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Created May 22, 2019 20:23
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-- see also previous gist and tweets
-- here we accomplish the same thing but in a totally different way, by relying on the host language for basically everything
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, GADTs, TypeOperators, DataKinds, PolyKinds, Strict, DeriveFunctor, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds #-}
import Prelude hiding (product, sum)
import Data.Type.Equality
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- utility
-- this thing shows up often: it's a constructive proof that the type-level list `list` contains the element `elem`, the proof being its index
data Index list elem where
Head :: Index (elem : list) elem
Tail :: Index list elem -> Index (other : list) elem
-- this thing shows up often enough that it's included in the standard library :)
-- it's how we convince the typechecker that if two things are at the same index in a type-level list, then they must be equal
instance TestEquality (Index list) where
testEquality = curry $ \case
(Head, Head) -> Just Refl
(Tail tail1, Tail tail2) -> testEquality tail1 tail2
(_, _) -> Nothing
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the actual thing
-- an introduction form is just "some data", here represented as a type containing instances of the eventual expression type
-- an untyped lambda calculus doesn't really have "types" so we use the word "constructor" for the different things it can have, like functions, pairs, etc.
-- constructors have *two* type arguments, both instantiated with the same expression type, for reasons
type Intro ctor expr = ctor expr expr
-- an elimination form is something which takes the corresponding introduction form and computes some result from it
-- any details of the elimination, e.g. which component of the pair to project, what argument to apply a function to, etc., can be "captured in the closure"
type Elim ctor expr = ctor expr expr -> expr
-- in the general case an expression is parameterized over a type-level list of what constructors it may consist of
-- meanwhile `meta` will only be needed so that we can actually inspect and print expressions -- you can safely ignore it for now
-- (notice that the Expr datatype, via `Elim` among others, contains plain Haskell functions (->) in it, which *very much* do not have a `Show` instance)
data Expr ctors meta where
-- an expression may be either an introduction, or an elimination, of any constructor in the list, as witnessed by its `Index`
-- we require that constructors be functors in their second argument, but not their first
-- for instance, we want to be able to have functions `(->)` as one of the constructors
Intro :: Functor (ctor (Expr ctors meta)) => Intro ctor (Expr ctors meta) -> Index ctors ctor -> Expr ctors meta
-- an elimination stores both the subexpression to be eliminated, as well as the eliminator to do it with
Elim :: Expr ctors meta -> Elim ctor (Expr ctors meta) -> Index ctors ctor -> Expr ctors meta
-- "actual expressions" will have type `forall meta. Expr Ctors meta`, meaning this constructor may *not* occur in them
-- it will be used to inject identifier strings into the expression "from outside" for pretty-printing purposes
Meta :: meta -> Expr ctors meta
-- the basic idea is that when we can't do a reduction directly, we fmap the elimination into the subterm
eval :: Expr ctors meta -> Expr ctors meta
eval = \case
-- funnily enough, evaluation under binders (as well as all other data) can *also* be done using fmap, which I hadn't anticipated at the outset
Intro intro i
-> Intro (fmap eval intro) i
-- if we have an elimination applied to another elimination, evaluate the inner one until a redex is exposed to the outer one
Elim (subject@Elim{}) elim i
-> eval (Elim (eval subject) elim i)
-- a redex!
Elim (Intro intro i2) elim i1
| Just Refl <- testEquality i1 i2
-- if both the introduction and elimination are of the same constructor, we can actually reduce
-> elim intro
| otherwise
-- we fmap the elimination into the body of the introduction form, where it can hopefully meet another, matching intro
-- this line is the *only* part which deals with these "nonstandard reduction rules"
-- if you want to make like a normal language instead, you would simply report an error here
-> Intro (fmap (\expr -> eval (Elim expr elim i1)) intro) i2
-- since we are parametric over `meta`, we are obliged to just pass them through
-- I think this is the analogue of a neutral form from a "normal" normalizer/evaluator
Elim (Meta meta) elim i
-> Elim (Meta meta) (eval . elim) i
Meta meta
-> Meta meta
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- language from the previous gist
-- we can use the type parameters of a constructor to control which positions eliminations "get fmapped into"
-- here we say "all positions"
data Both x a = Both { fst' :: a, snd' :: a } deriving Functor
data Either' x a = Left' a | Right' a deriving Functor
type Ctors = [(->), Both, Either']
-- we could also use the standard Haskell pair and Either types, in which case they would be "biased", and fmap would only go into one position
-- or also things like: `data Neither a b = Left | Right`
type E = Expr Ctors
arrow :: Index Ctors (->)
arrow = Head
product :: Index Ctors Both
product = Tail Head
sum :: Index Ctors Either'
sum = Tail (Tail Head)
lam :: (E meta -> E meta) -> E meta
lam f = Intro f arrow
app :: E meta -> E meta -> E meta
app f a = Elim f (\f' -> f' a) arrow
both :: Both (E meta) (E meta) -> E meta
both p = Intro p product
split :: E meta -> (Both (E meta) (E meta) -> E meta) -> E meta
split p f = Elim p f product
first :: E meta -> E meta
first e = split e fst'
second :: E meta -> E meta
second e = split e snd'
inject :: Either' (E meta) (E meta) -> E meta
inject e = Intro e sum
left :: E meta -> E meta
left = inject . Left'
right :: E meta -> E meta
right = inject . Right'
match :: E meta -> (E meta -> E meta) -> (E meta -> E meta) -> E meta
match e f g = Elim e (\case Left' a -> f a; Right' b -> g b) sum
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn (renderExpr example) >> putStrLn (renderExpr (eval example))
example :: forall meta. E meta
example = both (Both (lam $ \a -> a) (lam $ \a -> a)) `app` (lam $ \a -> lam $ \b -> a)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pretty-printing in general
renderExpr :: RenderCtors ctors => (forall a. Expr ctors a) -> String
renderExpr = render 'a'
-- we use Chars for variable names because they have a convenient `Enum` instance
class Render a where
render :: Char -> a -> String
class RenderCtor ctor where
renderIntro :: Render expr => Char -> (Char -> expr) -> Intro ctor expr -> String
renderElim :: Render expr => Char -> (Char -> expr) -> expr -> Elim ctor expr -> String
-- is there any way to do this without using TypeFamilies and ConstraintKinds to *compute* the necessary constraint?!
type family RenderCtors ctors :: Constraint where
RenderCtors '[] = ()
RenderCtors (ctor:ctors) = (RenderCtor ctor, RenderCtors ctors)
instance (RenderCtors ctors, meta ~ Char {- eh -}) => Render (Expr ctors meta) where
render c =
helper :: RenderCtors ctors => (RenderCtor ctor => result) -> Index ctors ctor -> result -- ugh
helper f = \case
Head -> f
Tail tail -> helper f tail
in \case
Intro intro i -> helper (renderIntro c Meta intro) i
Elim expr elim i -> helper (renderElim c Meta expr elim) i
Meta c -> [c]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pretty-printing in particular
instance RenderCtor (->) where
renderIntro c meta f = "\\" ++ [c] ++ " -> " ++ render (succ c) (f (meta c))
renderElim c meta e elim = render c e ++ " " ++ render c (elim id)
instance RenderCtor Both where
renderIntro c meta (Both e1 e2) = "(" ++ render c e1 ++ ", " ++ render c e2 ++ ")"
renderElim c meta e elim = "let (" ++ [c] ++ ", " ++ [succ c] ++ ") = " ++ render c e ++ " in " ++ render (succ (succ c)) (elim (Both (meta c) (meta (succ c))))
instance RenderCtor Either' where
renderIntro c meta lr = case lr of Left' e -> "Left " ++ render c e; Right' e -> "Right " ++ render c e
renderElim c meta e elim = "case " ++ render c e ++ " of Left " ++ [c] ++ " -> " ++ render (succ c) (elim (Left' (meta c))) ++ "; Right " ++ [c] ++ " -> " ++ render (succ c) (elim (Right' (meta c)))
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