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Last active March 3, 2019 21:56
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An exercise to practice with clusters administration in Elasticsearch.
# GOAL: Backup and cross-cluster search
# Download the latest 6.x version of Elasticsearch and Kibana
# Deploy the cluster `eoc-06-earth-cluster`, with one node named `node-earth`
# Connect a Kibana instance to `node-earth`
# Start the cluster
# Create the index `hamlet` and add some documents by running the following _bulk command
PUT hamlet/_doc/_bulk
{"line_number":"1","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Whos there?"}
{"line_number":"2","speaker":"FRANCISCO","text_entry":"Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself."}
{"line_number":"3","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Long live the king!"}
# Configure `node-earth` to support a shared file system repository for backups, which is located in (i) "[user_home_folder]/repo" and (ii) "[user_home_folder]/elastic/repo" - e.g., "glenacota/elastic/repo"
# Create the `hamlet_backup` shared file system repository, with location "[user_home_folder]/elastic/repo"
# Create a snapshot of the `hamlet` index, so that the snapshot (i) is named `hamlet_snapshot_1`, (ii) is stored into `hamlet_backup`
# Delete the index `hamlet`
# Restore the index `hamlet` using `hamlet_snapshot_1`
# Deploy a second cluster `eoc-06-mars-cluster`, with one node named `node-mars`
# Connect a Kibana instance to `node-mars`
# Start the cluster
# Create the index `hamlet` on `node-mars` and add some documents by running the following _bulk command
PUT hamlet/_doc/_bulk
{"line_number":"6","speaker":"FRANCISCO","text_entry":"You come most carefully upon your hour."}
{"line_number":"7","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Tis now struck twelve; get thee to bed, Francisco."}
{"line_number":"8","speaker":"FRANCISCO","text_entry":"For this relief much thanks: tis bitter cold,"}
{"line_number":"9","speaker":"FRANCISCO","text_entry":"And I am sick at heart."}
{"line_number":"10","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Have you had quiet guard?"}
# Enable cross-cluster search on `eoc-06-mars-cluster`, so that (i) the name of the cross cluster is `earth`, (ii) the seed for the cross cluster is `node-earth`, which is listening on the default transport port, (iii) the cross-cluster configuration persists across multiple restart
# Write a cross-cluster query for the index `hamlet` on both the local and the `earth` cluster
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