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Created June 2, 2022 08:12
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// ==UserScript==
// @name 知乎防火星
// @version 1
// @grant none
// @include /^https?://www\.zhihu\.com/.*$/
// ==/UserScript==
const WARNING_HTML = (x)=>`<div class="QuestionStatus"><div class="QuestionStatus-bar"><div class="QuestionStatus-bar-inner" style="background-color:red;"><strong>这个问题是${x}前提问的!</strong><em>提问内容可能已过时或不适用于当下</em><div class="ztext" style="color:white;">转发时请注意自己别火星了</div></div></div><div><span style="position: absolute; top: -10000px; left: -10000px;" role="log" aria-live="assertive"></span></div><div><span style="position: absolute; top: -10000px; left: -10000px;" role="log" aria-live="assertive"></span></div></div>`
function createWarningTag(tag){
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = WARNING_HTML(tag).trim();
// Change this to div.childNodes to support multiple top-level nodes.
return div.firstChild;
function smartDate(x){
let unit = 1000*60*60*24*30*12;
let s = "";
s+=(x>=unit? `${Math.floor(x/unit)}年`: "");
x=x%unit; unit/=12;
s+=(x>=unit? `${Math.floor(x/unit)}个月`: "");
x=x%unit; unit/=30;
s+=(x>=unit? `${Math.floor(x/unit)}天`: "");
x=x%unit; unit/=24;
s+=(x>=unit? `${Math.floor(x/unit)}小时`: "");
x=x%unit; unit/=60;
return s;
const f = (()=>{
const createTime = document.querySelector("meta[itemprop='dateCreated']");
if(!createTime) return;
const delta = (new Date() - new Date(createTime.content));
window.addEventListener('load', f, false);
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