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Created October 25, 2017 10:00
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#cython: cdivision=True
#cython: boundscheck=False
#cython: nonecheck=False
#cython: wraparound=False
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free, realloc
import numpy as np
from ..transform import integral_image
from .._shared.transform cimport integrate
FEATURE_TYPE = {'type-2-x': 0, 'type-2-y': 1,
'type-3-x': 2, 'type-3-y': 3,
'type-4': 4}
N_RECTANGLE = {'type-2-x': 2, 'type-2-y': 2,
'type-3-x': 3, 'type-3-y': 3,
'type-4': 4}
cdef _haar_like_feature_coord(Py_ssize_t width,
Py_ssize_t height,
unsigned int feature_type,
Py_ssize_t* n_rectangle,
Py_ssize_t* n_feature):
"""Private function to compute the coordinates of all Haar-like features.
# allocate for the worst case scenario
Py_ssize_t max_feature = height ** 2 * width ** 2
# Rectangle** rect_feat = NULL
Rectangle single_rect
Py_ssize_t cnt_feat = 0
Py_ssize_t local_n_rectangle
Py_ssize_t x, y, dx, dy
if feature_type == 0 or feature_type == 1:
local_n_rectangle = 2
elif feature_type == 2 or feature_type == 3:
local_n_rectangle = 3
local_n_rectangle = 4
n_rectangle[0] = local_n_rectangle
# rect_feat = <Rectangle**> malloc(local_n_rectangle * sizeof(Rectangle*))
# for rect_idx in range(local_n_rectangle):
# rect_feat[rect_idx] = <Rectangle*> malloc(max_feature *
# sizeof(Rectangle))
rect_feat = [[] for _ in range(local_n_rectangle)]
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
for dy in range(1, height):
for dx in range(1, width):
# type -> 2 rectangles split along x axis
if (feature_type == 0 and
(y + dy <= height and x + 2 * dx <= width)):
y, x,
y + dy - 1, x + dx - 1)
y, x + dx,
y + dy - 1, x + 2 * dx - 1)
cnt_feat += 1
# type -> 2 rectangles split along y axis
elif (feature_type == 1 and
(y + 2 * dy <= height and x + dx <= width)):
y, x,
y + dy - 1, x + dx - 1)
y + dy, x,
y + 2 * dy - 1, x + dx - 1)
cnt_feat += 1
# type -> 3 rectangles split along x axis
elif (feature_type == 2 and
(y + dy <= height and x + 3 * dx <= width)):
y, x,
y + dy - 1, x + dx - 1)
y, x + dx,
y + dy - 1, x + 2 * dx - 1)
y, x + 2 * dx,
y + dy - 1, x + 3 * dx - 1)
cnt_feat += 1
# type -> 3 rectangles split along y axis
elif (feature_type == 3 and
(y + 3 * dy <= height and x + dx <= width)):
y, x,
y + dy - 1, x + dx - 1)
y + dy, x,
y + 2 * dy - 1, x + dx - 1)
y + 2 * dy, x,
y + 3 * dy - 1, x + dx - 1)
cnt_feat += 1
# type -> 4 rectangles split along x and y axis
elif (feature_type == 4 and
(y + 2 * dy <= height and x + 2 * dx <= width)):
y, x,
y + dy - 1, x + dx - 1)
y, x + dx,
y + dy - 1, x + 2 * dx - 1)
y + dy, x + dx,
y + 2 * dy - 1, x + 2 * dx - 1)
y + dy, x,
y + 2 * dy - 1, x + dx - 1)
cnt_feat += 1
# for rect_idx in range(local_n_rectangle):
# rect_feat[rect_idx] = <Rectangle*> realloc(
# rect_feat[rect_idx], cnt_feat * sizeof(Rectangle))
n_feature[0] = cnt_feat
return rect_feat
cpdef haar_like_feature_coord_wrapper(width, height, feature_type):
"""Compute the coordinates of Haar-like features.
width : int
Width of the detection window.
height : int
Height of the detection window.
feature_type : str
The type of feature to consider:
- 'type-2-x': 2 rectangles varying along the x axis;
- 'type-2-y': 2 rectangles varying along the y axis;
- 'type-3-x': 3 rectangles varying along the x axis;
- 'type-3-y': 3 rectangles varying along the y axis;
- 'type-4': 4 rectangles varying along x and y axis.
feature_coord : (n_features, n_rectangles, 2, 2), ndarray of list of \
tuple coord
Coordinates of the rectangles for each feature.
feature_type : (n_features,), ndarray of str
The corresponding type for each feature.
# Rectangle** rect = NULL
Py_ssize_t n_rectangle, n_feature
Py_ssize_t i, j
# cast the height and width to the right type
Py_ssize_t height_win = <Py_ssize_t> height
Py_ssize_t width_win = <Py_ssize_t> width
rect = _haar_like_feature_coord(width_win, height_win,
&n_rectangle, &n_feature)
# allocate the output based on the number of rectangle
output = np.empty((n_feature,), dtype=object)
for j in range(n_feature):
coord_feature = []
for i in range(n_rectangle):
output[j] = coord_feature
return output, np.array([feature_type] * n_feature, dtype=object)
cdef integral_floating[:, ::1] _haar_like_feature(
integral_floating[:, ::1] int_image,
Py_ssize_t n_rectangle, Py_ssize_t n_feature):
"""Private function releasing the GIL to compute the integral for the
different rectangle."""
integral_floating[:, ::1] rect_feature = np.empty(
(n_rectangle, n_feature), dtype=int_image.base.dtype)
Py_ssize_t idx_rect, idx_feature
int tr, tc, br, bc
# with nogil:
for idx_rect in range(n_rectangle):
for idx_feature in range(n_feature):
tr = coord[idx_rect][idx_feature]['top_left']['row']
tc = coord[idx_rect][idx_feature]['top_left']['col']
br = coord[idx_rect][idx_feature]['bottom_right']['row']
bc = coord[idx_rect][idx_feature]['bottom_right']['col']
rect_feature[idx_rect, idx_feature] = integrate(
int_image, tr, tc, br, bc)
return rect_feature
cpdef haar_like_feature_wrapper(integral_floating[:, ::1] int_image,
r, c, width, height, feature_type,
"""Compute the Haar-like features for a region of interest (ROI) of an
integral image.
Haar-like features have been successively used in different computer vision
applications to detect different targets, objects, etc. It was first
introduced in [1]_ and has been widely used for real-time face detection
algorithm proposed in [2]_.
int_image : (M, N) ndarray
Integral image for which the features need to be computed.
r : int
Row-coordinate of top left corner of the detection window.
c : int
Column-coordinate of top left corner of the detection window.
width : int
Width of the detection window.
height : int
Height of the detection window.
feature_type : str
The type of feature to consider:
- 'type-2-x': 2 rectangles varying along the x axis;
- 'type-2-y': 2 rectangles varying along the y axis;
- 'type-3-x': 3 rectangles varying along the x axis;
- 'type-3-y': 3 rectangles varying along the y axis;
- 'type-4': 4 rectangles varying along x and y axis.
haar_features : (n_features,) ndarray
Resulting Haar-like features. Each value corresponds to the subtraction
of the positive and negative rectangles. The data type depends of the
data type of `int_image`: `int` when the data type of `int_image` is
`uint` or `int` and `float` when the data type of `int_image` is
.. [1]
.. [2] Oren, M., Papageorgiou, C., Sinha, P., Osuna, E., & Poggio, T.
(1997, June). Pedestrian detection using wavelet templates.
In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1997. Proceedings.,
1997 IEEE Computer Society Conference on (pp. 193-199). IEEE.
DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.1997.609319
.. [3] Viola, Paul, and Michael J. Jones. "Robust real-time face
detection." International journal of computer vision 57.2
(2004): 137-154.
DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2001.990517
# Rectangle** coord = NULL
Py_ssize_t n_rectangle, n_feature
Py_ssize_t idx_rect, idx_feature
integral_floating[:, ::1] rect_feature
if feature_coord is None:
# compute all possible coordinates with a specific type of feature
coord = _haar_like_feature_coord(width, height,
&n_rectangle, &n_feature)
# else:
# # build the coordinate from the set provided
# n_rectangle = N_RECTANGLE[feature_type]
# n_feature = len(feature_coord)
# coord = <Rectangle**> malloc(n_rectangle * sizeof(Rectangle*))
# for idx_rect in range(n_rectangle):
# coord[idx_rect] = <Rectangle*> malloc(n_feature *
# sizeof(Rectangle))
# for idx_feature in range(n_feature):
# set_rectangle_feature(
# &coord[idx_rect][idx_feature],
# feature_coord[idx_feature][idx_rect][0][0],
# feature_coord[idx_feature][idx_rect][0][1],
# feature_coord[idx_feature][idx_rect][1][0],
# feature_coord[idx_feature][idx_rect][1][1])
rect_feature = _haar_like_feature(int_image[r : r + height,
c : c + width],
coord, n_rectangle, n_feature)
# # deallocate
# for idx_rect in range(n_rectangle):
# free(coord[idx_rect])
# free(coord)
# convert the memory view to numpy array and convert it to signed array if
# necessary to avoid overflow during subtraction
rect_feature_ndarray = np.asarray(rect_feature)
data_type = rect_feature_ndarray.dtype
if 'uint' in
rect_feature_ndarray = rect_feature_ndarray.astype('u', ''))
# the rectangles with odd indices can always be subtracted to the rectangle
# with even indices
return (np.sum(rect_feature_ndarray[1::2], axis=0) -
np.sum(rect_feature_ndarray[::2], axis=0))
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