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Created February 20, 2021 20:49
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-- local functions like this one are only visible (you can only acces them) from the module (file). This is
-- a good practice to not pollute global namespace with things that are not supposed to be there.
-- This function just check if 2 rectangles collides and returns true or false.
local function checkCollision(a, b)
return a.x < b.x + b.w and
a.x + a.w > b.x and
a.y < b.y + b.h and
a.h + a.y > b.y
-- "move" tries to move "item" to position (new_x, new_y)
function mt:move(item, new_x, new_y)
-- First we store current position, we'll roll back if we encounter any obstacle.
local prev_x, prev_y = item.x, item.y
-- Let's be optimistic and assign the new values.
item.x, item.y = new_x, new_y
for _, other in ipairs(self.items) do
-- if any other item collides with moved one ("item") then let's just roll back to the position it was
-- before the function was called
if other ~= item and checkCollision(item, other) then
item.x, item.y = prev_x, prev_y
break -- "break" exits the loop imidiately
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