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Last active February 20, 2019 22:31
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An extended exercise that covers the "Installation and Configuration" and "Cluster Administration" objectives of the Elastic exam.
# Our goal is to deploy an Elasticsearch cluster named `training-cluster`, which satisfies all the requirements that follows
# Add three nodes to `training-cluster`, and name them `node1`, `node2`, and `node3`
# Configure each node to be eligible as a master node
# Configure each node to be a data node, but not an ingest node
# Configure each node to disable swapping on its host
# Configure the JVM on each node to use a minimum and maximum of 8 GB for the heap
# Bind `node1` to the network address ""
# Configure the Zen Discovery module of `node2` and `node3` to use the address (and default transport port) of `node1`
# Configure `training-cluster` so as to avoid the split brain scenario
# Connect a Kibana instance to `node3`
# Start the cluster
# Create the index `hamlet_raw`, with four primary shards, one replica, and a refresh interval of 30 seconds
# Populate `hamlet_raw` by running the _bulk command with the request-body below
{"line_number":"1","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Whos there?"}
{"line_number":"2","speaker":"FRANCISCO","text_entry":"Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself."}
{"line_number":"3","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Long live the king!"}
{"line_number":"6","speaker":"FRANCISCO","text_entry":"You come most carefully upon your hour."}
{"line_number":"7","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Tis now struck twelve; get thee to bed, Francisco."}
{"line_number":"8","speaker":"FRANCISCO","text_entry":"For this relief much thanks: tis bitter cold,"}
{"line_number":"9","speaker":"FRANCISCO","text_entry":"And I am sick at heart."}
{"line_number":"10","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Have you had quiet guard?"}
# Check the shard distribution of `hamlet_raw` by using the _cat API. For example, you can run the command below
GET _cat/shards/hamlet_raw?v&s=shard,node
# Let's assume that we deploy the cluster across two availability zones, named `zone1` and `zone2`. Add the attribute `my_zone` to the nodes configuration, and set its value to "zone1" for `node1` and `node2`, and to "zone2" for `node3`. Finally, restart the cluster
# Configure `training-cluster` to force shard allocation awareness taking into account availability zones, and make this setting persistent across cluster restarts
# Verify the success of the last action by checking again the shard distribution of `hamlet_raw` by using the _cat API
# Configure `training-cluster` to reflect a hot/warm architecture, with `node1` as the only hot node
# Configure `hamlet_raw` to allocate its shards only to warm nodes
# Verify the success of the last action by checking again the shard distribution of `hamlet_raw`
# Remove the hot/warm shard filtering configuration from the nodes' configuration
# Let's assume that each node has either a "large" or "small" local storage, and that `node2` is the only with small storage. Configure each node with an attribute named `my_storage` that binds the node to a storage size
# Configure `hamlet_raw` to allocate its shards only to nodes with a large storage size
# Verify the success of the last action by checking again the shard distribution of `hamlet_raw`
# Enable xPack security on `training-cluster`
# Configure the passwords of each built-in user, by using the password pattern "{{username}}-password" (e.g., "kibana-password")
# Create the role `francisco_role` in the xpack security native realm, satisfying the following criteria: (i) assign "monitor" privileges on the cluster; (ii) assign all privileges to the `hamlet_raw` index
# Create the role `bernardo_role` in the xpack security native realm, satisfying the following criteria: (i) assign "monitor" privileges on the cluster; (ii) assign read-only privileges to the `hamlet_raw` index, and only for the documents that have "BERNARDO" as a `speaker`; (iii) can see only the `text_entry` field
# Create the user `francisco` with password "francisco-password", and assign the role `francisco_role` to the user
# Login using the `francisco` user credentials, and run some queries on `hamlet_raw` to verify that the role privileges were correctly set
# Create the user `bernardo` with password "bernardo-password", and assign the role `bernardo_role` to the user
# Login using the `bernardo` user credentials, and run some queries on `hamlet_raw` to verify that the role privileges were correctly set
# Change to "poor-bernardo" the password of the `bernardo` user
# Login using the `elastic` user credentials
# Create the `hamlet_backup` file system repository to store snapshots of the `hamlet_raw` index
# Create the snapshot `hamlet_snapshot_1` of `hamlet_raw` and store it into `hamlet_backup`
# Delete the index `hamlet_raw`
# Restore the index `hamlet_raw` using `hamlet_snapshot_1`
# Enable cross-cluster search on `training-cluster`, satisfying the following criteria: (i) the name of the second cluster is `training-cross-cluster`; (ii) the seed for the second cluster is a node named `cross1`, which is listening on the default transport port; (iii) the cross-cluster configuration must not persist across multiple restart
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