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Created November 29, 2023 17:44
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Inlining imperative computation
module Imperative
open System
type BlockResult<'T> = NoValue | Return of 'T | Continue | Break with
member this.Close() =
match this with
| NoValue -> ValueNone
| Return x -> ValueSome x
| Continue -> failwith "invalid continue"
| Break -> failwith "invalid break"
type Code<'T> = Ref<BlockResult<'T>> -> unit
type BlockBuilder() =
member inline this.Return x: Code<_> =
fun res -> res.Value <- Return x
member inline this.Delay ([<InlineIfLambda>] f): Code<_> =
fun res -> (f()) res
member inline this.Zero(): Code<_> = ignore
member inline _.While([<InlineIfLambda>] cond : unit -> bool, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : Code<'T>) : Code<'T> =
fun res ->
let mutable looping = cond()
while looping do
body res
match res.Value with
| NoValue -> looping <- cond()
| Return _ -> looping <- false
| Break -> res.Value <- NoValue; looping <- false
| Continue -> res.Value <- NoValue; looping <- cond()
member inline _.Combine([<InlineIfLambda>] part1: Code<'T>, [<InlineIfLambda>] part2: Code<'T>): Code<'T> =
fun res ->
part1 res
match res.Value with
| NoValue -> part2 res
| _ -> ()
member inline _.YieldFrom(code) = code
member inline _.TryFinally([<InlineIfLambda>] body: Code<'T>, [<InlineIfLambda>] compensation : unit -> unit) : Code<'T> =
fun res ->
body res
member inline b.Using(disp : #IDisposable, [<InlineIfLambda>] body: #IDisposable -> Code<'T>) : Code<'T> =
// A using statement is just a try/finally with the finally block disposing if non-null.
(fun res -> (body disp) res),
(fun () ->
match disp with
| null -> ()
| _ -> disp.Dispose()))
member inline b.For(sequence: seq<'TElement>, [<InlineIfLambda>] body: 'TElement -> Code<'T>) : Code<'T> =
b.Using (sequence.GetEnumerator(),
(fun e -> b.While((fun () -> e.MoveNext()), (fun res -> (body e.Current) res))))
member inline this.TryRun([<InlineIfLambda>] f: Code<_>) =
let res = ref NoValue
f res
member inline this.Run ([<InlineIfLambda>] f) =
match this.TryRun f with
| ValueSome x -> x
| ValueNone -> failwith "No return value exists"
member inline this.Run ([<InlineIfLambda>] f: Code<unit>) =
this.TryRun f |> ignore
let block = BlockBuilder()
let Break: Code<'T> = (fun res -> res.Value <- Break)
let Continue: Code<'T> = (fun res -> res.Value <- Continue)
let countdownFrom k n = block {
let mutable n = n
while n > 0 do
if n * n = k then return n // newbie will see a ton of example algorithms in programming books that need a short-circuiting return statement
printfn "%d" n
n <- n - 1
return n
let ex01() =
countdownFrom 49 10 |> printfn "returned: %A"
let ex02() = block {
for x in 1 .. 10 do
if (x % 3 = 0) then yield! Continue
printfn "number = %d" x
let ex03() = block {
let mutable x = 1
while true do
if (x % 4 = 0) then yield! Break
printfn "number = %d" x
x <- x + 1
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