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Created December 12, 2019 16:54
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aws_output=$(aws elb describe-load-balancers --region=us-east-1 |grep "\"DNSName\": \"internal-$environmentX")
if [[ ${#aws_output} -lt 50 ]]; then
echo "No elbs were found for ${environmentX}".
internal_con=$(echo "$aws_output" |grep 'con-' |cut -d':' -f2 |cut -d'"' -f2)
internal_int=$(echo "$aws_output" |grep 'int-' |cut -d':' -f2 |cut -d'"' -f2)
echo "resource \"aws_route53_record\" \"$environmentX\" {
name = \"$environmentX\"
type = \"CNAME\"
records = [
ttl = 300
zone_id = \"\${}\"
allow_overwrite = \"\${var.allow_overwrite}\"
resource \"aws_route53_record\" \"${environmentX}_api\" {
name = \"${environmentX}-api\"
type = \"CNAME\"
records = [
ttl = 300
zone_id = \"\${}\"
allow_overwrite = \"\${var.allow_overwrite}\"
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