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Created March 22, 2021 14:49
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Binary Search Tree to Circular Doubly Linked List
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Node {
int data;
struct Node* left;
struct Node* right;
} Node;
void add_tree(Node **root, int v) {
if (*root == NULL) {
*root = malloc(sizeof(Node));
(*root)->data = v;
(*root)->left =(*root)->right = NULL;
else if (v < (*root)->data)
add_tree(&((*root)->left), v);
add_tree(&((*root)->right), v);
void print_tree(Node *root) {
if (root == NULL) return;
printf("%d\n", root->data);
void tree_to_list_aux(Node* root, Node **start, Node **last) {
if (root == NULL) return;
// Bottom-left child
if (*start == NULL && root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) {
*start = root;
*last = root;
tree_to_list_aux(root->left, start, last);
// Connect previous and current node
(*last)->right = root;
root->left = *last;
*last = root;
tree_to_list_aux(root->right, start, last);
void tree_to_list(Node *root, Node **start) {
Node *end = NULL;
tree_to_list_aux(root, start, &end);
// Connect first and last node
if (*start != NULL) {
(*start)->left = end;
end->right = *start;
void print_list(Node *start) {
if (start == NULL) return;
Node *first = NULL;
while (start != first) {
printf(">> %d\n", start->data);
if (first == NULL) first = start;
start = start->right;
void clean(Node *start) {
if (start == NULL) return;
// Break the circle
start->left->right = NULL;
while (start != NULL) {
Node *temp = start;
start = start->right;
int main(void) {
Node* root = NULL;
add_tree(&root, 10);
add_tree(&root, 5);
add_tree(&root, 7);
add_tree(&root, 3);
add_tree(&root, 17);
Node *start = NULL;
tree_to_list(root, &start);
return 0;
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