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Created May 10, 2013 13:18
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Windows Server Management
# Requires PowerShell 2.0 and Server 2008-R2 or later.
import-module ActiveDirectory
get-module ActiveDirectory |
select-object -expandproperty ExportedCmdlets |
format-list value
New-PSDrive -PSProvider ActiveDirectory -Server -GlobalCatalog -Root "" -Credential "domain\tim" -Name OtherAD
# Create new user
$pw = convertto-securestring "Pa55wurD" -asplaintext -force
new-aduser -name "Justin McCarthy" -samaccountname "JustinM" -accountpassword $pw -enabled $true
# Reset password
$pw = convertto-securestring "Pa55wurD" -asplaintext -force
set-adaccountpassword JustinM -reset -newpassword $pw
set-adaccountpassword JustinM -reset -newpassword $(read-host -assecurestring)
# Change user attributes
set-aduser JustinM -Description "Engineering" -EmailAddress "" -SmartcardLogonRequired $true
disable-adaccount "cn=Justin McCarthy,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com"
enable-adaccount ""
unlock-adaccount JustinM
set-adaccountexpiration JustinM -datetime "12/25/2011 6:00 AM"
set-adaccountexpiration "" -timespan "3"
set-adaccountexpiration JustinM -timespan "12:00"
clear-adaccountexpiration JustinM
# Delete a user
remove-aduser "cn=Justin McCarthy,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com"
# Manage computer accounts
new-adcomputer -samaccountname SERVER38
new-adcomputer -samaccountname SERVER39 -description "IIS 7.0" -path "ou=boston,ou=east_coast,dc=domain,dc=com"
set-adcomputer SERVER38 -OperatingSystem "Server 2008"
remove-adcomputer SERVER38
# Manage groups
new-adgroup "Sales" -groupscope global
new-adgroup "Sales" -groupscope global -path "ou=boston,ou=east_coast,dc=domain,dc=com"
add-adgroupmember "Sales" -member JustinM,Administrator
$members = get-adgroupmember "Sales"
get-adgroupmember "cn=Sales,ou=dallas,dc=domain,dc=com"
get-adprincipalgroupmembership JustinM
remove-adgroup "cn=Sales,ou=dallas,dc=domain,dc=com"
# Forest and domain objects
get-adforest ""
get-adforest -current localcomputer
get-adforest -current loggedonuser
get-addomain ""
get-addomain -current localcomputer
get-addomain -current loggedonuser
# Searching
$results = search-adaccount -accountdisabled
search-adaccount -passwordexpired
search-adaccount -passwordneverexpires
search-adaccount -passwordcannotchange
search-adaccounts -accountexpiring -timespan 7
search-adaccounts -passwordexpiring -timespan 7
search-adaccounts -accountinactive -timespan 180
# Searching with get-adobject
$results = get-adobject -filter {(objectclass -eq "computer")} -searchbase "ou=sales,dc=domain,dc=com"
$results = get-adobject -filter { (objectclass -eq "user") -and (objectcategory -eq "person") }
$results = get-adobject -filter { (name -like "r*") -and (objectclass -eq "user") -and (objectcategory -eq "person") } -searchbase "ou=sales,dc=domain,dc=com"
# To examine the properties of the Administrator account:
$admin = get-aduser Administrator -properties *
$admin | get-member
$admin | format-list *
# Search with get-aduser
get-aduser -filter { badpwdcount -gt 10 } -searchbase "ou=sales,dc=domain,dc=com"
$begin = get-date "June 1, 2011"
$end = get-date "August 30, 2011"
get-aduser -filter { (lastlogontimestamp -gt $begin) -and
(lastlogontimestamp -lt $end)
$30daysago = $(get-date) - $(new-timespan -days 30)
get-adobject -filter { (objectclass -eq "organizationalunit") and (whenCreated -gt $30daysago) }
get-aduser -filter { (PasswordNeverExpires -eq $true) -and (SmartCardLogonRequired -eq $false) }
# Password policies
get-addefaultdomainpasswordpolicy -current loggedonuser
$mydom = get-addomain -current loggedonuser
set-addefaultdomainpasswordpolicy -id $mydom -minpasswordlength 5
new-adfinegrainedpasswordpolicy -name "SalesGroupPwdPolicy" -Precedence 700 -LockoutThreshold 50 -LockoutDuration "0.00:10:00" -LockoutObservationWindow "0.00:10:00" -MaxPasswordAge "90.00:00:00" -MinPasswordAge "1.00:00:00" -MinPasswordLength 17 -PasswordHistoryCount 24
set-adfinegrainedpasswordpolicy -identity salesgrouppwdpolicy -maxpasswordage "120.00:00:00"
add-adfinegrainedpasswordpolicysubject -id SalesGroupPwdPolicy -subjects Sales,Susan,Jon,Aaron,Zach
get-adfinegrainedpasswordpolicy SalesGroupPwdPolicy
get-adfinegrainedpasswordpolicysubject -id SalesGroupPwdPolicy
remove-adfinegrainedpasswordpolicysubject -id SalesGroupPwdPolicy -subjects Zach
remove-adfinegrainedpasswordpolicy -identity SalesGroupPwdPolicy
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