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Created January 18, 2014 20:11
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## I had ALREADY used MacPorts to install the latest PostgreSQL server.
# sudo port -v selfupdate
# sudo port -v install postgresql${PGV}-server
echo initial database setup
sudo mkdir -p ${PGDEFDB}
sudo chown postgres:postgres ${PGDEFDB}
### added cd ${PGBIN} after reading:
## if you want SQL-ANSI default encoding:
# sudo su postgres -c "cd ${PGBIN} && ./initdb -D ${PGDEFDB}"
## if you want UTF8 default encoding:
sudo su postgres -c "cd ${PGBIN} && ./initdb -E UTF8 -D ${PGDEFDB}"
echo start server
## If you want to run the server, log output to console, ^C to stop the server:
# sudo su postgres -c "${PGBIN}/postgres -D ${PGDEFDB}"
## If you want to run the server and have the log output go to a file:
sudo su postgres -c "cd ${PGBIN} && ./pg_ctl -D ${PGDEFDB} -l ${PGLOG} start"
echo setup automatic server start
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.postgresql${PGV}-server.plist
echo remember to setup PATH in your .bashrc
echo example: "export PATH=${PGBIN}:\$PATH"
echo create dbuser to match OSX username
${PGBIN}/createuser --superuser ${DBUSER} -U postgres
echo to create a new db: ${PGBIN}/createdb dbname
exit 0
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