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Rust hash table with efficient support for nested scopes (save/restore)
// Based on idea:
use hashbrown::raw::RawTable;
pub struct ScopeMap<K, V> {
last_scope_id: ScopeId,
scopes: Vec<ScopeId>, // values are zeroed instead of popped to save a check in get() / is_fresh()
current_scope: ScopeDepth, // index of innermost valid scope
values: RawTable<Entry<K, V>>,
shadowed: Vec<Shadowed<K, V>>,
hash_builder: hashbrown::hash_map::DefaultHashBuilder
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct ScopeId(u32);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct ScopeDepth(u16);
struct Entry<K, V> {
key: K,
value: V,
scope_id: ScopeId,
scope_depth: ScopeDepth
struct Shadowed<K, V> {
key: K,
value: V,
original_scope_depth: ScopeDepth,
shadowing_bucket_index: usize // raw table index where it will need to be put back
impl<K, V> ScopeMap<K, V> {
fn scope_id(&self, depth: ScopeDepth) -> ScopeId { self.scopes[depth.0 as usize] }
fn is_fresh(&self, entry: &Entry<K, V>) -> bool { self.scope_id(entry.scope_depth) == entry.scope_id }
pub fn new() -> ScopeMap<K, V> {
ScopeMap {
last_scope_id: ScopeId(1),
scopes: vec![ScopeId(1)],
current_scope: ScopeDepth(0),
values: RawTable::new(),
shadowed: Vec::new(),
hash_builder: Default::default()
// Saves the current state of the map.
pub fn enter_scope(&mut self) {
assert!(self.current_scope.0 < u16::MAX);
self.last_scope_id.0 += 1;
self.current_scope.0 += 1;
if self.scopes.len() == self.current_scope.0 as usize {
} else {
self.scopes[self.current_scope.0 as usize] = self.last_scope_id;
// Restores the map to a saved state (LIFO).
pub fn exit_scope(&mut self) {
assert!(self.current_scope.0 > 0);
while self.shadowed.last().map(|shadowed| unsafe { self.values.bucket(shadowed.shadowing_bucket_index).as_ref().scope_depth }) == Some(self.current_scope) {
let Shadowed { key, value, original_scope_depth, shadowing_bucket_index } = self.shadowed.pop().unwrap();
*unsafe { self.values.bucket(shadowing_bucket_index).as_mut() } = Entry {
scope_depth: original_scope_depth,
scope_id: self.scope_id(original_scope_depth)
self.scopes[self.current_scope.0 as usize] = ScopeId(0);
self.current_scope.0 -= 1;
pub fn current_scope(&mut self) -> Scope<'_, K, V> {
Scope { map: self, scopes_to_pop: 0 }
pub fn new_scope(&mut self) -> Scope<'_, K, V> {
return Scope { map: self, scopes_to_pop: 1 };
fn make_hash<K: std::hash::Hash>(hash_builder: &hashbrown::hash_map::DefaultHashBuilder, key: &K) -> u64 {
use std::hash::{Hasher, BuildHasher};
let mut state = hash_builder.build_hasher();
key.hash(&mut state);
return state.finish();
impl<K: Eq + std::hash::Hash, V> ScopeMap<K, V> {
fn make_hash(&self, key: &K) -> u64 { make_hash(&self.hash_builder, key) }
pub fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<&V> {
let entry = unsafe { self.values.find(self.make_hash(key), |e| *key == e.key)?.as_ref() };
if self.is_fresh(entry) {
return Some(&entry.value);
} else {
return None;
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<&mut V> {
let bucket = self.values.find(self.make_hash(key), |e| *key == e.key)?;
if self.is_fresh(unsafe { bucket.as_ref() }) {
return Some(unsafe { &mut bucket.as_mut().value });
} else {
return None;
fn check_shadowed(&mut self, entry: Entry<K, V>, shadowing_bucket: hashbrown::raw::Bucket<Entry<K, V>>) -> Option<V> {
if self.is_fresh(&entry) {
if entry.scope_depth == self.current_scope {
return Some(entry.value);
} else {
debug_assert!(entry.scope_depth < self.current_scope);
self.shadowed.push(Shadowed {
key: entry.key,
value: entry.value,
original_scope_depth: entry.scope_depth,
// convert bucket to index just for better odds of remaining in stacked borrows's good graces...
shadowing_bucket_index: unsafe { self.values.bucket_index(&shadowing_bucket) }
return None;
// In the case of shadowing *within the same scope*, the shadowed value is returned.
pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Option<V> {
let hash = self.make_hash(&key);
let new_entry = Entry {
scope_id: self.scope_id(self.current_scope),
scope_depth: self.current_scope
let mut hits = unsafe { self.values.iter_hash(hash) };
while let Some(bucket) = {
let existing_entry = unsafe { bucket.as_mut() };
if new_entry.key == existing_entry.key {
// Case 1: The first thing we find is an entry with a matching key.
// Replace it, then check whether it was stale or if we're shadowing it.
return self.check_shadowed(std::mem::replace(existing_entry, new_entry), bucket);
} else if !self.is_fresh(existing_entry) {
// Case 2: The first thing we find is a stale entry with a colliding hash. Overwrite it...
*existing_entry = new_entry;
// ...but we still need to check the remaining hits to see if a matching key also exists, which we then need to remove!
while let Some(other_bucket) = {
// (At this point `existing_entry` is the one we've just inserted.)
if existing_entry.key == unsafe { other_bucket.as_ref() }.key {
let old_entry = unsafe { self.values.remove(other_bucket) };
// (the shadowing bucket is `bucket`, not `other_bucket`, which we just removed!)
return self.check_shadowed(old_entry, bucket);
return None;
// Case 3: The key doesn't exist, nor does a stale entry with a colliding hash. We have to insert a new one.
if self.values.len() == self.values.capacity() {
// But first, if the table is full, sweep out any stale entries before growing it.
// Note that since we're checking this ourselves, we lose out on the small additional optimization
// `hashbrown` does where it avoids growing the map when it's overwriting a tombstone.
// This is incidentally very similar to our own optimization when we overwrite a stale entry, above.
// (It provides no external API to recover this behavior.)
// Since we already handled the out-of-space condition ourselves just above, `insert()` itself will definitely not need to grow.
self.values.insert_no_grow(hash, new_entry);
return None;
#[cold] #[inline(never)]
fn sweep_and_grow(&mut self) {
// Sweep out stale entries
unsafe {
for item in self.values.iter() {
if !self.is_fresh(item.as_ref()) {
// Conceivably we could keep track of how many stale vs. non-stale entries are actually in the map,
// and use that to determine whether sweeping them is going to be worthwhile.
// But that would burden the "mutator", whereas "collection" is already rare & costly, so I lean against it.
// Unless that succeeded in freeing up more than half the map, grow it nonetheless to avoid thrashing
if self.values.len() >= self.values.capacity() / 2 {
let hash_builder = &self.hash_builder;
self.values.reserve(self.values.capacity() + 1, |e| make_hash(hash_builder, &e.key));
// That invalidated the direct bucket indices we've been storing in shadowed entries, so we need to fix them manually:
for shadowed in &mut self.shadowed {
shadowed.shadowing_bucket_index = unsafe { self.values.bucket_index(&self.values.find(make_hash(hash_builder, &shadowed.key), |e| e.key == shadowed.key).unwrap()) };
// Maybe it would be worthwhile to cache the hash in `Shadowed` to avoid recalculating it,
// but there's a similar tradeoff w.r.t. caching it in the table itself which `hashbrown` doesn't,
// so then again maybe not.
// `hashbrown` itself also does a very similar thing inside `reserve()` for clearing out
// tombstones ("DELETED" entries) and then deciding whether to grow or not.
// Maybe it would be better if the two checks could be combined, but alas, there is no API.
// Probably it doesn't matter very much though.
// What happens in a Scope, stays in the Scope. But it can see what's outside.
pub struct Scope<'a, K, V> {
map: &'a mut ScopeMap<K, V>,
scopes_to_pop: usize
impl<'a, K, V> Drop for Scope<'a, K, V> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
for _ in 0..self.scopes_to_pop {;
impl<'a, K, V> Scope<'a, K, V> {
pub fn new_scope(&mut self) -> Scope<'_, K, V> {;
return Scope { map:, scopes_to_pop: 1 };
pub fn borrow(&mut self) -> Scope<'_, K, V> {
Scope { map:, scopes_to_pop: 0 }
pub fn enter_scope(&mut self) { // this is fine, it's only `exit_scope()` which would violate expectations. but is this useful??;
self.scopes_to_pop += 1;
impl<'a, K: Eq + std::hash::Hash, V> Scope<'a, K, V> {
// In the case of shadowing *within the same scope*, the shadowed value is returned.
pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Option<V> {, value)
pub fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<&V> {
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<&mut V> {
mod test {
use super::ScopeMap;
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
struct Simple<K, V> { scopes: Vec<HashMap<K, V>> }
impl<K: Hash + Eq, V> Simple<K, V> {
fn new() -> Simple<K, V> { Simple { scopes: vec![HashMap::new()] } }
fn enter_scope(&mut self) { self.scopes.push(HashMap::new()) }
fn exit_scope(&mut self) { self.scopes.pop(); }
fn insert(&mut self, k: K, v: V) -> Option<V> { self.scopes.last_mut().unwrap().insert(k, v) }
fn get(&self, k: &K) -> Option<&V> { self.scopes.iter().rev().find_map(|m| m.get(k)) }
struct Test<K, V> {
control: Simple<K, V>,
subject: ScopeMap<K, V>
impl<K: Hash + Eq + Clone, V: Eq + Clone> Test<K, V> {
fn new() -> Test<K, V> {
Test {
control: Simple::new(),
subject: ScopeMap::new()
fn enter_scope(&mut self) {
fn exit_scope(&mut self) {
fn insert(&mut self, k: K, v: V) -> Option<V> {
let a = self.control.insert(k.clone(), v.clone());
let b = self.subject.insert(k, v);
assert!(a == b);
return b;
fn get(&self, k: &K) -> Option<&V> {
let a = self.control.get(k);
let b = self.subject.get(k);
assert!(a == b);
return b;
fn test<K, V>(num_ops: u64)
where K: Hash + Eq + Clone + From<u8> + std::fmt::Display,
V: Eq + Clone + From<u64> + std::fmt::Display
let mut test = Test::<K, V>::new();
let mut scopes = 0;
let mut random = 0;
let hash_builder = Default::default();
let keys = (0..=255u8).map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<K>>(); // no impl for [K; 256] :[
for _ in 0..num_ops {
random = super::make_hash(&hash_builder, &random);
if random % 20 == 0 {
if scopes > 0 {
scopes -= 1;
} else {
scopes += 1;
} else if random % 10 == 0 {
if scopes < 65535 {
scopes += 1;
} else {
scopes -= 1;
} else if random % 256 == 0 {
for k in &keys {
} else {
test.insert((random as u8).into(), random.into());
assert!(scopes == test.subject.current_scope.0);
"scopes: {}, values: {}, entries: {}, shadowed: {}",
test.control.scopes.iter().map(|m| m.len()).sum::<usize>(),
for k in &keys {
if let Some(v) = test.get(k) {
print!("{}=>{} ", k, v);
while scopes > 0 {
scopes -= 1;
for k in &keys {
fn test_unboxed_unboxed() {
test::<u8, u64>(
if cfg!(miri) { 256 } else { 1048576 }
fn test_unboxed_boxed() {
test::<u8, Box<u64>>(
if cfg!(miri) { 256 } else { 1048576 }
fn test_boxed_unboxed() {
test::<Box<u8>, u64>(
if cfg!(miri) { 256 } else { 1048576 }
fn test_boxed_boxed() {
test::<Box<u8>, Box<u64>>(
if cfg!(miri) { 256 } else { 1048576 }
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