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Created February 3, 2017 23:04
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#Set up some variables for later use.
$seperator = "=",","
$ADConfiguration = Get-ADRootDSE | Select configurationNamingContext
$OIDPath = "AD:\CN=OID,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services," + $ADConfiguration.configurationNamingContext.ToString()
#Pull the AD certificates from the object
$computerObject = Get-ADComputer -Filter *
#Forced to iterate through each computer so we can manipulate it later
ForEach ($computer in $ComputerObject.Name) {
#There are some invalid object names in the AD that I wasn't expecting - linux created objects that don't have certs associated with them, so can be skipped.
try {$computerCertificates = Get-ADComputer $computer -Properties "Certificates" } catch { continue }
#Iterate through each certificate associated with this particular computer object.
ForEach ($cert in $computerCertificates.Certificates) {
#Since the object comes in as X509Certificate and not X509Certificate2, we have to convert it first
$ExpandedCert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $cert
#We want the template, not the number - since that can vary between domains.
#I'll do this by pulling the template OID number then resolve it via AD.
$template = $ExpandedCert.Extensions.format(0) | sls Template
$template = $template.ToString().Split($seperator)[1]
$templateName = Get-ChildItem $OIDPath -Properties * | Where-Object -Property msPKI-Cert-Template-OID -eq $template.ToString()
If ($templateName.displayName -contains "RemoteDesktop" -or $template.ToString() -eq "") {
If ($templateName.displayName -eq $null) {
$templateID = $template.ToString()
else {
$templateID = $templateName.displayName
Write-Host "Removing Certificate" $ExpandedCert.Thumbprint "issued to" $ExpandedCert.SubjectName.Name "with template name and/or identifier" $templateID "from AD Object" $computer.ToString()
Set-ADComputer $computer -Certificates @{Remove=$cert}
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