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Created July 15, 2017 18:12
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// General purpose minimal heap allocator.
// Keeps a freelist of chunks of arbitrary size. First round of allocations
// will use the whole heap block before it starts going into the freelist.
// Freeing just pushes the block back into the freelist and is constant time.
// Allocating might search the freelist if the whole heap was already allocated
// once.
// To reduce fragmentation we could merge free nodes either on free or allocate.
// Allocating from the freelist could also split nodes if the node size is bigger
// than the requested size. Right now it just returns the first node >= the alloc
// size.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__has_feature)
#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
#include <sanitizer/asan_interface.h>
#endif // address_sanitizer
#endif // __clang__ && __has_feature
#if !defined(MINIHEAP_ASAN)
#define ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(addr, size) /* nothing */
#define ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(addr, size) /* nothing */
// ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION() already defined in asan_interface.h
// ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION() already defined in asan_interface.h
#define ASAN_NO_SANITIZE_ADDRESS_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((no_sanitize("address")))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MiniHeapAllocator final
MiniHeapAllocator(void * heapBuffer, const std::uint32_t heapSize)
assert(heapBuffer != nullptr);
assert(heapSize != 0);
m_HeapStart = static_cast<std::uint8_t *>(heapBuffer);
m_HeapSize = heapSize;
m_HeapUsed = 0;
m_FirstNode = static_cast<Node *>(heapBuffer);
m_FirstFree = nullptr;
// Keep the whole heap initially poisoned.
// Unpoison so it can be freed by the user.
ASAN_NO_SANITIZE_ADDRESS_ATTRIBUTE void * Allocate(std::size_t bytes)
if (bytes < kMinAllocSize)
bytes = kMinAllocSize;
// Every allocation is prefixed by a Node header.
bytes += sizeof(Node);
// First batch of allocations will just use the whole memory
// range available before we even start recycling.
if ((m_HeapUsed + bytes) <= m_HeapSize)
Node * newAlloc = reinterpret_cast<Node *>(m_HeapStart + m_HeapUsed);
m_HeapUsed += bytes;
newAlloc->Guard = kGuardValue;
newAlloc->Size = bytes;
newAlloc->IsFree = false;
ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(newAlloc + 1, bytes - sizeof(Node));
return (newAlloc + 1); // User block follows Node header.
// Try recycling from the freelist:
FreeNode * bestMatch = nullptr;
for (FreeNode * iter = m_FirstFree; iter != nullptr; iter = iter->Next)
assert(iter->Guard == kGuardValue);
assert(iter->IsFree == true);
if (iter->Size >= bytes)
// TODO: Could split the FreeNode if size > bytes requested.
bestMatch = iter;
// Cannot accommodate the block.
if (bestMatch == nullptr)
// TODO: Could try to merge FreeNodes and retry.
return nullptr;
// Remove from the freelist:
if (bestMatch == m_FirstFree)
m_FirstFree = m_FirstFree->Next;
FreeNode * prevNode = bestMatch->Prev;
FreeNode * nextNode = bestMatch->Next;
if (prevNode != nullptr)
assert(prevNode->Next == bestMatch);
prevNode->Next = nextNode;
if (nextNode != nullptr)
assert(nextNode->Prev == bestMatch);
nextNode->Prev = prevNode;
bestMatch->IsFree = false;
ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(static_cast<Node *>(bestMatch) + 1, bytes - sizeof(Node));
return (static_cast<Node *>(bestMatch) + 1); // User block follows node header.
Node * header = static_cast<Node *>(ptr) - 1;
assert(header->Guard == kGuardValue);
assert(header->Size >= sizeof(FreeNode));
assert(header->IsFree == false);
ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(header, header->Size);
// Push into the freelist:
FreeNode * toFree = static_cast<FreeNode *>(header);
if (m_FirstFree != nullptr)
assert(m_FirstFree->Prev == nullptr);
m_FirstFree->Prev = toFree;
toFree->Next = m_FirstFree;
toFree->Prev = nullptr;
m_FirstFree = toFree;
bool IsValidPtr(const void * const ptr) const
auto * testAddr = static_cast<const std::uint8_t *>(ptr);
auto * heapEnd = m_HeapStart + m_HeapSize;
return (testAddr >= m_HeapStart && testAddr < heapEnd);
static constexpr std::uint32_t kMinAllocSize = 16; // FreeNode Prev,Next
static constexpr std::uint32_t kGuardValue = 0xDEADBEEF;
struct Node
std::uint32_t Guard; // Used by asserts
std::uint32_t Size : 31;
std::uint32_t IsFree : 1;
struct FreeNode : Node
FreeNode * Prev;
FreeNode * Next;
static_assert(sizeof(Node) == 8, "MiniHeapAllocator::Node size expected to be 16 bytes");
static_assert(sizeof(FreeNode) == 24, "MiniHeapAllocator::FreeNode size expected to be 24 bytes");
std::uint8_t * m_HeapStart;
std::uint32_t m_HeapSize;
std::uint32_t m_HeapUsed;
Node * m_FirstNode;
FreeNode * m_FirstFree;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main()
constexpr int kHeapSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
MiniHeapAllocator miniHeap{ new std::uint8_t[kHeapSize], kHeapSize };
const int sizes[] = { 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 };
constexpr int kMaxSizes = sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(sizes[0]);
constexpr int kMaxPtrs = 2048;
// 1st pass:
void * ptrs[kMaxPtrs] = {0};
for (int i = 0, s = 0; i < kMaxPtrs; ++i)
ptrs[i] = miniHeap.Allocate(sizes[s]);
if (ptrs[i] == nullptr)
std::memset(ptrs[i], 'X', sizes[s]);
s = (s + 1) % kMaxSizes;
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxPtrs; ++i)
if (ptrs[i] != nullptr)
// 2nd pass:
void * ptrs[kMaxPtrs] = {0};
std::printf("Allocating (again)...\n");
for (int i = 0, s = 0; i < kMaxPtrs; ++i)
ptrs[i] = miniHeap.Allocate(sizes[s]);
if (ptrs[i] == nullptr)
std::memset(ptrs[i], 'X', sizes[s]);
s = (s + 1) % kMaxSizes;
std::printf("Freeing (again)...\n");
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxPtrs; ++i)
if (ptrs[i] != nullptr)
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