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Last active May 14, 2021 13:05
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WebClient with progress
namespace AutogrammaLauncher
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public static class Server
public delegate void ProgressDelegate(int percents, long bytesReceived, long totalBytesToReceive);
public static async Task<Response<string>> GetHashTableAsync()
return await DownloadStringAsync(Config.ServerHashFileName);
public static async Task<Response<string>> GetVersionAsync()
return await DownloadStringAsync(Config.ServerVersionFileName);
public static async Task<Response<string>> GetVersionLauncherAsync()
return await DownloadStringAsync(Config.ServerLauncherVersionFileName);
public static async Task<Response<string>> DownloadFileAsync(string relPath, string saveFilePath, ProgressDelegate onProgress = null)
return await DownloadAsync(async (webClient) => {
await webClient.DownloadFileTaskAsync(new Uri(Config.ServiceUrl + relPath), saveFilePath);
return new Response<string>(true, saveFilePath, null);
}, onProgress);
public static async Task<Response<byte[]>> DownloadDataAsync(string relPath, ProgressDelegate onProgress = null)
return await DownloadAsync(async (webClient) => {
var output = await webClient.DownloadDataTaskAsync(new Uri(Config.ServiceUrl + relPath));
return new Response<byte[]>(true, output, null);
}, onProgress);
public static async Task<Response<string>> DownloadStringAsync(string relPath, ProgressDelegate onProgress = null)
return await DownloadAsync(async (webClient) => {
var output = await webClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(new Uri(Config.ServiceUrl + relPath));
return new Response<string>(true, output, null);
}, onProgress);
private static async Task<Response<T>> DownloadAsync<T>(Func<WebClient, Task<Response<T>>> downloadAction, ProgressDelegate onProgress = null)
using (var webClient = new WebClient())
if (onProgress != null)
webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += (sender, e) =>
SynchronizationContext.Current.Post((state) => {
onProgress.Invoke(e.ProgressPercentage, e.BytesReceived, e.TotalBytesToReceive);
}, null);
webClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
return await downloadAction(webClient);
catch (Exception e)
var ae = e as AggregateException;
if (ae != null && ae.InnerExceptions.Count > 0)
return new Response<T>(false, default(T), ae.InnerExceptions[0]);
return new Response<T>(false, default(T), e);
public struct Response<T>
public Response(bool isDone, T result, Exception error)
IsDone = isDone;
Result = result;
Error = error;
public bool IsDone { get; set; }
public T Result { get; set; }
public Exception Error { get; set; }
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