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Last active January 5, 2022 02:20
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  • Save glacjay/5cac8b0bb5c49b14641289f6b3b1c9d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save glacjay/5cac8b0bb5c49b14641289f6b3b1c9d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
simulate multi-layer keyboard
; Esc | LCtrl
SetMouseDelay -1
Send {Blind}{LCtrl DownR}
KeyWait, LCtrl
Send {Blind}{LCtrl up}
; MsgBox, %A_ThisHotkey%-%A_TimeSinceThisHotkey%
if (A_ThisHotkey="$LCtrl" and A_TimeSinceThisHotkey < 250)
Send {Blind}{Esc DownR}
; TabFn
SetMouseDelay -1
Send {Blind}{F24 DownR}
KeyWait, Tab
Send {Blind}{F24 up}
; MsgBox, %A_ThisHotkey%-%A_TimeSinceThisHotkey%
if (A_ThisHotkey="$Tab" and A_TimeSinceThisHotkey < 250)
Send {Blind}{Tab DownR}
; BackslashFn
SetMouseDelay -1
Send {Blind}{F23 DownR}
KeyWait, \
Send {Blind}{F23 up}
; MsgBox, %A_ThisHotkey%-%A_TimeSinceThisHotkey%
if (A_ThisHotkey="$\" and A_TimeSinceThisHotkey < 250)
Send {Blind}{\ DownR}
; TabFn
F24 & i::Up
F24 & k::Down
F24 & j::Left
F24 & l::Right
F24 & u::PgUp
F24 & o::PgDn
F24 & p::Home
F24 & `;::End
F24 & Backspace::Delete
F24 & '::Pause
F24 & q::F1
F24 & w::F2
F24 & e::F3
F24 & r::F4
F24 & a::F5
F24 & s::F6
F24 & d::F7
F24 & f::F8
F24 & z::F9
F24 & x::F10
F24 & c::F11
F24 & v::F12
F24 & 1::Volume_Down
F24 & 2::Volume_Up
F24 & 3::Media_Play_Pause
; BackslashFn
F23 & q::F1
F23 & w::F2
F23 & e::F3
F23 & r::F4
F23 & a::F5
F23 & s::F6
F23 & d::F7
F23 & f::F8
F23 & z::F9
F23 & x::F10
F23 & c::F11
F23 & v::F12
F23 & g::AppsKey
; fix win10 volume:
SoundGet, volume
Send {Volume_Up}
SoundSet, volume + 4
SoundGet, volume
Send {Volume_Down}
SoundSet, volume - 4
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