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Last active April 10, 2020 01:06
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class Candidate {
def result
def invalids = []
def brute(def list, def ok, def okInOrder, def candidates) {
def newCandidates = []
candidates.findResults { candidate ->
(0..<(list.size) as List).subsequences()
.findAll { it.size == ok }
.each { indexesToCheck ->
(indexesToCheck.subsequences().findAll { it.size == okInOrder } ?: [[]])
.each { inOrder ->
def res = candidate.result
def inv = candidate.invalids
// Other, non-null value already selected for some in-order index
if (inOrder.any { res[it] != null && res[it] != list[it] }) return
def outOfOrder = indexesToCheck.findAll { !(it in inOrder) }
def restOrigIndexes = (0..<(list.size)).findAll { !(it in inOrder) }
.findAll { it.size == outOfOrder.size }
.collectMany { it.permutations() } ?: [[]])
.each { potentialMap ->
def keyPairs = [outOfOrder, potentialMap].transpose()
// Out-of-order index mapped to same index, or
// Other, non-null value already selected for some out-of-order index
if (keyPairs.any { it[0] == it[1] || (res[it[0]] != null && res[it[0]] != list[it[1]]) }) return
// Constrain regarding invalid values from previous iterations
if (inOrder.any { list[it] in inv } || keyPairs.any { list[it[1]] in inv }) return
def copy = res + []
inOrder.each { copy[it] = list[it] }
keyPairs.each { copy[it[0]] = list[it[1]] }
def newInv = (0..<(list.size))
.findAll { !(it in (inOrder + keyPairs.collect { it[1] })) }
.collect { list[it] }
if (copy.any { it in newInv }) return
newCandidates << new Candidate(copy, (inv + newInv).unique())
return newCandidates.unique { it.result }
def solve = { constraintList ->
// Assume all examples are of same size
def empty = (1..(constraintList[0][0].size)).collect { null }
println constraintList
.inject([new Candidate(empty)]) { res, con -> brute(con[0], con[1], con[2], res) }
.collect { it.result }
// List of constraints: [example, #ok, #ok in order]
solve([[[5,8,1,6], 2, 1],
[[3,8,2,6], 2, 0],
[[1,9,8,3], 2, 0],
[[1,4,2,7], 1, 1]]) // --> [[5, 4, 3, 8]]
solve([[[2,7,5,3], 2, 1],
[[9,7,6,3], 2, 0],
[[4,5,7,9], 2, 0],
[[4,1,6,8], 1, 1]]) // --> [3, 9, 5, 8], [2, 1, 9, 7]]
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transpose is like zip in functional languages, and
inject is like fold

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