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Created August 1, 2016 21:15
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Sync Production to Staging Puppet Forges
source ENV['GEM_SOURCE'] || ""
# Determines what type of gem is requested based on place_or_version.
def gem_type(place_or_version)
if place_or_version =~ /^git:/
elsif place_or_version =~ /^file:/
# Find a location or specific version for a gem. place_or_version can be a
# version, which is most often used. It can also be git, which is specified as
# `git://somewhere.git#branch`. You can also use a file source location, which
# is specified as `file://some/location/on/disk`.
def location_for(place_or_version, fake_version = nil)
if place_or_version =~ /^(git[:@][^#]*)#(.*)/
[fake_version, { :git => $1, :branch => $2, :require => false }].compact
elsif place_or_version =~ /^file:\/\/(.*)/
['>= 0', { :path => File.expand_path($1), :require => false }]
[place_or_version, { :require => false }]
# The following gems are not included by default as they require DevKit on Windows.
# You should probably include them in a Gemfile.local or a ~/.gemfile
#gem 'pry' #this may already be included in the gemfile
#gem 'pry-stack_explorer', :require => false
#if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^2/
# gem 'pry-byebug'
# gem 'pry-debugger'
# The recommendation is for PROJECT_GEM_VERSION, although there are older ways
# of referencing these. Add them all for compatibility reasons. We'll remove
# later when no issues are known. We'll prefer them in the right order.
gem 'puppet', *location_for(puppetversion)
# Only explicitly specify Facter/Hiera if a version has been specified.
# Otherwise it can lead to strange bundler behavior. If you are seeing weird
# gem resolution behavior, try setting `DEBUG_RESOLVER` environment variable
# to `1` and then run bundle install.
gem "facter", *location_for(facterversion) if facterversion
gem "hiera", *location_for(hieraversion) if hieraversion
# For Windows dependencies, these could be required based on the version of
# Puppet you are requiring. Anything greater than v3.5.0 is going to have
# Windows-specific dependencies dictated by the gem itself. The other scenario
# is when you are faking out Puppet to use a local file path / git path.
explicitly_require_windows_gems = false
puppet_gem_location = gem_type(puppetversion)
# This is not a perfect answer to the version check
if puppet_gem_location != :gem || puppetversion < '3.5.0'
if Gem::Platform.local.os == 'mingw32'
explicitly_require_windows_gems = true
if puppet_gem_location == :gem
# If facterversion hasn't been specified and we are
# looking for a Puppet Gem version less than 3.5.0, we
# need to ensure we get a good Facter for specs.
gem "facter",">= 1.6.11","<= 1.7.5",:require => false unless facterversion
# If hieraversion hasn't been specified and we are
# looking for a Puppet Gem version less than 3.5.0, we
# need to ensure we get a good Hiera for specs.
gem "hiera",">= 1.0.0","<= 1.3.0",:require => false unless hieraversion
if explicitly_require_windows_gems
# This also means Puppet Gem less than 3.5.0 - this has been tested back
# to 3.0.0. Any further back is likely not supported.
if puppet_gem_location == :gem
gem "ffi", "1.9.0", :require => false
gem "win32-eventlog", "0.5.3","<= 0.6.5", :require => false
gem "win32-process", "0.6.5","<= 0.7.5", :require => false
gem "win32-security", "~> 0.1.2","<= 0.2.5", :require => false
gem "win32-service", "0.7.2","<= 0.8.7", :require => false
gem "minitar", "0.5.4", :require => false
gem "ffi", "~> 1.9.0", :require => false
gem "win32-eventlog", "~> 0.5","<= 0.6.5", :require => false
gem "win32-process", "~> 0.6","<= 0.7.5", :require => false
gem "win32-security", "~> 0.1","<= 0.2.5", :require => false
gem "win32-service", "~> 0.7","<= 0.8.7", :require => false
gem "minitar", "~> 0.5.4", :require => false
gem "win32-dir", "~> 0.3","<= 0.4.9", :require => false
gem "win32console", "1.3.2", :require => false if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\./
# Puppet less than 3.7.0 requires these.
# Puppet 3.5.0+ will control the actual requirements.
# These are listed in formats that work with all versions of
# Puppet from 3.0.0 to 3.6.x. After that, these were no longer used.
# We do not want to allow newer versions than what came out after
# 3.6.x to be used as they constitute some risk in breaking older
# functionality. So we set these to exact versions.
gem "sys-admin", "1.5.6", :require => false
gem "win32-api", "1.4.8", :require => false
gem "win32-taskscheduler", "0.2.2", :require => false
gem "windows-api", "0.4.3", :require => false
gem "windows-pr", "1.2.3", :require => false
if Gem::Platform.local.os == 'mingw32'
# If we're using a Puppet gem on windows, which handles its own win32-xxx gem dependencies (Pup 3.5.0 and above), set maximum versions
# Required due to PUP-6445
gem "win32-dir", "<= 0.4.9", :require => false
gem "win32-eventlog", "<= 0.6.5", :require => false
gem "win32-process", "<= 0.7.5", :require => false
gem "win32-security", "<= 0.2.5", :require => false
gem "win32-service", "<= 0.8.7", :require => false
# Evaluate Gemfile.local if it exists
if File.exists? "#{__FILE__}.local"
eval("#{__FILE__}.local"), binding)
# Evaluate ~/.gemfile if it exists
if File.exists?(File.join(Dir.home, '.gemfile'))
eval(, '.gemfile')), binding)
# All I really need....
gem 'rake', :require => false
gem 'puppet-blacksmith', :require => false
# vim:ft=ruby
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$prodForge = ''
$stageForge = ''
$stageUsername = 'noyb'
$stagePassword = 'noyb'
$ModuleList = @(
# Init
$pkgDir = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'pkg'
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $pkgDir)) { New-Item -Path $pkgDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null }
$ModuleList | % {
$moduleName = $_
$prodResponse = Invoke-RestMethod "$($prodForge)/v3/modules/$($moduleName)"
$prodReleaseList = @{}
$prodResponse.Releases | % {
$prodReleaseList."$($_.Version)" = "$($prodForge)$($_.file_uri)" #"
$stageResponse = Invoke-RestMethod "$($stageForge)/v3/modules/$($moduleName)"
$stageReleaseList = @{}
$stageResponse.Releases | % {
$stageReleaseList."$($_.Version)" = "$($stageForge)$($_.file_uri)" #"
$prodReleaseList.GetEnumerator() | % {
if (!$stageReleaseList.ContainsKey($_.Key)) {
Write-Host "$moduleName v$($_.Key) is missing in staging"
Write-Host "Downloading from prod..."
$pkgFile = "$($pkgDir)\$($moduleName).tar.gz"
if (Test-Path -Path $pkgFile) { Remove-Item -Path $pkgFile -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null }
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($prodReleaseList."$($_.Key)") -OutFile $pkgFile -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null #"
# Setup ENV for puppet-blacksmith
New-Item -path "Env:\BLACKSMITH_FORGE_URL" -value $stageForge -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
New-Item -path "Env:\BLACKSMITH_FORGE_USERNAME" -value $stageUsername -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
New-Item -path "Env:\BLACKSMITH_FORGE_PASSWORD" -value $stagePassword -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Write-Host "Calling puppet_blacksmith to publish"
$rubyCommand = "`"require 'puppet_blacksmith'; forge =; forge.push!('$($moduleName)','$($pkgFile.Replace('\','/'))')`""
& bundle exec ruby -e $rubyCommand
# Cleanup
if (Test-Path -Path $pkgFile) { Remove-Item -Path $pkgFile -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null }
} else {
Write-Host "$moduleName v$($_.Key) is ok"
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