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Last active October 18, 2022 21:56
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Configurable array-based queue for JavaScript
const ArrayQueue = (() => {
const __enumerable__ = value => ({ value, enumerable: true });
function ArrayQueue(config) {
if (!(this instanceof ArrayQueue)) {
return new ArrayQueue(config);
const { equal, fifo, maxsize, reorder } = === "[object Object]"
? { ...config }
: { maxsize: config };
const $queue = [];
const $equal = typeof equal === "function"
? (a, b) => equal(a, b) === true
: (a, b) => a === b;
const $maxsize = Math.max(0, Math.min(
Number.isInteger(maxsize) && maxsize,
)) || ArrayQueue.MAX_SIZE;
const $fifo = fifo !== false;
const $reorder = reorder === true;
const _index = value => $queue.findIndex(item => $equal(item, value));
const _remove = (...args) => {
const index = +(args.length > 0 && _index(args[0]));
const removed = (index >= 0 ? $queue.splice(index, 1) : [])[0];
return removed == undefined ? null : removed;
const iterator = function*() { yield* $queue };
const dequeue = (...args) => $fifo ? _remove() : _remove(...args);
const enqueue = value => {
if (value != undefined) {
if ($reorder) _remove(value);
else if (_index(value) >= 0) return;
if ($queue.length === $maxsize) throw ArrayQueue.MAX_SIZE_ERROR;
const peek = () => $queue.length > 0 ? $queue[0] : null;
Object.defineProperties(this, {
[Symbol.iterator]: __enumerable__(iterator),
size: { get: () => $queue.length },
maxsize: __enumerable__($maxsize),
dequeue: __enumerable__(dequeue),
enqueue: __enumerable__(enqueue),
peek: __enumerable__(peek)
return Object.defineProperties(ArrayQueue, {
MAX_SIZE: __enumerable__(Math.pow(2, 32) - 1),
MAX_SIZE_ERROR: __enumerable__(new Error("Cannot exceed maximum queue size."))
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