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Last active April 27, 2018 06:24
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
# Grid Structure = x * y * 2(Type, Number)
# Producer - 1
# Resistant - 2
# Sensitive - 3
# Killed - 4
def seed_random_grid(grid, num):
c = np.random.randint(grid.shape[0], size=(num,2))
c = tuple(map(tuple, c))
for i in c:
grid[i] = 1
return grid
Round = 0
Final_Round = 30
# gridsize = 10**5
# inhibitionradius = gridsize/100
# grazingradius = gridsize/100
# producers_start = 10
# resistant_start = 10**6
# sensitive_start = 10**8
gridsize = 100
inhibitionradius = gridsize/10
grazingradius = gridsize/10
producers_start = 10
resistant_start = 100
sensitive_start = 10000
producers = producers_start
resistant = resistant_start
sensitive = sensitive_start
# Initialize Grids
producers_grid = np.zeros((gridsize,gridsize))
resistant_grid = np.zeros((gridsize,gridsize))
sensitive_grid = np.zeros((gridsize,gridsize))
resources_grid = np.zeros((gridsize,gridsize))
# Seed grid
# 1 is present. 0 is absent. -1 is killed
print("Seeding producers grid")
producers_grid = seed_random_grid(producers_grid, producers_start)
resistant_grid = seed_random_grid(resistant_grid, resistant_start)
sensitive_grid = seed_random_grid(sensitive_grid, sensitive_start)
resources = [0, 0, 0] # Producers, Sensitive, Ressitant
grids = [producers_grid, sensitive_grid, resistant_grid]
while Round < Final_Round and len(sensitive_grid[sensitive_grid == 1]) > 0:
s = time.time()
# Get all grid positions of non empty cells in producers_grid
c = np.dstack(np.where(producers_grid == 1))[0]
for cx,cy in c:
y,x = np.ogrid[-cx:gridsize-cx, -cy:gridsize-cy]
mask = (x**2 + y**2 <= inhibitionradius ** 2) & (sensitive_grid[y+cx,x+cy] == 1)
sensitive_grid[mask] = -1
print("Killed sensitive cells: "+str(time.time() - s))
# Distribution of resources
idx = list(np.ndindex(producers_grid.shape))
for i in idx:
_s = time.time()
y,x = np.ogrid[-i[0]:gridsize-i[0], -i[1]:gridsize-i[1]]
cx = i[0]
cy = i[1]
mask = (x**2 + y**2 <= grazingradius ** 2) & ((producers_grid[y+cx,x+cy] == 1) | (sensitive_grid[y+cx,x+cy] == 1) | (resistant_grid[y+cx,x+cy] == 1))
total_resource = 1
resources_grid[mask] += total_resource/np.sum(mask)
for j in range(0, len(grids)):
_ = (x**2 + y**2 <= grazingradius ** 2) & (grids[j][y+cx,x+cy] == 1)
resources[j] += (np.sum(_) * total_resource/np.sum(mask))
e = time.time()
Round += 1
print("Elapsed: "+str(e - s))
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