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Created April 3, 2024 01:16
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  • Save glenn-sorrentino/4b656e67ea664128b3f53d2ea084c129 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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root@hushline-dev:~# cd /var/www/html/hushline/
root@hushline-dev:/var/www/html/hushline# source venv/bin/activate
(venv) root@hushline-dev:/var/www/html/hushline# /root/.local/bin/poetry install
Installing dependencies from lock file

Package operations: 55 installs, 1 update, 0 removals

  - Installing markupsafe (2.1.5)
  - Installing blinker (1.7.0)
  - Installing click (8.1.7)
  - Installing greenlet (3.0.3)
  - Installing itsdangerous (2.1.2)
  - Installing jinja2 (3.1.3)
  - Installing mdurl (0.1.2)
  - Installing typing-extensions (4.10.0)
  - Installing werkzeug (3.0.2)
  - Installing wrapt (1.16.0)
  - Installing deprecated (1.2.14)
  - Installing flask (3.0.2)
  - Installing importlib-resources (6.4.0)
  - Installing iniconfig (2.0.0)
  - Installing mako (1.3.2)
  - Installing markdown-it-py (3.0.0)
  - Installing packaging (24.0)
  - Installing pluggy (1.4.0)
  - Installing pycparser (2.22)
  - Installing pygments (2.17.2)
  - Installing sqlalchemy (2.0.29)
  - Installing alembic (1.13.1)
  - Installing async-timeout (4.0.3)
  - Installing bcrypt (4.1.2)
  - Installing cffi (1.16.0)
  - Installing flask-sqlalchemy (3.1.1)
  - Installing limits (3.10.1)
  - Installing mccabe (0.7.0)
  - Installing mypy-extensions (1.0.0)
  - Installing ordered-set (4.1.0)
  - Installing pathspec (0.12.1)
  - Installing platformdirs (4.2.0)
  - Installing pycodestyle (2.11.1)
  - Installing pyflakes (3.2.0)
  - Installing pypng (0.20220715.0)
  - Installing pytest (8.1.1)
  - Installing rich (13.7.1)
  - Updating setuptools (66.1.1 -> 69.2.0)
  - Installing wtforms (3.1.2)
  - Installing black (24.3.0)
  - Installing cryptography (42.0.5)
  - Installing flake8 (7.0.0)
  - Installing flask-bcrypt (1.0.1)
  - Installing flask-limiter (3.5.1)
  - Installing flask-migrate (4.0.7)
  - Installing flask-wtf (1.2.1)
  - Installing gunicorn (20.1.0)
  - Installing isort (5.13.2)
  - Installing mypy (1.9.0)
  - Installing pyotp (2.9.0)
  - Installing pysequoia (0.1.23)
  - Installing pytest-mock (3.14.0)
  - Installing python-dotenv (1.0.1)
  - Installing qrcode (7.4.2)
  - Installing redis (5.0.3)
  - Installing types-flask-migrate (
(venv) root@hushline-dev:/var/www/html/hushline# 
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