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Forked from nevyn/
Created April 11, 2010 20:55
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Say you have a largeish C++ class. You want to use it from ObjC. ObjC++ is painful;
C++ is painful. .mm files are bad. How about if we could just treat that C++
object as an ObjC object whenever it exits C++ land?
Apple already solved this problem once with toll free bridging. The tricky part is
vtables -- with a vtable, isa isn't at offset 0 of the memory layout of the object.
The code below is a work in progress to work around this.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
/////// ObjcObject.h ///////////
#include <objc/runtime.h>
class ObjcObject {
Class isa;
mutable size_t isa_offset;
template<typename CPP> static size_t objcHeaderOffset(CPP* cpp) {
return (size_t)((char *)&((CPP*)cpp)->isa - (char*)cpp);
template<typename CPP, typename OBJC> static OBJC *objc(CPP *cpp) {
if(!cpp) return nil;
if(cpp->isa_offset == -1)
cpp->isa_offset = objcHeaderOffset<CPP>(cpp);
OBJC* o = (OBJC*)((char*)cpp + cpp->isa_offset);
return (OBJC*)o;
template<typename CPP, typename OBJC> static CPP *cpp(OBJC *objc) {
if(!objc) return NULL;
size_t offset = *(size_t*)((char*)objc + sizeof(Class));
return (CPP*)((char*)objc - offset);
ObjcObject(const char *objcname) : isa_offset(-1) {
isa = (Class)objc_getClass(objcname);
/////// Base ///////////
class Base {
virtual int getB() = 0;
virtual void setB(int _) = 0;
/////// Foo ///////////
class Foo : public ObjcObject, public Base {
int a;
int b;
Foo() : a(0), b(0), ObjcObject("ObjcFoo") {}
int getA() { return a; }
void setA(int _) { a = _; }
virtual int getB() { return b; }
virtual void setB(int _) { b = _; }
/////// ObjcFoo ///////////
@interface ObjcFoo : NSObject
@property (readonly) Foo *foo;
@implementation ObjcFoo
-(Foo*)foo; { return ObjcObject::cpp<Foo, ObjcFoo>(self); }
/////// ///////////
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
Foo *foo = new Foo();
ObjcFoo *ofoo = ObjcObject::objc<Foo, ObjcFoo>(foo);
// insert code here...
NSLog(@"Hello, World! %d %d", [ofoo a], [ofoo b]);
[pool drain];
return 0;
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