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Created January 29, 2021 06:56
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Telstra Network Trigger
#requires -Version 7.0
$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
if (-not $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
Throw "This script must be run elevated!"
Exit 1
$BT = Get-Module -name 'BurntToast' -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -eq $BT) {
Install-Module 'BurntToast' -Scope CurrentUser
Write-Host "Installed BurntToast module..."
} else { Write-Host "Burnt Toast is already installed" }
$VBScriptPath = Join-Path $ENV:LOCALAPPDATA 'telstra-nic-trigger.vbs'
Dim objShell
Dim scriptdir
scriptdir = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
cmd = "pwsh.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -File """ + scriptdir + "\telstra-nic-trigger.ps1"""
For i = 0 To WScript.Arguments.Count - 1
cmd = cmd + " """ + WScript.Arguments(i) + """"
objShell.Run cmd, 0, True
'@ | Set-Content -Path $VBScriptPath -Encoding 'utf8' -Confirm:$False -Force | Out-Null
Write-Host "Installed $VBScriptPath"
$PS1ScriptPath = Join-Path $ENV:LOCALAPPDATA 'telstra-nic-trigger.ps1'
# Note - Need to use global due to script blocks in the Toast notifications later
$Global:TelstraNic = $null
$Global:UserConfigFile = $null
$Global:UserConfig = $null
if ($Description -ne 'Network') { Exit 0 }
# Find a NIC that's on a Telstra network
Import-Module DnsClient
$TelstraIIDs = Get-DnsClient | Where-Object { $_.ConnectionSpecificSuffix -like '*' } | ForEach-Object { Write-Output $_.InterfaceIndex }
if ($null -eq $TelstraIIDs) { Exit 0 }
# Ensure it's an array
if ($TelstraIIDs.GetType().ToString() -ne 'System.Object[]') { $TelstraIIDs = @($TelstraIIDs) }
# Find the Network Profile that this event is applicable to
Import-Module NetConnection
$TelstraProfile = Get-NetConnectionProfile |
Where-Object { $TelstraIIDs -contains $_.InterfaceIndex } |
Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name }
if ($null -eq $TelstraProfile) { Exit 0 }
# Find the NIC this Network Profile is applicable to
Import-Module NetAdapter
$Global:TelstraNic = Get-NetAdapter -Physical -InterfaceIndex $TelstraProfile.InterfaceIndex
# We now have a NIC that is connected to the Telstra network
# Get user config file contents
$Global:UserConfigFile = Join-Path $ENV:APPDATA 'telstra-network-dectector.json'
$Global:UserConfig = @{}
try {
If (Test-Path -Path $Global:UserConfigFile) {
$TmpConfig = Get-Content -Raw -Path $Global:UserConfigFile | ConvertFrom-JSON
if ($null -ne $TmpConfig.yeet) { $Global:UserConfig['yeet'] = $TmpConfig.yeet }
if ($null -ne $TmpConfig.autodisable) { $Global:UserConfig['autodisable'] = $TmpConfig.autodisable }
} catch {
# Swallow all errors and assume bad file is bad
$Global:Config = @{}
Function Global:Disable-Nic($NicObject) {
Write-host "Disabling $($NicObject.Name) ..."
try {
Import-Module NetAdapter
Disable-NetAdapter -Name $NicObject.Name -Confirm:$false
} catch {
Write-Host "ERR $_"
# Check if we should disable without prompting
if ($UserConfig['yeet'] -eq $true) {
# Yeet it mode!
Disable-Nic -NicObject $Global:TelstraNic
Exit 0
if ($UserConfig.autodisable -and ($UserConfig['autodisable'] -contains $Global:TelstraNic.DeviceID)) {
# Individual Nic
Disable-Nic -NicObject $Global:TelstraNic
Exit 0
# Send a notification
Import-Module BurntToast
$ToastHeader = New-BTHeader -Id 'Telstra999' -Title 'Telstra Purple Tools'
# Setup the prettiness
$Text1 = New-BTText -Content 'Telstra Network Detector'
$ImagePath = 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\assets\Powershell_avatar.ico' # TODO Maybe bad hardcoding...but ok for the moment?
$Image1 = New-BTImage -Source $ImagePath -AppLogoOverride -Crop None -AlternateText "PowerShell Logo"
$Audio1 = New-BTAudio -Source 'ms-winsoundevent:Notification.Default'
$Binding1 = New-BTBinding -Children $Text1 -AppLogoOverride $Image1
$Visual1 = New-BTVisual -BindingGeneric $Binding1
# Setup the selection itmes
$Item1 = New-BTSelectionBoxItem -Id 'Yes' -Content 'Yes'
$Item2 = New-BTSelectionBoxItem -Id 'Always' -Content 'Always for this desk'
$Item3 = New-BTSelectionBoxItem -Id 'AlwaysAlways' -Content 'Yeet all Telstra connections, all the time'
$InputSplat = @{
Id = 'Selection001'
Title = 'Turn off the connection to the Telstra Network?'
DefaultSelectionBoxItemId = 'Yes'
Items = $Item1, $Item2, $Item3
$BTInput = New-BTInput @InputSplat
$Submit = New-BTButton -Content 'Make it so' -Arguments 'SubmitButton' -ActivationType Foreground
$Dismiss = New-BTButton -Dismiss
$Actions = New-BTAction -Inputs $BTInput -Buttons $Submit, $Dismiss
$Content = New-BTContent -Visual $Visual1 -Audio $Audio1 -Actions $Actions -Header $ToastHeader
$global:BTEvent = $false
$ToastID = (New-Guid).ToString()
$sb = {
try {
# Check if they pressed SubmitButton
if ($Event -and $Event.SourceArgs) {
if ($Event.SourceArgs[1].Arguments -ne 'SubmitButton') { return }
} else { return }
Disable-Nic -NicObject $Global:TelstraNic
$UserInput = $Event.SourceArgs[1].UserInput
Switch ($UserInput.Value) {
'Yes' {
# Do Nothing
'Always' {
if ($Global:UserConfig['autodisable']) {
$Global:UserConfig['autodisable'] += $Global:TelstraNic.DeviceID
} else {
$Global:UserConfig['autodisable'] = @($Global:TelstraNic.DeviceID)
$Global:UserConfig | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 2 | Set-Content -Path $Global:UserConfigFile -Encoding 'utf8'
'AlwaysAlways' {
$Global:UserConfig['yeet'] = $True
$Global:UserConfig | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 2 | Set-Content -Path $Global:UserConfigFile -Encoding 'utf8'
catch {
Write-Host "ERR $_"
finally {
$global:BTEvent = $true
Submit-BTNotification -UniqueIdentifier $ToastID -Content $Content -ActivatedAction $sb -DismissedAction { $global:BTEvent = $true } -FailedAction { $global:BTEvent = $true }
$Timeout = 30
While ((-not $global:BTEvent) -and ($Timeout -gt 0)) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1; $Timeout-- }
if (-not $global:BTEvent) { Remove-BTNotification -UniqueIdentifier $ToastID }
'@ | Set-Content -Path $PS1ScriptPath -Encoding 'utf8' -Confirm:$False -Force | Out-Null
Write-Host "Installed $PS1ScriptPath"
$ExistingTask = Get-ScheduledTask -Taskname 'Disable Telstra Network Connection' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -eq $ExistingTask) {
$XMLContent = @"
<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"UTF-16`"?>
<Task version=`"1.4`" xmlns=`"`">
<Subscription>&lt;QueryList&gt;&lt;Query Id=`"0`" Path=`"Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational`"&gt;&lt;Select Path=`"Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational`"&gt;*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile'] and EventID=10000]]&lt;/Select&gt;&lt;/Query&gt;&lt;/QueryList&gt;</Subscription>
<Value name=`"Description`">Event/EventData/Data[@Name=`"Description`"]</Value>
<Value name=`"Guid`">Event/EventData/Data[@Name=`"Guid`"]</Value>
<Value name=`"Name`">Event/EventData/Data[@Name=`"Name`"]</Value>
<Principal id=`"Author`">
<Actions Context=`"Author`">
<Arguments>//Nologo //B `"$VBScriptPath`" -Guid `"`$(Guid)`" -Description `"`$(Description)`" -Name `"`$(Name)`"</Arguments>
Register-ScheduledTask -Xml $XMLContent -TaskName 'Disable Telstra Network Connection' | Out-Null
Write-Host "Installed Scheduled Task"
} else { Write-Host "Scheduled Task is already installed" }
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