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Created May 13, 2017 15:22
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Bucketed heap allocator. Each allocation size has a corresponding bucket which has a list of pages. Pages are split into fixed-size chunks.
#pragma once
// ========================================================
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#define SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(expr, message) assert(expr)
#include <cstdio>
// ========================================================
namespace SimpleHeap
constexpr std::uint8_t AllocdMemFillPattern = 0xCD; // Clean memory - new allocation
constexpr std::uint8_t FreedMemFillPattern = 0xDD; // Dead memory - freed/deleted
constexpr std::uint8_t FreshPageFillPattern = 0xFE; // New page - assume nothing allocated from it yet
constexpr std::uint8_t DeadPageFillPattern = 0xFD; // Recycled page - set when heap kills an empty page
constexpr std::uint64_t PageHeaderPattern = UINT64_C(0x1BADF00D2BADF00D); // User block header guard value
constexpr std::uint64_t PageFooterPattern = UINT64_C(0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF); // User block footer guard value
// Most sizes are capped to 16 bits, so we can use uint16s and reduce overhead per page.
constexpr std::uint32_t MaxBuckets = UINT16_MAX;
constexpr std::uint32_t MaxPageSize = UINT16_MAX;
constexpr std::uint32_t MaxPagesPerBucket = UINT16_MAX;
constexpr std::uint32_t MaxBlocksPerPage = UINT16_MAX;
// ========================================================
// FixedSizePage:
// ========================================================
int SizeBytes,
int Alignment = alignof(std::max_align_t)
class FixedSizePage final
FixedSizePage() = default;
FixedSizePage(const FixedSizePage &) = delete;
FixedSizePage & operator = (const FixedSizePage &) = delete;
void init(const std::uint16_t pageBlockSize, const std::uint16_t bucketIdx)
initDataBlock(pageBlockSize, bucketIdx);
void * allocBlock()
if (isFull())
return nullptr;
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(m_data.allocatedCount < MaxBlocksPerPage, "Invalid block count!");
return popFreeList();
void freeBlock(void * ptr)
auto * userBlock = static_cast<std::uint8_t *>(ptr);
userBlock -= 8; // Back to the header guard dword
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(!isEmpty(), "Freeing pointer from empty page!");
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(validatePtr(userBlock), "Pointer not allocated from this page or corrupted guard words!");
// Dump the whole page as 32 or 64 bits words (including the header overhead).
// Slack that doesn't fit in the last word is not printed.
void dump32(const char * const header = nullptr) const
if (header)
std::printf("%s\n", header);
auto * ptr32 = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint32_t *>(&m_data);
constexpr std::size_t NumWords = sizeof(Data) / 4;
for (std::size_t w = 0; w < NumWords; ++w)
std::printf("0x%08X\n", ptr32[w]);
void dump64(const char * const header = nullptr) const
if (header)
std::printf("%s\n", header);
auto * ptr64 = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint64_t *>(&m_data);
constexpr std::size_t NumDWords = sizeof(Data) / 8;
for (std::size_t dw = 0; dw < NumDWords; ++dw)
std::printf("0x%016llX\n", ptr64[dw]);
// Validate the guard words of each block and freelist connectivity.
void sanityCheck() const
auto allFreeBytes = [](const void * ptr, const std::size_t size) -> bool
auto * bytes = static_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(ptr);
for (std::size_t b = 0; b < size; ++b)
if (bytes[b] != FreedMemFillPattern)
return false;
return true;
const std::size_t pageBlockSize = m_data.blockSize;
const std::size_t freeBlockSize = pageBlockSize - GuardBytes - 8;
const FreeBlock * free = m_data.freeListHead;
const FreeBlock * prev = nullptr;
while (free != nullptr)
if (prev != nullptr)
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(prev->next == free, "Page freelist connectivity is broken!");
// Make sure all bytes minus FreeBlock::next match the free mem debug pattern.
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(allFreeBytes(free + 1, freeBlockSize), "Page freelist block was written to after it was freed!");
prev = free;
free = free->next;
// First block is at the end of the range.
const std::uint8_t * cursor = m_data.pageBytes + PageBytes;
const std::uint8_t * const beginning = m_data.pageBytes;
const std::size_t blockCount = m_data.allocatedCount;
for (;;)
cursor -= pageBlockSize;
if (cursor < beginning)
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(validatePtr(cursor), "Corrupted heap block - bad guard words!");
bool isFull() const { return (m_data.freeListHead == nullptr); }
bool isEmpty() const { return (m_data.allocatedCount == 0); }
std::uint16_t blockSize() const { return m_data.blockSize; }
std::uint16_t blockSizeNoDebugOverhead() const { return m_data.blockSize - GuardBytes; }
std::uint16_t bucketIndex() const { return m_data.bucketIdx; }
std::uint16_t allocatedCount() const { return m_data.allocatedCount; }
std::uint16_t listIndex() const { return m_data.bucketListIdx; }
void setListIndex(const std::uint16_t index) { m_data.bucketListIdx = index; }
static constexpr int PerPageOverhead = 16; // Number of bytes we need to take from SizeBytes for housekeeping.
static constexpr int GuardBytes = SIMPLE_HEAP_DEBUG ? 16 : 0;
static constexpr int PageBytes = SizeBytes - PerPageOverhead;
static constexpr int MaxAllocSize = PageBytes - GuardBytes;
static constexpr int MinAllocSize = sizeof(void *);
struct FreeBlock
FreeBlock * next;
struct Data
FreeBlock * freeListHead;
std::uint16_t blockSize;
std::uint16_t bucketIdx;
std::uint16_t bucketListIdx;
std::uint16_t allocatedCount;
alignas(Alignment) std::uint8_t pageBytes[PageBytes];
} m_data;
static_assert(SizeBytes <= MaxPageSize, "Page size too big!");
static_assert(sizeof(Data) == SizeBytes, "Unexpected size for FixedSizePage::Data!");
void initDataBlock(const std::uint16_t pageBlockSize, const std::uint16_t bucketIdx)
// Plus the header and footer guard dwords
const std::uint16_t debugBlockSize = pageBlockSize + GuardBytes;
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(pageBlockSize >= MinAllocSize, "Block size too small!");
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(debugBlockSize <= PageBytes, "Block size too big!");
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT((PageBytes / debugBlockSize) <= MaxBlocksPerPage, "Max blocks per page exceeded!");
m_data.freeListHead = nullptr;
m_data.blockSize = debugBlockSize;
m_data.bucketIdx = bucketIdx;
m_data.bucketListIdx = 0;
m_data.allocatedCount = 0;
std::memset(m_data.pageBytes, FreshPageFillPattern, PageBytes);
void initFreeList()
// Start at the end so we get the right order as we push into the freelist.
std::uint8_t * cursor = m_data.pageBytes + PageBytes;
std::uint8_t * const beginning = m_data.pageBytes;
const std::size_t pageBlockSize = m_data.blockSize;
for (;;)
cursor -= pageBlockSize;
if (cursor < beginning)
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(validatePtr(cursor), "FixedSizePage::pushFreeList() is broken!");
void pushFreeList(void * blockPtr)
auto * ptr = static_cast<std::uint8_t *>(blockPtr);
std::memset(ptr, FreedMemFillPattern, m_data.blockSize);
auto * headerGuardDWord = reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t *>(ptr); ptr += 8;
auto * freeLink = reinterpret_cast<FreeBlock *>(ptr); ptr += (m_data.blockSize - GuardBytes);
auto * footerGuardDWord = reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t *>(ptr); ptr += 8;
*headerGuardDWord = PageHeaderPattern;
freeLink->next = m_data.freeListHead;
m_data.freeListHead = freeLink;
*footerGuardDWord = PageFooterPattern;
void * popFreeList()
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(!isEmpty(), "Can't pop from empty page free list!");
auto * ptr = reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(m_data.freeListHead) - 8; // Back to the header guard dword
m_data.freeListHead = m_data.freeListHead->next;
std::memset(ptr, AllocdMemFillPattern, m_data.blockSize);
auto * headerGuardDWord = reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t *>(ptr); ptr += 8;
auto * userBlock = ptr; ptr += (m_data.blockSize - GuardBytes);
auto * footerGuardDWord = reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t *>(ptr); ptr += 8;
*headerGuardDWord = PageHeaderPattern;
*footerGuardDWord = PageFooterPattern;
return userBlock;
bool validatePtr(const void * const ptr) const
if (ptr == nullptr)
return false;
const std::uint8_t * startPtr = m_data.pageBytes;
const std::uint8_t * endPtr = m_data.pageBytes + PageBytes;
const std::uint8_t * testPtr = static_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(ptr);
if (testPtr < startPtr || testPtr >= endPtr)
return false;
return validateGuardDWords(testPtr);
bool validateGuardDWords(const std::uint8_t * ptr) const
auto * headerGuardDWord = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint64_t *>(ptr); ptr += 8;
ptr += (m_data.blockSize - GuardBytes);
auto * footerGuardDWord = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint64_t *>(ptr); ptr += 8;
if (*headerGuardDWord != PageHeaderPattern || *footerGuardDWord != PageFooterPattern)
return false;
return true;
void initDataBlock(const std::uint16_t pageBlockSize, const std::uint16_t bucketIdx)
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(pageBlockSize >= MinAllocSize, "Block size too small!");
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(pageBlockSize <= PageBytes, "Block size too big!");
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT((PageBytes / pageBlockSize) <= MaxBlocksPerPage, "Max blocks per page exceeded!");
m_data.freeListHead = nullptr;
m_data.blockSize = pageBlockSize;
m_data.bucketIdx = bucketIdx;
m_data.bucketListIdx = 0;
m_data.allocatedCount = 0;
void initFreeList()
// Start at the end so we get the right order as we push into the freelist.
std::uint8_t * cursor = m_data.pageBytes + PageBytes;
std::uint8_t * const beginning = m_data.pageBytes;
const std::size_t pageBlockSize = m_data.blockSize;
for (;;)
cursor -= pageBlockSize;
if (cursor < beginning)
void pushFreeList(void * blockPtr)
auto * freeLink = static_cast<FreeBlock *>(blockPtr);
freeLink->next = m_data.freeListHead;
m_data.freeListHead = freeLink;
void * popFreeList()
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(!isEmpty(), "Can't pop from empty page free list!");
void * userBlock = m_data.freeListHead;
m_data.freeListHead = m_data.freeListHead->next;
return userBlock;
bool validatePtr(const void * const ptr) const
if (ptr == nullptr)
return false;
const std::uint8_t * startPtr = m_data.pageBytes;
const std::uint8_t * endPtr = m_data.pageBytes + PageBytes;
const std::uint8_t * testPtr = static_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(ptr);
if (testPtr < startPtr || testPtr >= endPtr)
return false;
return true;
// ========================================================
// PageBucket:
// ========================================================
typename PageType,
int PagesPerBucket
class PageBucket final
PageBucket() = default;
PageBucket(const PageBucket &) = delete;
PageBucket & operator = (const PageBucket &) = delete;
void init()
m_usedPages = 0;
std::fill(std::begin(m_pages), std::end(m_pages), nullptr);
bool insert(PageType * newPage)
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(!isFull(), "Can't insert new page into full bucket!");
// Optimize for the common case when we are pushing pages
// in a stack-like manner into a newly allocated Bucket.
const int lastIdx = m_usedPages;
if (m_pages[lastIdx] == nullptr)
insertPageAt(newPage, lastIdx);
return true;
// Try to find an empty slot searching from the beginning:
for (int i = 0; i < PagesPerBucket; ++i)
if (m_pages[i] == nullptr)
insertPageAt(newPage, i);
return true;
// No more free slots!
return false;
void remove(PageType * page)
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(!isEmpty(), "Bucket already empty!");
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(page != nullptr, "Can't remove null page!");
const auto index = page->listIndex();
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(index < PagesPerBucket, "Invalid page index in bucket page list!");
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(m_pages[index] == page, "Page list index mismatch!");
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(m_pages[index]->isEmpty(), "Trying to remove non-empty page!");
m_pages[index] = nullptr;
PageType * tryFindBestPage() const
// Early-out if empty - common case for a new bucket.
if (isEmpty())
return nullptr;
// Start from the most recent inserted page and
// work down until the beginning of the list.
for (int i = m_usedPages - 1; i >= 0; --i)
PageType * p = m_pages[i];
if (p != nullptr && !p->isFull())
return p;
// We might have something free further up,
// so do a final pass to make sure.
for (int i = m_usedPages; i < PagesPerBucket; ++i)
PageType * p = m_pages[i];
if (p != nullptr && !p->isFull())
return p;
// Will need to allocate a new page.
return nullptr;
// Assert that all pages in this bucket are in good shape and the use counts match.
void sanityCheck() const
int usedPagesFound = 0;
for (const PageType * pg : m_pages)
if (pg != nullptr)
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(usedPagesFound == m_usedPages, "Bucket used pages count mismatch!");
bool isEmpty() const { return (m_usedPages == 0); }
bool isFull() const { return (m_usedPages == PagesPerBucket); }
int usedPageCount() const { return m_usedPages; }
void insertPageAt(PageType * page, const int index)
m_pages[index] = page;
static_assert(PagesPerBucket <= MaxPagesPerBucket, "Max number of pages per bucket exceeded!");
int m_usedPages;
std::array<PageType *, PagesPerBucket> m_pages; // Page pointers are not owned by the Bucket.
// ========================================================
// Allocator:
// ========================================================
int NumBuckets,
int PagesPerBucket,
int PageSizeBytes,
int PageAlignment = alignof(std::max_align_t)
class Allocator final
static_assert(NumBuckets <= MaxBuckets, "Max number of allocation buckets exceeded!");
static_assert(PagesPerBucket <= MaxPagesPerBucket, "Max number of pages per bucket exceeded!");
static_assert(PageSizeBytes <= MaxPageSize, "Max page size in bytes exceeded!");
using Page = FixedSizePage<PageSizeBytes, PageAlignment>;
using Bucket = PageBucket<Page, PagesPerBucket>;
static constexpr int MinAllocSize = Page::MinAllocSize;
static constexpr int MaxAllocSize = Page::MaxAllocSize;
struct InitParams
// Range of bucket sizes *must be sorted* (NumBuckets entries expected).
const std::uint16_t * bucketSizes;
// >= NumBuckets
Bucket * bucketsMemChunk;
int bucketCount;
// >= PagesPerBucket * NumBuckets
Page * pagesMemChunk;
int pageCount;
Allocator() = default;
Allocator(const Allocator &) = delete;
Allocator & operator = (const Allocator &) = delete;
// Initialize the heap prior to any use. This must be called before any allocation can take place.
// The allocator does not take ownership of the memory buffers provided via InitParams and will not
// free that memory on shutdown. The buffers must also remain valid for as long as the heap is in use.
void init(const InitParams & params)
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(params.bucketCount >= NumBuckets, "InitParams::bucketCount must be >= NumBuckets template param!");
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(params.pageCount >= PagesPerBucket * NumBuckets, "Not enough pages provided!");
m_usedPages = 0;
m_committedBytes = 0;
m_pageFreeListHead = nullptr;
m_pageCount = params.pageCount;
m_bucketSizes = params.bucketSizes;
m_buckets = params.bucketsMemChunk;
m_pages = params.pagesMemChunk;
for (int b = 0; b < NumBuckets; ++b)
// Shuts down the heap allocator - since memory is not actually owned by the heap,
// this just sets the internal states back to defaults. After shutdown, you cannot
// allocate or free from the heap!
void shutdown()
m_usedPages = 0;
m_pageCount = 0;
m_committedBytes = 0;
m_pageFreeListHead = nullptr;
m_bucketSizes = nullptr;
m_buckets = nullptr;
m_pages = nullptr;
// Tries to allocate sizeBytes bytes of memory - might fail with a null pointer.
void * tryAllocate(const std::size_t sizeBytes)
if (sizeBytes > MaxAllocSize)
return nullptr;
// Find the closest matching bucket for this allocation size:
std::uint16_t bucketSize;
const std::uint16_t bucketIndex = calcBucketForSize(sizeBytes, &bucketSize);
Bucket & bucket = getBucketAt(bucketIndex);
// Find a suitable page to allocate from:
Page * page = bucket.tryFindBestPage();
if (page == nullptr)
if (bucket.isFull())
// Can't accommodate new pages for this bucket size!
return nullptr;
// All bucket pages are full or this is a new
// uninitialized bucket, try to insert a new page.
if ((page = tryAllocPage(bucketSize, bucketIndex)) == nullptr)
return nullptr;
void * const userBlock = page->allocBlock();
if (userBlock != nullptr)
m_committedBytes += page->blockSize();
return userBlock;
// Allocates sizeBytes bytes of memory or fails with an assertion.
void * allocate(const std::size_t sizeBytes)
void * const ptr = tryAllocate(sizeBytes);
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(ptr != nullptr, "SimpleHeap - out of memory!");
return ptr;
// Frees a pointer previously allocated from this heap by allocate() or tryAllocate().
// Freeing a null pointer is a no-op. Freeing a pointer not from the heap will assert.
void free(void * const ptr)
if (ptr == nullptr)
Page * page = pageForPtr(ptr);
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(page != nullptr, "Trying to free a pointer not allocated from this heap!");
// Put the ptr back into the page free-list:
m_committedBytes -= page->blockSize();
// If this wasn't the last block in the page, we are done.
if (!page->isEmpty())
// Tidy up empty pages:
const auto bucketIndex = page->bucketIndex();
Bucket & bucket = getBucketAt(bucketIndex);
// Get the page the pointer was allocated from or null if not a valid pointer from this heap.
// Available in the public interface for testing only - not used externally.
Page * pageForPtr(const void * const ptr) const
auto * testPtr = static_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(ptr);
auto * startAddr = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(m_pages);
auto * endAddr = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(m_pages + m_pageCount);
if (testPtr < startAddr || testPtr >= endAddr)
return nullptr;
const std::ptrdiff_t withinPageOffset = testPtr - startAddr;
const std::size_t pageIndex = withinPageOffset / sizeof(Page);
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(pageIndex < std::size_t(m_pageCount), "Invalid page index derived from pointer!");
return &m_pages[pageIndex];
// Round size in bytes to allocation bucket size and returns that bucket index.
// Available in the public interface for testing only - not used externally.
std::uint16_t calcBucketForSize(std::size_t sizeBytes, std::uint16_t * outRoundedBucketSize) const
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(sizeBytes < MaxAllocSize, "Invalid allocation size!");
if (sizeBytes < MinAllocSize)
sizeBytes = MinAllocSize;
const auto siz = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(sizeBytes);
const auto idx = std::lower_bound(m_bucketSizes, m_bucketSizes + NumBuckets, siz);
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(idx != (m_bucketSizes + NumBuckets), "Allocation size not in m_bucketSizes[]");
*outRoundedBucketSize = *idx;
return static_cast<std::uint16_t>(idx - m_bucketSizes);
// Validates the freelist of pages, all buckets and all allocated pages.
void sanityCheck() const
// Assert that the allocated page count of each bucket matches the advertised:
int totalPagesInBuckets = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < NumBuckets; ++b)
totalPagesInBuckets += m_buckets[b].usedPageCount();
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(totalPagesInBuckets == m_usedPages,
"Number of allocated pages does not match use count in all buckets!");
// Validate our freelist of whole pages:
int freePageCount = 0;
const FreePage * free = m_pageFreeListHead;
const FreePage * prev = nullptr;
while (free != nullptr)
if (prev != nullptr)
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(prev->next == free, "Page freelist connectivity is broken!");
prev = free;
free = free->next;
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(freePageCount == (m_pageCount - m_usedPages),
"Num of pages in the heap free list should match (count - used)!");
// Heap stats queries:
int usedPageCount() const { return m_usedPages; }
int pageCount() const { return m_pageCount; }
const Page * pages() const { return m_pages; }
int bucketCount() const { return NumBuckets; }
const Bucket * buckets() const { return m_buckets; }
const std::uint16_t * bucketSizes() const { return m_bucketSizes; }
std::size_t committedBytes() const { return m_committedBytes; }
struct FreePage
FreePage * next;
void initPageFreeList()
// Trash all pages in debug node.
std::memset(m_pages, DeadPageFillPattern, sizeof(Page) * m_pageCount);
// Start at the end so we get the right order as we push into the freelist.
Page * cursor = m_pages + m_pageCount;
Page * const beginning = m_pages;
int pagesAdded = 0;
for (;; ++pagesAdded)
if (cursor < beginning)
FreePage * fpg = reinterpret_cast<FreePage *>(cursor);
fpg->next = m_pageFreeListHead;
m_pageFreeListHead = fpg;
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(pagesAdded == m_pageCount, "Something wrong the initPageFreeList()...");
Page * tryAllocPage(const std::uint16_t pageBlockSize, const std::uint16_t bucketIndex)
if (m_pageFreeListHead == nullptr)
return nullptr; // Heap is depleted!
Page * pg = reinterpret_cast<Page *>(m_pageFreeListHead);
m_pageFreeListHead = m_pageFreeListHead->next;
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(m_usedPages < m_pageCount, "Invalid used pages count!");
pg->init(pageBlockSize, bucketIndex);
return pg;
void freePage(Page * page)
std::memset(page, DeadPageFillPattern, sizeof(Page));
FreePage * fpg = reinterpret_cast<FreePage *>(page);
fpg->next = m_pageFreeListHead;
m_pageFreeListHead = fpg;
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(m_usedPages >= 0, "Negative used pages count!");
Bucket & getBucketAt(const std::size_t index)
SIMPLE_HEAP_ASSERT(index < NumBuckets, "Invalid bucket index");
return m_buckets[index];
int m_usedPages = 0;
int m_pageCount = 0;
std::size_t m_committedBytes = 0;
FreePage * m_pageFreeListHead = nullptr;
// Pointers to external buffers provided on initialization
const std::uint16_t * m_bucketSizes = nullptr;
Bucket * m_buckets = nullptr;
Page * m_pages = nullptr;
// ========================================================
} // namespace SimpleHeap
// ========================================================
// SimpleHeap unit tests:
// ========================================================
#include <cassert>
#define SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(expr) assert(expr)
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
struct SimpleHeapTest final
// ----------------------------------------------------
static constexpr int NumBuckets = 12;
static constexpr int PagesPerBucket = 4;
static constexpr int PageSizeBytes = 1024;
static constexpr int PageAlignment = 16;
// Allocation sizes - any size is legal, not just powers of two.
// Note: List must be sorted from smallest to greatest.
const std::uint16_t bucketSizes[NumBuckets] = {
1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 88, 102, 128, 256,
using Heap = SimpleHeap::Allocator<NumBuckets, PagesPerBucket, PageSizeBytes, PageAlignment>;
Heap heap;
// ----------------------------------------------------
void init()
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(std::is_sorted(std::begin(bucketSizes), std::end(bucketSizes)));
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(alignof(Heap::Page) == PageAlignment);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(sizeof(Heap::Page) == PageSizeBytes);
Heap::InitParams heapInit;
heapInit.bucketCount = NumBuckets;
heapInit.bucketsMemChunk = new Heap::Bucket[heapInit.bucketCount];
heapInit.pageCount = PagesPerBucket * NumBuckets;
heapInit.pagesMemChunk = new Heap::Page[heapInit.pageCount];
heapInit.bucketSizes = bucketSizes;
// Basic assumptions after init:
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(heap.pages() == heapInit.pagesMemChunk);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(heap.buckets() == heapInit.bucketsMemChunk);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(heap.bucketSizes() == heapInit.bucketSizes);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(heap.pageCount() == heapInit.pageCount);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(heap.bucketCount() == heapInit.bucketCount);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(heap.usedPageCount() == 0);
void shutdown()
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(heap.usedPageCount() == 0);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(heap.committedBytes() == 0);
delete[] heap.pages();
delete[] heap.buckets();
void run()
// Test a single page in isolation:
SimpleHeap::FixedSizePage<128> pg;
pg.init(32, 0);
pg.dump64("RAW PAGE DUMP 1st:");
void * p0 = pg.allocBlock();
void * p1 = pg.allocBlock();
void * p2 = pg.allocBlock();
pg.dump64("RAW PAGE DUMP 2nd:");
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(pg.allocatedCount() == (SIMPLE_HEAP_DEBUG ? 2 : 3));
pg.dump64("RAW PAGE DUMP 3rd:");
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(pg.allocatedCount() == 0);
// Test allocations of varying sizes, with sanity checks in between each:
const std::uint8_t fillPatterns[] = {
'?', '*', '#', '+', 'x', '1', '@', '7', 'G', '=', '{', '%',
static_assert(std::size(fillPatterns) == NumBuckets, "Need to update this!");
constexpr int NumAllocs = 10;
void * allocs[NumAllocs][NumBuckets] = {};
// Allocate an init our memory:
for (int a = 0; a < NumAllocs; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < NumBuckets; ++b)
allocs[a][b] = heap.allocate(bucketSizes[b]);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(allocs[a][b] != nullptr);
// Fill with something known, but different across buckets/allocs:
std::memset(allocs[a][b], (fillPatterns[b] ^ a), bucketSizes[b]);
// Validate our fill pattern remains intact and counts match:
std::unordered_map<const Heap::Page *, int> pageAllocCount;
for (int a = 0; a < NumAllocs; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < NumBuckets; ++b)
const int sizeBytes = bucketSizes[b];
const auto * ptr = static_cast<std::uint8_t *>(allocs[a][b]);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeBytes; ++i)
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(ptr[i] == (fillPatterns[b] ^ a));
const auto * pg = heap.pageForPtr(ptr);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(pg->blockSize() >= sizeBytes);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(pg->bucketIndex() >= b);
auto mapIter = pageAllocCount.find(pg);
if (mapIter == std::end(pageAllocCount))
pageAllocCount[pg] += pg->allocatedCount();
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(mapIter->second == pg->allocatedCount());
// All allocations for a bucket size across all of its pages must amount to NumAllocs,
// (or more precisely, NumAllocs times the sizes that mapped to the same bucket).
std::unordered_map<int, int> bucketAllocCounts;
std::unordered_map<int, int> expectedCounts;
for (int b = 0; b < NumBuckets; ++b)
std::uint16_t roundedBucketSize;
const int bucketIndex = heap.calcBucketForSize(bucketSizes[b], &roundedBucketSize);
expectedCounts[bucketIndex] += NumAllocs;
bucketAllocCounts[b] = 0;
for (const auto pg : pageAllocCount)
if (pg.first->blockSizeNoDebugOverhead() == roundedBucketSize)
bucketAllocCounts[bucketIndex] += pg.second;
for (const auto counts : bucketAllocCounts)
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(counts.second == expectedCounts[counts.first]);
// Free the allocations and validate again:
for (int a = 0; a < NumAllocs; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < NumBuckets; ++b)
allocs[a][b] = nullptr;
// Allocate and free the whole heap:
std::vector<void *> allPtrs;
for (int b = 0;;)
void * ptr = heap.tryAllocate(bucketSizes[b]);
if (ptr == nullptr)
b = (b + 1) % NumBuckets;
for (void * ptr : allPtrs)
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(heap.committedBytes() == 0);
SIMPLE_HEAP_TEST_ASSERT(heap.usedPageCount() == 0);
}; // SimpleHeapTest
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