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Created October 13, 2015 07:35
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Decrypt laravel_session outside of the Laravel app. This is just a proof of concept, cleanup and extend to your needs.
function decrypt_laravel_session() {
# Method 1. Autload Laravel into the application.
require '/home/vagrant/Code/minside-fjordclub/webroot/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once '/home/vagrant/Code/minside-fjordclub/webroot/bootstrap/app.php';
$id = (isset($_COOKIE[$app['config']['session.cookie']]) ? $app['encrypter']->decrypt($_COOKIE[$app['config']['session.cookie']]) : null);
if ($id)
$user_id = $app['auth']->driver()->getSession()->get('id');
# Method 2. Replicate the Laravel Decrypt code.
$laravel_cookie_decrypter = new LaravelCookieDecrypter();
$session_id = $laravel_cookie_decrypter->decrypt($_COOKIE['laravel_session']); // Returns the session_id
// Require the session from the database/filesystem/cache etc with the session_id
class LaravelCookieDecrypter {
* The encryption key.
* @var string
protected $key = 'YOUR LARAVEL .ENV APP KEY';
* The algorithm used for encryption.
* @var string
protected $cipher = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128;
* The mode used for encryption.
* @var string
protected $mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC;
* The block size of the cipher.
* @var int
protected $block = 16;
protected $stringUtils;
* LaravelCookieDecrypter constructor.
public function __construct()
public function decrypt($payload)
$payload = $this->getJsonPayload($payload);
// We'll go ahead and remove the PKCS7 padding from the encrypted value before
// we decrypt it. Once we have the de-padded value, we will grab the vector
// and decrypt the data, passing back the unserialized from of the value.
$value = base64_decode($payload['value']);
$iv = base64_decode($payload['iv']);
return unserialize($this->stripPadding($this->mcryptDecrypt($value, $iv)));
protected function getJsonPayload($payload)
$payload = json_decode(base64_decode($payload), true);
// If the payload is not valid JSON or does not have the proper keys set we will
// assume it is invalid and bail out of the routine since we will not be able
// to decrypt the given value. We'll also check the MAC for this encryption.
if ( ! $payload || $this->invalidPayload($payload))
var_dump('Invalid data.');
if ( ! $this->validMac($payload))
var_dump('MAC is invalid.');
return $payload;
protected function validMac(array $payload)
$bytes = (new SecureRandom)->nextBytes(16);
$calcMac = hash_hmac('sha256', $this->hash($payload['iv'], $payload['value']), $bytes, true);
return StringUtils::equals(hash_hmac('sha256', $payload['mac'], $bytes, true), $calcMac);
protected function stripPadding($value)
$pad = ord($value[($len = strlen($value)) - 1]);
return $this->paddingIsValid($pad, $value) ? substr($value, 0, $len - $pad) : $value;
protected function mcryptDecrypt($value, $iv)
return mcrypt_decrypt($this->cipher, $this->key, $value, $this->mode, $iv);
catch (Exception $e)
protected function invalidPayload($data)
return ! is_array($data) || ! isset($data['iv']) || ! isset($data['value']) || ! isset($data['mac']);
protected function paddingIsValid($pad, $value)
$beforePad = strlen($value) - $pad;
return substr($value, $beforePad) == str_repeat(substr($value, -1), $pad);
protected function hash($iv, $value)
return hash_hmac('sha256', $iv.$value, $this->key);
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* A secure random number generator implementation.
* @author Fabien Potencier <>
* @author Johannes M. Schmitt <>
class SecureRandom
private $useOpenSsl;
private $seed;
private $seedUpdated;
private $seedLastUpdatedAt;
private $seedFile;
* Constructor.
* Be aware that a guessable seed will severely compromise the PRNG
* algorithm that is employed.
* @param string $seedFile
public function __construct($seedFile = null)
$this->seedFile = $seedFile;
// determine whether to use OpenSSL
if ('/' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && PHP_VERSION_ID < 50304) {
$this->useOpenSsl = false;
} elseif (!function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
$this->useOpenSsl = false;
} else {
$this->useOpenSsl = true;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function nextBytes($nbBytes)
// try OpenSSL
if ($this->useOpenSsl) {
$bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($nbBytes, $strong);
if (false !== $bytes && true === $strong) {
return $bytes;
// initialize seed
if (null === $this->seed) {
if (null === $this->seedFile) {
throw new \RuntimeException('You need to specify a file path to store the seed.');
if (is_file($this->seedFile)) {
list($this->seed, $this->seedLastUpdatedAt) = $this->readSeed();
} else {
$this->seed = uniqid(mt_rand(), true);
$bytes = '';
while (strlen($bytes) < $nbBytes) {
static $incr = 1;
$bytes .= hash('sha512', $incr++.$this->seed.uniqid(mt_rand(), true).$nbBytes, true);
$this->seed = base64_encode(hash('sha512', $this->seed.$bytes.$nbBytes, true));
return substr($bytes, 0, $nbBytes);
private function readSeed()
return json_decode(file_get_contents($this->seedFile));
private function updateSeed()
if (!$this->seedUpdated && $this->seedLastUpdatedAt < time() - mt_rand(1, 10)) {
file_put_contents($this->seedFile, json_encode(array($this->seed, microtime(true))));
$this->seedUpdated = true;
class StringUtils
* This class should not be instantiated.
private function __construct()
* Compares two strings.
* This method implements a constant-time algorithm to compare strings.
* Regardless of the used implementation, it will leak length information.
* @param string $knownString The string of known length to compare against
* @param string $userInput The string that the user can control
* @return bool true if the two strings are the same, false otherwise
public static function equals($knownString, $userInput)
// Avoid making unnecessary duplications of secret data
if (!is_string($knownString)) {
$knownString = (string) $knownString;
if (!is_string($userInput)) {
$userInput = (string) $userInput;
if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {
return hash_equals($knownString, $userInput);
$knownLen = self::safeStrlen($knownString);
$userLen = self::safeStrlen($userInput);
if ($userLen !== $knownLen) {
return false;
$result = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $knownLen; ++$i) {
$result |= (ord($knownString[$i]) ^ ord($userInput[$i]));
// They are only identical strings if $result is exactly 0...
return 0 === $result;
* Returns the number of bytes in a string.
* @param string $string The string whose length we wish to obtain
* @return int
public static function safeStrlen($string)
// Premature optimization
// Since this cannot be changed at runtime, we can cache it
static $funcExists = null;
if (null === $funcExists) {
$funcExists = function_exists('mb_strlen');
if ($funcExists) {
return mb_strlen($string, '8bit');
return strlen($string);
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