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Last active August 25, 2021 05:07
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# Prompt stuff
# ###############################################
# Import posh-git
Import-Module posh-git
# Update powershell prompt path color
$GitPromptSettings.DefaultPromptPath.ForegroundColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Blue
# Setup starship
Invoke-Expression $(&starship init powershell)
$PromptScript = (Get-Item function:Prompt).ScriptBlock
function Prompt {
$PreservedExitStatus = $? # Before doing anything else, capture current $?
$CurrentWorkingDirectory = Split-Path -Path ((Get-Location).Path.Replace($Env:USERNAME, "~")) -Leaf
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$CurrentWorkingDirectory" # Set Title
if ($? -ne $PreservedExitStatus) {
# Reset $? to False
# Write-Error "" -ErrorAction Ignore # Powershell 7+
# Source:
cmd.exe /c "exit 1" # Hack for Powershell < 7
# Source:
Invoke-Command $PromptScript
# Auto-completions
# # #################################################
Invoke-Expression -Command $(gh completion -s powershell | Out-String)
# Path
# #################################################
$Env:Path += ";${HOME}\\.bin"
# Other env variables
# #################################################
# $Env:GIT_EDITOR=nvim # causes powershell to not start.. it hangs indefinitely...
# Create aliases for ssh-ing into VMs
# #################################################
# Foo VM
function sshfoo { ssh user@ -A }
add_newline = false
style = "bold blue"
success_symbol = "[❯](bold blue) "
error_symbol = "[❯](bold red) "
vicmd_symbol = "[❮](bold blue) "
format = "[on](cyan) [$symbol$branch]($style) "
style = "bold yellow"
min_time = 30_000
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
disabled = true
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