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Created September 29, 2018 15:19
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Parse Xero reports from their API into a nicer format
As it stands, Xero reports from their API are not very nice to use. This function will return them in a flattened format.
This takes the Report data (so, `parseXeroReport(response.Reports)` where response is the raw response from the API), and parses it.
There's two formats it could take - one where it returns simply the value, and one where it returns an array of values.
"Date": "30 Sep 2018",
"Sales": "12345.67",
"Total Income": "12345.67",
"Date": [
"30 Sep 2018",
"30 Sep 2017"
"Some Account Name": [
"Total Bank": [
You can then use things like:
const profitAndLoss = parseXeroReport(ProfitAndLossReport)
profitAndLoss["Gross Profit"] = "..."
function parseXeroReport (report) {
// Internal Functions
const arrays = el => Array.isArray(el)
const turnIntoObject = (final, el) => {
if (final.hasOwnProperty(el[0])) { // don't overwrite existing properties
el[0] += ' (copy)'
if (el.length === 2) {
final[el[0]] = el[1]
} else if (el.length > 2) { // returns 'title': [value1, value2, ...]
final[el[0]] = [
...el.slice(1, el.length)
} else { // fail gracefully. set this to [] rather than '' if you are mapping the responses
final[el[0]] = ''
return final
const getHeaderValues = (header, cell) => {
cell.Value === ''
? header.push('Date') // the first one is normally blank, and is where the title goes.
: header.push(cell.Value)
return header
// Main Function
return [].concat([0] => {
if (row.RowType === 'Header') {
return [ // return it inside an array, for the reducer below
row.Cells.reduce(getHeaderValues, [])
} else if (row.hasOwnProperty('Rows')) {
return => {
return => {
return cell.Value
.filter(arrays) // make sure all properties are arrays, so we can reduce them
.reduce(turnIntoObject, {})
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