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Forked from beached/C++ normal
Created May 11, 2019 00:12
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A list of the normal signatures of C++ operators that allow overloading

C++ Operator Signatures

This is a list of C++ operators that can be overloaded and their normal signatures(a.k.a what an int would do). The order is the preffered order to use them(The first one listed is often preffered)


operator+ addition

  • free function -> T operator+( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T operator+( T const & rhs ) const

operator+ unary plus

  • member function -> T operator+( ) const
  • free function -> T & operator+( T & value )

operator+= addition assignment

  • member function -> T & operator+=( T const & rhs )
  • free function -> T & operator+=( T & lhs, T const & rhs )

operator++ increment

  • member function -> T & operator++( ) -> prefix ++T
  • member function -> T operator++( int ) -> postfix T++
  • free function -> T & operator++( T & value ) -> prefix ++T
  • free function -> T operator++( T & value, int ) -> postfix T++

operator- subtraction

  • free function -> T operator-( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T operator-( T const & rhs ) const

opeator- unary negation

  • member function -> T operator-( ) const
  • free function -> T & operator-( T & value )

operator-= subtraction assignment

  • free function -> T & operator-=( T & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T & operator-=( T const & rhs )

operator-- decrement

  • member function -> T & operator--( ) -> prefix --T
  • member function -> T operator--( int ) -> postfix T--
  • free function -> T & operator--( T & value ) -> prefix --T
  • free function -> T operator--( T & value, int ) -> postfix T--

operator* multiplication

  • free function -> T operator*( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T operator*( T const & rhs ) const

operator*= multiplication assignment

  • free function -> T & operator*=( T & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T & operator*=( T const & rhs )

operator/ division

  • free function -> T operator/( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T operator/( T const & rhs ) const

operator/= division assignment

  • free function -> T & operator/=( T & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T & operator/=( T const & rhs )

operator% modulus/remainder

  • free function -> T operator%( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T operator%( T const & rhs ) const

operator%= modulus/remainder assignment

  • free function -> T & operator%=( T & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T & operator%=( T const & rhs )


operator<< left shift

  • free function -> T operator<<( T const & lhs, size_t pos )
  • member function -> T operator<<( size_t pos ) const

operator<<= left shift assignment

  • free function -> T & operator<<=( T & lhs, size_t pos )
  • member function -> T & operator<<=( size_t pos )

operator>> right shift

  • free function -> T operator>>( T const & lhs, size_t pos )
  • member function -> T operator<<( size_t pos ) const

operator>>= right shift assignment

  • free function -> T & operator>>=( T & lhs, size_t pos )
  • member function -> T & operator<<=( size_t pos )

operator| or operator bitor bitwise or

  • free function -> T operator|( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T operator|( T const & rhs ) const

operator|= or operator or_eq bitwise or assignment

  • free function -> T & operator|=( T & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T & operator|=( T const & rhs )

operator& or operator bitand bitwise and

  • free function -> T operator&( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T operator&( T const & rhs ) const

operator&= or operator and_eq bitwise and assignment

  • free function -> T & operator&=( T & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T & operator&=( T const & rhs )

operator^ or operator xor bitwise xor

  • free function -> T operator^( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> T operator^( T const & rhs ) const

operator^= or operator xor_eq bitwise xor assignment

  • member function -> T operator^=( T const & rhs ) const
  • free function -> T & operator^=( T & lhs, T const & rhs )

operator~ one's compliment or bitwise not

  • member function -> T operator~( ) const
  • free function -> T operator~( T const & value )


operator== equality

  • free function -> bool operator==( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> bool operator==( T const & rhs )

operator!= or operator not_eq inequality

  • free function -> bool operator!=( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> bool operator!=( T const & rhs )

operator< less than

  • free function -> bool operator<( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> bool operator<( T const & rhs )

operator<= less than or equal

  • free function -> bool operator<=( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> bool operator<=( T const & rhs )

operator> greater than

  • free function -> bool operator>( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> bool operator>( T const & rhs )

operator>= greater than or equal

  • free function -> bool operator>=( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> bool operator>=( T const & rhs )

operator&& or operator and logical and

  • free function -> bool operator&&( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> bool operator&&( T const & rhs )

operator|| or operator or logical or

  • free function -> bool operator||( T const & lhs, T const & rhs )
  • member function -> bool operator||( T const & rhs )

operator! or operator not logical not

  • member function -> bool operator!( ) const
  • free function -> bool operator!( T const & value )

operator<=> spaceship operator


operator-> member access

  • member function -> T * operator->( )
  • member function -> T const * operator->( ) const also T * is normal

operator* dereference

  • member function -> T & operator*( )
  • member function -> T const & operator*( ) const

operator[] subscript

  • member function -> T & operator[]( size_t pos )> pos can be any single argument type
  • member function -> T const & operator[]( size_t pos ) const> pos can be any single argument type


  • free function -> Anything operator->( Anything lhs, Anything rhs )

operator( ) function

  • member function -> Anything operator( )( Anything... args )

operator, comma

  • Please don't :)
  • member function -> Anything operator,( Anything )
  • free function -> Anything operator,( Anything lhs, Anything rhs )

operator& address of

  • Please don't :)
  • member function -> T * operator&( )
  • member function -> T const * operator&( ) const or T*

operator( ) cast

  • member function -> From a type T -> operator U( ) const

operator<< stream insertion

  • free function -> std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & os, T const & value )

operator>> stream extraction

  • free function -> std::istream & operator>>( std::istream & is, T & value )

operator new or operator new[]

operator delete or operator delete[]

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