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Created August 1, 2012 15:04
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Generate Random String of Arbitrary Length with Batch
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set char=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
set count=0
set salt=0
echo The maximum RC4 key length is 128 bits.
echo Default KEY length is 16 characters.
set /p salt=Enter a salt value(Integer):
if !salt! gtr 32752 goto Number
set /a length=15 + !salt!
set /a count+=1
set /a rand=%Random%%%61
set buffer=!buffer!!char:~%rand%,1!
if !count! leq !length! goto Loop
echo KEY = !buffer!
set /a length+=1
echo The length of KEY is !length! characters.
echo !buffer! | clip
echo KEY had been saved in clipboard^^!
set /p question=Do you want to save KEY into KEY.txt? [Y/n]
if /i "!question!" == "n" goto EOF
if /i "!question!" == "N" goto EOF
if /i "!question!" == "no" goto EOF
if /i "!question!" == "No" goto EOF
if /i "!question!" == "NO" goto EOF
echo The length of KEY is !length! characters. > KEY.txt
echo KEY=!buffer! >> KEY.txt
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Briliant Batch script! Thank you so much! I used it to generate registry keys in an installer script.

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