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Last active May 23, 2023 08:57
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Barba.js / Transitions and views
const barba = require('@barba/core');
const anime = require('animejs');
const Home = require('./views/home');
const WhoWeAre = require('./views/whoweare');
class App {
init() {
transitions: [{
name: 'fade-transition',
from: 'home',
to: {
namespace: ['who-we-are']
leave: ({current}) => {
const animation = anime.timeline({
targets: current.container.querySelector('.m-hero__title'),
duration: 1000,
translateX: '-100%',
targets: current.container.querySelector('.m-hero'),
duration: 500,
opacity: [1, 0],
targets: current.container,
opacity: [1, 0]
return animation.finished;
views: [Home, WhoWeAre]
// ./views/home.js
class Home {
constructor() {
this.namespace = 'home';
beforeEnter(data) {
// Init things
beforeLeave(data) {
// Destroy things
module.exports = new Home();
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