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Created March 28, 2018 14:00
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Central Finite Differences for computing Gradient and Hessian
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
def gradient(x, func, eps=1e-6):
Central finite differences for computing gradient
x: vector of parameters with shape (n, 1)
func: function to compute the gradient on. Take x as a parameter.
eps: parameter for the central differences
grad: vector with the values of the gradient with shape (n, 1)
# Size the problem, i.e. nbr of parameters
n = len(x)
# Prepare the vector for the gradient
grad = np.zeros(n)
# Prepare the array to add epsilon to.
dx = np.zeros(n)
# Go through all parameters
for i in range(len(x)):
# Add epsilon to variate a parameter
dx[i] += eps
# Central finite differences
grad[i] = -(func(x+dx) - func(x-dx))/(2*eps)
# Set back to 0
dx[i] = 0
return grad
def hessian(x, func, eps=1e-6):
Central finite differences for computing the hessian
x: vector of parameters with shape (n, 1)
func: function to compute the gradient on. Take x as a parameter.
eps: parameter for the central differences
grad: vector with the values of the gradient with shape (n, 1)
# Size the problem, i.e. nbr of parameters
n = len(x)
# Prepare the vector for the gradient
hess = np.zeros((n,n))
# Prepare the array to add epsilon to.
dx = np.zeros(n)
# Go through all parameters
for i in range(n):
# Add epsilon to variate a parameter
dx[i] += eps
# Compute the gradient with forward and backward difference
grad_plus = gradient(x+dx, func, eps)
grad_minus = gradient(x-dx, func, eps)
# Central finite difference
hess[i,:] = -(grad_plus - grad_minus)/(2*eps)
# Set back to 0
dx[i] = 0
return hess
import time
import numpy as np
import numdifftools as nd
from cfd_grad_hess import gradient, hessian
# Create a function to test our implementation
func = lambda x: 3*x[0]**2 + 2*x[1]**3 + x[0]*x[1] + x[2]
# Parameter
x = [1,1,1]
print('Function value at [{}]: {}'.format(', '.join(map(str, x)), func(x)))
# Compute the gradient
start = time.time()
grad = gradient(x, func, eps=1e-4)
stop = time.time()
print('Gradient is equal to ({}) and has been computed in {:.2f}µs.'.format(', '.join(map(str, grad)), 1e6*(stop-start)))
# Compute the hessian
start = time.time()
hess = hessian(x, func, eps=1e-4)
stop = time.time()
print('Hessian is equal to ({}) and has been computed in {:.2f}µs.'.format(', '.join(map(str, hess)), 1e6*(stop-start)))
# Compare our implementation with numdifftools
start = time.time()
nd_hess = nd.Hessian(func)
nd_hess_vals = nd_hess(x)
stop = time.time()
print('Hessian from numdifftools is equal to ({}) and has been computed in {:.2f}µs.'.format(', '.join(map(str, nd_hess_vals)), 1e6*(stop-start)))
print('Norm of the difference between the two hessians: {:.2E}'.format(np.linalg.norm(hess - nd_hess_vals)))
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After struggling to find a good finite difference implementation of a Hessian (and numdifftools being way too slow), I decided to share my own implementation.

You can use the file in order to test the implementation and compare it to the Hessian computed from numdifftools. It's possible that you may have to change the parameter eps to get a better result. However, the smaller does not always mean the better result.

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