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Templated C++ memory pools.
// ================================================================================================
// -*- C++ -*-
// File: memory_pools.hpp
// Author: Guilherme R. Lampert
// Created on: 08/02/17
// About:
// Useful templated memory pools of objects (header only).
// This file provides a DynamicPool and a pair of FixedSizePools,
// one of which has its size defined at compile time.
// Configuration switches:
// MEM_POOL_DEBUG 0|1 -> Adds pool dumping and memory filling on alloc/free.
// MEM_POOL_STATS 0|1 -> Adds stats tracking to the pools for debugging/profiling.
// MEM_POOL_ASAN 0|1 -> Enables AddressSanitizer (Clang compiler only).
// MEM_POOL_TEST_UNIT_TESTS 0|1 -> Enables some AddressSanitizer tests.
// License:
// This software is in the public domain. Where that dedication is not recognized,
// you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, distribute, and modify
// this file as you see fit. Source code is provided "as is", without warranty of any
// kind, express or implied. No attribution is required, but a mention about the author
// is appreciated.
// ================================================================================================
// ================================================================================================
// Configuration macros / Includes
// ================================================================================================
// C headers
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
// C++ headers
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
// typeid() used to print template types
#include <typeinfo>
#include <cstdio>
#endif // MEM_POOL_DEBUG
// Easy way of stripping out code that is only for MEM_POOL_STATS
#define MEM_POOL_STATS_ONLY(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define MEM_POOL_STATS_ONLY(...) /* nothing */
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
// Configurable assert macro
#include <cassert>
#define MEM_POOL_ASSERT assert
// Configurable base memory allocator
#include <new>
#define MEM_POOL_ALLOC_IMPL(type, count) new type[(count)]
#define MEM_POOL_FREE_IMPL(ptr, count) delete[] (ptr)
// Clang AddressSanitizer
#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__has_feature)
#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
#include <sanitizer/asan_interface.h>
#define MEM_POOL_ASAN 1
#endif // address_sanitizer
#endif // __clang__ && __has_feature
// ================================================================================================
// Pool helpers / AddressSanitizer / Debug help
// ================================================================================================
namespace MemUtils
// ========================================================
// construct() / destroy() helpers:
// ========================================================
template<typename T>
T * construct(T * obj, const T & other) // Copy constructor
return ::new(obj) T(other);
template<typename T, typename... Args>
T * construct(T * obj, Args &&... args) // Parameterized or default constructor
return ::new(obj) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename T>
void destroy(T * obj) noexcept
if (obj != nullptr)
// ========================================================
// Debug utilities:
// ========================================================
// Fill patterns for debug allocations:
constexpr std::uint8_t AllocFillVal = 0xCD; // 'Clean memory' -> New allocation
constexpr std::uint8_t FreeFillVal = 0xDD; // 'Dead memory' -> Freed/deleted
// Debug memset helpers:
inline void debugMemFill(void * ptr, const std::size_t sizeInBytes, const std::uint8_t fillVal) noexcept
std::memset(ptr, fillVal, sizeInBytes);
#else // !MEM_POOL_DEBUG
inline void debugMemFill(void * /*ptr*/, std::size_t /*sizeInBytes*/, std::uint8_t /*fillVal*/) noexcept
// No-op - should be optimized away.
#endif // MEM_POOL_DEBUG
// ========================================================
// AddressSanitizer:
// ========================================================
namespace ASan
inline void poisonMemRegion(void const volatile * addr, const std::size_t sizeInBytes)
inline void unpoisonMemRegion(void const volatile * addr, const std::size_t sizeInBytes)
inline bool addressIsPoisoned(void const volatile * addr)
return __asan_address_is_poisoned(addr) != 0;
inline bool regionIsPoisoned(void * start, const std::size_t sizeInBytes)
return __asan_region_is_poisoned(start, sizeInBytes) != nullptr;
#else // !MEM_POOL_ASAN
inline void poisonMemRegion(void const * /*addr*/, std::size_t /*sizeInBytes*/) noexcept
// No-op
inline void unpoisonMemRegion(void const * /*addr*/, std::size_t /*sizeInBytes*/) noexcept
// No-op
inline bool addressIsPoisoned(void const * /*addr*/) noexcept
return false;
inline bool regionIsPoisoned(void * /*start*/, std::size_t /*size*/) noexcept
return false;
#endif // MEM_POOL_ASAN
} // namespace ASan
// ========================================================
// Compile-time maximum of an arbitrary number of values:
// ========================================================
template<typename T>
constexpr T maxOf2(T a, T b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; }
template<typename T>
constexpr T maxOfN(T x) { return x; }
template<typename T, typename... Args>
constexpr T maxOfN(T x, Args... args) { return maxOf2(x, maxOfN(args...)); }
} // namespace MemUtils
// ================================================================================================
// Dynamic fixed-size-chunk growable pool
// ================================================================================================
// ========================================================
// template class DynamicPool<T, Granularity>:
// ========================================================
// Pool of fixed-size memory chunks (similar to a list of arrays).
// Keeps a free-list of deleted memory blocks for recycling.
// This pool allocator operates as a linked list of small arrays (chunks).
// Each array is a pool of blocks with the size of 'T' template parameter.
// Template parameter 'Granularity' defines the size in objects of type 'T'
// of such arrays.
// allocate() will return an uninitialized memory block.
// The user is responsible for calling construct() on it to run class
// constructors if necessary, and destroy() to call class destructor
// before deallocating the block.
// This pool keeps growing for as long as there is memory available in the system.
// Whenever a chunk is exhausted and there are no free blocks to recycle, a new
// chunk is sourced from the heap with MEM_POOL_ALLOC_IMPL (defaults to operator new[]).
typename T,
class DynamicPool final
struct PooledObject;
struct PoolChunk;
// Empty pool; no allocation until first use.
DynamicPool() = default;
// Drains the pool, freeing every block.
// Not copyable.
DynamicPool(const DynamicPool &) = delete;
DynamicPool & operator = (const DynamicPool &) = delete;
// Allocates a single memory block of size 'T' and returns an uninitialized pointer to it.
// sizeInBytes can be <= sizeof(T), if you are for instance sharing the same pool for objects of similar size.
T * allocate(std::size_t sizeInBytes = sizeof(T));
// Deallocates a memory block previously allocated by 'allocate()'.
// Pointer may be null, in which case this is a no-op. NOTE: Class destructor NOT called!
void deallocate(T * ptr, std::size_t sizeInBytes = sizeof(T));
// Frees all blocks, reseting the pool allocator to its initial state.
// WARNING: Calling this method will invalidate any memory block still
// alive that was previously allocated from this pool.
void drain();
// Test if the incoming pointer was allocated from this pool and was not freed.
// NOTE: This is a slow operation. It has to test the pointer against each chunk
// in the pool; use for debugging only!
bool isValidPtr(const T * const ptr) const;
// Miscellaneous runtime debug queries:
int getTotalAllocs() const;
int getTotalFrees() const;
int getObjectsAlive() const;
int getNumberOfChunks() const;
int getHightWatermark() const;
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
// Static queries:
static constexpr std::size_t getGranularity();
static constexpr std::size_t getObjectSize();
// By default this will only dump the pointers of each allocated object,
// but you can override this method for each specialized template type,
// as shown here:
static void poolDumpCallback(const DynamicPool & pool);
#endif // MEM_POOL_DEBUG
// Pool iterator:
template<typename PooledType, typename ChunkType>
class FwdIterator final
: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, PooledType>
using value = PooledType;
using pointer = PooledType *;
using reference = PooledType &;
// Construct an invalid iterator (== end())
FwdIterator() = default;
// Construct at any index in the pool
FwdIterator(ChunkType * chunk, const std::size_t objIndex = 0)
: m_currChunk{ chunk }
, m_currObjIndex{ objIndex }
{ }
bool valid() const
return (m_currChunk != nullptr && m_currObjIndex < Granularity);
reference operator*() const
return *reinterpret_cast<pointer>(&(m_currChunk->objects[m_currObjIndex]));
reference operator->() const
return *reinterpret_cast<pointer>(&(m_currChunk->objects[m_currObjIndex]));
FwdIterator operator++() // Pre-increment (++i)
do {
if ((++m_currObjIndex) == Granularity)
m_currChunk = m_currChunk->next;
m_currObjIndex = ((m_currChunk != nullptr) ? 0 : Granularity);
} while (valid() && !m_currChunk->objects[m_currObjIndex].isAlive());
return *this;
FwdIterator operator++(int) // Post-increment (i++)
auto temp{ *this };
return temp;
bool operator == (const FwdIterator & other) const
return (m_currChunk == other.m_currChunk && m_currObjIndex == other.m_currObjIndex);
bool operator != (const FwdIterator & other) const
return !(*this == other);
// One way conversion: iterator -> const_iterator
operator FwdIterator<const PooledType, const ChunkType>() const
return { m_currChunk, m_currObjIndex };
ChunkType * m_currChunk = nullptr;
std::size_t m_currObjIndex = 0;
using iterator = FwdIterator<T, PoolChunk>;
using const_iterator = FwdIterator<const T, const PoolChunk>;
iterator begin() { return { m_chunksList }; }
const_iterator begin() const { return { m_chunksList }; }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return { m_chunksList }; }
iterator end() { return { nullptr, (m_chunksList ? Granularity : 0u) }; }
const_iterator end() const { return { nullptr, (m_chunksList ? Granularity : 0u) }; }
const_iterator cend() const { return { nullptr, (m_chunksList ? Granularity : 0u) }; }
// For-each functional iteration style.
// The callback returns true to continue iterating or false to stop it.
template<typename F>
void forEach(F && func)
for (auto iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter)
if (!func(*iter)) { break; }
template<typename F>
void forEach(F && func) const
for (auto iter = cbegin(); iter != cend(); ++iter)
if (!func(*iter)) { break; }
struct PooledObject
union Payload
// Link in the free list (if recycled).
PooledObject * next;
// Memory block for the user object, with correct alignment.
alignas(T) std::uint8_t block[sizeof(T)];
} u;
// Guard footer for AddressSanitizer and also the pool flags
// (only the dead/alive flag (idx:0) used for now).
std::uint8_t padding[8];
std::uint8_t flags[8];
#else // !MEM_POOL_ASAN
std::uint8_t flags[1];
#endif // MEM_POOL_ASAN
bool isAlive() const { return flags[0] != 0; }
void setAlive(const std::uint8_t f) { flags[0] = f; }
struct PoolChunk
// User items (or recycled links in the free list).
PooledObject objects[Granularity];
// This region is never used, but we poison it when using AddressSanitizer,
// so if the last object in the above pool chunk attempts to read or write
// beyond its size, we will get a clean crash, rather than corrupting the
// next pointer, which is not poisoned to make iterating the pool possible.
std::uint8_t padding[8];
#endif // MEM_POOL_ASAN
// Link in the list of chunks
PoolChunk * next;
// Pool lists:
PoolChunk * m_chunksList = nullptr; // List of all chunks ever allocated.
PooledObject * m_freeList = nullptr; // List of free objects that can be recycled.
// Optional debugging stats:
std::int32_t m_allocCount = 0; // Total calls to 'allocate()'.
std::int32_t m_objectCount = 0; // User objects ('T' instances) currently alive.
std::int32_t m_chunkCount = 0; // Size/length of 'm_chunksList'.
std::int32_t m_highWatermark = 0; // Largest number of user objects allocated so far.
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
// ========================================================
// DynamicPool inline implementation:
// ========================================================
template<typename T, int Granularity>
DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::~DynamicPool()
template<typename T, int Granularity>
T * DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::allocate(std::size_t sizeInBytes)
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(sizeInBytes <= sizeof(T));
// We need to unpoison at least a whole pointer to access the free list.
if (sizeInBytes < sizeof(void *))
sizeInBytes = sizeof(void *);
// No objects to recycle? Allocate a new chunk.
if (m_freeList == nullptr)
PoolChunk * newChunk = MEM_POOL_ALLOC_IMPL(PoolChunk, 1);
MemUtils::debugMemFill(newChunk, sizeof(*newChunk), MemUtils::AllocFillVal);
newChunk->next = m_chunksList;
m_chunksList = newChunk;
// All objects in the new pool chunk are appended
// to the free list, since they are ready to be used.
for (int i = 0; i < Granularity; ++i)
newChunk->objects[i] = m_freeList;
m_freeList = &newChunk->objects[i];
// If running AddressSanitizer, make the chunk padding inaccessible.
MemUtils::ASan::poisonMemRegion(newChunk->padding, sizeof(newChunk->padding));
#endif // MEM_POOL_ASAN
if (m_objectCount > m_highWatermark)
m_highWatermark = m_objectCount;
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
// Poison the whole block to cover the debug padding, then selectively
// allow access to just the user portion and the internal flags.
MemUtils::ASan::poisonMemRegion(m_freeList, sizeof(*m_freeList));
MemUtils::ASan::unpoisonMemRegion(&m_freeList->u, sizeInBytes);
MemUtils::ASan::unpoisonMemRegion(&m_freeList->flags, sizeof(m_freeList->flags));
// Pop one from the free list's head:
PooledObject * object = m_freeList;
m_freeList = m_freeList->;
// Debug fill the user object with a known pattern
// to help detecting the use of uninitialized variables.
MemUtils::debugMemFill(object, sizeInBytes, MemUtils::AllocFillVal);
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(object);
template<typename T, int Granularity>
void DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::deallocate(T * ptr, std::size_t sizeInBytes)
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(m_chunksList != nullptr); // Can't deallocate from an empty pool
if (ptr == nullptr)
auto object = reinterpret_cast<PooledObject *>(ptr);
// Minimal allocation size.
if (sizeInBytes < sizeof(void *))
sizeInBytes = sizeof(void *);
// Fill user portion with a known pattern to help
// detecting post-deallocation usage attempts.
MemUtils::debugMemFill(object, sizeInBytes, MemUtils::FreeFillVal);
// Add back to free list's head. Memory not actually freed but recycled at a future allocation.
object-> = m_freeList;
m_freeList = object;
// Make it inaccessible, so we catch any user-after-free attempts with AddressSanitizer.
MemUtils::ASan::poisonMemRegion(object, sizeof(*object) - sizeof(object->flags)); // minus the pool flags
template<typename T, int Granularity>
void DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::drain()
while (m_chunksList != nullptr)
// Make sure the whole chunk is accessible, otherwise we wouldn't be able to delete it!
MemUtils::ASan::unpoisonMemRegion(m_chunksList, sizeof(*m_chunksList));
PoolChunk * chunk = m_chunksList;
m_chunksList = m_chunksList->next;
m_chunksList = nullptr;
m_freeList = nullptr;
m_allocCount = 0;
m_objectCount = 0;
m_chunkCount = 0;
m_highWatermark = 0;
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
template<typename T, int Granularity>
bool DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::isValidPtr(const T * const ptr) const
if (ptr == nullptr || m_chunksList == nullptr)
return false;
// Linear in the number of allocated chunks!
for (const PoolChunk * chunk = m_chunksList; chunk != nullptr; chunk = chunk->next)
const auto userAddr = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(ptr);
const auto startAddr = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(chunk->objects);
const auto endAddr = startAddr + (sizeof(PooledObject) * Granularity);
if (userAddr >= startAddr && userAddr < endAddr)
return reinterpret_cast<const PooledObject *>(userAddr)->isAlive();
return false;
template<typename T, int Granularity>
int DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::getTotalAllocs() const
return m_allocCount;
template<typename T, int Granularity>
int DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::getTotalFrees() const
return m_allocCount - m_objectCount;
template<typename T, int Granularity>
int DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::getObjectsAlive() const
return m_objectCount;
template<typename T, int Granularity>
int DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::getNumberOfChunks() const
return m_chunkCount;
template<typename T, int Granularity>
int DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::getHightWatermark() const
return m_highWatermark;
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
template<typename T, int Granularity>
constexpr std::size_t DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::getGranularity()
return Granularity;
template<typename T, int Granularity>
constexpr std::size_t DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::getObjectSize()
return sizeof(T);
template<typename T, int Granularity>
void DynamicPool<T, Granularity>::poolDumpCallback(const DynamicPool & pool)
std::fprintf(stderr, "======= DynamicPool<%s> Dump Callback =======\n", typeid(T).name());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Object size.....: %zu\n", pool.getObjectSize());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Granularity.....: %zu\n", pool.getGranularity());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Alloc count.....: %i\n", pool.getTotalAllocs());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Free count......: %i\n", pool.getTotalFrees());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Alive count.....: %i\n", pool.getObjectsAlive());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Pool chunks.....: %i\n", pool.getNumberOfChunks());
std::fprintf(stderr, "High watermark..: %i\n", pool.getHightWatermark());
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
std::fprintf(stderr, "-- Dumping all alive pointers:\n");
int i = 0;
for (auto iter = pool.cbegin(); iter != pool.cend(); ++iter, ++i)
const auto ptr64 = static_cast<std::uint64_t>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(&(*iter)));
std::fprintf(stderr, "[%02i]: 0x%llX\n", i, ptr64);
std::fprintf(stderr, "=============================================\n");
#endif // MEM_POOL_DEBUG
// ================================================================================================
// Fixed-size pools
// ================================================================================================
// ========================================================
// template class FixedSizePoolBase<T>:
// ========================================================
// Base with common operations for the fixed-size pools.
// Unlike DynamicPool, this pool has a set number of slots
// defined upon construction. Once all slots are allocated
// an overflow error is generated and the pool return null.
template<typename T>
class FixedSizePoolBase
// Protected and non-virtual.
~FixedSizePoolBase() = default;
struct PooledObject
union Payload
// Index in the free list (if recycled).
std::int32_t next;
// Memory block for the user object, with correct alignment.
alignas(T) std::uint8_t block[sizeof(T)];
} u;
// Guard footer for AddressSanitizer to detect intra-object overflows.
std::uint8_t padding[8];
#endif // MEM_POOL_ASAN
using PoolFlag = std::uint8_t;
static constexpr std::int32_t InvalidSlotIndex = -1;
int getIndex(const void * const ptr) const;
void buildFreeList();
PooledObject * getSlots();
const PooledObject * getSlots() const;
PoolFlag * getFlags();
const PoolFlag * getFlags() const;
FixedSizePoolBase(PooledObject * slots, std::uint8_t * flags, int slotCount);
// Not copyable.
FixedSizePoolBase(const FixedSizePoolBase &) = delete;
FixedSizePoolBase & operator = (const FixedSizePoolBase &) = delete;
// Allocates a single memory block of size 'T' and returns an uninitialized pointer to it.
// sizeInBytes can be <= sizeof(T), if you are for instance sharing the same pool for objects of similar size.
T * allocate(std::size_t sizeInBytes = sizeof(T));
// Deallocates a memory block previously allocated by 'allocate()'.
// Pointer may be null, in which case this is a no-op. NOTE: Class destructor NOT called!
void deallocate(T * ptr, std::size_t sizeInBytes = sizeof(T));
// Frees all blocks, reseting the pool allocator to its initial state.
// WARNING: Calling this method will invalidate any memory block still
// alive that was previously allocated from this pool.
void drain();
// Test if the incoming pointer was allocated from this pool and was not freed.
// NOTE: Unlike for the DynamicPool, this method is cheap constant time.
bool isValidPtr(const T * const ptr) const;
// Miscellaneous pool stats:
bool isFull() const;
bool isEmpty() const;
int getSlotCount() const;
int getSlotsUsed() const;
int getFirstFreeIndex() const;
static constexpr std::size_t getObjectSize();
// Debug-only stats:
int getTotalAllocs() const;
int getTotalFrees() const;
int getObjectsAlive() const;
int getHightWatermark() const;
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
// Function automatically called if the pool overflows. Can also be called
// at any time to dump the contents of the pool (alive objects only).
// By default this will only dump the pointers of each allocated object,
// but you can override this method for each specialized template type,
// as shown here:
static void poolDumpCallback(const FixedSizePoolBase & pool);
#endif // MEM_POOL_DEBUG
// Pool iterator:
template<typename PooledType, typename PoolSlotType>
class FwdIterator final
: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, PooledType>
using value = PooledType;
using pointer = PooledType *;
using reference = PooledType &;
// Construct an invalid iterator (== end())
FwdIterator() = default;
// Construct at any index in the pool
FwdIterator(PoolSlotType * const slots, const PoolFlag * const flags,
const std::int32_t slotCount, const std::int32_t objIndex = 0)
: m_poolSlots{ slots }
, m_poolFlags{ flags }
, m_poolSize{ slotCount }
, m_currObjIndex{ objIndex }
{ }
bool valid() const
return (m_currObjIndex < m_poolSize &&
m_poolSlots != nullptr &&
m_poolFlags != nullptr);
reference operator*() const
return *reinterpret_cast<pointer>(&m_poolSlots[m_currObjIndex]);
reference operator->() const
return *reinterpret_cast<pointer>(&m_poolSlots[m_currObjIndex]);
FwdIterator operator++() // Pre-increment (++i)
// Skip over deallocated objects.
do {
if ((++m_currObjIndex) == m_poolSize)
} while (m_poolFlags[m_currObjIndex] == 0);
return *this;
FwdIterator operator++(int) // Post-increment (i++)
auto temp{ *this };
return temp;
bool operator == (const FwdIterator & other) const
return (m_poolSlots == other.m_poolSlots && m_currObjIndex == other.m_currObjIndex);
bool operator != (const FwdIterator & other) const
return !(*this == other);
// One way conversion: iterator -> const_iterator
operator FwdIterator<const PooledType, const PoolSlotType>() const
return { m_poolSlots, m_poolFlags, m_poolSize, m_currObjIndex };
PoolSlotType * m_poolSlots = nullptr;
const PoolFlag * m_poolFlags = nullptr;
std::int32_t m_poolSize = 0;
std::int32_t m_currObjIndex = 0;
using iterator = FwdIterator<T, PooledObject>;
using const_iterator = FwdIterator<const T, const PooledObject>;
iterator begin() { return makeIterator(0); }
const_iterator begin() const { return makeIterator(0); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return makeIterator(0); }
iterator end() { return makeIterator(m_slotCount); }
const_iterator end() const { return makeIterator(m_slotCount); }
const_iterator cend() const { return makeIterator(m_slotCount); }
// For-each functional iteration style.
// The callback returns true to continue iterating or false to stop it.
template<typename F>
void forEach(F && func)
for (auto iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter)
if (!func(*iter)) { break; }
template<typename F>
void forEach(F && func) const
for (auto iter = cbegin(); iter != cend(); ++iter)
if (!func(*iter)) { break; }
iterator makeIterator(const std::int32_t objIndex)
return (!isEmpty() ? iterator{ m_slots, m_flags, m_slotCount, objIndex } : iterator{});
const_iterator makeIterator(const std::int32_t objIndex) const
return (!isEmpty() ? const_iterator{ m_slots, m_flags, m_slotCount, objIndex } : const_iterator{});
// Pool guts:
PooledObject * m_slots;
PoolFlag * m_flags;
std::int32_t m_slotCount;
std::int32_t m_slotsUsed;
std::int32_t m_firstFreeIndex;
// Optional debugging stats:
std::int32_t m_allocCount = 0; // Total calls to 'allocate()'.
std::int32_t m_objectCount = 0; // User objects ('T' instances) currently alive.
std::int32_t m_highWatermark = 0; // Largest number of user objects allocated so far.
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
// ========================================================
// template class FixedSizePoolInPlace<T, MaxSize>:
// ========================================================
// Fixed-size pool with in-place storage (inline with the object).
// The size of the buffer of objects is a template parameter.
// No additional dynamic memory is allocated by this type of pool.
typename T,
class FixedSizePoolInPlace final
: public FixedSizePoolBase<T>
using Base = FixedSizePoolBase<T>;
: Base{ m_objStore, m_objFlags, MaxSize }
{ }
// Make the whole backing-store accessible again, in case this object was declared on the stack.
MemUtils::ASan::unpoisonMemRegion(m_objStore, sizeof(m_objStore));
// Steamroll the memory once the pool is destroyed.
// This might catch attempts to use pointers from the deleted pool.
MemUtils::debugMemFill(m_objStore, sizeof(m_objStore), MemUtils::FreeFillVal);
static void poolDumpCallback(const Base & pool) { Base::poolDumpCallback(pool); }
#endif // MEM_POOL_DEBUG
using PooledObject = typename Base::PooledObject;
using PoolFlag = typename Base::PoolFlag;
PooledObject m_objStore[MaxSize];
PoolFlag m_objFlags[MaxSize];
// ========================================================
// template class FixedSizePoolDynamic<T, DefaultSize>:
// ========================================================
// Fixed-size pool that dynamically allocates its buffer
// of objects upon construction. The pool never grows.
// A default size template parameter can be provided, however,
// the size given to the constructor is the one used to allocate
// the underlaying object store.
typename T,
class FixedSizePoolDynamic final
: public FixedSizePoolBase<T>
using Base = FixedSizePoolBase<T>;
FixedSizePoolDynamic(const int slotCount = DefaultSize)
: Base{ MEM_POOL_ALLOC_IMPL(PooledObject, slotCount),
MEM_POOL_ALLOC_IMPL(PoolFlag, slotCount),
slotCount }
{ }
// Make sure we can free the whole memory block.
MemUtils::ASan::unpoisonMemRegion(Base::getSlots(), Base::getSlotCount() * sizeof(PooledObject));
MEM_POOL_FREE_IMPL(Base::getSlots(), Base::getSlotCount());
MEM_POOL_FREE_IMPL(Base::getFlags(), Base::getSlotCount());
static void poolDumpCallback(const Base & pool) { Base::poolDumpCallback(pool); }
#endif // MEM_POOL_DEBUG
using PooledObject = typename Base::PooledObject;
using PoolFlag = typename Base::PoolFlag;
// ========================================================
// FixedSizePoolBase inline implementation:
// ========================================================
template<typename T>
FixedSizePoolBase<T>::FixedSizePoolBase(PooledObject * slots, std::uint8_t * flags, const int slotCount)
: m_slots{ slots }
, m_flags{ flags }
, m_slotCount{ slotCount }
, m_slotsUsed{ 0 }
, m_firstFreeIndex{ InvalidSlotIndex }
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(slots != nullptr);
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(flags != nullptr);
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(slotCount != 0);
template<typename T>
T * FixedSizePoolBase<T>::allocate(std::size_t sizeInBytes)
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(sizeInBytes <= sizeof(T));
// No more space?
if (m_firstFreeIndex == InvalidSlotIndex)
#endif // MEM_POOL_DEBUG
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(isFull()); // Unless the free list is corrupted, should be true.
return nullptr;
// Min size we need to unpoison to access the free list.
if (sizeInBytes < sizeof(std::int32_t))
sizeInBytes = sizeof(std::int32_t);
// Pop one for the free list:
const auto objIndex = m_firstFreeIndex;
PooledObject * object = &m_slots[objIndex];
m_firstFreeIndex = object->;
m_flags[objIndex] = 1; // Mark in use
// Unpoison the exact requested size, so we keep the inter-object padding inaccessible.
MemUtils::ASan::unpoisonMemRegion(object, sizeInBytes);
// Debug fill the user object with a known pattern
// to help detecting the use of uninitialized variables.
MemUtils::debugMemFill(object, sizeInBytes, MemUtils::AllocFillVal);
if (m_objectCount > m_highWatermark)
m_highWatermark = m_objectCount;
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(object);
template<typename T>
void FixedSizePoolBase<T>::deallocate(T * ptr, std::size_t sizeInBytes)
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); // Can't deallocate from an empty pool
if (ptr == nullptr)
auto object = reinterpret_cast<PooledObject *>(ptr);
// Minimal allocation size.
if (sizeInBytes < sizeof(std::int32_t))
sizeInBytes = sizeof(std::int32_t);
// Fill user portion with a known pattern to help
// detecting post-deallocation usage attempts.
MemUtils::debugMemFill(object, sizeInBytes, MemUtils::FreeFillVal);
// Add back to free list's head. Memory not actually freed but recycled at a future allocation.
const int objIndex = getIndex(object);
object-> = m_firstFreeIndex;
m_firstFreeIndex = objIndex;
m_flags[objIndex] = 0;
// Poison the whole object minus the first 32 bytes of the free list next index.
MemUtils::ASan::poisonMemRegion(reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(object) + sizeof(std::int32_t),
sizeof(PooledObject) - sizeof(std::int32_t));
template<typename T>
void FixedSizePoolBase<T>::drain()
m_slotsUsed = 0;
m_firstFreeIndex = InvalidSlotIndex;
m_allocCount = 0;
m_objectCount = 0;
m_highWatermark = 0;
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
template<typename T>
bool FixedSizePoolBase<T>::isValidPtr(const T * const ptr) const
if (ptr == nullptr || m_slotsUsed == 0)
return false;
const auto userAddr = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(ptr);
const auto startAddr = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(m_slots);
const auto endAddr = startAddr + (sizeof(PooledObject) * m_slotCount);
if (userAddr >= startAddr && userAddr < endAddr)
const int objIndex = getIndex(ptr);
return m_flags[objIndex] != 0; // Is the object alive?
return false;
template<typename T>
int FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getIndex(const void * const ptr) const
const auto userAddr = static_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(ptr);
const auto startAddr = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(m_slots);
const auto endAddr = startAddr + (sizeof(PooledObject) * m_slotCount);
const auto ptrDiff = (reinterpret_cast<const PooledObject *>(endAddr) -
reinterpret_cast<const PooledObject *>(userAddr));
const int objIndex = static_cast<int>(m_slotCount - ptrDiff);
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(objIndex >= 0 && objIndex < m_slotCount);
return objIndex;
template<typename T>
void FixedSizePoolBase<T>::buildFreeList()
MemUtils::debugMemFill(m_slots, m_slotCount * sizeof(*m_slots), MemUtils::AllocFillVal);
std::memset(m_flags, 0, m_slotCount * sizeof(*m_flags));
const int count = m_slotCount;
PooledObject * const slots = m_slots;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
slots[i] = m_firstFreeIndex;
m_firstFreeIndex = i;
// Poison the whole object minus the first 32 bytes of the free list next index.
MemUtils::ASan::poisonMemRegion(reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(&slots[i]) + sizeof(std::int32_t),
sizeof(PooledObject) - sizeof(std::int32_t));
template<typename T>
typename FixedSizePoolBase<T>::PooledObject * FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getSlots()
return m_slots;
template<typename T>
const typename FixedSizePoolBase<T>::PooledObject * FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getSlots() const
return m_slots;
template<typename T>
typename FixedSizePoolBase<T>::PoolFlag * FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getFlags()
return m_flags;
template<typename T>
const typename FixedSizePoolBase<T>::PoolFlag * FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getFlags() const
return m_flags;
template<typename T>
bool FixedSizePoolBase<T>::isFull() const
return (m_slotsUsed == m_slotCount);
template<typename T>
bool FixedSizePoolBase<T>::isEmpty() const
return (m_slotsUsed == 0);
template<typename T>
int FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getSlotCount() const
return m_slotCount;
template<typename T>
int FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getSlotsUsed() const
return m_slotsUsed;
template<typename T>
int FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getFirstFreeIndex() const
return m_firstFreeIndex;
template<typename T>
constexpr std::size_t FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getObjectSize()
return sizeof(T);
template<typename T>
int FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getTotalAllocs() const
return m_allocCount;
template<typename T>
int FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getTotalFrees() const
return m_allocCount - m_objectCount;
template<typename T>
int FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getObjectsAlive() const
return m_objectCount;
template<typename T>
int FixedSizePoolBase<T>::getHightWatermark() const
return m_highWatermark;
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
template<typename T>
void FixedSizePoolBase<T>::poolDumpCallback(const FixedSizePoolBase & pool)
std::fprintf(stderr, "====== FixedSizePool<%s> Dump Callback ======\n", typeid(T).name());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Object size.....: %zu\n", pool.getObjectSize());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Slot count......: %i\n", pool.getSlotCount());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Slots used......: %i\n", pool.getSlotsUsed());
std::fprintf(stderr, "First free idx..: %i\n", pool.getFirstFreeIndex());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Alloc count.....: %i\n", pool.getTotalAllocs());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Free count......: %i\n", pool.getTotalFrees());
std::fprintf(stderr, "Alive count.....: %i\n", pool.getObjectsAlive());
std::fprintf(stderr, "High watermark..: %i\n", pool.getHightWatermark());
#endif // MEM_POOL_STATS
std::fprintf(stderr, "-- Dumping all alive pointers:\n");
const int count = pool.getSlotCount();
const PoolFlag * const flags = pool.getFlags();
const PooledObject * const slots = pool.getSlots();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (flags[i] != 0)
const auto ptr64 = static_cast<std::uint64_t>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(&slots[i]));
std::fprintf(stderr, "[%02i]: 0x%llX\n", i, ptr64);
std::fprintf(stderr, "=============================================\n");
#endif // MEM_POOL_DEBUG
// ================================================================================================
// AddressSanitizer tests for the memory pools
// ================================================================================================
// clang++ -std=c++11 -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -O1 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=address mem_pools.cpp
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#else // !_MSC_VER
#define MEM_POOL_TEST_FUNC_NAME __func__
#endif // _MSC_VER
template<template<typename T, int S> class PoolType>
struct MemPoolUnitTests final
// ========================================================
// Test case: class hierarchies sharing the same pool
// ========================================================
struct BaseClass
std::int32_t i32 = 32;
void printBase() { std::printf("BaseClass - OK; sizeof=%zu, i32=%i\n", sizeof(*this), i32); }
virtual ~BaseClass() = default;
struct Derived1 : BaseClass
std::uint32_t u32 = 32;
void printDerived1() { std::printf("Derived1 - OK; sizeof=%zu, u32=%u\n", sizeof(*this), u32); }
virtual ~Derived1() = default;
struct Derived2 : Derived1
std::int64_t i64 = 64;
void printDerived2() { std::printf("Derived2 - OK; sizeof=%zu, i64=%lli\n", sizeof(*this), i64); }
virtual ~Derived2() = default;
struct Derived3 : Derived2
std::uint64_t u64 = 64;
void printDerived3() { std::printf("Derived3 - OK; sizeof=%zu, u64=%llu\n", sizeof(*this), u64); }
virtual ~Derived3() = default;
static void testClassHierarchiesSharingSamePool()
std::printf(">> %s()\n", MEM_POOL_TEST_FUNC_NAME);
constexpr std::size_t MaxPoolSize = MemUtils::maxOfN(sizeof(BaseClass), sizeof(Derived1), sizeof(Derived2), sizeof(Derived3));
constexpr std::size_t MaxPoolAlign = MemUtils::maxOfN(alignof(BaseClass), alignof(Derived1), alignof(Derived2), alignof(Derived3));
using PoolStorage = typename std::aligned_storage<MaxPoolSize, MaxPoolAlign>::type;
std::printf("MaxPoolSize = %zu\n", MaxPoolSize);
std::printf("MaxPoolAlign = %zu\n", MaxPoolAlign);
PoolType<PoolStorage, 128> pool;
BaseClass * b0 = MemUtils::construct(reinterpret_cast<BaseClass *>(pool.allocate(sizeof(BaseClass))));
Derived1 * d1 = MemUtils::construct(reinterpret_cast<Derived1 *>(pool.allocate(sizeof(Derived1))));
Derived2 * d2 = MemUtils::construct(reinterpret_cast<Derived2 *>(pool.allocate(sizeof(Derived2))));
Derived3 * d3 = MemUtils::construct(reinterpret_cast<Derived3 *>(pool.allocate(sizeof(Derived3))));
// Reading past the end of the class due to a bad type cast: Crashes with ASan
Derived3 * badCast = static_cast<Derived3 *>(d2);
// ========================================================
// Test case: use after free
// ========================================================
static void testUseAfterFree()
std::printf(">> %s()\n", MEM_POOL_TEST_FUNC_NAME);
PoolType<std::size_t, 128> pool;
std::vector<std::size_t *> ptrs;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
std::size_t * a = pool.allocate();
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(pool.isValidPtr(a) == true);
*a = i;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ptrs.size() / 2; ++i)
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(pool.isValidPtr(ptrs[i]) == false);
int num = 0;
std::printf("Pool dump:\n");
pool.forEach([&num](std::size_t i)
std::printf(" pool val %i = %zu\n", num++, i);
return true;
MEM_POOL_ASSERT(num == 64);
// Half the pool was already freed.
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ptrs.size(); ++i)
const std::size_t * p = ptrs[i];
std::printf("%p = %#zx\n", (const void *)p, *p);
// ========================================================
// Test case: bad type casting
// ========================================================
static void testBadTypeCasting()
std::printf(">> %s()\n", MEM_POOL_TEST_FUNC_NAME);
PoolType<std::int64_t, 128> pool;
std::int64_t * p0 = pool.allocate();
std::int64_t * p1 = pool.allocate();
std::int64_t * p2 = pool.allocate();
std::int64_t * p3 = pool.allocate();
// Legal
*p0 = 0;
*p1 = 1;
*p2 = 2;
*p3 = 3;
// Only 8 bytes, try writing 10
constexpr int N = 10;
constexpr int N = 8;
char * s = reinterpret_cast<char *>(p3);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
s[i] = '*';
}; // MemPoolUnitTests
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