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Created April 12, 2016 17:32
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// 0xBa69e7C96E9541863f009E713CaF26d4Ad2241a0
contract Managed {
address public currentManager;
function Managed() {
currentManager = msg.sender;
modifier onlyManager {
if (msg.sender != currentManager) throw;
contract OfficialWebsite is Managed {
string officialWebsite;
function setOfficialWebsite(string url) onlyManager {
officialWebsite = url;
contract SmartRevshare is OfficialWebsite {
struct Investor {
address addr;
uint value;
uint lastDay;
uint8 leftPayDays;
Investor[] public investors;
uint payoutIdx = 0;
address public currentManager;
uint public balance;
// Events that will be fired on changes.
event Invest(address investor, uint value);
event Payout(address investor, uint value);
// simple manager function modifier
modifier manager {
if (msg.sender == currentManager) _
function SmartRevshare() {
// set founder as current manager
currentManager = msg.sender;
// add some assets
balance += msg.value;
function found() onlyManager {
// let manager to add some revenue
balance += msg.value;
function() {
// 100 finey is minimum invest
if (msg.value < 100 finney) throw;
function invest() {
// add new investor
addr: msg.sender,
value: msg.value,
leftPayDays: calculateROI(),
lastDay: getDay()
// save 99% of sent value
balance += msg.value * 99 / 100;
// send 1% to current manager
currentManager.send(msg.value / 100);
// call Invest event
Invest(msg.sender, msg.value);
function payout() internal {
uint payoutValue;
uint currDay = getDay(); // store actual day
for (uint idx = payoutIdx; idx < investors.length; idx += 1) {
// calculate 1% of invested value
payoutValue = investors[idx].value / 100;
if (balance < payoutValue) {
// out of balance, do payuout next time
if (investors[idx].lastDay >= currDay) {
// this investor was payed today
// payout next one
if (investors[idx].leftPayDays <= 0) {
// this investor is paidoff, check next one
payoutIdx = idx;
// the best part - payout
// update lastDay to actual day
investors[idx].lastDay = currDay;
// decrement leftPayDays
investors[idx].leftPayDays -= 1;
// decrement contract balance
balance -= payoutValue;
// call Payout event
Payout(investors[idx].addr, payoutValue);
// get number of current day since 1970
function getDay() internal returns (uint) {
return now / 1 days;
// calculate ROI based on investor value
function calculateROI() internal returns (uint8) {
if (msg.value <= 1 ether) return 110; // 110%
if (msg.value <= 10 ether) return 120; // 120%
if (msg.value <= 100 ether) return 130; // 130%
return 0;
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  // calculate ROI based on investor value
  function calculateROI() internal returns (uint8) {
    if (msg.value <=   1 ether) return 110; // 110%
    if (msg.value <=  10 ether) return 120; // 120%
    if (msg.value <= 100 ether) return 130; // 130%
    return 0;

Do I get paid out if I put more then 100 ether in the contract?

     if (investors[idx].lastDay >= currDay) {
        // this investor was payed today
        // payout next one

      if (investors[idx].leftPayDays <= 0) {
        // this investor is paidoff, check next one
        payoutIdx = idx;

also why does the first if used continue and the second if payoutIdx = idx;

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