633912975360 Pretty much nailed how I feel - Gen Y's Great Migration:
191226432603684865 Don't work. Be hated. Love someone. -
190797257505902594 RT @StatFact: 22 free tools for data visualization and analysis
189015123040534528 @mollybierman I love that you're tweeting while running a half marathon
188773813440348160 @mbostock That's extremely helpful. Thanks for doing that.
188691480511135745 Feeling like I'm starting to understand appending data with #d3. #dataviz
182205582093201408 Michael Bay: ruiner of childhoods -
182091703023448064 RT @mstringer: Find a food truck in the loop today... with data! sweet site by @bjlange @damned_liesss @DsAtweet
181586775137992705 @mat_kelcey This is going to be extremely handy. Thanks a ton for writing that up.
181525773184802817 Scraping data with #python is a beautiful thing.
174855301302976513 I really hope this high 50s weather isn't a tease. Unbelieveably nice out right now.
173879368123289600 It's kind of sad that I'd forgotten how awesome my Kindle is.
173543365558800384 LaSalle blue line stop at 9:20am while on my way to #cfachi #ideahack.
170247388525629441 This is awesome RT @jbarratt: I had some fun last night comparing LA and Portland weather with R and ggplot2:
168778441376804865 Excellent piece on the current era of big data:
166350900577841152 Considered turning it off for this reason: RT @azizansari: Wonder if the Patriots lack of focus has anything to do with Hitch being on TBS.
166309543586967552 Do people really care about the halftime show?
165563997385531392 @mikegioia saw you listened to Concrete Angel multiple times on Grooveshark. Figured I'd give it a listen. And now I can't stop.
165281929581707264 @mollybierman Taking pictures of unsuspecting people in public is possibly your best skill.
164180753498898433 Is there a more perfectly cast actor than Danny DeVito as Frank Reynolds in It's Always Sunny?
158310667684818944 @PaulReda the winds would make him awfully knuckle-y.
155680435614138368 Anyone using twitteR for #rstats having an issue getting back the specified number of tweets in searchTwitter()? n=1500 returns only 98.
155424585544773633 How did I never really listen to Propagandhi when I was growing up? I was missing out.
149301954206633984 @mollybierman Classic episode of Entourage - Drama wants calf implants.
147402184588402688 @CharlesSchwab Just emailed via contact us - might have just found a bug in your password authentication - is there someone I can talk to?
146972229354270721 @deanmalmgren @DsAtweet That's awesome - good luck to you and Mike with the move.
146951444082339840 @DsAtweet @deanmalmgren Congrats on the new space - it looks great. I take it you guys aren't in Lakeview anymore?
146045269220409344 RT @YahooForde: In non-Tebow news: my column on Cincinnati and Xavier disgracing their sport and their schools via ...
146044491944562689 The suspensions from the Xavier-Cincinnati brawl are a joke. Should be way longer.
144941221910024193 RT @espnchijon: Bulls should pick up Dragic so Stacy King can walk around yelling at him.
144239240853729280 @ChicagoCDO just a heads up: the Food Inspections dataset has some Excel #value appearances in the long + lat columns
144226939723448320 Google Refine might be the greatest thing on the planet.
140492079313854465 Yessss. RT @NYTimes: Fugazi Live Series: A Post-Punk Band’s Archive of Shows
123424724897378304 Just accepted a new job. Looking forward to joining the @Grubhub team.
111977979902558209 This new kickoff rule is pretty terrible.
110362143303540736 @dansinker you should make a stop at Real Chili on wells street. So worth it.
107840537771515904 I wish Chicago weather was like this year round. Low 70s and sunny with a cool breeze.
102010699714277378 This is newsworthy?
100918201935863808 RT #rstats @ChicagoCDO Any R gurus out there that would like to help work through a time series method for a large #data set? #chicago ...
85099849061642240 Working through @hadleywickham's ggplot2 book. I'm more than OK with that.
81524680208560129 Loving the work that @ChicagoCTO and @ChicagoCDO are doing. #openchicago
77195675363840000 @Crancois you should have a lovely package coming on Thursday
77193559874355200 RT @fivethirtyeight: According to North Korean statisticians
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