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Created November 12, 2016 14:56
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// Gordon Young 2016
// This script :
// 1. Reads the given Windows registry subkey value reg_multi_sz data type
// 2. Compares it to the provided expected setting
// if the configured setting is compliant the script returns 'pass',
// if the setting is non-compliant the script returns 'fail'
//The registry path we want to test
var hklm = 0x80000002, KeyName = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\Netlogon\\Parameters", ValueName = "RequireStrongKey";
//set our Array of expected CI Settings values:
var sExpectedValue = 1;
// The following function wmiExec() is is just a generic way to call "C Style" provider methods that require output parameters. This helps to return output from the GetMultiStringValue
// For example the windows regisry method we are calling look like:
//uint32 GetDWORDValue(
// [in] uint32 hDefKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
// [in] string sSubKeyName,
// [in] string sValueName,
// [out] uint32 uValue
try {
function wmiExec(wmiService, providerName, methodName, methodParameters) {
var wmiProviderObject = wmiService.Get(providerName);
var wmiProviderMethod = wmiProviderObject.Methods_.Item(methodName);
var wmiInputParameterObject = wmiProviderMethod.Inparameters.SpawnInstance_();
for (var parameter in methodParameters) {
wmiInputParameterObject.Properties_.item(parameter) = methodParameters[parameter];
wmiOutParameterObject = wmiProviderObject.ExecMethod_(wmiProviderMethod.Name, wmiInputParameterObject);
return wmiOutParameterObject;
var wmiLocatorObj = WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"); //instanciate WMI provider
var wmiServiceDefault = wmiLocatorObj.ConnectServer(".", "root\\default");
// Executing the GetMultiStringValue method and creating an array of the resulting values.
var methodParameters = new Object();
methodParameters["hDefKey"] = hklm;
methodParameters["sSubKeyName"] = KeyName;
methodParameters["sValueName"] = ValueName;
var result = wmiExec(wmiServiceDefault, "StdRegProv", "GetDWORDValue", methodParameters);
var iResult = result.uValue;
if (sExpectedValue == iResult) {
else {
catch (e) {
//WScript.echo((e.number>>16 & 0x1FFF)); // Prints Facility Code
//WScript.echo((e.number & 0xFFFF)); // Prints Error Code
//WScript.echo(e.description); // Prints Description
//throw e;
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