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Last active July 25, 2016 19:29
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{-#LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, GADTs, DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeOperators, ViewPatterns, PatternSynonyms, RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts, AutoDeriveTypeable #-}
module Carnap.Languages.ClassicalSequent.Syntax where
import Carnap.Core.Data.AbstractSyntaxClasses
import Carnap.Core.Data.AbstractSyntaxDataTypes
import Carnap.Core.Data.Util (checkChildren)
import Carnap.Core.Util
import Carnap.Core.Unification.Unification
import Carnap.Core.Unification.Combination
import Carnap.Core.Unification.FirstOrder
import Carnap.Core.Unification.ACUI
import Carnap.Languages.PurePropositional.Syntax
import Carnap.Core.Util
import Carnap.Languages.Util.LanguageClasses
import Control.Lens.Plated (transform, children)
import Control.Lens.Prism
import Data.Typeable
import Carnap.Languages.Util.GenericConnectives
--1. Sequent Data
data Antecedent = Antecedent
data Succedent = Succedent
data Sequent = Sequent
data Cedent :: k -> * -> * where
NilAntecedent :: Cedent lang Antecedent
NilSuccedent :: Cedent lang Succedent
SingleAntecedent :: Cedent lang (Form Bool -> Antecedent)
SingleSuccedent :: Cedent lang (Form Bool -> Succedent)
instance Schematizable (Cedent a) where
schematize NilAntecedent xs = "⊤"
schematize NilSuccedent xs = "⊥"
schematize SingleAntecedent (x:xs) = "|" ++ x ++ "|"
schematize SingleSuccedent (x:xs) = "|" ++ x ++ "|"
instance FirstOrderLex (Cedent a)
instance Monad m => MaybeMonadVar (Cedent a) m
instance UniformlyEq (Cedent a) where
NilAntecedent =* NilAntecedent = True
NilSuccedent =* NilSuccedent = True
SingleAntecedent =* SingleAntecedent = True
SingleSuccedent =* SingleSuccedent = True
_ =* _ = False
data CedentVar :: k -> * -> * where
Gamma :: Int -> CedentVar lang Antecedent
Delta :: Int -> CedentVar lang Succedent
instance UniformlyEq (CedentVar a) where
Gamma n =* Gamma m = n == m
Delta n =* Delta m = n == m
_ =* _ = False
instance Schematizable (CedentVar a) where
schematize (Gamma n) [] = "Γ_" ++ show n
schematize (Delta n) [] = "Δ_" ++ show n
instance FirstOrderLex (CedentVar a) where
isVarLex _ = True
instance Monad m => MaybeMonadVar (CedentVar a) m
data Comma :: k -> * -> * where
AnteComma :: Comma lang (Antecedent -> Antecedent -> Antecedent)
SuccComma :: Comma lang (Succedent -> Succedent-> Succedent)
instance UniformlyEq (Comma a) where
AnteComma =* AnteComma = True
SuccComma =* SuccComma = True
_ =* _ = False
instance Schematizable (Comma a) where
schematize AnteComma (x:"⊤":[]) = x
schematize AnteComma (x:y:[]) = x ++ "," ++ y
schematize SuccComma (x:"⊥":[]) = x
schematize SuccComma (x:y:[]) = x ++ "," ++ y
instance FirstOrderLex (Comma a)
instance Monad m => MaybeMonadVar (Comma a) m
data Turnstile :: k -> * -> * where
Turnstile :: Turnstile lang (Antecedent -> Succedent -> Sequent)
instance Schematizable (Turnstile a) where
schematize Turnstile (x:y:xs) = x ++ " ⊢ " ++ y
instance FirstOrderLex (Turnstile a)
instance UniformlyEq (Turnstile a) where
Turnstile =* Turnstile = True
_ =* _ = False
instance Monad m => MaybeMonadVar (Turnstile a) m
type ClassicalSequentLex = Cedent
:|: Comma
:|: Turnstile
:|: CedentVar
:|: SubstitutionalVariable
:|: EndLang
type ClassicalSequentOver a = FixLang (ClassicalSequentLex :|: a)
pattern Top = FX (Lx1 (Lx1 NilAntecedent))
pattern Bot = FX (Lx1 (Lx1 NilSuccedent))
pattern SA x = FX (Lx1 (Lx1 SingleAntecedent)) :!$: x
pattern SS x = FX (Lx1 (Lx1 SingleSuccedent)) :!$: x
pattern (:+:) x y = FX (Lx1 (Lx2 AnteComma)) :!$: x :!$: y
pattern (:-:) x y = FX (Lx1 (Lx2 SuccComma)) :!$: x :!$: y
pattern (:|-:) x y = FX (Lx1 (Lx3 Turnstile)) :!$: x :!$: y
pattern GammaV n = FX (Lx1 (Lx4 (Gamma n)))
pattern DeltaV n = FX (Lx1 (Lx4 (Delta n)))
pattern SV n = FX (Lx1 (Lx5 (SubVar n)))
instance (FirstOrderLex (t (ClassicalSequentOver t))) =>
ACUI (ClassicalSequentOver t) where
unfoldTerm (x :+: y) = unfoldTerm x ++ unfoldTerm y
unfoldTerm Top = []
unfoldTerm leaf = [leaf]
isId Top = True
isId _ = False
isACUI Top = True
isACUI (SA _) = True
isACUI (GammaV _) = True
isACUI (SV _) = True
isACUI (_ :+: _) = True
isACUI _ = False
getId (Proxy :: Proxy a) =
case eqT :: Maybe (a :~: Antecedent) of
Just Refl -> Top
_ -> error "you have to use the right type 1"
acuiOp a Top = a
acuiOp Top b = b
acuiOp x@(_ :+: _) y = x :+: y
acuiOp x y@(_ :+: _) = x :+: y
acuiOp x@(SA _) y = x :+: y
acuiOp x y@(SA _) = x :+: y
acuiOp x@(GammaV _) y = x :+: y
acuiOp x y@(GammaV _) = x :+: y
acuiOp ((SV n) :: ClassicalSequentOver t a) b =
case eqT :: Maybe (a :~: Antecedent) of
Just Refl -> (SV n) :+: b
_ -> error "you have to use the right type 2"
acuiOp a ((SV n) :: ClassicalSequentOver t a) =
case eqT :: Maybe (a :~: Antecedent) of
Just Refl -> a :+: (SV n)
_ -> error "you have to use the right type 3"
--2. Sequent Languages
--2.1 Propositional Sequent Calculus
type PropSequentCalc = ClassicalSequentOver (PurePropLexicon :|: EndLang)
--we write the Copula schema at this level since we may want other schemata
--for sequent languages that contain things like quantifiers
instance CopulaSchema PropSequentCalc
pattern SeqP x arity = FX (Lx2 (Lx1 (Predicate x arity)))
pattern SeqSP x arity = FX (Lx2 (Lx2 (Predicate x arity)))
pattern SeqCon x arity = FX (Lx2 (Lx3 (Connective x arity)))
pattern SeqProp n = SeqP (Prop n) AZero
pattern SeqPhi n = SeqSP (SProp n) AZero
pattern SeqAnd = SeqCon And ATwo
pattern SeqOr = SeqCon Or ATwo
pattern SeqIf = SeqCon If ATwo
pattern SeqIff = SeqCon Iff ATwo
pattern SeqNot = SeqCon Not AOne
pattern (:&-:) x y = SeqAnd :!$: x :!$: y
pattern (:||-:) x y = SeqOr :!$: x :!$: y
pattern (:->-:) x y = SeqIf :!$: x :!$: y
pattern (:<->-:) x y = SeqIff :!$: x :!$: y
pattern SeqNeg x = SeqNot :!$: x
data PropSeqLabel = PropSeqFO | PropSeqACUI
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Combineable PropSequentCalc PropSeqLabel where
getLabel Top = PropSeqACUI
getLabel (_ :+: _) = PropSeqACUI
getLabel _ = PropSeqFO
getAlgo PropSeqFO = foUnifySys
getAlgo PropSeqACUI = acuiUnifySys
replaceChild (_ :&-: x) pig 0 = unEveryPig pig :&-: x
replaceChild (x :&-: _) pig 1 = x :&-: unEveryPig pig
replaceChild (_ :||-: x) pig 0 = unEveryPig pig :||-: x
replaceChild (x :||-: _) pig 1 = x :||-: unEveryPig pig
replaceChild (_ :->-: x) pig 0 = unEveryPig pig :->-: x
replaceChild (x :->-: _) pig 1 = x :->-: unEveryPig pig
replaceChild (_ :<->-: x) pig 0 = unEveryPig pig :<->-: x
replaceChild (x :<->-: _) pig 1 = x :<->-: unEveryPig pig
replaceChild (_ :+: x) pig 0 = unEveryPig pig :+: x
replaceChild (x :+: _) pig 1 = x :+: unEveryPig pig
replaceChild (_ :-: x) pig 0 = unEveryPig pig :-: x
replaceChild (x :-: _) pig 1 = x :-: unEveryPig pig
replaceChild (_ :|-: x) pig 0 = unEveryPig pig :|-: x
replaceChild (x :|-: _) pig 1 = x :|-: unEveryPig pig
replaceChild (SeqNeg _) pig _ = SeqNeg $ unEveryPig pig
replaceChild (SS _ ) pig _ = SS $ unEveryPig pig
replaceChild (SA _ ) pig _ = SA $ unEveryPig pig
p :: PropSequentCalc Antecedent
p = (SA $ SeqProp 1)
p' :: PropSequentCalc Antecedent
p' = (SA $ SeqProp 2)
q :: PropSequentCalc Succedent
q = (SS $ SeqProp 1)
b :: PropSequentCalc Sequent
b = (p :+: Top) :|-: q
b' :: PropSequentCalc Sequent
b' = p' :|-: q
--XXX: evalTerm $ combine [b :=: b'] returns a solution
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