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# Structural Cooccurrence Matrix - SCM
# OBS.: implementation of SCM for image analysis
# Geraldo Ramalho v0.8 ago/2016
# please cite:
# Ramalho et al. Rotation-invariant Feature Extraction using a Structural Co-occurrence Matrix.
# Measurement, v.94, p.406-415, dec/2016.
# doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2016.08.012
# In this version the SCM parameters k, P and W are matrices passed by the user.
# Default values for these parameters are provided.
# Some default partition functions Q are provided as well, but user can chose any other partition function.
# Weight matrix W is introduced since it was already used in MATLAB version of the code.
# known issues:
# - matrix and attributes values may vary sligthly from MATLAB version because of the differences in the partition function used
# status/to do:
# -
#from scmclass import *
### This code shows how to use scm_v??? module.
### Geraldo Ramalho - ago/2016
### Code corrections:
### 1) a bug could make the matrix sum less than all pixels in the input image - Daniel Silva ( - 4/jul/2019
### please cite:
### Ramalho et al. Rotation-invariant Feature Extraction using a Structural Co-occurrence Matrix.
### Measurement, v.94, p.406-415, dec/2016.
### doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2016.08.012
from skimage import io, color # self-dependencies: Cython 2.3
import numpy as np
import time
#from skimage.filters import gaussian
from scm_v009_8 import *
#import scipy.ndimage
#from scipy.misc.pilutil import Image
### first input signal (f)
#print("Read image...")
#f = io.imread("2013-10-27 (1).jpg")
load_samples = np.loadtxt("filteredFeaturesPump1data.txt", delimiter = " ")#carrega o arquivo
#f = (np.transpose(load_samples[0:,1:2]))[0,:] #entropy
f = (np.transpose(load_samples[0:,0:1]))[0,:] #energy
#if f.ndim == 1: #if f is a vector, converts it into matrix
# f=np.expand_dims(f,axis=0)
# print "Capture image..."
# from SimpleCV import Camera # dependencias: Pillow, pygame
# # fnitialize the camera
# cam = Camera()
# # Loop to continuously get images
# while True:
# # Get fmage from camera
# img = cam.getfmage()
# # Make image black and white
# img = img.binarize()
# # Draw the text "Hello World" on image
# img.drawText("Hello World!")
# # Show the image
# cam.getfmage().show()
# exit()
# adjust first input signal
f = color.rgb2gray(f)
f = f.astype(float)
f = (f - f.min())/(f.max() - f.min()) # skimage already in [0,1]
# Pega somente a saída e transforma em um vetor
### second input signal (g)
#g = io.imread("teste.png")
g = f;
#g = (np.transpose(load_samples[0:,1:2]))[0,:] #entropy
# g = f + 3.6 * f.std() * np.random.random(f.shape)
# g = np.clip(g, 0, 1)
# g = gaussian(f, sigma = 1, mode = 'reflect')
# g = mean(f, disk(1)) # usar disk apenas em morfologia (1 = 3x3)
# performing convolution - average filter
# g = scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve(f, np.ones((3,3))/9)
# adjust second input signal
#g = color.rgb2gray(g)
#g = g.astype(float)
#g = (g - g.min())/(g.max() - g.min()) # skimage already in [0,1]
# crop - used only to speedy tests and to make debug easier
# f = f[0:5,0:5]
# g = g[0:5,0:5]
### set user callback functions
def cb_Q_quant(img, num_levels, *args):
img = (img - img.min())/(img.max() - img.min())
return np.around(img * (num_levels - 1))
def cb_k_average(img, *args):
return scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve(img, np.ones((3,3))/9)
def cb_P_absdif(img1, img2, num_levels):
# Code correction #1:
# return abs(img1 - img2) < num_levels
return abs(img1.astype(float) - img2.astype(float)) < num_levels
def cb_W_uniform(num_levels):
tmp = np.ones((num_levels, num_levels))
return (tmp + 1)/num_levels
### Compute SCM
#print("Computing SCM for image analysis...")
ini = time.time()
SCM_PARAM = {'N': 8,'k':'LowPass','Verbose': False}#, 'W_callback': cb_W_uniform}
#SCM_PARAM = {'N': 8,'k':'HighPass','Verbose': False}#, 'W_callback': cb_W_uniform}
M, p = scmclass.SCMimg().scm(f, g, SCM_PARAM)
'''print("SCM attributes:")
print(" group I :\n cor = {:0.4f} idm = {:0.4f}".format(p[0], p[1]))
print(" group II :\n ent = {:0.4f}".format(p[2]))
print(" group III:\n csd = {:0.4f} csr = {:0.4f} mdr = {:0.4f} dkl = {:0.4f} cad = {:0.4f}".format(p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]))
print(" group NEW:\n net = {:0.4f} mut = {:0.4f}".format(p[8], p[9]))
#print M
print("TOTAL TIME = {:0.4f}".format(time.time() - ini))
print("Grupo I:\nCOR = {:0.4f}; IDM = {:0.4f}".format(p[0], p[1]))
print("Grupo II:\nENT = {:0.4f}".format(p[2]))
print("Grupo III:\nCSD = {:0.4f}; CSR = {:0.4f}; MDR = {:0.4f}; DLK = {:0.4f}; CAD = {:0.4f}".format(p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]))
#from scipy.misc import toimage
#im = toimage(outImage)"outImage6.png")
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(outImage, interpolation='nearest')
### SCM framework for image analysis
### input - signals: f and g
### output - matrix: m_(i,j)=#{(i,j)|P(i,j), i=Q(f)_p, j=Q(k(g))_p+d}
### - attributes: cor, idm, ent, csd, csr, mdr, dkl, cad
### please cite:
### Ramalho et al. Rotation-invariant Feature Extraction using a Structural Co-occurrence Matrix.
### Measurement, v.94, p.406-415, dec/2016.
### doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2016.08.012
### Code correction:
### 1) a bug could make the matrix sum less than all pixels in the input image - Daniel Silva ( - 4/jul/2019
### default SCM PARAMETERS
### PAR_SCM_N = 8 # N = num of levels (partitions)
### PAR_SCM_Q = "Quantization" # Q = partition function: Quantization,...
### PAR_SCM_k = scm_default_k('none') # k = convolutional filter: none, Low Pass, High Pass, Soft Low Pass...
### PAR_SCM_d = (0,0) # d = row and col displacement of g
### PAR_SCM_P = np.array([]) # P = must be computed for Q(f) and Q(k(g))
### PAR_SCM_W = scm_default_W(PAR_SCM_N) # W = matrix of weigths
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
import os
import csv
from skimage import io, color
from skimage.restoration import denoise_tv_chambolle#, denoise_bilateral #Total Variation
from skimage.morphology import disk #used for Average Quantization
from skimage.filters.rank import mean #used for Average Quantization
class SCMimg(object):
# scm_default_W: default weigth matrix
def scm_default_W(self, N):
tmp = np.zeros((N,N))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
tmp[i,j] = abs(i - j);
return (tmp + 1)/N
# scm_default_P: default property matrix
def scm_default_P(self, img1, img2, NL):
# Code correction #1:
# return (abs(img1 - img2)) < NL
return abs(img1.astype(float) - img2.astype(float)) < NL
# scm_default_k: filtering of the second input signal
def scm_default_k(self, img, *args):
if args[0] == 'High Pass': # High Pass = 3x3 laplacian filter with alpha = 0.2
filter = np.matrix([[0.1667, 0.6667, 0.1667], [0.6667, -3.3333, 0.6667], [0.1667, 0.6667, 0.1667]]) #original line
#filter = np.asarray([[0.1667, 0.6667, 0.1667], [0.6667, -3.3333, 0.6667], [0.1667, 0.6667, 0.1667]]) #gscm_map
elif args[0] == 'Low Pass': # Low Pass = 3x3 average filter
filter = np.ones((3,3))/9
elif args[0] == 'Soft Low Pass': # Soft Low Pass = 3x3 gaussian filter with sigma = 0.5 #gscm_map
filter = np.matrix([[0.0113, 0.0838, 0.0113], [0.0838, 0.6193, 0.0838], [0.0113, 0.0838, 0.0113]]) #original line
#filter = np.asarray([[0.0113, 0.0838, 0.0113], [0.0838, 0.6193, 0.0838], [0.0113, 0.0838, 0.0113]])
filter = np.array([])
if filter.size > 0:
#for gscm_map
if img.shape[1] == 3:
filter = filter.reshape((1,3,3)) #reshape to calculate the convolution over the windows
tmp = scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve(img, filter)
if (tmp.max() - tmp.min() == 0):
tmp = np.ones(img) #for gscm_map
# tmp = (tmp - tmp.min())/(tmp.max() - tmp.min())
tmp = (tmp - tmp.min())/(tmp.max() - tmp.min())
return tmp
return img
# scm_Q - Q: partitioning function
def scm_default_Q(self, img, *args):
numl = args[0]
if args[1] == "Quantization":
img = (img - img.min())/(img.max() - img.min())
return np.around(img * (numl - 1))
elif args[1] == "Total Variation":
img = denoise_tv_chambolle(img, weight = 0.1, multichannel = True)
img = (img - img.min())/(img.max() - img.min())
return np.round(img * (numl - 1))
elif args[1] == "Average Quantization":
img = mean(img, disk(3))
img = (img - img.min())/(img.max() - img.min())
return np.round(img * (numl - 1))
return img
# scm_d - d: displacement of the second input signal
def scm_d(self, img, d):
if sum(d) > 0:
tmp = np.roll(img, d[0], axis = 0)
return np.roll(tmp, d[1], axis = 1)
return img
# scm_m - m: assymetric matrix of frequencies of matching pairs
def scm_M(self, img1, img2, prop):
numl = np.floor(img1.max()) + 1 # original line
#numl = np.floor(img2.max()) + 1
if prop.size == 0: # default property
prop = SCMimg.scm_default_P(img1 - img2)
#(cols,rows) = np.meshgrid(list(range(img1.shape[1])), list(range(img1.shape[0])))
(cols,rows) = np.meshgrid(range(img1.shape[1]), range(img1.shape[0]))
rows = rows[np.where(prop)]
cols = cols[np.where(prop)]
i = np.asarray(img1[rows,cols])
j = np.asarray(img2[rows,cols])
h = np.concatenate(([i],[j]), axis = 0)
h = h.astype(int)
hs = h[0,:] + h[1,:] * 255
ua, uind = np.unique(hs, return_inverse = True)
uacount = np.bincount(uind)
m = np.zeros((int(numl), int(numl)), dtype = np.uint32) #warning (non-integer)
i = 0
for n in ua:
n1 = n//255
n0 = n - n1 * 255
m[n0,n1] = uacount[i]
i += 1
return m
# scm_props - computes attributes from SCM
def scm_props(self, m, w):
m = m * w
m = m.astype(float)/m.sum()
mv = np.squeeze(m) # vectorize m
mvnz = mv[np.where(mv > 0)] # m with non-zero values
# group I (cor, idm) and group II (ent)
# implementation of SCM as in MATLAB version
# row and col subscripts => pixel values in the SCM
(c,r) = np.meshgrid(list(range(m.shape[0])), list(range(m.shape[0])))
c = np.squeeze(c) + 1 # vectorize c
r = np.squeeze(r) + 1 # vectorize r
# marginal probabilities
P = np.sum(m, axis = 0) # sum of rows
P /= P.sum() # marginal probabilities of the rows
Q = np.sum(m, axis = 1) # sum of cols
Q /= Q.sum() # marginal probabilities of the cols
Pnz = P[np.where(P > 0)]
Qnz = Q[np.where(Q > 0)]
# mr = mean of rows, mc = mean of cols
# sr = std of rows, sc = std of cols
mr = r * np.squeeze(m); mr = mr.sum()
sr = np.square(r - mr) * mv; sr = np.sqrt(sr.sum())
mc = c * np.squeeze(m); mc = mc.sum()
sc = np.square(c - mc) * mv; sc = np.sqrt(sc.sum())
term1 = (r - mr) * (c - mc) * mv
term2 = term1.sum()
#decision to avoid NaN
if term2 == 0 or (sr * sc) == 0:
cor = 0.0
cor = term2/(sr * sc)
term1 = (1 + abs(r - c))
term2 = mv/term1
idm = term2.sum()
term1 = mvnz * np.log(mvnz)
ent = -term1.sum()
O = m.diagonal()
E = np.sum(m, axis = 1)
term2 = O - E
term1 = np.square(term2[np.where(E > 0)])/E[np.where(E > 0)]
csd = term1.sum()
mv2 = mv + 1e-6
term1 = mv2[0: m.shape[0]//2, 0: m.shape[1]//2]; term1 = np.squeeze(term1)
term2 = mv2[m.shape[0]//2:, m.shape[1]//2:]; term2 = np.squeeze(term2)
term1 /= term1.sum()
term2 /= term2.sum()
term2 = (term1 + term2)/2
term1 = np.square(term1 - term2)/term2
csr = term1.sum()
idxp = np.squeeze(np.argwhere(P > 0))
idxq = np.squeeze(np.argwhere(Q > 0))
coefp = 0
coefq = 0
if len(idxp.shape) > 0:
for i in idxp:
for j in idxp:
coefp += P[i] * abs(i - j)
if len(idxq.shape) > 0:
for i in idxq:
for j in idxq:
coefq += Q[i] * abs(i - j)
mdr = 0
if (coefp > 0) & (coefq > 0):
mdr = coefp/coefq
if mdr > 1:
mdr = coefq/coefp
idx = (P > 0) & (Q > 0)
term1 = P[np.where(idx)]/Q[np.where(idx)]
term2 = P[np.where(idx)]
term1 = np.log(term1) * term2;
dkl = term1.sum()
term1 = abs(P - Q)
cad = 1 - term1.sum()
term1 = mvnz * np.log(mvnz)/mv.shape[0]
net = -term1.sum()
term = mvnz * np.log2(mvnz) # joint entropy
term1 = Pnz * np.log2(Pnz)
term2 = Qnz * np.log2(Qnz)
mut = (-term1.sum()) + (-term2.sum()) - (-term.sum());
return (cor, idm, ent, csd, csr, mdr, dkl, cad, net, mut)
# scm - computes matrix and attributes given f, g and parameters
def scm(self, f, g, par):
#if f and/or g are vectors, converts them into matrix
if f.ndim == 1:
if g.ndim == 1:
if 'Verbose' in par:
verbose = par['Verbose']
verbose = False
if 'N' in par:
N = par['N']
N = 8
if 'd' in par:
d = par['d']
d = (0,0)
if 'k' in par:
k_name = par['k']
k_name = 'none'
if 'k_callback' in par:
kcallback = par['k_callback']
kcallback = self.scm_default_k
if 'Q' in par:
Q_name = par['Q']
Q_name = 'Quantization'
if 'Q_callback' in par:
Qcallback = par['Q_callback']
Qcallback = self.scm_default_Q
if 'P_callback' in par:
Pcallback = par['P_callback']
Pcallback = self.scm_default_P
if 'W_callback' in par:
Wcallback = par['W_callback']
Wcallback = self.scm_default_W
# W: weigth matrix
W = Wcallback(N)
# Q: partitioning Q(f)
Qf = Qcallback(f, N, Q_name)
# Qkgd: partitioning Q(k(g))_p+d
Qkgd = self.scm_d(Qcallback(kcallback(g, k_name), N, Q_name), d)
# P: similarity property between pixels P(i,j), i = Q(f)_p, j = Q(k(g))_p+d
P = Pcallback(Qf, Qkgd, N)
# M: computing matrix elements m(i,j)=#{(i,j)|P(i,j), i = Q(f)_p, j = Q(k(g))_p+d}
M = self.scm_M(Qf, Qkgd, P)
# computing attributes
p = self.scm_props(M, W)
if verbose:
print ("Q(f)_p =\n", Qf)
print ("Q(k(g))_p+d =\n", Qkgd)
print ("P(i,j), i = Q(f)_p, j = Q(k(g))_p+d =\n", P)
print ("W =\n", W)
print ("M = #{(i,j)|P(i,j), i=Q(f)_p, j=Q(k(g))_p+d} =\n", M)
print ("p =\n", p)
return M, p
#SCM Map
class SCMio(object):
def scm_feature_extraction_from_image_file(self, path, param):
X = []
fn = []
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for filename in filenames:
if filename[0] != '.':
fullfilename = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
f = io.imread(fullfilename)
f = color.rgb2gray(f)
f = (f - f.min())/(f.max() - f.min())
f = f.astype(float)
M, p = self.scm(f, f, param)
return X, fn
def scm_feature_extraction_from_image_list(self, list, param):
X = []
for f in list:
f = color.rgb2gray(f)
f = (f - f.min())/(f.max() - f.min())
f = f.astype(float)
M, p = self.scm(f, f, param)
return X
def scm_save_data_to_csv_file(self, filename, columndelimiter, data):
with open(filename, 'wb') as csvfile:
spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter = columndelimiter, quotechar = '|', quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for x in data:
return 0
def scm_load_data_from_csv_file(self, filename, columndelimiter):
d = []
with open(filename, 'rb') as csvfile:
spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = columndelimiter, quotechar = '|')
for line in spamreader:
return np.array(d)
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